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;;,;5,1 <br /> .�,,�;�r, [ <br /> . . ,� � .. ,i.. . '. . ., ..--- ... _._.,..:.,, _ry_ =. <br /> _ _. � '• -.... ....._ �-- ---.�-4� <br /> 02-13-1997 DEED OF TRUST pa�a • -- <br /> Loan No (Continuad) 9�m. ������ �_ r <br /> omouN eufP,ck�nt ta diseharge lhe uen plus any costs end atlorneya'lees or other eh�rpee Ihat eould aecrue as a resu�t o}e loreetosuro or e��s _ <br /> under Ihs INn. In any conNst,7rusta ahtll defend Itself and Lender and sh�ll satlafy any adveraa�udpnHnt betore anforcemeni apalnsl Ihe _ <br /> property. Trustw ehall n�me Lender es en addillonal oblbee untler any aurety bond fumt�lwd In ths cont�si proceedinp�. „ _ <br /> EVId�nC�of Payment. Truslor eh�li upon demand furnish lo Londer eatlstaciory eNdence at p�ymenl o?Ihe laxes or aasassments and eAVI , <br /> wthorizs Ihs ep�roprlate povernmental of�clol lo deNver to Lender at any ttrtw o wdtten d�terrNnt o1 th�texa 4nd assessmenb apalnst Ih� . , <br /> propeAy. <br /> � Npt{C�Of Con�truCt{On. Trustor ehall notity Lendof tt least fiftoen(16)daya bNae�ny work is COmrrqncYd,any s�MCes an turnish�d,w Yny <br /> � mNul�ls are suppliad lo the Property,II eny m»chenlo's uen. materi�lmen'e Nen,or oth�r Il�n could b��aserl�d on account of th�wak. <br /> , ��, esMca,or materlets. Truata wlll upon request of Lender furnlsh to Lender adv4nce assuronces satlsfoctory to Lender that Trusta can and wlil <br /> • pay ttw cost of such Improvomenls. <br /> ' pROpEqTY DAINAtiE IMSURANCE. The fdlowing provislons rel4tinp to Insurinp the Ptoperty are a part of thls Daed ot Trust. <br /> IN�Mlenancs of(nwnnce. Trustor shall procure and malnlaln pWlcles of 8ra Insuranca with stantic�rd extended covsn�e endorsements on a <br /> ropleoemenl basis for the full Insumblo vaiue coverinp ail Impravements on Ihe Real Properhr In an amount eutflclenl to nvdd appNcsNon of tny � <br /> cdnsunnCe clause,end wfth a standard matyapee ck!use In favor of Lender. Trusta shUl aiso proCUre and malntain comprehenshm yeneral <br /> I1�hlilry insurance In such coverepe amounts as Lender may request with hustee and Lender bBinp nilmad as addiQorul insur�ds In such IIabW1y . ,.�. ,�. <br /> Insurance pdtcles. Addltlonalty,Trustor shali malntain such other Insurance,Includin�but not Ilmited to harard, buslness lntYrtupUon,and ��c:y�•�k ` <br /> bqtbr insurance,es Lender mny reasonabiy requlre. Poiicles shall be written In torm,amounb,covereyes and bes�s rensorubry acceptnhb ta <br /> � � Lender and issuad by e company or companles reasanably acceptabta to Lender. Trusta,upon raquest of Lender.wIY daliver to Lender Nom ,'°' <br /> ' tirtw fo drrN the poNCies or rertiflcates ol Insurence In torm satistactory to Lender,Includirp atipulattons that coverayos wili not be cancelkd or �., ��-, _.,,r„,_ <br /> .. ; 7rsi:.'r2ii��_z�:�....__ <br /> dimiMShW wlthout Rt best ten(10)days'prior written notica to Lender. Each InaurRnce polcy aho shall InGuda nn endwaoment provldtnp that , r�_ <br /> � opvenpe In frvar of Lender wiil not be Impalred in any w�y by eny acl,omisslon a dehult ot Ttustor or any othw psrson. 8houid the Re81 , �•,,:f:_T <br /> � Propsrty at any time become localed In an area dss�qnatsd by Iho Qirector af the Federel Finarganay Managemont Apency us a speci��flaed � . _ <br /> polloy Mmits sel uoder he Nat onaiftFlood I s'urance Propram�lor as othrerwise requi�red by�nder,and t bmalnta n st chllnsun�tor the �t muot '.., , . <br /> � the loan. � ..' .. <br />