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� : . <br /> , � '. ° , <br /> I . _ . _. ..._ . . . , .. .. _.._.._ , <br /> ; _ _ <br /> ; 02-1a-9997 DEED OF TRUST P8�� - _ __ _._.- <br /> I Loen No (Contlnued) q�►� ���(�� <br /> i - <br /> 1 Pss�ot�M Properfyr. Tha words"Pereonal Property'meen all eq�rlpmanl,Nxturea,rnd other articles of pereonel property now or hereaflsr <br /> o�vned by Trustar,and now or nereattar attached or nffixed lo It�e ROa�Property;topether wlih oll acassslona, parts, �nd addltl�n�to,ell *� <br /> r�l�CerrNnta ol, �nd ali eubslilutlons tor,�ny ot euch prc►p�rty; qnd topNher wllh all proasds (Inciudiny v�ilhout Ilmilolfon ell Insuranc� �. <br /> I pvoceeda�nd retunds o}premlum�)kom eny e�ie a other dlsposltlan of th�Property. ,- <br /> I Pr�Ay. The wad'P►operty'ms�ns collactiveiy Ihe Retl Prop�rty and th�Pereon�l Properry. - <br /> Ra�l Property. The words Real Property'moen the property,Intarests and rlphts desCrlbed above In Ihe"Conveyance end Orenl"aeolion. <br /> � Rtid�d OoCUmtnts. TM wads '4iNated Dt�cumenfs" mean�nd InctuW wlthoul Ihnitalion all promissory notos, cr�tilt aQrNrrwnb, tan __ <br /> oflrolments,enNronmentd epnements,puuentles,security aflrMmenle,mortptpx�,deeds ot trust,and all other Instruments,apnemenb and <br /> doCUment�,whethur now a hereefter existlnp,exeCUted In conneotlon with Iho Indebtedness. <br /> � Ren1s. The word'fienta"means a.11 present and tuture ronts,nvsnuea,Income,Issues,roytllles,profiq,pnd other benefits d�dved hom tM <br /> i P�°perty• <br /> ' Trustrs. The wad"iru�tee"means FIR3T NATIONAL BANK OF MAR�UETTE rnd eny aubsfitute or successa hustees. ° <br /> � Truua. 1'he word'Trusla"menns any and all persons and enlilles execulinp this Doad of Trusl,Incfudinq wilhoul Ilmit4lion all Trusloro named <br /> nbove. " <br /> THIS OEED OF TRUST, INCLUDIN� TIiE A8310NMENT OF RENTS AND TFIE 3ECUIiITY INTEREST IN TFiE RENTS AHD pER80#!AL • - <br /> PROPEi7TY,18(iIVEN TO SECUt�E (1)PAYMEMT OF THE INQfBTHONE83 AND (2)PERFORMANCE OF ANY APID ALL OBL,IdAT10N8 OF ��:;.:y�" <br /> . TRUBTOR llMDER THE NO7'�,THE RELATEO I�CUMENTB,AND TH1S DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEFD OF TRUST 18(iiVHM AHD ACCEPTED ' __ <br /> . ON Tt�FOLLOWONQ TERM8: .�.r` :' . <br /> y:: tL M <br /> . PAYMElIT AND PERFORMANCE. Excepl as othenvlse provided In thls D�ed of Trust,Trustor ahell pay to Lender nll�mounb secursd by Ihis Deed 'd Y�� -� <br /> of Trust as fhey become due,and shall strlcfly end In e timely menner pertam all of Trustors ob11p4Nons under the Note,thb Deed af Trust,and tM ��~ <br /> Rettled Uxuments. - - ---- <br /> . r�,�- <br /> � POSSE8Si0M AND MAIMTEkANCE Of TI1E PROPERTY. Trustor aprees that Trustor's possesslon pnd use of the Property shall b�poverrred by ���_ ^ <br /> the fo�lowlnp proNslons: y`�,-,'�� <br /> � Po�NSNo�Mtd UN. Until the occurtenca of en Event of Default,Trustor may (a)remain in possesslon and controf of the Property, (b)use, �.��-' <br /> opente a manege the Prope►ty,Bnd (c)cdlect any Rents hom the Roperty. 1�. <br /> � , Duty to Main4atn. Trustorshall malntaln the Properiyr In tenantable condition nnd promptiy perform all repairs,replacemenb,and maintenance '� � <br /> � necussary lo preserve Its velue. .,��� <br /> � � . FI�xlydats SubsUnces. fie terms"harardous waste,""haYardaus substance;"dlsposal,"'Yeleaso,"and 9hrettened raie�se,"as used U thb . . <br /> ,y Deed ot Trust,shall hnve Ihe same meanlnys es set torth In the Comprehensive EnNronmental Response,Compensatlon,and Llabliity Act of ' <br /> � 1960,as amended,A? U.9.C.Seatlon 9801,et seq.("CERCLA�, the Superiund Amendments and ReauthaMzadon Act of 1988,Pub.L No. �yx+;�,�4' � <br /> '� 99-499("SARA'�,1he Haterdous Maledals Transportatlon Act,49 U.S.C.Sectlon 1801,et seq.,the FiesourCe ConservBtlon and Fiecovery Aot, �i".-�:� � <br /> � Q 42 U.S.C.SecUOn 6901,et seq.,or other appl�able state or Federal Iaws,rutes,or repulsNons adopted pursuant to any of the faepdnp. The ,, :��t= ,. � <br /> terms"hunrdnus waste"and"ha�ardous substance"shail also Include,without Iimitatlan,potroloum and peholeum by-produCts ot eny haCtion <br /> therenf and as6estos. 7►uMo►representa end werrenb to Lenaer that: (a)Dudnp the period of Trustor'e ownershlp of ttw Propniy,th�re has •_ <br /> been no use,generation,manufacture,storage,freatment,disposal,reiease or ihreatened reloase of any heurdous waste or substencs by any ,� <br /> parson on,under,nbout or irom the Propsrty; (b)Trusta has no knowledge of,or reeson to believe that there hns been,except��proWousiy .- <br /> dlsclosed to and acknowledped by Lander In writiny, (I)any use,peneration,manufacture,storapa,heatment,disposal,rekase,or throaiened <br /> , reteese of any hasardous weste or substance on,under,about a hom the Property by any pdor owners or occupants of the Propwty or (1q any �� <br /> actunl a threatenad Iitigellon a clulms of any klnd by any person reiatinp to such matters;and (o)Ex,cept u prevlously dhdosed to and '�. : <br /> acknowledped by Lender In wd8np, (q nelther Trusta na any teiunt,conbactor,apent or other authorinod user ot the Pronwfy shall uso, <br /> penerate,manufaoiure,stae,heot,dispose of,or retease any heiardous waste a substance on,under,about or hom the Proparly and (N)any �� , <br /> such activity ahalt be condur,ted In complianca with ell appucable faderal,etate,and local laws,reputadons and ordinanas,Indudinp wlthout <br /> Ilmitatlon those laws,repuletlons,and ordlnanCes described ebove. Trustor authorixes Lender and its apents to enter upon the Property to <br /> make such InspeCtions and tests,at Trustor's expense,as Lender rtwy deem approprtate to determine campllance of tha PropYrty with this <br /> � socNon of the Deed of Truat. Any inspectlons or tosb made by lender shall be for Lender's puiposes ony and ehatl not b�constrwd to create — <br /> any responslbNity or Ilablliry on the part of Lender to Trustor or to ai�y other person. The representatlons and warranHes contalned fwreln are <br /> bflsed on Trustor'e due dlVpence in InvestiQetinp the Property fa hazerdous waste and harardous subatances. Trustor heroby (R)releases end <br /> . walves any tuture cialms eyalnst Lender(a Indemnlry or contrfbutlon In the event Trustat become�Ilable fa ciwnup or other cosb und�r any �� <br /> such laws,and (b)aprees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender nyalnst any and all clalms,losses,Nabl4tles,damayss,pendWs, and =- <br /> " � expenses whbh Lender may dlrealiy ar IndlreCdy sustaln or suHer resullinp hom e broaCh of this sxtlon of thY Dwd of Trust or aa a =___ <br /> , consequence ol any use,penar�tlon,manufacture,stomye,disposal,retease or threatened refe4se occurtinp pria to Trusta's ownarship or �===--_ <br /> Interest In the Prope►ly,whether or nol the same was or shouid heve beon known fo Trustor. The provlslons of thb sac8on of the Desd of Trust, - - -` <br /> � Includirp the obiiyaHon to Indemnify,shall survive the payment o}the Irtdebfedness and the sa8st�cHon and reconveyanca of tM Nen o}this �'� <br /> � Deed of Trust and shall not be effected by Lender's scqulslHon of any Inferest in the Property,whsther by forsclosuro or otherwiss. _�_ <br /> , Nub�nce,Wqte. Trusta aheu not cause,conduct w permit eny nulsance nor cornmlt,permit,or suNer any aMppinp of or waste on or to the <br /> � Property a eny pwfion of Ihe Property. Without Iimitinp the genc+railty o}the faepdrp,Trustor will not removo,or grant to any oth�r pflrty the ��•� <br /> r{pht lo remove,eny timber,minerais(Including oll end pes),soll,pravel or rock producb without the prla written consent of Lander. ��� <br />. �' <br />�:� RemovM nf Improv�mentti Trusta shall not demdish or remove flny Improvements irom the Real Property without the pdor wdtton consEnt <br /> - _ : . of Lender. As a condi8on to fhe romoval o}any Improvementa,Lender may requlre Trustor to make flrranpemenb sattsfactory to Landsr to :� .,_.,..� <br />- �'� repiace suah Improvemenb wiih Improvements oi at least equai value. <br /> �_ Lend�r's Rt�►t to Ente►. Lender and Its agents and reprosentatfves may enter upon the Real Property at ell reasonable tlmes to attend to ' � <br /> f Lender's Interests and b Inspect the Property for purposes of Trustor's compllance wNh me ierms and condlUons of thls Deed o}Trust. ���,,: . , �`+. <br /> ;� r _ .�� <br /> w Complince with fiovemmenlN Requtrementa Trustor shall promptly compiy with ail laws,ordlnances,and repulaBOns,now or hereaRer In �.:�!;y:.;':":,�.f�;g_. <br /> - efhct,o}all govemmentrl aulhoritlos applicahle to the use a occupancy ot the Proporty, includinp without Ilmita8on, the Arn�icans With . :.:f:,�:� �.�. <br /> r DIs�bHiths Aot. Tnnfor mey Conteet In good falth eny such law, ardinanco,or reguladon and wfthhold Compllance dudnp any procoedl � . � '� <br /> .b indudinp approprlete app9ats,so long es Trustor has nofifled Lender In writing prlor to dolny so and so long ps,In Lender'e sole opinto, , ' ' ' �"."� <br /> Lender'S intere5b In the Property ere not Jeopardized. Lender may requlre Trustor to post adequete seCUrity or s surely bond,re�isonably � �• , <br /> satisfactory to Lendor,to protecl Lender's Interost. . . ' <br /> • Dury to Protect. Trustor aprees neilhar to abandon nor leave unattended the Ropaiy. Trusfor shnll do all other ecb,In addiHon to those acte � <br /> set forth above In this sectlon,wh�h hom the charaofer and use of the Proporty ere ronsonably necessery to protect and preserve tha Propprty. _ • <br /> , DUE ON SALE�COaISEHT BY LENDER. Lander may,nt Its option,declare Immedlatety due and payabl�all sums secured by this Oeed of Truat ,. <br /> upon tM sate or hansier.wfthout the L¢nder'a prlor written consent,of au or any part of the Reel Property,or any Interest In tho Rual Property. A <br />. "sale or tnnsfar'means the conveyance o1 Real Property or any riphf,tiNe a inlerest theroln;whether lepal,beneBclai or equltable;whether voiuntnry <br /> w Invoiuntqry;wlwther by ouhlpht sale,deed,Instaliment sale conhect, land contrect,conhaat for deed,loasehold Interost with a term prentx than � <br />� _ __ threo(3)yetra,lense-opflon contrnct,or by sale,asslgnment,or hensfer of any beneHclnl fnterest In or to any land trust hWding title to thp Asal <br /> Property,w oy any otner metnoo ot conveyance or Reat i�roperty mterest. it eny rrustor rs e corporation,pannersnip or umitea uabmry company, <br /> - � - - --_ <br /> trensfer aiso Includes any chenpe In ownershlp of more then twenty-five percent(2696)o�the votinp stock,partnership Interests or Ilmited Ilablliry <br /> � company Interesb,as lhe case may be,of Trustor. liowever,thls optlon shail not be exercised by Lender it suc:h exorcise is prohiblted by(ederel „ <br /> ' Iow or by Nebraske law. <br />� i <br /> , TA%E8 AliD LIFJiB. The follnwing provislons r�lating ta the texes and I?an�on Ihe Properly are a part of thig Deed of Trust. • ' <br /> = Payminf. Tn�stor shall pay when due(end in all events prior to dellnquency)all texes,speclal texes,assessments,charQes(Includinp water <br />- and sower),flnes and Impositlona IeNed apalnst or on ace�unl af Ihe property,and shnll pay when duo all clalms tar work dane on or tor <br /> serNCes rendered or mat9dal turnlshed to the Property. Trusta shall malrttaln the Property hee af ail Ilens heNng prlorfty over or aqual to the <br /> - ' Interest of Lender under tNS Deed qf Trust,exct+pt tor the Ilen of texes and essessments nof due,except for the exisNne Indebtedness retesred <br />; � to bNow,and except as olherv+�se provlded In this Deed of Trust. - <br /> Rlpht To Contest. Trusta may wlthhold payment of any tax,esses9ment,or clalm In connecNOn with e qaod fnith dispute over ttw obilpaflon <br /> _ � to pty,so lonp as Lender'e Interest In fhe Property I�not Jeopudixed. If e Ilen ortses or Is fiied 8s fl result ot nonpeyment,Trusta shall within <br /> etteen(16)days alter the IWn arlses a,If a Ilen Is tiled,wlthin firteen(16)days eRor Trustor has notico of tho flllnp,secure the discharpe of tho <br /> Ilen,a I}requested by Lender,deposlt witt� Lender cesh o:e auHlclent Corpaete aurety bond or other secudty satlstaCtory to Lender In an <br /> t � ' <br />