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; _.___1 <br /> .. . <br /> . , � � _ <br /> .. � ."yC`�t`,Sf6�5'" � IJ <br /> _ � � . � . � � ... ' - �.i.,K�7f��,-�+.. � <br /> i . _ g� - . __.,•.� ., <br /> �, :...,._.�-:�� <br /> -,-.47.�..-. <br /> � Borrower m�y curn such a dolnult nnd rolnatnSO, as provldod In �mrnflraph 10. by���A l���lon or proc�3odinp lo bo � <br /> dlamlonud with n rullnq thnl. In Londor'n pood Iaith dotennlnntien. procludon loifeituro ot th� Horrowor'� Inlernal in Ihn Proporty or <br /> othcr mntcrinl Impalrment ol tha Ilan Greatod Gy lhls 9ac1Vify"'n'cn`olo'�I°� or�inncawntn'inlor1rnuilnn`or13 tntenu iita ��o' �����bu(�i` <br /> dofaull II Borro�vor, dwu�q tlw lom� nppllcntlon prc�cuos, q� Y <br /> Inllod 4o provldo Londor wlih nny motodnl IntormnUon) in connactlon wllh It;o lonn ovldoncod by Iho Noto. includmf!• bu� �'°� � r <br /> Iimitod to, re�>roacnt�tlono concomin{� Horrower'n occupnncy ol Iho Properly no n princlp¢! reaidenc� II Ihia ���.�����Y u <br /> In�irument I� on a IcAOOhold, porrowor ohnll cotnpty wlth nll Iha ptovlulmis o1 tlso Ic�ao. II [lorrurvor na�ulros lon Iltlo to Il�o _ <br /> Property. Iho Icaoahold an�lho loo UUo ahnll nut morQo unlona Lendcll Fiorowar ,Infl���to polAoWmlllhn r.ovennntn nnd n(Iror.menir, . <br /> 7. Protectlon of Lender'e Rlghte In the Propsrty <br /> conlalnecl In thl� Securlty Instrument. or ihoro 13 n leqnl proco�dlnq lhul mny slnnlliCantly nlfoct Lender�o rl�htr, in Ihn Pro�icAy <br /> (our,h au a proCecdln� In bnnkruptcy, probate, lor condomnntlon or Iarfoiwro or to oniorcc Inwu ur reUulations). p�c�i Lenqcr m�y <br /> do and pay for whatover la nocosoary to protoc4 lho value ot tho Prop�rty and Londer's rlphis In Iho Property I.ender'� acnio;s <br /> may Includo paying nny sums aecurad by a Ilon which has prlority over this Security Instrument. apPoaring in court, p y 9 <br /> - reasoneble ottomeys' toas und entering on ttie Proporty to maka repnirs.Althouqh l.ender may taka ectlon undor this parngrnph <br /> 7, Londer does not heve to do so. ' _ <br /> Any amounla disbursed by Lendnr under parugraph 7 shall becomo addltlonal debt of Borrower secured by this Security _, <br /> Instniment. Unloss Borrower and Lender agrc�e to other terms of peyment, theso amounts shall bear intornst trom tho dato ot , , <br /> disbursement et the Note rate and shall be payable,with Interest, upon notice from Lendor to Borrower requosting peyment. ,;. ,� <br /> 8. MO!'tgQge It18UY8I1Ce. If Lender roqulred mortga4e insurance ea a condltlon oi making the loan secured by this ;.,,�,��.,�:�1;,; , <br /> , , Security Instrument, Bortower shell pay the premtums requlred to malntaln the mortgage inaurance In etfect. If,for any reason, the . ..;���...a�.• <br /> : � :.a;A:,;�vs.r„aia� <br /> � '�"'� mortpage insurance covera�o roqulred by Lender Iepses or ceuses to he In effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to ___ <br /> � obtain coverage substantialiy equlvalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, et a cost substantially aquivaleM to the ,i��-,.---��-.�,�,,,,,,. <br /> ,,� cost to Borrower of the mortgage Insurance previously In ettect, irom an altemate mortgege Insurer opproved by Lender. If ;4�__ <br /> ' substantially equivalent mortgage insuranca coverege Is not avallable, Bortower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equai to ,,;;, <br /> ;."� c•e-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurence premlum being pald by Bortower whe�the insurance coverage lapsod or ceased to "r_`_ �� <br /> � be in ettect. LE�der wll, �ccept, use and retein thoso payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve -- <br /> ' paymento may no longer be requlred, at the optlon of Lender, if mortgage insurance coverage (In the emount and for the period , ,=_ <br /> �' �•'-� that Lender roqulres) provlded by en insurer appraved by Lender agofn becomes avaflable and Is obtelned. Bortower shall puy " � ,. <br /> �..s.� <br /> � ° ��;t� the premlums required to malntein mortgage Insuranco in ettect, or to provlde a loss reserve, untll tho requirement tor mortgac�e ti `�`.�;5�r';_'� <br /> '���,�-�----- <br /> ,,'�� � lnsurence ends In accordance with any wririen agreement between Bortower and Lender ar applicable law. ,, �� <br /> ' ''.':'� 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entrles upon and Inspectlons of the Property. Lender shall gNe <br /> , .:'q'.., ti 5, <br /> ,,j�����' Bortower notice at the time of or prior to an Inspectlon apecllying reasoneble cause for the Inspection. ;,: <br /> � ±'�';;?:.;.� <br /> 10. Coneiemnation.The proceeds of any award or clalm tor damages, direct or consequentlal, In connectlon with any ,:..t.�.'�' ,.; <br /> r �''1' condemnatlon or other taking of any part ot the Property, or for conveynnce In Ileu ot condemnstlon, are hereby aaslgned and � , :t"• y <br /> " _._.._ .11,� shall be pnid to Lender. <br /> .. . � 'r. <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be appllad to the sums secured by lhis Securlty j�,4 <br /> T.�_ Instrument, whether or nol lhan due, with eny excess pald to Borrower. In the event o1 a partlal taking of the Property in whlch f <br /> �'{ the}elr market velue of the Property immedlaiety betore the teKing i� equai iu o� y�=ai�r� smoL.^.t nf thn nums secured _ ��:.__._. <br /> ; ,; . <br /> � o� by thls Security In3trument Immedintely before the taking, unless 8orrower end Lender othervaise agree In writing, the sums <`ti,r i::,;� <br /> }; � secured by this Securlty Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of ihe proceeds multiplled by the following fractlon: (a) the <br /> totel amount of the sums secured immedlatey before the teking, dlvided by (b)the falr market vaiue of the Property Immediately �i�:y ,;.,� <br /> � I before the taking. Any balence shall be pafd to Dorrower. In the event of a pnrtial taking of tho Property In�Ich tha talr merket '1t, `'li �?' <br /> value of the Property Immedlately be}ore the talcing Is less then the amount of the sums secured Immedlatei before the taking. <br /> • unless Bortower and Lender othonvlse agree In writing or uniess applicable law otherwise provldes, the pruceeds shc�ll be <br /> " '•� , epplled to tho sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums ere then due. <br /> i��' <br /> � II the Property Is ebandoned by Borrower, or 11, efter notico by Lender to Bortower that the condemnor ofters to make an <br /> • uwnrd or settle a cfaim tor damages, Borrower tells to rospond to Lender wfthin 30 days efter the date tho notice Is glven. . <br /> Lender Is authorized to collect and epply the proceeds, at Its optlon, either to restoretlon or repelr of tho Property or to the ___ <br /> �" sums secured by this Security Inatrument,whether or not then due. �� <br /> �.• �,� . Unless Lender and BoROwer otherwlsa egree In writing, eny applicatlon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or �,�r- <br /> '��•�•�..-.. ...T; <br /> , __ postpone the due dnte ot the monthiy payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chango the amount of such peyments. � <br />�"° � • 11. Borrower Rfot Aeleaaed; Forbearance By Lender Not a WaWar. Exlension of the timo for payment or <br /> '���'`�` �"'� modiiicatlon ot amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument �rented by Lender to eny sucr.essor In Interest of <br /> Donower shall not operate to release the Ilablllty of the originai Bortower or Bortower's successars In interest. Lender ehall not <br />- s: be requlred to commence proceedinge ageinst eny successor In Interest or refuso ta extend time tor pay�nent or otherwise _ <br />� modify emortlzatlon o}tho sums securod by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Bortower or — <br /> �.,. `.., . <br /> Borrower's succossora In interest. Any torbearance by Lender In exarclsing nny dght or remedy sheli not be e walver of or v � _ <br /> - . preclude the oxercise of any rlght or remedy. Cp-gt nera. The covenants and _,,. <br /> ' ���s�'• 12. 5uccessors and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Sevoral Llabtlity; g <br /> :x.-:.,:.: •. <br /> -:�*�•���' , egreements of thls Secudty Inatrument shull bind and benetit the successors and esslgns of Lender and Borrower,subJect to the ��_ -_ <br />"�� .- • provislons of paragraph 17. Bortower's eovenants and agreementa shall be Jolnt and several. Any BoROwer who co•slgns thls _- _ _ _ <br /> �'' ;:} Secudty Instrument but does not execute the Noto: (a) Is co-slgnfng thl� Secudty Instrument oniy to mortgage. grant and convey =—__��—_ <br /> � � , :"'� �'� that Borrower's Interest In lho Property under the terms o1 thls Secudty Instrumenh (b) is not personally obllgated to pay iho _ _ <br />_ � '� aums securod by thls Security Instrument; end (c) egrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modity, --_ ____ -. <br /> fori�enr or make nny accommodatlons with regurd to ihe 4erms ot thls Security Instrument or tho Note without that Borrower's <br /> consent. •�� <br /> � � `•'• 13. LOatl Cha�ges. It the ionn secured by thls Securiry Instrument Is subJect to a law whfch sets maxlmum loan �' -yY_: <br /> ..,.:.,_.,: <br />- !;.�{' charges, and thet law Is finally Interpreted so that the Interest or other loan chargas coilected or to bo collected In connection 5�„.�:•l,_. <br /> # with the lonn exceed tnn pertnftted Iimfts, then: (a) any such loan charga shall be reduced by tho amount necossery to reduce ,,:�, ,,p;,.,��-, ;,,,. <br /> the charge to the permitted Iimft; and (b) any sums already collecled lrom Borrower whlch oxcaeded pertnitted Ilmits wlll be y,n�.: .r��'��,.:' <br /> - }� refunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make thls refund by raducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by makfng a �.,• k;`y � _ <br /> � � ? direct payment to Borrower. If tt refund reduces princlpal, the reduction wlll bo treated as n pnrtlnl prepayment without any `,•,:•.:'•=�;�,F�,,' <br /> �� prepnyment charge under the Note. . <br /> 14. NOtICea. Any notice to Borrower provided for In thls Securily InsUUment shell be givon by dellvering It or by mafling it <br /> � ' by flrst class mall unless applicable law requires use of another method. Tho notico shnll bo directed to the Property Address . <br /> , ...,. <br /> __ -- �---=-_ ,,. o..� �fnwr r,ddross BoROwer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first ciass mell to <br /> - - . .. __.,�_...__ ,_.�,_ -- -- _ _ <br /> __ '---�_ - _. _.., _. <br /> ��,,.�.. — __- <br /> __ -- - <br /> Lender's address stated hereln or any other addross Lender deslgnatos by not�co to eorrower. Hny nvuca N��.���. ��� � , <br /> Security Instrument shall bo deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when glven aa provided fn thl�paragreph. <br />-- 15. GOVeml�ig l.2iw: Seve�ability. This Securiry Instrumont shall bo govomed by federal law and the law o(the <br /> �wisdiction In whlch the Property is located. In the event that uny provislon or clause oi lhls Security Instrument or the Note <br /> � contlicts wfth applicable Iaw, such confllct shall not etfect other provislons o1 tnis 5ecurity Instrument or the Noto whlch can be <br /> , , givon eHect without the contllcting provislon. 7o this end the provislons of this Security Instrument end the Note are declared to <br /> be severabie. <br /> 16. Borrowor's Gopy. Borrower shall be given one contortned copy ot the Noto an�i of thls Security Instrument. � <br /> - �� F1316.LM6(L97) Pnge�of 5 ��j� � �� <br /> —{ ' <br /> 97007 <br />