.. ' ' '�'•..11 , . ... --�..
<br /> li . - �. ���1-�y'_.1�7r- �!f.
<br /> il
<br /> _,. . 7 ..,__.,...— . ...... . ' ' • - .n,
<br /> Q-� �,009'��
<br /> 17. Transf�r of the i�roperty or a Beneficlal Interost In Borrow9Y�lt an or any paA of ine Property or �;,:�_,
<br /> �ny Interoat In It Is nold or iranslonod (or II a bcnoilclal Interest In Bonower Is sold or trunslerted end Borrower is not a naturnl '=�•'
<br /> ..ft j�.
<br /> peroon) �vllhout Londer'a pdor wdtton r.onecnt. Lender mny.nt its oplion, roquiro ImmedlAlo pc+ymont In full ol nll cums secured by •�
<br /> IIhls 9ocurlly Inalrumenl. Howovar. thla opllon sholl not bo exarGsed by Lendor If exorciso i� prohlhlted by�odoral law us ot ihn , -
<br /> , dato ot thls Socudty Inotn�ment.
<br /> It Lr.ncler oxorciso3 thlo opllon, Lender ohau glvu Borrowar notica o1 acceleratlon. Tho notice shflll provida a pedod ot not -
<br /> losn Ihnn 90 duyo Irom tho dnlo tho nollco Is dolivorod or moilod wNhln wlilch Borrownr must pAy all sums secured by this _
<br /> 9ucutlty Inslrumr,nt. 11 Ei�rrowor lafls to puy thoso sums prior lo tho nxpirntlon o1 thls perlod.Lender may invoke any remedios ,�
<br /> pormlltod dy thls Socudty InatrumcM without turther notico or demand on Borrowor. �`'��*'s
<br /> � i8. BOi'YOWbP�� �rl�g��f 40 Relns2a4o. II Borrowcr meets certnin condlilons. AorrowEr shell have the ngM to havo
<br /> I enlorcemont oi thl3 Secudry Inetrumont disconlinuad nt any Umo prlor to iho eadler oi: (a)5 deys (or such other period es :;��±•.
<br /> •�, ;:;
<br /> Appllcubla law may spoclty lar rein3latemenq before sale ot tho PropeAy pursuent to sny power ot sale conteined in this Security
<br /> Inslrumont;or (b) entry o1 n Jud�ment en(orcing lhls 3ecurity Instrument. Those conditlons nre ihat Borrower: (a)pays Lender all ,
<br /> ` sums which than would be duo under thls Security Instrument end the Note ns if no acceleretlon had occurred: (b)cures any �r;.,i;� .
<br /> delault o1 any other covenant or agroomenis; (c) pnys all expenaes Incurred In enforcing thls Securlty Instrument. Including, but
<br /> not Ilmitod to, reasoneble ettomeys'1ees;and (d) takes such actlon as Lender mAy reasonebly requfre to assure that the lien ot �,,,r.�., _
<br /> -�.,,s.r�.. - ;-'
<br /> this Securiry Instrument, Lender'a dghts In the Property and Bonower's obligation to pay ihe sums secured hy this Security ,,��LLL'_�.
<br /> .,��,�.
<br /> Instrument sNull continue unchenged. Upon relnstatoment by Bortower, this Security Instrument and the obOgatlons 3ecured =:��.�
<br /> hereby shall remaln fully eNective 4s i1 no acceleratlon had occurred. Howevor, thls rlght to reinstate shail not appty In the case , _
<br /> � of acceleratlon under parsgreph 17. �
<br /> � 19. Sfll9 of P10E6; Change of Loan 59NICe�. The Note or a a partlal interest In the Note (loqether wlth this .
<br /> Security Instrument) may be sold one or more times without priar notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a chenge In the entity
<br /> (known es the 'Loen Servicer")ihat collecis manthty payments due under the Note and thls Secudty Instrument. There also may , _
<br /> . � be one or more changes of lhe Loan Servlcer unrelated to a soie of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servlcer, --- ---
<br /> .. � Borrower will ba glven written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appllceble law. The notice wlll `' � .
<br /> state the name and�ddress oi the now Loen Servicer end the address to whlch payments should be made. The notice will also .,�`r':- ,
<br /> contalr� any other infortnatlon required by epplicable law. �'•:��E '��--°
<br /> 'i(F�1f�;;.
<br /> 2�. Hazardous Substanees. Bonower shail not cQUSa ar permit the presence, use, disposal, stonge, or release ot mu��ar_��—
<br /> '�• ��'�'`'� any Hazerdous Substances on or In tho Property. Bortower shall not do, nor ellow anyone else to do, anylhing aHectinc� ihe +��i ��. .y;;;
<br /> - Property ihat Is In vlolatlon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shail not apply to the presence, use, or �L����
<br /> + storage on the Prcperty of small quantities of Hazardous Subsiances that are generally recognized to be apProp�iate to nortnal �..-_=.---
<br /> , �� �' resldentiel uses and to malntenance oi the Property.
<br /> �� Borrower shail promptly give Lender written notice of any investigatlon, clulm, demand, lawsult or other actlon by any --
<br /> n he Pro er and an Hnzardous Subatance or Envkonmental Law of
<br /> ete a InvaNl t Y
<br /> o a enc or rN 9 P �Y
<br /> lat .
<br /> govemmental or reflu ry g y P P►�Y
<br /> whlch Bortower has actual knowledg0. II Bortotiver leams, or Is notffiod by sny govemmental or regulalory authanty, that any
<br />_��------_�.
<br /> ._�.,. ..��
<br /> —� removal or other remedlatlon of any Hatardous Substance aflecting Property is necessary, aorrower �i�aii pi����pi�r �a�� .... —
<br /> � necessary remedial Actions In accordance with Environmental Law.
<br />�'S"�'� , '��:��� As used In thla paragreph 20, 'Hfazardous Substancec' ure those substances deflned as toxic or heZardous substances by
<br /> ..:;t_I•;
<br /> Environmentul Law and the tollowing substances: gasollno, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic _
<br />' peaticides and herbicldes,volatile sohrenis, matorlals containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radloactive mate�lals. As used In
<br /> -�• paragraph 20, 'Envlronmental Law" means federal lews end laws of the Jurisdlctlon where the Property Is loceted thet relate to
<br /> health, sa(ety or environmental protection.
<br />- �w NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower end Lender tutther covenant and agrae Qs lollows:
<br /> 21. Aco�laratlon; Remediea. Lendsr ahall glve notico to Barrower prior to acceleratlon
<br />- � � following Borrower's breaah of any covenant or agreement In tirls Security Instrumant (but not
<br />- prior to acceleratlon undor parograph 17 unless epplicable law provld�s otherwise). 7ho notica ��
<br />-v���-`-:�. ,.:.. � shall specliy: (a) the default; (b) the actlon requlred to cure the default; (c) a dKe,not 108�th�n �—
<br />�,-�� •-. M. • 30 daya from the dote the notice Is given to Bnrrower, by whiah the default muat be cured; end
<br />='�-:� �-� '- (d) thtt feilure to cure the defeult on or before the date specifled In the notice may reauR In
<br />":>��•: �'`;� acceleratlon of the sums secured by thla Security Instrument end sal�of the Proporty. The notice _
<br /> �� ' " �°� shall further inform B�rrowar of the ri�ht to reinstetu after acceleratlon end the right to bring a __
<br />`--- .,. „ '
<br /> court actlon to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to -
<br /> �.; �?, acceleratlon end sale. if tha default Is not cured on or before the date specifled In the notice, �. ----- -----
<br /> . Lender at Its option �rnay requlre Imrnediate payment In �ull of all sums sACUrad �oy thla Security __
<br /> :4`',;.�:.:,::,': � Instrument wlthout further d�mand and may invoka� the �ower ot sela and any other remedles ��
<br />�, ., '° ' : pe�rmltted by appliceble law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing
<br />"'-"" -• the �emedles provtded In this parngraph Z1, including, but not limited to. reasonabld a4torneys' t=.�.�
<br /> .���
<br />-�°' �� r� tees and costs of title evldonce. �:._—___—_ __
<br />� +. !f the power of sale Is Invoked� Trustee shall reeord a notice of default In each county In a==.���______
<br /> �.�__-_ -
<br />- ,'� which any part of 4he Property ie loaeted and shall mall copies of such notice In the mnnnor �.�.��,
<br /> E�.�.` _
<br />_.'.' a prescrfbed by applicable law to Borrowor and to the othdr persons prascribed by appliaable law. �„�TM_�-��°_�,_
<br /> _ After the tfine requlred by appticable law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to 4he persons 'x�k-;;�,-�.��
<br />=j � � and in the manner prescribed by appllcable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell '�"�''�`�`,,h. x�_
<br />- ` �' = � the Property at public auctlon to the highost bidder at the time and place and und�r tho terma •�.�;�r,��i.
<br /> -' • �; � designated in the nottce of sale In one or moru parcels and in eny order 7rustee determines. ,;�;;�;,;1- ,,
<br /> _ ' Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of 4he Property by publlc announcement at the ": ,.,'�:.�;�;'h�
<br /> time and place ot any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Its destgnee may purchase the • ;
<br /> _ .. ; Proporty at any eale. , •��'. .
<br /> ._ _ _ '= Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trust�e shall deliver to the purcheser Trustee's ' ' •
<br /> _ . . _ . .. . . . . .,---- -� - -- •=- _-
<br /> ,,----
<br /> deed conveying the Property.The reoltels In ttte TI'uStee'e qeoO snan oe pnma racie ev�od���o �� - - -- ---
<br />- tho truth of ti�o etatements made therein. Trus�tee shall apply the proceeda of tha sale in the
<br /> • following ordor: (a) to ali costs and expenees of exerai8ing the power of sale, and the sale. �
<br /> •� Including the payment of tho Trustev's fees actually Incurred, not to exceed threcs
<br /> , �� 5'0 of the princfpal arnount of the
<br />� note at the t(me of the declaratian of dofault, and raasonable attornAy'R fees as permitted by law; �:•. .
<br />— � (b) to all sums socurod by thls Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or porsons
<br /> ::,�..
<br /> I legally entitled to it. .
<br /> ., � Ft31GlMa ItI371 n�90 a c�S /���� i , , ..
<br /> ' 97007
<br />