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`_` „ ' _�, <br /> . n __ <br /> . � ' . � _ . . . <br /> � � . -- _.,... <br /> . _ g?a 1���'�� .- __ _�M_ , <br /> � TODETHER WITH all tho Improvements now or hereafter orenldd un lh� property, und sN easemente, nppunRnnncos, and - .-- -; .------ <br /> 7�. . <br /> ' lixturos now or horr.aiter e pnrt ot the property. All r�plecomonts and nddltlons shall also bo covered by this Socudty Instrument. <br /> All ot tho loropolnp Is roforrad t� In thle Socurfty Inotrumenl ns tho 'Property' , <br /> BQRROWER GOVENANTS lhat Borrowor io Im•ilully nulxod ol tho oatnto hcreby conveyed and hns lho nght to �rpnt nnd _ <br /> convoy iho Proparty and ihat lha Propr.rly Is unene:umbc�rod, oxcnpt lor encumGrnnr,es af record Horrower wnnnnto nnd wdl <br /> dolcnd flencralty lho Illlo lo tho Proporty n{�nlnnt nll elnlma mid Ar.manda, subJoct lo nny cncumbrnncos ol rocord � <br /> THI9 SFCURITY IN9TRUMENT combinoa uNtorm covonanla lor nntlonnl uoo and nomunlform eovcnanls wdh Ilmllnd _ <br /> vnrlNlono Uy �udsdlr.�lon to conntl�uto a unllo�m aecurlly innUum�su covorin�ronl propaty. � <br /> UNIFORM COVENAN79. Dorrowcr und Lcndor covonnnt and nr�roo oa lollowa. I <br /> 1. P�ymsnt ot prinalp�l �nd Int�nst; Pr�p�ymsn4 �nd L.ats Charyos. Borrowcr shali promptly pny wi�on . <br /> duo Iho pdnclpaf ol anA Internnt on tho debt ovldencod by tho Noto nnd nny prepayment and late charpus dua undr.r Iho Nnto <br /> ' 2. �unds for '��Ax�� D11tI II1SUfNYi08.Sub�ccl tu appllcablo law or to a pnttcn wniv�r hy Lend�r Horrowor shnllea'Y <br /> to Londcr on Iho dny monthty pnymonta aro dua under tho Noto, until tho Noto Is ald in lull, a sum ("Funda") lor. (�) y Y „ _ <br /> ' taxw nnd assosnmenta whlch muy uttuln priority over thls 3ocurfty Inctrumonl as a Ilen on tho Proparty: (b) ycnriy lea�ahold <br /> �� poymenls or ground renta on tho Property, H uny; (c) yenrly hexnrd or property Insurance promlums; (d) yearly Ilood Inauranco _ <br /> premlums, It uny; (o)yenrlY mortgago Inaurence premlums, II any;end(Q any suma pnyablo by Berrowor to Londer In accordance <br /> wlth the provlslons of puragraph 0, In Ileu o1 the payment of mortflnge Insuranco premlums. Thosa Itoms nro cu�lad 'Escrow <br /> Items." Lender mey, nt eny tlme, collect and hold Funds in en emount not to exceed the maxlmum emount a lander for a <br /> federaliy related mortgage loan may requlre for Borrower's escrnw aGCOUn� under the federal Real Estnto Settloment Procedures , <br /> Aat of 1874 as emended from tlmo ta timo. 12 U.S.C. �2801 et eeq. ("RESPA"), unless enolher Iaw that eppllos to the Funds . <br /> sota a lesser emount. If so, Lender may, et any time, collect and hold Funds In en amount not to excaed tho lesser emount. 'z,.Fc�t'. <br /> Lender may estimate the emount of Funds due on the basls of current data and reasonable estimates of oxpenditures ot future ���f��,�� <br /> � Escrow Items or otherwise In accordence with appllcablo law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an Instltution whose deposits are insured by a federel agency, Insirumentaliry, or entliy(Inciuding •���y--�_ <br /> � Lender, if Lender Is such an institutlon) or In eny Federal Home Loan Bnnk. Lender shall apply lhe Funds to pay the Escrow �o-�__-._-�• <br /> ' Items. Lender may not cherge 8onower for holding And applying the Funds, annualy annlyzing the escrow account, or verNying =- _ <br /> ' the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Bortower Interest an the Funds and applicehle. law permits Lender to muke such a '_� � ___ <br /> �� charge. However, Lender may requlre Borrower to pay a one-time charge for An indopendent real estate tax reporting service .����` <br /> ` used by Lender In connoctlon with thls loan, unless applicable law provldes otherwlse. Uniess an agreement Is made or , ���_ <br /> applicable law requiros Interest to be pald, Lender shell not be requlred to pay Borrower eny Interest or eamings on the Funds. ,�f� <br /> Barrower end Lendar may agree In writing, ho�vever, that Interest shall be peld on the Funds. Lender shall gNe to Borrower. .•. ___ <br />'`' w � without charge, an ennual accounting of the Funds, showing credlts and debits to the Funds and the purpose for whlch each �;�;;���V4.�_� -- <br /> ��.• _ _. <br /> { debit ta lhe Fundss was made. The Funds are pledfled as additional secudty tor all sums secured by the Securiry fnstrument. ;?• ' ;��,.--- <br /> . � If tha Funds held by Lander exceed the umounis permitted to be held by appllcable Iaw, Lender shall account to Bortower ; a <br /> for tho excess Funds In accordance w►th the requlrementa ot appllcable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any ,�'•'�: <br /> �'" time Is not suHiclent to pey tho Escrow Items when due, Lendar may so notity Bonower In writing, and, In such case Borcower ���' . <br /> •" �`�°-'�� <br /> ;, �, shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the de0cfency. Borrower shell make up the deficlency in no more thun , _ <br /> • . iweNe monlhly paymenis,at Lender's sole discretlon. ;�'� <br /> , � � U an Payment in full af ell sums seoured by thls Securliy Instn�ment, Lender shsll promptly re(und to Borrower any Funds <br />___-,_.___— ���� �p������. i�, ;�.,�A.pwranreoh 21. Lender shall acqulre or sell tha Property, Lender, pdor to tho acqutsitlon ar saJe�ol�he � y <br /> �� � l Property, shell epply any Funds held by Lender at the time ot acqulsitlon or sale es a credn against ine surny 5�.���� �r•�••� � <br /> Securfty InstrumeM. �� - <br /> '� 3. Application of Paymenta. Unless appllcable law provldes otherwlse, all peymente recelved by Lender under ' <br /> �'' pnragrephs 1 and 2 shall be epplied: first,to any prepayment cherges due under the Note; aecond,to amounts payable under ; �. y <br /> .;.. <br /> paragreph 2;third,to Interest due; fourth, to princlpnl due;and last,to any late uharges due under the Note. , <br /> 4. Chergee; Llelts. Bortower shell pay all taxes, essessments, charges, Mes end Impositions attributeble to the <br /> '� Property whlch may attaln prlority over ihis Security Instrument, and feasehold payments or ground rents,i1 any. Borrower ahall , <br />!�� pay these obllgations In the manner provided in paragraph 2, or If not pald In that menner, Bonower shell pay them on time <br /> pereg eph.t If BortowerWmakes thnse payments dlrec Iy, Bo owerlsst�nll pro ptlyaifumis�h to f Le dernt ecelpts evldencn g the � _ <br /> payments. <br /> Borrower sha� promptly discherge any Ilen whlch hes pdorlty over this Securiry Instrument unloss Borrower: (a) agrees In <br /> wdting to the payment of tho obligatlon secured by the Ilen In a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests In good talth the �� <br />•�>�. - � . ilen by, or defends agutnat entorcemant ot the Ilen in, legal proceedings whlch In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the <br /> r- ti entorcement o1 the Ilen; or(c) secures irom tha holder of the Ilen nn egreement satlsfactory to Lender subordlnating the Ilen t� <br /> 1 v�.r•-•.• � thls 5ecurlty Instrumont. It Lender dotermines that any part of the Property Is subJect to a Ilnn whlch may attain pdodty over thls <br />�, . <br /> Securily Instrumont, Lender mey give Bonower a notice IdentNying the Ilen. BoROwer shall satisly the Ilen or take one or more ol _ <br />; "� � - the acllons sut torlh above withln 10 deys ot the giving oi notice. <br /> 5. HeZerd or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the Intprovemants now existing or herestter erected on the <br />_ ��� ' Property insured agalnst loss by fire, hazards Included wlthln the temt "eManded coverago' end any other hazards, Including <br /> � tlooda or tlooding,tor whlch Lender requires Insurance. This Insurance shall bo maintelned in the amounts end for tha perlods ��-�--- <br />- -T� ' that Lender requlres. The Insurance caRier provlding the insurpnce shell ba chosen by BoROwer subJect to Lender's approval <br />�-���• �..�.. • which shall not bo unreasonably withheld. If Bortower ialls to malntein coverape described above, Lender may, at Lender's _._ <br />�� ?`�=�-� ". option, obtuln covorspe to protect Lender's rights in the Property In accordAnce with paragraph 7. <br /> a;:�.. . ���. <br /> NI insurance pollcles and ronewals shall be acceptablo to Lender snd shall Include e standnrd mortgage clause. Lendar = _______ <br /> =4, �� �' ahAll have the right to hold the pollcles end renewals. If Lender requlres. BoROwer sheil promptly ylve to Lender all recolpts oi - - -- <br />_"' " ' }� pnld premiums and renewnl notices. In the ovent of loss, Bortower shall give prompt notice to tho Insurance carder and Lander. ����n <br /> Lender may make proof of loss M not made promptly by BoROwer. �_____________ <br /> � � i. Unlosa Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting,Insurence proceads shnll be applled to restoretlon or repalr of the :�-r� <br /> 3• Properly demagod, if the restoretion or repair is economically feasible end Lender's security is not lossened. If the restomtlon or ���`ti.. <br /> � ^��Ca� 4-", <br /> repalr Is not economlcalfy teasiblo or Lender's seeurity would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shell be apptlod to tho sums <br /> r secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess pafd to Borrowar. If Borrower nbnndons the . ,w,� <br /> � ' Pr�perty, or doas not answar within 30 days a notice from Lender that the Insurence cartier has oHered to settlo a clalm, then � '•'�'•ti,•,��",�-� <br /> ;:,.�...- <br /> � f. Londer mny collect the Insurance proceods. Lender may use the proceeds to ropelr or restore the Propetty or to pay sums , ;l,y�^«'' <br /> � ; sacured by thls Sncuriry Instrt�ment,whother or not then dua. The 30-day perlod wlll bogin when the notice Is c�iven. �, . <br /> - ; � Unless Lender and Bortower otherwlse agree In wrfting, eny applicatlon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ;':,,� <br /> . � po�tpono the due date oi tho monthly payments roferted to In paregraphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount of .tie peyments. If <br /> e under parngraph 21 the Proporty Is acqufred by Lender, Borrower's right to any Insurance pollcles snd proceeds resulting from <br /> ` ' damage to the Propetty prior to the acqulsillon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by this Security Instrument <br /> " " � Immediatety prior to the ecquisition. , <br /> - - - - —- - _ � __._.�__ u_�.�a�..�....., e..A D...�oni{nn nf �ho arnnartv: Bor�ower s Loan <br /> -r=- - <br /> - 6. OcCUpancy, rrean�vnua,��. ..,p....o.,a....o ...... . ....---•-•• -• ---- � -. .. - - <br /> • Applieation; LeasehOld9. Bonower shall occupy, ostablish, and use the Property as Borrower's princlpal resldenco within � <br /> " sixty days after the execution of this Securlty Instrument ond shali contlnue to occupy the Property es Bortower's pdncipel <br /> � residence for at least one year Atter the date oi occupancy,unless Lender othenvise agrees In writing, which consent shall not <br /> - be unreusonably withheld, or unloss extenuatinc� dreumstances exist which nre beyond Bortower's control. Bortower shell not : . - <br /> desiroy, dumage or Impalr the Properry, ullow the Property lo doterforete, or commit wnste on the Property. Borcower shall be In <br /> default ff nny torfelture actlon or proceeding, whether civfl or c�iminal,Is begun thut In Lender's good falth Judgment could result <br /> • In iortotture ot the Property or othenvise materiniiy impalr the lien Created by thls 5ecurity Instrument or Lender's security interest. <br /> „ .. Pa -i uf 5 `� —�0 •-+ „ . <br /> .. .. 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