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<br /> . . . .�. -
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<br /> �l � �_---: ..��:�"�
<br /> 9 � ��a���
<br /> . •• �7.Pt'otBCtlo11 of L�ndev's Rlgl►te In the Property. 11 Dorrowet ieiln to perfo m he coven nts and eprcemcnte
<br /> contalned (n ihls Securlty inatrument, or thera Is n lepnl procoodinp thet mey elpntllcenity elleot Lttnder'e dphte!n ihe Property(euch ee -
<br /> s�proceedin� In bnntaup►cy, probnta, for condemnallon ar toAelluro or to onlorco Inwo or ropulallone),then Lender may do and pey tor �" `
<br /> i whataver lo neceeeery to protoct iha veiuo ol Iho Properly nnd Lender'o rlghto In thu F'roperty. Lender'o actlone rnny Includ� payinp �.
<br /> � ory sums secured by e ilen whlch hae piiorlty over this 9ncurily Instrumont, appearing In court, pnylnp reaoonable Pltoncry'e i�oa snd „
<br /> � emering on lha Properiy lo mnke repalre. Allhough Lender mAy leke octlon under tNl�paragreph 7, Lender doee not havo to do eo. _
<br /> IAny amounte disbureed by Lender under Ihis parngraph 7 ehell 6acome addlllqnel debl of Borrower oocured by lhla 9ecurity -
<br /> fInetrument. Untese Borrower end Lender apree to othur tertns ol payment, these amounte eh�fl beer intereal irom the dela of
<br /> � dlsbureemont at the Noto rale and ehall ba poyoble,wilh Inlerest,upon notice Irom Lender to Bonower requeetlnq peyment. �
<br /> 6.Mortgage Ineuranee. If Lendor requlre� mortgage Insurence a� e condillon of malcing tho loan accured by this
<br /> SecuNty inatrument, Bortower ahell pay the premlums required lo malntaln lhe mortflege Inaurance In eNect. If, tor nny renson, ihe
<br /> mortgage ineurence covetage requlred by Lender lepaes or ceases to be In eifect, Borrower shnil pny tho premluma requlrod to obteln �
<br /> �� cove►ege aubstentially equlvnlent to the moRgepe Insurence previously In eHoct, et a coat substanlialty equlvnlent to the coat to
<br /> " Bortower ot lho mortga4e insuranca prevlousiy in eifecl, irom an altemete mortga{�e Insurer epproved by Lender. It aubstentlaly „ ., � ,
<br /> equlvalent mortgape inauranco coverage Is not nvallebte, Borrower shall pay to Lender eaah monlh e num equai to ono-twelfth ol the „
<br /> yearly mortgege Ineuranca premlum being paid by Borrower when the Insurence coverac�e Inpaed or ceaaed to be In ottect. Le�der wlll �
<br /> eccept,use and retaln thnse paymenta tss n loas reservo in Ilou of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve pnymonts may no longer bo �
<br /> required,ut tho optlon ot Lender, II mor►gege Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lender requfres) provlded by ,, ,
<br /> an Insurer approved by Lender egain becomes avellablo end Is o6talned. Borrower shall pay the premiums requlred to malntein • _..
<br /> mortgage Insuranco In eflect, or to provide e loss raseiva, unlll the requlrement tor morigage insurance endo In eccordanco wilh ony -s,:"""""'
<br /> wrftten egeeement beiween Bortower and Lendor or epplicahle law. .��� l�
<br /> - �'';,;��.
<br /> 9.InspeCtlOtl. Lender or its cgent may make reasonabte enV(es upon end Inepectiona of the PropeRy. Lender EheB gNe ,,�+�'�':-
<br /> �_ �_N�._-•-.
<br /> Borrowa notica et the time of or pdor to an Inspection specltying reasanable cauee for the inepecllon. , „ ��-
<br /> 10. CO�Idelnllatlotl. The proceeds ot eny award or clalm 1or damnges, direcl or co►isPGuentlai, In cannectian wllh any �'---- -
<br /> �...�,.,---
<br /> condamnatlon or othsr taking ot ony pert o1 the Property,or tor conveyanco In Ileu ot condemn¢Uan,ere horeby assigrted and ahell be ""_'°_su"�"
<br /> peld to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a tolel taking of the Property, the proceeds shell ba epplled to the sums secured by thls Ser,udty Instrument, ,����:-��
<br /> whether ar not then duv, with any excese peld to Bonower. In the aver�t ot e partlal taking of the Praperty in whlch the fatr ma►ket ;• -=--
<br /> velue ol the Property Immedinteiy belore the inking Is equal to or greater than the amount oi the eums aecured by thls Security �T °"
<br /> , .,t '�'n
<br /> Instrument Immediately betore the taWng, unless Bortower nnd Lender othervviae egree In writing, the sums secured by thls Security
<br /> , � Instrument shell be reduced by tho emount ot the proceeds mufUplled by the following fraction; (a) ihe total nmount ot the sums , � •;,.,
<br /> secured Immadiately bntore tho taking,divided by (b) tho fair mnrket vnlue ot the Property Immediately before the taking. Any belance � �" � .
<br /> shall bo pald to Borrower. In the event of e partlal taking ot the Property In whlch the tair market value of tho Propertyr Immediateiy � M
<br /> .%� belore Ihe taking is less than the arnount o1 tha sum� secured Immediatety before the taking, unless Bortower and Lender otherwlse �
<br /> egree b wdtlnp or unless eppiicebla law otherwise provides, the proceeds ahall be applled to the sums secured by thls Secudty '� �
<br /> -, - - Nstrument whether or not the sums are ihe�duo.
<br /> , It Ihe Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or If,after natice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oftere to mako an award or
<br /> � nettle e clalm tor dameges, Bortower fails to respond to Lender withln 30 days after the date the notica la gNen, Lender la authodzed =
<br /> , to coilect and appty the proceeds,at Ils option, eithar to restoratlon ar repalr o1 the Properiy or to the eums secured by thls Secudty ' •
<br /> -. C, Instrumer+t,whether or not then due. `1
<br /> � Unless I.ender nnd Bortower othenvise agree In wrlling, any applicatlon of proceeds to princ(pal ehaA not extend or pontpone the �
<br /> ' „ � due dnte ot ihe monthly pnymente referred to In parngraphe 1 end 2 or ahange the nmount of such paymenta. ;, � ; .
<br /> � 11. Borrowar Nat Rsle�sed: Forbsarance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenalon ot the time tor pnyment or
<br /> :
<br /> � moditicetion of emortizatlon ot the eums aecured by thls 3ecuriiy Instrumertt granted by Lende��to any aucceasor in Interost ot 8arower
<br /> � ahatl not opemfe to rNease the Ilability of the orlginal 8orrower or Bortower's succesaore In interes4 Lendsr shatl not be requlred to '
<br /> commence proceedinge ngetnat eny suocessor In intereat or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwlse modiTy amortlzation of tha _�--
<br /> suma eecured by this 3ecurtty Instrument by reason ot any demand made by the otlglnal Bonower or Bortower'e succe�eoro In
<br /> Interasl Any forbearance by Lender in lxercising nny right ar remedy shnll not be e walver o1 or prectude the exerrclae ot nny dght or �_ ��
<br /> remedy.
<br /> . 12. Sueeessors and Aesigne Bound; Jolnt and Several Liebltity; Co-stgnora. 'rne covenente and --
<br /> egreemonte of ihls 3ecudty Inetrumenl ahall bind and benelil the succdssors and asslgno of i.ender and Borrower, nubJect to the --
<br /> , provlsbns ot paragroph 17. Borrower'e covenante and agreements shail be Jolnt end aeverel.A.hy Bortowar who co•slgne th18 Secudry
<br /> - J Instrument but doee not oxecute the Note: (a) Is co•algning thia 3ecurity Instrument onty to mortgage, prent, and convey thet
<br /> Borrower'a Interest in the Property under the terma of this Sacudty Instrummt; (b) is not pereonaliy obligeted to pay the eums eecured ��--�----- _
<br /> by thls 3ecudry Instrument; and (c) egrees that Lender end eny other Bortcwer mny ngreo to exlend, modNy, tarbear or m�ke any ����
<br /> = eccommodetlons wkh regerd to terme ot thla Sacudry inatrument cr Yhe Note without that Borrower'a conaent. --__
<br /> - ' 13. Loelt Ch��g@8. Ii the loan socurod by thls Secudty Inslrument Is subjact to e lew which sete maximum loan chargea, -�=__—
<br /> • end thet lew ta tinalty interpreted so Ihat the Interest or other toan chargea collected or to 6e collected In connectlon wfth the loen � ��a `
<br /> � • exceed tho pertnitted IImRe, then; (a)eny such loan chergas sha!I be raduced by tho amount neoeseary to reduce the chnrge to the `$ �`�
<br /> • r'���'.
<br /> permiltod Iimit; and (b)eny sums elready collectad irom Borrower whlch exceeded permltted Iimita wlll be refunded to Borrower. Lender ' l.
<br /> .'4:tt^��'::r�.�„ ��.
<br /> may choose to meke this refund by reducinfl tho princlpal owed under the Note or by making e direct peyment to 8ortower, It a ,,,,,-;�����
<br /> retund reduces pdn�lpal,the ruducUon wlli be treated ae a partial prepeyment without any prepeymEnt chargo under the Note. .'-'`.: ' �
<br /> . 14. NOtICea. My notice to 8ortower provided for fn thls SacuAry Instrument nhall be gNen by delivering It or by mallinp ft by •.'�;��� ••
<br /> .
<br /> frst dass mafl unless applicahle law requlres use of another moihod. The notico shall be direated to ihe Property Addrese or eny „ ''.`"'���'
<br /> � other eddreaa Borcower doalgnetea by notice to Lender. Any notice t� Lender shell bo given by firet clnaa mall to Lenda's eddrees .
<br /> , stat�d hereln or any other addrcnc Lmder deslgnetoa by notice to Borrower. My notice provided tor In this Secudty InsUument aheii - .. .
<br /> be deemed to have boen glven to BoROwer or Lender whan gNen os pmvided in thls paregrnph.
<br /> 16. (ioverning Lew; Severabllity. Thls Securtly Instrument shull bo govemed by fedeml law and the luw of tho �
<br /> . Wri�dldlon fn whlch the Property Is loceted. In ihe event that eny provlslon or clnuse ot this Secudty Instrument or the Noto conflicts � •
<br /> with epplicable law, such conlilct shell not aitect other provislons oi this Security Instrument or the Note which can be g(ven oitect
<br /> withoul tho conilloting provlslon. To Ihls end tho provlslons of thle Sncurlty Inatrument end ihe Note ere doclarad to bo smerable.
<br /> - ---- �- - • -
<br /> _—_._. .--- - • - . . . . ... . ••-•- --� _....�_ ..__...,...--�-•---•
<br />— �6. nwrowere �:opy. tsorrower enau oa grven ona wmvrmaa wpy VI Ino�tVto unu vt wna vaewnty�nouummu. — . - -�- ---�
<br /> - � 17. Transfer of the Proporty or a Beneficlal Interest in 8orrawer. �t eu or eny part ot tho Property or any .
<br />� Interasl in It Is aald or transferrod (or IT n beneflclal Intereot In Bortower Is sold or trnnaforred and Borrowcr Is not e nntural pexson)
<br /> with��it Lender's prior written consent, Lender mny,ut (ts optlon, requlre Immodiato payment In tull at nll aums eocured by this Secudty
<br /> Nstrument. However,thls optlon oheu not be exerclsed by Londer H oxerciso Is prohibited by(ederal law ae of the dato of tht�Socurity
<br /> Instrument. �
<br /> II Lender exercisec this opt�an, Lender ahali glvo Borcower notice ot occeleretlon. Tho notice ehall provldo o perlod ot not lae� lhnn
<br />— � 90 dm/o trom tho data the notice la delivered or mallod wlthin whlch the Bortower must pay eli eums eecurod by thls Secudty
<br /> -, Instrument. fl BoROwer inlls to pay these sums pdor to tha axplmtlon o1 thls perlod, Lender mny Invoko eny re+nadies pertnitted by thls
<br /> Securily Inatrument without turther notice or demond on Borrower. Form �02o s/so
<br />� F1029.LM0 It/9G) Page 3 ot 5
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