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� � ,. <br /> : .t:: <br /> �.;.;,. <br /> , -� <br /> ' . ..:,�.r� - <br /> � �� ' . . , - -. ... ....i..: .� .. •�=w:�r,�.� . <br /> • <br /> . .. . _.�..�:. .. - • .. � _. <br /> - .. . . � .. .. . . . . . ... .. , � - . <br /> ..s«�.� <br /> � _ -'� . . . - ��lr1:y�`! C�---- ..,_��'��� <br /> . H�rrower'e�oscrow account under ihe tadael Neal Eetate Settlement Procedurea Act��874 ee nmended Irom ilme tn time, 12 U.9.Q. , , <br /> 2601 ct aaq. ('RE9PA"),unlo�o nn�lher law Ihat appllao io Iha Fundn anto a losocr nmouM, II ao, Londa� may, at nny Ume, colfect And . <br /> hold Fundo In nn r.mounl nol to oxcccU Iho loaacr nmount. Lcndcr mav oa�lm�ta lho amount ol fundo duo on !ho baolo ol currcnt daln <br /> nnd raeeonable estlmeloe of axpendlturos a1 tutu!a Eacrov�Itcmo or olherwlee In nccordnncu wlth nppllcahte law. ", <br /> � The Funde nhell bo hetd In �n Innlflutlon whoee dcpoella nro hieurcd by a lederel n�{ency, inslrumentnllly, or cnllty (Including , <br /> Lender, If Londer le such nn Inotltutlon) or In ony Ferdernl Home Loan 6nnk. Lender ahe11 eppry Ihe Funde to pey ihe Eecrow Iteme. �� � <br /> Lender msy nol cherge Borrower for holding �nd appiyinp ttie Funde, ennuelry�netyiing lho eacrow accounl, or valtylnp Ehe Escrow <br /> Itema,unlose Lendcr peye Borrowcr Intereal on Iho Funde end eppllceble lew pe�mlte Lender to meke nuch e ohu�e. Howevar,Londer � • <br /> may requlro 8ortower ta pey e one4lme cherpe tor�n Independent reul nsute tsx reporilny se+vlce uaad by Lender h� con�iectlon wRh �• <br /> thla lom, unte�n eppllcable law provide�nihenvise. Unlesa en agreement la mede or�ppllc�ble Irw requlree Intereat to be patd,Lender <br /> .. shnll nol be requlred lo pay Borrower any Interest or earnings on the Funde. Bortower end Lendar mey egrea In writing, however, lhet <br /> , Intereel dhal! be peld cn the Funde. Lender ahell glve to Bortower, wilhout cherpe, en ennuei accounting o1 the Fundn, ehowing , <br /> eredile nnd de6lts to Ihe Funda end lhe purpose f4r whlch eesh debit to lho Funda wee mnde. The Funde are pledped ne edditional • <br /> aecurlty lor nll sums secured by thia 8ecurlty Inetrument, <br /> H the Funda held by Londe�exceed the amounte permHted to be held by epplicable law, lancier sl�eil secount lo eonower tor Ihe , � ° <br /> excese Funds In eccordence wllh the requlremente of epplicable Inw. II lhe emount oi the Funde held by Lender nt any time Is not , r' i<x� "• <br /> �� sufllclent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender moy so notify Borrower In writin4,und,In auch cane Borrower shall pey to Lender � r ;,�;'���;�.��-_� <br /> tho emount necassery to make up tho doticloncy. Borrower shnil mako up the deficlency In no moro than twolvo monthly poyments,et " <br /> , -�:r:� <br /> Lender's soie dlscretion. �!-'�'--=� <br /> Upan paymmt in tu� 01 ell euma eecured by this 9ecurity Inat►ument, Lander ehaH promptly refund to Borrowe►my Funda held by , �� � ,.�;�- <br /> Lender. I1,under pern�eph 21, Lender ehell scqulre or aell the Praperty, Lender, prior to the�cqulsltion or saie o1 the Propertyr, sh�N _„3:'= <br /> � npply eny Funda held by Lender et the time o1 acqulsitlon or ade aa e credit agcinet the oume aecure�by lhla Secudry Inelrument. �'•°� <br /> 3. Applle�tlon of Payments. Unlese epplicebte law provides otherwise, dl paymenta recahred by Lender under paraqrapha '. . ` <br /> 1 end 2 ahell be applled: Oret, to any prepayment charges due under iho Note; aecond, to emountn pnyable under pernpreph Z; thkd <br /> to Intereat due; fourth,to ptinclpal due;and last,to eny late c0ergos due under the Note. -- <br /> � �. Gh8rg88; LIen9. 8orrower eheli pey ali tnxes, assessmenta, charges, Ones end Impositlone ett�ibuteble to the Property v`'r`��"= f <br /> whlch may atteln prlority aver thls Security Instrument, end leasehold paymenta or ground rente, If any. Borrower eheli piy theso F3� ^;. <br /> :?G��s'i#.� <br /> obligetlons In the manner provided in paragreph 2,or if not peid In that manner,soROwer ehall pey them on ttme dtrecty to the pexaon `!-"r-�: <br /> �. <br /> " �., owed peyment. Borrower ohall promptly tumish to Lender all noUcee o1 emounta ta be pald unde►lhla pemyreph. 11 BoROwer makea �r�'�?l° � <br /> - j thesa peyments directly,Borrower ahali promptly iwnlsh to Lender recelpta evldenc!ng the peymenta. <br /> �� Borrqwer shell promptty discharge any Iien��hich has ptiority over this Secudty fnstrument uniesa Bortower:(e) ngroea in writing to _ �' <br /> �, the peyment of the obllgatfon secured by the Ilen In e manner accepteble to Lender; (b) contests In flood lalth the Ifen by, or defends � • <br /> -- �- flge�nst enforcement o1 the Ilen in,legal procesdings which In the Lender's opinion operate fo prevent the entorcanent ot tne Ilen; or(cj <br /> ,',-': �:. <br /> secures from the holder of the Ilen an agreement satlatectory to Lender subordinetinfl tho Ilen to this Security Inetrument. N Lender " <br /> . ; detertnlnea that any pert oi the Property la subJect to a Ilen whlch may attain prtority ovc,r thia 9ecurity Instrurnent, Lender mey gNe � <br /> Borrower a notice Identilying the Ilen. Borrower ehall eetisty the Iien or takA one or more o1 the actlona set forth ebove wllhin 10 days <br /> of the ghring oi nollce. <br /> :i <br /> � 5. Huard or Property Insurance. Bortower ehali keep the Improvements now existing or heroafter erected on the 1 ,"- <br /> Property Insured agalnat loas by Bre, hazards included wlthln the tertn "exlended coverege' nnd eny other hezerds, Including flooda or �• <br /> flooding, tor whlch iender requtros Insu�anco. Thia lneurencn sheli be ma�ntalned In the amounts end for the periade th�t Lender <br /> ,. . requiros. The Insurance caMer providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Bonower subJect to Lender's approval which ehall not be <br /> unreasonnby withheld. If Bonower tallg to melntain cuverege descr'.bed above, Lendcr may, et Lender'e opUon. obteln coverege to - <br /> protect Lcnder'o dghts In the P►operty In accordance with pnragraph 7, � -�'� <br /> ^-,� ••� All Insurance policies end renewals�Shall be accepteble to Lender and ahell Include e stendard mortgsge cieuae. Lender ehaN have _ <br />"`� ' the dpht to hold tha policle� and renewais. It Lender requlrea, Borrower ehalt promptty gHe to Lender nH recetpte o1 pald premlums _ <br /> ;.. , <br /> and renewal notices. In the event oi loss, Bo�rower ahall glve prompt nolice tn the Inauronce certfer nnd Lender. Lender mey meke —� <br /> � _ proof ot lona it not mada promptly by Borrower. <br />_ °�1��' Unlesn Lender nnd Bortower otherwtee ngree In writing,Inaurence procaeda ahall be eppfied to roatoretlon or repair of the Property ��.:_. <br />'••��:�' damaged, (f the reatoretlon or repair Is economlcally teasible and Lender's secudty la not lesaened. If the reatoration or repalr Is not ��i:��-. � <br />- 4 ' economicalhr feaalble or Lender's eecurlty woultl be lesaened, the inaurance proceeda ehell be applled to the suma secured by thia =,� <br />-- • SecurHy Inatrument, whether or not then duo, with eny exce�s paid to Bonower, if Bartower abendono tho Prope►ty, or doea not f -- <br /> -.. . . c-.��.-... <br /> r � • " anawer wlthin 30 daye e notice from Le��der that the Inaurance cerrier has oNered to serile s claim, then Lender may cotlect the - "-' - <br /> . ���_�.. <br /> - , insurnnce proceeds. Lender mny use the procoeds to repelr or restore the Property or to pay sums aocured by this uecudty -_— - -���_ <br /> - ." Instrument,whelher or not then due. The 30•dny perlod wlll bogln when the notice Is glvon. __--- -_ <br /> Unleee Lender end Bortower othenvisa egree In wdtlng, any epplication o1 proceeds to princlpal ahell not extend or pootpone the �a��=��i�=� <br />- `. due date ol the monthly psymento roterred to in pamgrapho 1 ond 2 or change tho emount o1 tho paym�ents. Ii under paragreph 21 �"'°'�'r�- <br /> ���s thn Property is acquired by Lender, Bortower's right to nny insumnce policloa nnd proceeds resuiting irom damage to the Proaerty pdor �''' � <br /> �} to the acquisltlon sheN pana to Lender to ihe wctent of the ouma secured by thls Secudty Instrument Immediately pdor to lhe ' . "'" "�•�+=� <br /> � :,.a . �.�, a:. <br /> acquiaftlon. 't' <br /> ,.�q�f.�_.. <br />- 8. Occupancy, Preservation, !Mleintenance end P►otectlon of the Proporly; BorrowaP'e LoAn .: °�; �!- <br /> A�plieatlon; Loasoholds. OoROwer ehnli occupy, estabiish, and use the Property as Dorrower's pdnc(pal reotdence withtn sixty " " .1,,�''�;,;�.� <br /> dnyo etter the execution ot thla Security inatrument and shall continuo to ��ecupy the Property as Borrower's pdnclpal ro3ldence for nt , <br />_ least ono yesr eRer tha deto ot occupancy, unlosa Londer othervvise ngrees In wdting, whlch consent ahali not bo unreasonebty <br /> wlthheid, or unlesa exlenuating circumstances exiat whlch ere beyond Borrower's control. Bortower ehail not destroy, demage or impalr � � <br /> . n' <br /> the Properly, ellow the Property to deteriorete,or commit weote on the Property. 8ortowcr shali be In dotauit II eny forfelture eotion or • <br /> - _J proceedtng,wh�ther clvil or cdminet, ia bagun thRt In Lender'e good feith wdgment could resuit In torteiture ot the Property or otherwisa ___ _,_ ,_,���:__-; <br /> �--- _ _ - -..--- _; <br /> , materlally impalr the Ilen created by ihla 3ecuriry Instrument or Lender'a socur(ry Interes6 Botrowor may curo such a detault end I •� • <br /> relnetete, ea provided In pnregreph 10, by causing the action or proceeding to be dlamlased wiih e ruiing thet,In Lende►'e good telth ; <br /> , detertn�natlon, prectudea todefture oi the Borrower'e Intereat In ti�e Property or other meterisl Impelrment oi tha lien creatQd by lhls � <br /> Sacurity Inetrument or Le�der's sacurtty Interast. 8orrower shal{ elso be in detault fi Lortower, during the loen eppllcatlon procase, <br /> gave matedally fnise or Inaccureta Intortnetlon or atatements to Lender (or talted to provlde Lender wlth eny material information) tn �. . , . <br /> connection w(th the loan evidenced by the Noto, Including, but nat Ilmited to, represontaUona concaming BorroNer's occupancy oi the .. , <br /> Property as a pdnclpal rasidenco. If thls 5ecuriry Inatrument Is on e Ieasahoid. Borrower shall compty Nith all tho provlslona ot lho <br /> loane. If Borrower acqulres teo titla to tho Property, tiio Ieasehold and thn tee titla ohelf not merga unless tha Lender egrees to lhe . <br /> mergor In wdting. Fo.m aozo AHo � <br /> . F1079.LM0(2/9Si) Paqn 2 ot 5 ( <br /> � <br /> � ; � � <br /> ` I L_._ _ <br />