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<br /> • � •1 it. 8orrowe�r'e t�lpht eo Rolneteto. II Borrower moote ccrtnln candltlo�nrye79orr���61���tno ripn> >o nnve
<br /> enlorcemenl ol�hls 9ecurily Inutrument dlscontlnuod nl nny Ilma prlor lo t�ia oadler ol: (n) S d�yo (or auch other perlod no nppllcnblo
<br /> i law may epeclty tor rehstetement) beloro sata of Iho PropeAy pureuant lo eny power ol eale contelned In thlo 9acurity InatrumenL' or
<br /> ; (b► aniry ol e �udpmcnl enlorclnq tlde Socurlly InelrumenL Thoee condlllone uro thal Borrower, (n) paye Lander all eurtio whlch lhen
<br /> � wbuld be due undo� Ihla 8ocuriiy Inatrumcnt end the Note ae II no nccelerellon had �ccurred; (b) curee eny delnuil ol nny olher
<br /> � covnnenl or o4reomenln; (a) pnye nll expeneoa Incurrad In enlorclnp this 9ecurlly Inatrwnenl, Inctuding, but not Ilmlted to, reasonablo -
<br /> nttorneye' fees;end (d)lekee euch nctlon ee Lender mey reaeonebly requlre lo aeeure thet lhe Ilen of thla Seourlty Inelrument, Lender's
<br /> J riphte In tha Praperty nnd Borrower's obllflallan to puy tho aum3 nncurad by this Sncurlly Inotrumont ehull continuo unchanqed. Upon
<br /> I relnelalemenl by Dorrawor, thle 9ocurlty Inetrument end tho ablipatlone aecured hereby ehAll remeln iully eftectNa aa il no nccolereUan -
<br /> hed occuRed. However, thla rlght to reinetete eheil not eppty In the cane ot ncceleretlon under paregraph 17.
<br /> 19. SRI� 01 NOta; Change of Loan Ser�loer. The Nota or e partial Interoai In Ihe Note (logether with this Secu�lty
<br /> Inatrument)mey be aold one or more tlmee wlihoul prlor notice to BoROwer. A enle mey resull In e chenge In the enliiy(known as the
<br /> , 'Loan 9orvicer') Ihat collcscte monthly peymente due under the Note and thls Securlty Inetrument. There elso may be one or more
<br /> chanpee of Ihe Loan Servlcer unrelatad lo e sale ol the Nato. It Ihare Is e chenge of tho Lonn Servicer, Bonower wlll be gtven wrltten •
<br /> notice of the ohange In accordance with paragreph 14 nbove and eppilcabto law. The notice wlli slete the name and address o1 tha
<br /> � new Loan 3ervicer and lha addrese to whlch pnyments should be mado. The nolice wlil elso contnln eny other Intortnetlon roqulred by '
<br /> appAcable law.
<br /> 20. Wnzard9ue Substa�eas. Bortowor ahall not cauao or pertnit the prasenco,use, disposal, stornge, or release ot any '
<br /> Hezerdous Substancos on or In tha Property. Bortower shall not do, nor ellow anyono else lo do, nnylhing atlnoting tho Property thet �..r�u.�a._
<br /> Is In vlolnllon ot any Environmental Law. Tho preceding two sentences shull not nppty to lhe prosence, use, or atorage on the "''�'�':
<br /> Property ot smell quemiUss of Hezardaue Subatancee thet ere generaily recognized to be eppropdate to nortnel resldentlal use�end to ., � �
<br /> , mnintenence oi the Property,
<br /> ' Bonowe� ehell promptly givo Lender written notico ot eny InvestlgeUon, claim,demand, Iewsuit or other ectlon by any govemmental �� n===---_^
<br /> � or regulatory agency or privata perty Im•oWing the Property end eny Hazardoua Substance or Environmental l.�H o}whlch Bortower hae �R��=
<br /> � ectuni knowled e. If Borrower leams, or Is nutlfied b an ovemmentai or re uieto authod that an remova) or other remedlation "��" r�
<br /> � A Y Y 9 8 �Y �Y� y �+i�+��;
<br /> 01 any Hezerdous Subatance attectlne the Property la necessary, Bortower ehall prnmptly take a!I necasoory remedlel actlons In • -�•
<br /> � nccordance w(th Envlronmentnl Lew. '' �+-_�
<br /> �. . Ae used In thls paregreph 20, 'Hazardoue 3ubatences' Are thoee subatance�s detined ae toxlo or heznrdoue subatancas by , -�-�
<br /> Environmentel Lew and the following substencea: gasoline, korosenn, other Oammsble or toxla petroleum producis, toxia pesUcides and --
<br /> herblcidos, volatllo soMe�te, matertals contalning eabestos or fortnaldehyde, and rndloacthro materials. As usad in thls paragraph 20,
<br /> � 'EnvironmeMal Lew' meana fademl laws and lawe ot the Judedlction where ihe Property Is located thet relate to health, saiety or
<br /> :t•
<br /> � environmental protectlon.
<br /> i NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3. Bortower end Lender tu►iher covenant and egree as followa: ����f' �
<br /> '�; 21. Accolo�atlon; Remedies. Lender shsll give notice to Borrower prtor to acceleratio� follouving
<br />-- — r�orrowers breaci� oT any covanani or agreemen@ in ii��e aecuri"ry insirumeni toui �oi prior iv � b�.i, j� '-
<br /> accaleratlo� u�der paragraph 17 unleaa applicable Iew providee otharwise). The notice ehell speoify: < �� �
<br />- (a) the default; (b) the a�tlon �equire�l to cuve the def�ult; (c) a date, nut less thnn 3A days irom the
<br /> ' date the notice la g(ven to Dorrowsr, by whlch 4l�e default must bs oured; and (d) that fdlure to cure ,;, '
<br /> - the default on or before the date speclNed In the notice may resuit In acceleratlon of the sums .�1 :
<br /> secured by thia Seuur(ty Instrument and sale of the Property. lfhe notice ehall turther Infarm •� 1 � .
<br /> � Borrawer of the right to retnsteta �fter acceleratlon end the right to brtng a court aatlon to tssort ths '�f •
<br /> ' � non-exletence af s default or any other detense of Borrowar to accelsr�tlon and sela. If ths d�f�uft is
<br /> not cured on or before the date epecifiad fn the notice, Lender et tte option msy raqulre Immedlate '� �
<br /> "� ;;s,�
<br /> pNyment in full of all sums secured by thl� Ser.urity Inatrument without further dsmmd and may
<br /> �•` Invoke the poen►er of sete and any other remedies pormfttod by applicable Iew. Lvnder shall be -�:;
<br /> k entitled tm collect nll expensps Incurred in pursuin� the remedles provided in this parAg�aph 2i� -�
<br /> including, but not Ilmited to, reusonable attorneys'teea and costs o! title evidencs. `_,_,.
<br /> . k� Ii the �tower of eale is Inv�oked, Trustee shall record a notice of detault In each county In whlch v��•
<br /> � :; , cny part of the Proporty Is looedad and shall mall coplea of such notice In the manner prescrlbed by ��
<br /> appiicable Isw to �orrower end to the other personA Rresaribed by appllcaWe law. After ths tims =___
<br /> ;;� � �equired by epplicahle la�nr, Trustee shall give public notice of eate to the pe►eons and In the mnnnsr --
<br /> �� preso�lbod by applic�ble law. Truetee, wlthout d�mand on Borrower, shall se10 ths Property st publlc —_�
<br /> ; ��'�}' auctlon to the higheat bldder at the time and place and unrler the terme destgnated In the notic� of -:-
<br /> � sele tn one or more parcels and in any order Trustee dete�minea. Trustee may postpone sele ot all ���,,,�.° -�,,.^��
<br /> or uny parcal of the Property by publtc ennouncement at the time and place of any prevlously �—._.----
<br /> �,y� scheduled sele.Lender or Ite destgnee may purchase the Property At eny aele. ��='=�`-'
<br /> x Upon roceipt of payment of the p�ice bid, Trustee shall delivor to the purchaser Trustee's deed ' r'�°""'`�"��.,.�
<br /> :,•':� conveyfng the Property. Tho recitels In the Trustoe's deed ahall be prima faclo evldence af the truth �•'!`.�a��. `'
<br /> �`�°^,'^`' of the stptemente made theretn. 7rustee shell apply the proceeda of the sele In the following order: =`` �- ' ;�`..;,�
<br /> (v) to all coats end expensea oi exercising the power of sale, nn� the sale, Including the payment of •���"�- �. :':�`:.
<br /> the Trustee's feea ectually Incurred, not to excoed 9'0 of tho principal emaa�nt of the �ote � '`'-'=- �
<br /> at the time of the declaPation ot defeult� and reasonable attamey's fees ae permttted by lew; (b) to ell ' '
<br /> .; � i sums oecured by thie Security Inatrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legolly �� . '
<br /> :•,:�:�:.
<br />- ' entitled to tt.
<br /> 22. RoCOnveyenCe. Upon paymunt of all suma secured by thls Secudty Inatrument, Londer shall request Trustee to recanvey ';,,= • �
<br /> , tho Property and sha�surtender thls Security Instrument end ell notes evidencin� debt secured by this Secudry InstNment to Truetee. �,.�.:,
<br /> , Truatee shall reconvey the Property wlthout werrenly and without cherfle to tho person or pereone legalty entitled to it. Such perean or .'�
<br /> persons shell pey ony tecordatlon costs.
<br />: 23. Substitute T�uatec�. Lender, et fts o tlon ma irom time to ttme remove Trusteo and n t �
<br /> p , y ppolnt n successor trustee o � ,
<br /> . nnv Yn�afm n nlnldl Md n.le. I.v Ine1�• e.H n......�e.l I.. U.e .... ..�.. 4. ...M1..1. e1.t� e.......u., i..��......�..� t� .�......�� un�w....� �—..
<br /> � nn
<br />�_. ._ .. _., on __
<br /> �...-...._ ..� ... _. _..� ..'�'�' ry.��'...�� ..�.°_�..�_. �� �.. .......�.^.'...... .'........�.... ... ..... ....::...� ... ......... .�..r ww...� ..w•.�.�rrv�n w �vw...�... •�...��w -- ' - �
<br />_ convoyanco of the Property, successor trustao shell auccead to nll tho title, power nnd dutlns contetrod upon Trusteo hereln and by �
<br /> aPPllcnblo Inw. ,
<br /> 24. Request tor Notlees. Borrower roquostR thnt coplos of tha notices ot detault und sate be cent to Bortowor'o addmsa
<br />_ whlch is ihe °roperly Address. '
<br /> . 26. Rldorn to this Soeurity Instrument. It ona or moro rfdero are executed tny BoROwar and recorded tognthar with
<br /> � thls Security Inatrument, the covennnts and agreements of ench such �ider shell be Incorporated Into and shall amend and supplement
<br /> tho cavenonts and agreements ol thls Socudty Instrument as 11 lha ridor(s)were e purt ol thls 5ecudty Inotrument.
<br /> . Form�040 BIBO �
<br /> F10P9.LM0(2/9GJ aogc 4 0l 5
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