• .. , . . .� � .�. ' .. , fii � _
<br /> • . � .
<br /> . . . ... -.__'"� �
<br /> . .. .i
<br /> � ..
<br /> . " _....... . . .... ..
<br /> l � � � , .. _-
<br /> ,
<br /> , r�y c�tu:J or - . — - ——.
<br /> 13. LEMDER'S HIC3HT TO COMA9ENCE OR OEFEPID LE�AL AC�IONB. Qrentor shall irnradieiely�rovide l.endu�vdih�rr�7an natic� cf a „
<br /> Ihraatonud ncllon,suit,or othor proc�aodlnp attecting tho Proporty. �rantnr heroby eppoint�Londor as Ita atlomoyIn•lact to cormienco,interv�no In,a��d _�
<br /> �dofond c4ch acGonc,oults,ar othar 1op31 procoedlnps and to r,orrpromlco ar cottlo eny dalm or comrovoray�rtnlning ihoreto. Londor ehull not lw Ilablo to .
<br /> Cirantor for nny actlon,arror,mistalco,omisalon or dolny porlulnln�to tho ncllcnn dascribcd In thls�arngrapti or nny damagos roaultlnp ihorulrom Nothlnp •.
<br /> coplNnod hcroln wlil provent Landor from toking iho actlona doscribod In ihla paragraph In Ito ovn nam�. .
<br /> td. INDEMNIFtCATiON. Lcndor shall not aeeume or be rosponslblo for the perfortnance of ony ol Cirantors obllgatlonn with rocpcai to iha Propany undor ��� ,�r
<br /> nny clrcumsisrcoa. Qrantor shall Immed'.ately provldo Lsndar wHh wrinen notice of and Indomnity and hold Lvnder and Ite Bharoholdore,dlroctare,ofilcors, � ,_
<br /> amptayuoa and ngonle hnrmlose Irom all dnlme,dt�magoe,IIn611iiloa(InGudl�p attorneye' feee nnd lepal exponeee),caucoa at nctlon,aetlone,c�lta nnd
<br /> other le{}nl procee�inge(cumulatNsly'Galme`)poAalnlnp to th�Propsrry(Includn�,bu1 nol Ilmltedto,thoae InvoNing Hazmdoue Mntnrlals). arnnior,uyon
<br /> iho roquect of Lantior.ehnll hlro legc�l oountel to dNend Lender hom eueh Clelme,�nd pey the nitomsy�'foe�,lepal oxpanaos nnd othor eoet�Ineureed In • .
<br /> eonnectlon tharewlth In iho allarnntNO. Londor ehNl be oMltiod to amptoy Ite own lepul Couneol to dolund eueh Clnlms nt drnntor's eoet. �ramoie�
<br /> 1 obll!�atlon to Indermity Lendor undor ihle parnyreph ehall eurviva�he tenrinatlon,retaeseor forsclo�uro of Ihla Dc:d of Trust
<br /> 10. TAXEB AND A88E88MENT8. Orantor enell pa N!texee nnd eeaesamente relating 4o Propeny when duo end Immodiatoly provldo Lene'ar ovldan�
<br /> � 01 pnyment ot nartx+. Upon tho requoet ol Lendor,�rontor eha�l depoali wilh Ler�cior eneh rt»nih ono•iwoiflh(in2) ot tho natlmatod ennunl Insurnn
<br /> ; prerNum,texea and essossmente panalning to+he��perty. So long es there Is no defaut6 thesa nmoume shall bci applled to iho paym�m of tnxes,
<br /> naaes�amo�t gn�nd�lnslnat t e Ot�ll Q tlona.�M I nda appllad�may,ae Londer's optlonnberopplled I�nrevereo or�rlol tho duo�ldate�hor�eaj�ho lunde co held to� _
<br /> � DaY Y 9a 0 8a Y . �
<br /> i ,
<br /> 18. INSPHCTfQN OF PROPERTY.BOOKS,RECQRDS AND REPOAT3. Grantor chall allow Lcndor or Its ngsnta to oxamine and Inspect tho Proporry
<br /> and examino,Inspoct end rrv3ke coples of Qrantors books and rocords portelning to tho Proporty hom tirtw to tlmo. C3rantor shall provide any assislenco
<br /> requlrod by Londar for thoso purposus. All of iho slgnaturos end Intormatlon contnlned in Grentor s boolcs and retcords shall bo gonu(ne,true,accurato and . �
<br /> completo In all rospocts. Grantor shell n�io tho oxlstonco of lendor's bonofidal Ininrast In its books and rocords ponafning to tho Propony. Additlonally, ur�.
<br /> ' f3rantor shall ropo►L In a(ortn satlsfactory to Lender,such Infomiatlon es Lender may re uast regnrding Cirantors finandel�nditlan or tho Proporty. Thc� .;,�;��;
<br /> �, Iniormatlon tumished by QrerAeortoL.endsr hall 6ea ruetora�CCUr�ntedand comple'te In till�res�pecle,and aignod by(irento I�f Le�dorrequ ste�y�slflnate. All --_---`L,
<br /> 17. �STOPPEL CERTifiCATEB. Wiihin ten(10)days nfter any requeat by Lender,drentor shall dellvor to Lendzr,or eny Intended transferee of Lenders �_�,�,�..
<br /> � � rigMs wlth rospect to the 06tipatlons,e slgnad and aclaiowladged stafemenl spadtylnA(a)the outstanding balanc�on Ihe Obligatlons;end{b)whe�her � ��:�.,,.°
<br /> � Cirantor possasses any delms,defensas,cet-0ffs or coumerdaims with rospoct to the Obligatlons and,If so,tho nature of such delms,defonses,sot-offs or ���qqq���555.•:•,-.�..;.
<br /> wunterdalms. Grentor will bo conciusNely bound by eny represantatlon that Lender may rr�lce to the Intended transteree with resped to ihese mattors in L��„�l
<br /> tho uvont that�rantor falls to provtdo Iho requosted statomant In a timely mannor. �` �
<br /> 16. DEFAULT. Qrentor shall be in dofault under this Deed of Trust and tha Truatee's power shell bErcome oporative In iho evont ihat�rantor,Borrower or ;4'.�,t�A�
<br /> >c
<br /> any guarantor of tho OWIpatlons: �
<br /> � (a) fails to pay any OWlgatlon to Lender when duo; � .
<br /> . ,I�,; (b) falls to poriorm any Obllgalion or broaches eny wcuranty or covonant to lender cantatnod In thls Deod of Trust or any othar present or hnure
<br /> apreerrent; : ,
<br /> ; � (c) destroys,losbs or damages tho Property In eny materiai rospoct or eub}ecis tho Property to selzurn,conflscstion,or condermetion;
<br /> (d) seaks to revoke,terminate or otherwlse Ilmit fte Ilablllry under eny guaranty to le�der, ;
<br /> t (o) dles,boeorrps legally Incompetent,Is dissobed or terminated,beccmes InsoNent,makes an asalgnment for the heneflt ot creditore,fslls to pay „ ,
<br /> i debts as they become due,flles e potition undor the tederal banlwptcy laws,has an involuntery patltion In banfwptcy tilud In which Cirantor,Bortower .�;. � '
<br /> -- . _ _ _�..M.�,y�:�,.�_�o,'.,o�,n�ha�'voonrty tnken undar 8nV writ or pl'oC658 of Coutl;
<br /> ' (� a�lowe goods to ba ueed,tranaported or etored on the�roperty,ihe posaeasion,transportatlon,or use oi whicii,is iiiegai, �` � ;' ,
<br /> (g) �llows any parry othor than�rantor or Barower to asoume or undeAeke:.ny 0611gation without the writien consent of Lor�der;or ,
<br /> (h) causes Lender to cioem itseli Insecure due to fl slgnlflcant dedlne In tho value of the Proporty;or If Lender,In good tailh,for eny reason,bellaves
<br /> ihat the prospect of paymont or pertom�ence Is impalred. ��
<br /> ,y ,
<br />- � r°9�meRdies w hou notNoeE d��d o�Lp alc�equired by I Wj�t under ihla Deed of Trust, lender ehali bs e�mitlod to exercise one or more af the following .•!
<br /> ;. (a) to doGnro tho Obligatlons irrmodlately due and payribfe In full; f ;"�
<br /> � (b) to colled the outstandinp Obiigatlans wtth or without resorting to judida!proceas;
<br /> � (c) t o r o q u i r e C i r e n t o r t o d o l l v e r e n d rt a k u availablo to Lendor eny pereonal proporry or Chattels constituting tho Property at a plece reasonebly
<br /> . cornoniont to Orentor and Lendor; n for er obteldn the Intmem of e recelver and,al Lendet's optlon,to — -
<br /> (d) to enter upon end teke possession of tho Property without applyl 8 9 8PM
<br /> � .� aApolnt a rocoivor wlthoN bond,wlthout Orot bringing ault on the Obtlgatlons end withoul othorvvlso meeting eny statutury conc�tlons regerding �
<br /> recelvern,It Eeing Intended that Lender ehell hava this contractual dght to appolnt e racelvor; �'�
<br /> �.� (c) to o m p lo y a mana g ing aaem of tho Property and let tho eame,either In Trustee's own nartw.In tho name of Londer or In tho neme of amntor,and �,,,°`
<br /> '`'! receNe tho renta,incomes,Issuoe end proflts of the Properry and appiy 1he samn,nftor payment of all necossary charges ond expenses,on exount o f �_;__-�--
<br /> �► tho OHligations; �;°��""�'�:.
<br /> ., (� to pay any cums In any fortn or mannor deemed expec➢er»by Lender to pratod tho soarity of thls Doed of Trust or 4o curo eny dolault olher than E_,, _.
<br /> ' paymont of I►rterest or prindpal on tho Obligatlone; -•.. j�
<br /> . (g) to foroclose lhia Deed of Trust Judidally or nonJudidally and to dlrect the cnl9 of the proparty through exerdse af the power oi salo as referenoed in �;
<br /> paragrnph 20 heroot In acxordanco with epplicable law; �,��'
<br /> �- (h)to set-ott Grantor'6 Obllgatlona egalnst eny ertaunts owod(irentor by Lendor Indudng,but not Ilmited to,monies, instrumemo,and daposR ___ __ _
<br /> acoounte maintalnod with Lander or any curteMly e�stin8 w future afflilete of Lc�nder;and ----
<br />-- � (1)to exerdse ell other dghis avaVable to Londer under any mher written agreernem or eppllwble law. __--_ _
<br /> LondePe ri�ts are cumulativo and mey be oxardsed together,separetely,and In eny order. In the event that Lender ina�itutes en acUon seeldng the "���
<br /> •; recovory o any of the Properry by way of a preJudpment remody In en ection c�gainst firnntor,�rarrtor�vaives the Posting ot any 6ond which mi�ht ,,:•.
<br /> otherwiso bo roqulrad. Londer or Lender's deslgnee maypurchase the Properry at eny eale. Procoeda of eny TructAe s sale hereunder shail be eppll�id �, � �,r
<br /> ��'+ firct,to tha coats ond oxpenses ot exerdsing thepower ot calo and of tho stile,Induding thr�payment of the Truatee's fees actually Incurred and not to , 4.•
<br /> rw-�':•�,;..• i
<br /> ' exoeed tho urtwunt whlch may be providod for In tNls Dead of 7rust,eecond,to payrtnnt ol tho Obligatlona sacurod hereby,ihird,to the paymerrt of�unlor _..�., .
<br /> trus t d e e ds.m a rt g a g e s,o r o t h e r l t o n h o l d e r a,e n d t h e b e l e n c e,I f a n y,t o t h e p e r e o n w p o r s o n s l e p e l l y entftlod thereta. Tho p ro p e r t y or en y part thereol may ��,r�.�.`r��:;�t:�:
<br /> <' be sold In ono parool,cr In such parcc�:�mannor or order as Lender In Ita aole cRscr+e l(on m�y eloct,and ono or more exer c lsos of the power hero in grar�t o d ;�:'=:'';^:F=�.•
<br /> shNl not oxtinguish or oxhaust thc�powor uniess the emiro property Is sold or tho obligations ero pald in fuli. ... . ,,. . _. .
<br /> �
<br /> . �lo ho olnTwEtained�Londor sh�Ipn�a�Rr�oAn tFho man�nq rthon raquirod by lew.s to sell t3rantors Intorost In the Propetry by uxordso of the powor ot � �•
<br /> " ' Up�n recelpt of such notico of Lender end nt the directlon o1 Lunder,Truatoo shall puse to bo r000rded,publishod and dellvorod such noticos af default
<br /> � a�ftx such time as�maY�than be roqurire�d�bAy law Isnd a(e�recordatton of 6uch not oetof def�auR and attar no Ice of eafe ha Ing been given ae roqulred by law, •� . '
<br /> cell the Propeny et tho timo end piace of sale Iixed by it In such notica ot esie,eNher ae whole or In seperate lote or parcels or itorta as Londor sheli deem �
<br /> � exp�dIont,end In such order as N may detormine,at publlo euction to She highest bidde�forcash In Iaw(ui money ot tho Unitnd Statea payeWo at tho tirtx�of �
<br /> sale,or de otherwlse may then bA requlred by law. Truatee shall delNer to such purchaser or purchasoro�horeol its good and suKicient deed or deods ;.
<br /> convoying tho p►operty so sold, but wNhout any covonant or wetrenty, express or Irt�lled. The reatNs In such deed of any rr�nere or tacis shall bc� .
<br /> ' conclusivo proof ot tho truthfulnoss Ihereot. My�erson,including,wtlhout Ilmitatlon,Orantor,Truatee or Lender,may purchaao at such eale. Trustoe rr�y � „
<br /> . •
<br /> ..- . ,__ . .�- �'----���r..�........��.w��anb nt a I�r nnv mrtlGll A1 ih0 PIODBYN. ------- .
<br /> ------- - �---- �--- �n�no nmu�m�n...�..o....�.o..r..-'r"-----•- -. ..
<br /> 21. RE�UEt3T FOR NOTICC•8: 4mntor roquoate that e capy of onX n�tice of dofau�and a eopy of eny notice of ealo hereunder bo mallod to each porson � �
<br /> ' who Is a party horoto at the addross of such porson sot fonh hero.n et tho sarrre tlmo ond In tho sc�rne mannor requlrod as though a saparato roquost
<br /> - ihoroaf had baon(Ilod by oach cuch porson.
<br /> - . � NEDOTC�av.39G Papo3d6 ._.—_ ' -
<br /> _.
<br /> . . . ._. . .. . .,.._....-- -�--:::�_-..-�-�-'.�-----..-.""-- ----- . .
<br />