. . �.
<br /> . . . � . . .. .. .,._JS_, ,. —.
<br /> � .� .
<br /> I _
<br /> � '
<br /> � 32. BECURfTY INTEREBT UNDER THE UNIFORM C61MaHRCIAL CODE. Thla Daad ot 7ruat shall bo conaidorod w�d�ofluciive[,b a flnarNr�p -----�- - -- __.
<br /> � c�ntomoUt and n tizluro Illinp�xi►eunnt lo ihe provlalone o1 Ihe Unlfarm Commerc(N Coda(ae adopted In tho atAio wharo tho roal proporty le locatod) � -
<br /> 'covarl�i(�fix�uroo,chmtola,nnd nnlcloo ol poreonal proporty now ownod or horoaHor uiinchod to or to bo uCOd In connectlan v�lih Iho S�roperty topolhor wUh
<br /> � nny ond all ro�Nnc�uwida Ilioreoi nnd add�lluna thoroto(ihn'Ch3ltcls'),end G'rnntor h�rcby prnnla Lcnd�r n c:cwity Into►oat In auch Chntlols Tho d�btor la -
<br /> tho Ornntor dancribod nbovo Thla D�od ol TNaI wlll bo ottoclNo no u��ncndnp stalemonl filod an a Ilx�uro liling wlih rospoct ta nll Ilxluros InGudad v+lihln
<br /> eQldpromieea nnd lo to be Iilod Inr roGard in Iho real eotote recorde o1 Anch eounty whore any part ol eold promleoe(hulud�ng unld Iixturoa}la cltuated. Thin � �
<br /> Dood ot Trust ahall alea be oltectivo a�a Ilnancing�laiemenl�voring any olhorpreml�os nnd rr�y be Olad In nny othar nppraprinto litlnp or rocordinQo, �_
<br /> oillco. A carbon,photoprnphlo or oihot roproducllan of Ih!e Deed oi T►uai or of any ManGng etntemont relntlnp lo thla Uaod ol Trust shnll ba suiticlont na[LJ „
<br /> finenGng stntemonl lor any ol i��o purpoaos reterted to In thla Pnraprnph.Tho aewrad party In tho L+�nder cS�aalbod nbovo. Upan dorr�nd.Qrantor shulM�
<br /> meko, exewte and cfeliver auch necurity aflnom�nt�(aa �uch term li deiln�d In aeld Unlform Cammerclal Coda) ae Londor ut any tlme may tbem 6 „ . .
<br /> ! nocosanry or propor ar raqulrod to prant to Lender nperlectad�ocurity Wereat In tho Chettele,and upon(3rantor's falluro lo do so,Londer la aulhorized to
<br /> i e!gn rti�y euch e re�manl ac Iho cg�nt ot�rcntor. dr4�tor hotckfy nuthodzes Londer to fife MunGng sintoments(as auch tarm Is dofinod In sald Unifortn
<br /> i CortmerGel Co�)wi�h raspect to tha Ghattele,at eny tlme,wRhoullhe clgnawra a1�rantor. arentor will,howevor,ot uny tirra upon raquosi ol Lender, �
<br /> elgn such Manc�ng statemonte. �rentor will pay ell flllng teee fos tha tillng ot auch Onendn6 etatemenis and for the reilling ihoreot dt the Ilmos roqulred,In
<br /> tho opinlon ol l.ondar,by enld Unllorm Corm►�rclal Code. il Ihe Ilen of lhla DaOd of Truat ba s�bJec9 to eny securlty agrooment ccvoring Iho Chnitols,ihun �
<br /> ; In tho nvont ot nny defoult und�tr thls Deed of Truai,au tha dynt,title end Intarost ot Orantor In end to eny and ell of tho Chattols Is horoby asslgnod to
<br /> Londe►,topethor with tho bonatit of any dapoalta or paymenta now or heruaito►made theroof by arantor or tho prodacossors or suocessors in tltle of �
<br /> � C3rontor In tho Proparty. s
<br /> i .
<br /> 29� REIMBURB�MENT OF ANK7UN78 EXPENQED BY LENOER. Londor,at londer's optIon,may axpend(unds(Induding ariomeys'feos and logal
<br /> � oxponsas)to Fortorm eny nct roqulrod to bo taken b�j Qrantor or to exerdao any riflhl or tomody ot l.andar und;.r thla Dccd o(Trust. Upon der►�nd,Grantor
<br /> shall irmiadia�ely rolmlwrse Londur for NI such turwunte expended by Lender togother with Internst theraon at the lower of ihe highest rate describod In any ,
<br /> Obligatlon or Ihe highoat rato allowod by law from iho date of payment untll 1ho daio ot rolmbursurrqnt. Thoso sums shall bo Includod In iho detinitlon of
<br /> Obllgatlons horoln end shall bn socurod by tho bcrnntidal Inturost grantod horeln. If tho Obllgatlona aro Id eiter�ho boginning oT publicatlon of notico ot ,,.�_
<br /> b ,.__
<br /> � sale,as horeln provldod,or In tho ovont Londor shall,at Its sole optlon,permlt Grentor to pay nny paR ot 1 o Obtlgations aiter the boglnning of puWicstlon of , _,_,�,._
<br /> Ind ding reas nebte anomeys'fees t th�e attomeya fopthe Trustee and lor the Lender�,e d a ioiu onabte ee to th Trusten,and this Deod of Truust shall be , +s_��__�
<br /> , securiry for all such onpensas and faes. _
<br /> '� 24. APPUCAlI���PAY��EIdT9. Tho Trustee shelle�I y theprooeeds af the irustoo's sele,flrot,to iho cosis and pnpenses of oxerdslng ihe power of ___Y_
<br /> ' sole and of the salo,Induding thepayment of the Trustes's tees actualN Incurted not to exceed the amoum whlch may bo providod for In ihe Oead ot Trust, ; -;,;;,,-,_,,;,.,_
<br /> � second,to paymem of the odigation secured by tho Oeed of TrusL th(rd.to tho payrru+nl oi wnlor daeds of trust,mortgagas or other Ilenholdura,end tho ` ��
<br /> .. balaneo,If any,to the person or pereons Iogally ontltled thereto. li~j�;:+�a±�e_
<br /> . rf,�,...*.
<br /> 2S. POWER OF ATTORNEK �rentor hereby appoIms Londer es Its attomeydndact to endorsa t3rentors nertxi on all Instruments and othar documems .
<br /> pertalning to the Obligatione or pood of Trusi. In additlon,Lender shall be ontitied,but not raquired,to perform any ection or executo any docurronl r��"" c
<br /> roqulred to be taken or exocuted by Orantor under thls Dend of Trusl. Lender'spe rfom�ancn ot sueh acilon or nxowllon of sueh documents ehall not �i�":`
<br /> �� rolleve Qrantor hom any Oblipatlon or curo eny default u�dur thls Deed of Trust. All powers of attomey desalbod in this Qeed of Trust aro eoupled wlth an •; �.
<br /> • intorost end aro Irrevocable.
<br /> �' 28. �UBRO(iATItNJ OF LENDER. Lendor shell be subrogated to Ihe dghts of the holder of any prevlous Aen, sacurity interest or ancumbranco F:
<br /> discharged with tunds advenced by L.ondor repardless of whether these�ona,security Interests or other uncumtxencos havo beon reloasod of rocord. „
<br /> � 27. COLLECTION C0978. To the oxtentpemdned by law,Grentor egreea to pay Lendor's reasoneWe(eos and costs,Induding,but not Ilmitod to,feea � � •
<br /> F y.I end costs of atiameys and othm egenta (Induding wlthout Iimi�atton parelegals,derks and oonsuttants),whether or not such aflomey or agent Is an ��',
<br /> orrdovne of Lendar,which are Incurred by Lender in cotlecting any emourtt due or onfordng any��ht or fewrne�dy u td���Q�s 0�d�ons Nst,whothor or not ; ,, ;
<br /> . - -� j.1 suli la brought,induding,hut not urttted to.all fees end cosis incuROd oii n�,c'�',����r�•��;.W.-^.P"_.;-_o..._.. . y
<br /> �•,.�;:, �
<br /> #, 28. PARTIAL RELEASE. Londer may release Its Intorest In a ponIon of tha Prop�rty by exewting end recordinp one or moro Perlal Doeda of •• +��••�
<br /> In tho rsmalnl rtlon of Ihe Properry. Nothing hereln shell be desmed to 0611�ate Lc�ndor to retease uny of Its •�^'��; ��',('
<br /> ��� Recornoyanco without aftecting Its Intsrast ng Po r."•` •,
<br /> Interost in the Prop�rty(oxeopt as requlred uncbr Paregrauh 38 a as may ba othenvise roquired by law),nw shall Lsnder 6a obllgaled to releas�eny part y. ., ���:
<br /> of ihe Property If(irantor Is In default undor this Oead ot 7rus1. The Ilen and secutlry Interost cxeatod by the Deed of Trust remain In eBect wlth respect to 'yt°��•� ,
<br /> , that portion of the property,as deflned In the Deed of TrueL that Is not 1ho subject of thla or eny Penlal Dead of Reconvoyance {��; • '�i�
<br /> " �� 28. INODIFlCA710N AND WAIVER. The modlflcatlon or waNer of eny of Cirentors 041igatlons or Lender's rights undor this Deed of Trust must be ,�� ,
<br /> �� contalned In a wtltlng signed by Lunder. Lendor may pe►fortn any of Botrower's or arentor's Obllpatlons,dolsy or tall to exercise any of Its rlghts or acapt
<br /> �j : payments fram Orontor or enyono other then�rantor wlthout c:iusing a waivar ot Ihosa Obllgntions or riahts. A walver on one occaslon shall not constitute ` �
<br /> e walver on eny other oeeaslon. Qrantor'a Obligationa under thle Deed of Trust shall not bo aNected iflendar amonds,comptomiaes,exdienpes,tails to „ . ,
<br /> s oxerdse,Impalrs or releasea any ot the Obllgatfons belonging ta any Orentor,Bortower or thlyd p¢rty or ony of Ils righte agalnst any�rentor B�rrower or , . � ,
<br /> : . s' thlyd party w any ot tho Property. Lander's fellure to Inslst upon at�ict perforrnanco cf enY of the dbligatlons shail not be dsomed a welver and Lender chall ����
<br /> � have the rlght at any tlmo thereafler to Inslst upon strict podom�ance. h;�;� �,�,
<br /> 90. 9UBSTITUTE 7RUSTEE;TRUSTEE UABWTY;COMPENSATlON. In case of the death,Inahiliry,relusal to act or absence of the Trustee hom tho �.��'�
<br />' � state w here t he re a l p r o p e r t y i s t a u t E r d o r i n c a s o t h e h o l d e r o f t h e O b�a a t i o n a s h e l l d e s l r e f o r e n y r o a s o n to ramova Ihe Trustee or eny substitute trustee as ���-
<br /> tr irustee horeunder and lo eppolnt a new trustee In hls plACe end stea a,the holder of the Obligatlons la horeby grented fu11 powor to e p p o lm In w r i t lnfl a �_;.�-;.:
<br /> substitute trustoe for sald 7NStoca,end tho subst�tute trussteo shall,whenappointed,become suxessor to ali dghte of Tnisteo hereunder end the sfune shnll : t,�,,,,,.
<br /> � 6000rno voated In him for the purposes end obJects of thie Deed ot TNSt wflh ail thepower,dutlee and obUgatlons here{n conferred on iha TNStea. Trusteo �---i^y:=—
<br /> shail not be Ilabte tor any error of�dprt�ent ot act dono by Truatoo,or ba otherwlso responslbla or nxoumabio under any dreumstencos whatsoever. [�'.,n:��_____
<br /> i powers hereln�ented It u n tho Deed ef Trust for debte
<br />, � � Trustes shall nat bo porsoraly Ilable fn case of errtry by It or enyone sc1lnp by virtue of he Po ��, =
<br /> contractod or IIabllity or darr�e9es inarred 6i ihe managerriont or operatlon of seld premises. Trustee shull have the rlpht to rely on eny Instrurr�erit.
<br /> document or elgneture au�horizing or supporting eny acifon teken orproposed to be taken by ft hereunder a beileved byll In aood feith to ba 9enulne. 3�,�. -
<br /> - Truslee bh�ll be ontitled to roimburcamonf(or expenses Incurred by Ilin the perfarrence ot Ita dutios hereunder end to reaaonabTe campensatlon tor such _�p,µit�r,�r��
<br />- o t its sorv k e�hereun d e r a s a h a l l b e r o n d o r o d. O r a n t o r w f l l,h a n t i m e t o t i m e,p a y c a r r p e n s a t i o n due Trustee hereunder and relmburse Trustcae ta and �,-,���...___-
<br /> savo ond hoid it harmless from end egalnst any end all lose,cos1,IIa61Giy,detnego end expanse whatsoover Inwrted by It In the pertotm3nce o f t is d u t los. .,
<br /> v3,r.vrr.r� . �
<br /> � Ap moneys reoeNod by Truatee shatl,untll used or epplled as heroin provided,be hold In irust for thepurposes tor whlch they wsre receMod,bul need not '� --- T
<br /> t
<br /> � ': be se�egated In any mannor Bom eny other monoys (oxcapt to tha oxlent requirod by Iaw)end Trustee shell be under no Ilahlliry(or Interest on eny �.:����?kF•�,;.:,,.
<br /> �` monoya recolvod by lt hereuncior. ' ••- ``''��'�-
<br /> ,'�; ='.?*�"•
<br /> - ' 31. SIiCCESSOAS AND ASSI(iNS. This Ooed of Trust ahall be Wndng upon end Inuro to the boneflt of arantor and Lendor and tholr respective :� �� •.•:: i,;
<br />� ' , Bt1COBGSOfB.asslgns.truatoos,rocoivoro.adrrdnlatrators.porsonel raprosentativos.logatees end dovisoes. :..� �. •. .
<br /> �..•���:,,�• '
<br /> , � 32 NOTiCES.Excopl es oiharwise requlrad hry law,an notiw or ollsr cortrnunlcatlon to Lro prwidad undor this Deed of Trust shall bo in wdting end scrnt .
<br /> , � # notico so given�atnd seM bsy�ret das�a m�allnpost go Nro�palTd shafl be doohmad glvonstho elarllop ot throro(3)day�afternsuch�,oti�Ia sent or rtwi�ionAo�ivod •
<br />, by tho poreon to whom such notloo Is boing given.
<br /> ' � 33, ��VERABILITY. Whonovor posslbla,oach provislon of thls Deed of Trust chall bo IMorprotod so as to bo atfoctive and valld under opplicahla etato '
<br />� , law. It eny proNsfon ot thls Doed of Truat vlolntes the Iaw or Is unentaceablo,ihe rast ot the Oeed of Tnict chcll continuo to tx�velld end onforceable.
<br /> - 94. APPLiCABLE LAW.Thle Deed of Trust shall bo govemed by the laws of the ctate whare the real proporcy Is located. Unteas applicable law provides
<br /> othervilse,Grgntor cansonts to the jurlsdictlon end venue of any coun sefected by Lender.In its sole dscrotion,located In ihat state. ,
<br /> 98. MISCELLANEOU3. arentor and Lunder Agroo that time le of tlro eswnoo. drantor waNes prosorrtmont,domand for payment,notice of dishonor and � "
<br /> ' protoet oxcept as requfrud by Inw. All rofaroncee to Rr�ntor In thls Med of�Trust shal�Irr,A�de all�e�ni���na mnr���n Ghantor8�d Londar portalnlnp o .
<br /> _ : —_T. �
<br /> thelr obifg2t�ana ena�i oe1oi�rt anO sevorai. i rno uooa v�nuo��op�o.o...o��.�..�...�...•-"�e.-.---"-- - - - - _ `
<br /> -
<br /> tho torms and Conditlona horoof.
<br /> 38. NO THIRD PARTV RtGHTB. No poreon Is or shall bo e third pa.►ty benelidary of enyprovlaion of ihls Dood of Trust. All proNslonc ol thia Deod ot
<br /> Trusl In fevor ot Londo:ere Intondod solely for iho bunofil of Londor,and no thlyd paRy shNf Ye oMilled to assumo or oxoact th2t Londor wlll not wslve or
<br /> consont to tho modi(icatlon of any provlslon of thls Dood ol Trust,in Londafb ealo discrotion.
<br /> 37. PRESE!�VAT10N OF LIABIUIY AND PRIORIIY. 4Yithout atlecting tho IIablllty of Borrower arAntor,or any guarentor of tha Obllgatlons,or uny athor . �
<br /> porcavi(oxeopt a porcon oxprosaly roleasad In�vritin{�)for tho payment andpe rformance of tho bbllgations,and without aitacting Iho rlghis ol Londar with
<br /> ros t to an Proparty not oxproasl roloasod In w�tine,end wllhoN i�aI r(ng In an��y way tho prtority of ihls Dood ol Trus�ovor tho Intorost ol any por�on
<br /> acq�uIrod or tirys�ovidoncod by rocord ng subsoquoM to tho rocording o!thla Deod of Truat.Lendor rr�y,oithor lwforo or aflor tho rn2tud;y of tho Obll�atlons,
<br /> end without notica or consont:roloaso any parson Ilable lorp�ymenl or psrtormanco of all or any part ol tho Obtlgatlons;mako any agreomont altoitng tho
<br /> - toert�of payment orperfortr�anco of nli or any part of tho Obll9atlons;exurdso or rotmin irom oxordeing or walvo any rlght or rertbdy ihat Londer rr►�y havo
<br /> undnr tho Dood of Trust:aaapt additiont+l socurlty of any kind for ony of tho Obllgatlona;or roloaso or othorwlse doal with any real or porsonel proporty _
<br /> - soarinp tho Cblipatlons. Any person aa�ulrtng or rocording ov�denoe ol eny Interest o1 eny naturo In tho Proporty shall bo daorrad, by acqulring such
<br /> - . Interoet or rocording eny evidanco thoroof,to havo conconted to ail a any such ectlons hy Londor.
<br /> � i PCqO�dG -
<br /> iNED07'7 Rov.t tA4 - - ---------._._
<br />