• i�rt;`.;! . . ., . , , � ��i1����'�,.��.
<br /> �:�
<br /> '1:,-'
<br /> �:•
<br /> I .: .......... � �
<br /> 1
<br /> � (c) All appllcab!e lews and regulations, Induding,wlthout Ilmitatlon,tho Amedeans with Disabi611e:,Acl,42 U.S.C.��nlcr. '�1Q1 el:� (end a!I � •� ; - � •-�� -- -
<br /> ! . 7egulatlons promulgatod ihoreundar)and nll zoning and lwllding Iswe and regulatlons roiating to iho Propony by virtue oi nny fodoral,stnte ar munlclpal I
<br /> I auihoifty wlth juriadlctlon ovot ih� Proporty,pr9sonlly aro ond ahnll bo obsorvod and conpllcd wlth In¢II rtt3torial raspocta,and all righto,Ilconsos,(P�
<br /> pc3rmite,and corlificntos ol occupnncy(InGludinfl but not Ilmltcd to toning vnrlancos,apodal oxcoptlona for nonconforntlng uses,t�nd tinal Inspoctlon�
<br /> •approvals),whothor torrporary or portnanont,�vhlch nro matorial to tho uco and oaupancy ol Iho Proporly, prosomly ero nnd chall Lw obtnlnod, I �
<br /> prosorvod and,whoro nocosstery.ronowed; �
<br /> (d) Qrantor has tho right end Is duly authorizud to oxocuto en�porlorm Ita Obllpatlons undor this Dood of Trusi and ihoso aCinnt do not end shsll no1� n
<br /> confllct wl�h iho provislons ot eny atatuto,rogulatlon,ordinanca,rulo ol Iaw,conirnct or othor aaroartbnt whlch m�y bo bind;ng on�rentor et t�ny tlmo; �
<br /> I (e) tVo nctlon or proceading Is or ahall bo pondin�or threatone�whlCh mlght materltilly nftoU tho Property;and
<br /> iho or govo ning Haznrdo u Matoriels)v�hlchArrdQ ymatorinlly a teclitho P opany�orulendors hphisr ortlntorostrin�ho Pro�porty�purauam to hlo Do dt� i
<br /> ' I T�N61
<br /> 9. PRIOR DEEDB OF TRUST. (3rantor rapreaonte�nd werrante iht�t ihere aro no prlor daoda ot truet o(tecting any pan ol iho Propony oxcept Qa sm forl�
<br /> 9 on Schodulo B nitnchoatl amount�e owed and porwform n�obi�gaton�raoqulra��,undar�such deedstol�trust n d tho Indobtodn sa socurod t�ho oby and furihor
<br /> �mntor agroos to pay
<br /> horeln or n�hoe0bllgallonsrt whPeh Londor would bo antit�led Intho Iovon orf�nny otho defaujj�and ehall ontltlo Londer to nll righta end romodles cantnlned A
<br /> ! 4. YfiAtd9FER8 Or T�1C•P�30PEATY OA BENEFICIA61N7ERE8T8 IN fiRANTOAe OA BORROWERS. In tho ovont af c�e91e,convoyanco,loaco. :
<br /> contrect lor dood or Iranslor to uny pareon of all or eny pan o}tho roal propoAy desr,rihod in Schadulo A,or any Irnarost thorein.or ol nll or any b+3nollGal
<br /> Intorast In Borrowor or drantor(It Borrowor or arantor la no1 A natural rson or porsuna but is a corporatfon,Iimilttd liabilily compnny,pnrtnorship,truat,o�
<br /> othor lo9al ontlty),Londar rtuy,nt I�a optlon doclnro tho outslsnding prPeclptfl balnnco of iho Obligaiions p:us eccruod intorost tharoon Irm�odialoly duo and
<br /> • paysblo. At Lon�or'e roquost,C3rantor or Borrowot,as iho caso may bo,shall furnlsh a complete stalorrxant sotting forth all of its stocicholcbrs,mombers,ar *t��_ •
<br /> pannors,es approprlato,and the oxtent of thelr reapective o�Nner6hlp ImerasiR.
<br /> & ASSI(iNMENT OF RENTS. In conslderatlon ot ihe Obiigatlons,wnich era sACUred by this Dead of TrueL Orantor ebsolutely asslgns to l.onder all . ; --__-
<br /> �rentoYs estato, right, titlo,Irtterost,delm and demand now owned or heroi he Pro��T�all such letases and a0 eemenisgwhether wdpen or�oral aere t��
<br /> extenslona,renawals and cubloasos),ell agreemente fnr uae and oocupanoY PB�Y� -�+..�
<br /> ,i hereafter rotortud to as tho'Leasea"),encl all guarentios oi loaseos'pertom►anco und:r tho 9:99,togethor wlth the Immedfate and cominulnp dght ta �F:.�a,,�-�-.�.w
<br /> collect and rocolvo all of the renta,Incorr�,remlpta,revonues,iasues,proflts and othor Incomo of any nature now or hereaftor due(Including en�Ina�trp of � ��f�s:w..,•�
<br /> any naturo coming due during any redemption period)undor tho Loasea or hom or arising out of fhe Properly Induding minlmum rents,addit onal rants,
<br /> percantago ronts, parldng or cormbn area malntenancoqconotbnslurerico erl g loss of e ts os�ulting�ofm�uni°nan a�blliry'caused by dostructl ni or � �•', ��s
<br /> dalault In any Loase,ell procoods payablo under any po cy
<br /> darna�ge to tho Froperty,all proceeds payeble as a resuh of e lessae's oxerdse of an option to purchase the Properry,all procaeds derlved hom the �
<br /> � terminatlon or rejection of any Loaso In a banlwptcy or other InsoNency prooeedingl of he":tbo�v�e are her after coliect�ly�eferred to as t�ho'Flont'�j�r Thlfi , }" �`�
<br /> may have e�aInst eny lossoo undor the Leasos or any occuparits o71he Property( I
<br /> asslgnment�l a eubjoet to tho righL power and authoriry glven to ihe Lender to collect end appty the Rents. Thls assignmonl Is recorded In aa�.ordanoe with
<br /> ��t applicahle stato law;ihe Ilon crested by ihis asslgnment Is Intandad to be spedflc,pertected,and choate upon the recording of this Oood ot Trust,all ae � �
<br /> ' provided by a{�plicable stAte law es arronded hom time to time. As long na there la no defeult under the Obligntions or thls Deed of TrusL Lendor grants
<br /> prentor n rovocablo Ilcanse to collect ell Rents from the laases whon due and to use euch proceeds(n Cirantor's buslnoss oporetiono. Hoviever,Lender
<br /> ' may at any time requlro Grentor to doposft ell Renis Into en acmurrt malntelnod by Cirantor or Londer at Landors Instltulbn. Upun default In the payment �; .� .
<br /> ot,or In iho parfomanco of,any of the Obllgations,Lender may et Ite option take possosslon of tho Property end havo,hold,rrt�nago,Ioase end operete ihe ' �
<br /> Pro rry on torms end for a pt3riod of tirrw that Lendor deerns propor. Lender may proceed to colloct and recolve all Rents from ihe property,and Lender
<br /> - J p�W�i.,;_�p„n�,,,,,a�in makn alterations,renovatlons,ropalrs or replacemems to ihe Propert�as Lender rray deem propsr. Lender may apply all Rents In �. � :
<br />- — .r_.. H Iro ond arJara ... ..
<br /> Lencbr's sole dibuetlon to payrt�ont of the Obllgationa or to tha paymem oi tne wsi oi nuu�aiia�o���ro,rar�:a.,�^s,:eF°-.--•-�-.-•---""-'"ra and anv —
<br /> .K
<br /> i expanses Indd�nt tu tafdng end rotainlng possesslon of ihe Property perlodically and tha mana�ment end operetion ot ihe Proporry. Londer may koop the ,�t*r� `�! �
<br /> Property properiy Insured and may discharge any texes,charges,dalms,assessmants end other Ilens whlch may aoaue. Tho expenso and cost of these •�,�..•., ,
<br /> � aetions may bepa1d from iho Rents roceived,and any unpald emounts shall bo edded to ihe prtndpal of the Ohllgatlons. Thoso nrtbunts,togE�iher whh �,� �;;•�:r
<br /> other eosts,shall Yocomo part of the Obllgatlons r>ecurad by thla Dood of Trust. �.,-�4kx'; �4
<br /> ti. ;�� ;:.
<br /> 8. LEASES AND OTHER AOREE141ENT8.Ciremar shall not teke or fail to take eny adlon whleh may cause or perm(t iho tomilnatlon or iho withholding ot �
<br /> any paymant In connootlon with any Lease or othar agreement('Agreorrant')peAalning to iho Propsrty. In addition,Grantor,without Landor's prlor written �� -
<br /> � consont,shall nat:(e)collect any monlos payable under any Agreemont more than ono monlh in edvanco;(b)modHy any Agraomont;(c�asslgn or allow a . �i•
<br /> Ilen,socurity Interest or other oncumbranco 10 bo P�aced upon (3rentor's rtphts, title and tnterest fn and to eny Agreoment or tho amounts payablo �,f ;,
<br /> therevnder,or(dZ turmin¢to or canwl t3ny Agreoment axcopt for the nonp�ymom of any sum or olher materlal broach by iho other party thereto. If Qrantor '.
<br /> receivas at any t ma eny writton communicatlon asserting a delault by arantor under en Agreortunt or purponing to terminato or cancoi eny Agroemem, ___
<br /> � Cirruitor ehallpromptly torwerd a cop of such cormunlcatlon(end ony subsoquent communlcatfons relating thermo)to Lendor. All such Agroonwnts end ���-
<br /> rut '
<br /> tho amounis due to Grantor thorAUn r ero hereby assignod to Lendor as a�iditlonel searity for ths Ohligatlons. � �,�. �s
<br /> party(Induding,but _:� ,::,�j�
<br /> 7. COLLEC710N OF INDEBTEDNESS F80M THIRD PARTY. Londer ahall be entNled to noUty or requlre Orantor to nolliy any third � __W�:_
<br /> +�� not Ilmtted to,lossees.Ilconsc�es,govemmontel aulhoritles and Insurence companies)to pay Lender eny Indebtednocs or obligatlon owing to�rentor wlth
<br /> s �
<br /> „ l respect to tho Property (cumulativaly Indebtadness')whother or not a dcifauR exlsts under thls Doed of Trust. Grernor shall dlllpently collect tho ��;i;=t�'
<br /> i �ndobtodnesa owing to�rantor irom those ihird partles untll the giving ot cuch notlflCatlon. In the evant itiat(3rantor possosses or recolvoa possesslon of f�_.�.�r�.-.
<br /> � i any Insiruments or other remfnences with rospeci to tho In mbof any Insarenoe onc�on�dermatlon prooeods�.tG�rentorf shall hold such Instrulments and othar t--
<br />