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<br />N. 7r�astar rrviil perr�it, or caus� any t�nani tt� permit. Bsneficiary or �en�fici�ry's agent to ent�r �nd
<br />ir�spect the Prop�riy �nd reui�w all r�cords ai any re�sanabte time to determins 41l the exist�nc�t,
<br />loc�tion and natur� of any Haaardous Substance an. und�r or about the Property.' l2) the existence,
<br />3acatfon, natura, and r� �f any Haaardeus Substance that h�s been eeleased �n, under ar
<br />about the Preperty; or t�� whethee �r not Trustor and any ten�nt are in compGance with appliaabte
<br />Envirc�nmer�2al Law,
<br />t. U�o» �en�ficiary's request and at any tirne, Trustar agree�, at 'frustor`s e�pense, to engag� a
<br />qualified �n�rironmental �ngineer to prepar� an enuironmental audit of the Property and to submit the
<br />rssults c�f such audit to �eneficiary. Th� choice �f th� enuironm�+ntal engineer who will perfarm su�h
<br />audit is subjsct to B�n�fic�ary's �ppeoval,
<br />J. E3eneficiary hss the righi, but not the abligatirsn, to perform any caf Trustor's abligations under ihis
<br />section at i`rustc�r's eac�sense.
<br />K, As a cc�ns�quence af any breach of any representatioa�, w�rran�y o� promis� mad� irt tMis section. { 1 D
<br />Tru�ior mariii indemnify and hoid �en�ficiary and 6�neficiary's suecessors or a�signs �armiess fram
<br />and against atl Iosses, cdaicrts, dem�r�ds, liabiliti�s. dam�ges. cleanup, respanse and rem�di�iiean
<br />c��ts. p�natties �nd s�sp�nses, including vvithout limitation all cast� taf litic���tion and at�inrn�ys' fees,
<br />aruhi�h Benefi�i�ry and Benefici�ry's succ�ssors or assi�tns rrtay s�astain; and t21 ac Ben�fi�i�ry's
<br />dis�rsiion, E3eneficiary may reCease this t?��d caf Trust and in return �'rusa�r wi!! grc�vide Ben�fiai�ry
<br />with co�l�terat af at least equal vatue Yo the Praperty �ecured by this C?eed raf Trust without prejudice
<br />tc� �ny of Beneficiary's rights �ander this Geed crf Trust.
<br />l. tV�tanrt�hstandin� any o� the I�nguaga c�ntained in zhts t�eed �f Trust Yo the ccsntrary, the t�rms of
<br />this se�tic�n shail �urvive ar�y fc�recfasur� or satisfaciion of this i�e�d of Trust �ep�rd[ess af any
<br />passag� of titi� �o Ben�fici�ry or a�y disposition by �eneficiary o� any e�r ati o# the Prope�tyti Any
<br />claim� �nd clefer�ses to the co»trary are hereby waivad.
<br />20. CO�VC�E11�1�ATIt3l�. Tru��c�r v�riti giere Sen�ficiary prompt nv�ic� of �ny actior�, r��t ar thr�at�n�d, by pc�va��e �r
<br />�aublic entities to purcha�e or iake any ar a1! at the Proparty inntuding �ny easements, thr�ugh
<br />�onder�n�ti�n. eminent darr�ain, ar any oth�r means. Trustor furtk�er agrees to notify Beneficiary af any
<br />proc�edi�gs instituted for ths est�b{ishment of any sew�r, wat�r, c�sns�rv�iion, dit�h, drainage, or �ther
<br />distri�t r�laiir�g to or �irsding upon th� Pr�periy c�r any pari o# it, Tru�tQr authariz�s Beneficiary to intervene
<br />in 7rustor's name in �ny afi th� aba�ve des�rib�d actic�,n� ar claim� �nd to cotl��t and r�ceive �II sums
<br />re�ulting from the acti�n or claim. Trust�ar assigns to BeneficiarY ih� proceeds caf any avv�rd rar �1aim ft�r
<br />d�m�ges c�nn�ctec4 vuit�a � cond�mna�ion �r ath�r �aking af �fl or any p�rt of the Prnper2y. Such prac�eds
<br />shal! b� c�nsi�ered payments and wriiE be appiied �s provided in this (�eed af Tru�t. This assignrn�nt of
<br />pro���ds is subj�ct t� ti�e t�rrns af any pri�r ���urity agreemenc.
<br />21. It�StlRAtdCE. Trustor �grees to mz�intain 'sn�uranoe �s foll�ws:
<br />�> Trustor shait ke�p xhe Property ensur�d ag�inst loss by fire, theft and oiher hazards and risks
<br />r�ason�t�{y associa�ed ;neith the Pr�per�y due �� its Lyp� and It�cati�n. C�ther haz�rds and risks m�y
<br />include, for exannpie, co�rerags against loss due to floods c�r Ciooding. This insur�ne� �hait b�
<br />mair�tainec� in the arr��unts and for the p�riods that S�nef�ciary req+uire�a Whai B�nefiic�ary r�quites
<br />pursu�nt to �he pr�ceding thr�e sen2enees �an chang� during the term of the S�cured Debt, TFre
<br />insur��ac� c�rrier providing the insuran�e sh�N b� cho�en by Trustar subject to 6enef�ci�ry's appravat,
<br />�hieh shali r�czt b� unr��sonably rtvithheld. I€ Tr�stor f�ils io maintain the �overage desecibed above,
<br />Ber�efici�ry ma�rp ae B�r�eficiary's opTion, obiain �c�ve�age tts prot�et B�nefiaiary's rights ir� the
<br />Prc�perty accordirt� to the terms o# this i�eed of 'iru�t.
<br />AIO in�urar�c� poli�ies and r�newals �hall be acceptabl� to �enefi�iacy and �h�il include � standard
<br />'�mortg�ge cl�u��" �nd, rnrhere appDi��b1e, "benefici�ry lass pay�� ci�use." i'rustcar shat# smmediate�y
<br />n�i�fy Bera�iiciary of �anc�ll�tion �ar terrr�inatian af the ins�ar�nc�. �en�zficiary shall have ti�� right to
<br />kacald the policies and renewats. tf �en�ficiary requires, '�'rustor �i�all imrnediat�ly giv� ta �eneficiary �t#
<br />receipt� c�f paid prerrsiums ansi r���wai natices. Upon �oss T�usior shaall giv� imm�diate nflt�c� trr the
<br />insur�nce carricr �nd �enefici�ry, F3er�sficiary m�y make prcar�f of toss if s�ot made immediately by
<br />Trustar.
<br />Uniess Beneficiary and Trustcsr oth�rvwise �gree in writing, insuranc� proceeds shai# be �pplied to
<br />r�stc�ratian c�r �e�air of the Prop�rty d�m�gsd if the r�stora`t�on or repair is �canomicaily f�a�ible and
<br />��neficiary's sec�arity is not t�ssers�d. ifi the restoratican nr repa�r is nc�i ec�r��micatly ��asible oe
<br />B�n�fici�ry's s��urity vuould b� l�ss�r��d, th� insuranc� proce�ds shatl be appiied to the Secur�d
<br />Ss,�aarafy6nsirusn�nt-C�rnm�t���ltftgrtcukur�#•hiE QG�O•RE�t-ttE 7'it2`Jtt
<br />YP,�1�:`�Bank�ss�ys4emst-" VAAP.�595{P,tE} it1fl7l.C�tS
<br />:/vzz!t srs �iuvwer� �ir��racim! a�srvices �? 993, �Qi 9 Page 7 uE t Q
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