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.' r � �,Ol1U"79 <br />llpon sale of the Prc�perty and t� the extent r��t pr�hibited by lav�r, Truste� sh�11 maice and defiver a deed to <br />the Prc�pertY so{d whi�t� c�nveys absolute title to �h� p�archaser and aftwr first ��ying �A f��s, cha�g�� �nd <br />ct��ts, sha!( pay to Be�eficiary ail mone�s advanced for rep�irs. taxes, insurar�c�. ldens, assessments and <br />prior encumbrar�ces and int�rest theraon, and the princip�l and int�rest ean the Secured C?ebt, paying rthe <br />sur�lus, if any, t� Trustor. B�neficiary may pur�hase the Props�ty. The recitals in any deed of convey�nce <br />shaii b� prir�a faci� evid�nce af th� fa�ts set forth therein. <br />Atl r�medies a�e d��tinct, cumui�tiv� and e�ot exclus�ve, and the �eneficiary is eniitled to alt remedies <br />prnvidsd at lawr or equity, �n+heiher e�cpress(y s�i farth ar not. The acceptance by Bene#iciary of any �um in <br />�ayment or pa�rtial pa�ment on the Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accsl�rat�d or after <br />fca�eclosure proceedings are filed shali r�at canstituie a waiver C7� B�t18flCt�t�f right to �equire full and <br />�amplete cure caf any e�is�ing default. By not exercising any rsmedy on Teustor's defauCi. Benefi�iary da�s <br />r�ot waive �er�efic�ary's right it� late� consider the even2 a default if it continues ar happens again. <br />18. EXPERISES; Ai}VAMCES O�t COVEN,4NTS: ATTORNEYS" FEES: CCxILECTlt3id CQSTS. Exc��� wher� <br />prohibit�d by I�r�, Trustor agrees to pay ail af Beneficiery's e�cpenses if Truste�r bre�ches any c�venant iri <br />this Deed crf Trust. Trustor will also �aay on demand �Mt of �eneficiary's expens�s incurred in coiiecting. <br />�nsuring, preservir�g or protecting Lhe Property c�r in �r�y inventories, audits, inspections �r �ther ex�mination <br />by Beneficiary in respect to the Prop�rty. 7rustor agr�es to pay all costs and expenses incurred by <br />�eneficiary ir� �nforcing or protecting Beneficiary's righ°ts and r�mediss u�nder this Deed of Trust, irrcluding. <br />ba�2 not limited t�s, attarneys' f�es court cr�sis, �ncf vther legal expenses. t�race the Se�ured C��bt is fufly <br />and finally pai8, �eneficiary agree� to rele$se this D�ed of 7rusi �nd 'frustor agrees t� pay for any <br />r�ccardation costs, All such �maunts are due on dema�ad ar�d v�ill bear interest frwm the time of the adv�nce <br />�32 th� highest ta4e in effect. frc�m time t� time, as provided i� the Evidence of Oebt and as permitt�d by <br />law. <br />19. ENViRONCVIENTAL LAWS ANO NAZARD()US SU�STANCES. As used in �his section. �1} "Enviror�r��ntal <br />��t�v" means, w�thout limitation, the Cor�nprehensive Er�vironmer�tal Res�ronse. Campens�tion and Liability <br />Act tCERCLA, �� U.S,C. 9601 et seq.l, alI oth�r federai, state and loca! laws, reguiatAOns. ordinances, c�urt <br />ord�r�, attc�rney genera! opinions or interpr�tive Pet°ters cor�c�rning th� public health, �afety, �irelfare, <br />e�vironrnent or a hazardous �ubstan�e; and {2? "Hazardvus Subs�ance" m�ans any toxic radi�actiue �r <br />haaardo�ts m�terial, waste, Pollutani or contaminant wrhich t�as char�cte�ri�iics t�vhich render th� sub�tanc� <br />dang�raus ar p�t�nt��lly d�ngerous to the put�lic he,�lih, safeiy> welfare c�r envarr�nment. The term encludes, <br />without limitation, any substan�e� siefined as "haasrdous materiai," "toxic substanc�s,'� "h�a�sdc�us w�ste" <br />or °hazarclous subs�ance" under any Enreironmental Lavm. Tru�tar represents, �varrants and agrees that, <br />except as previously disct�sed and ac�Cnow6edged in vsrriting: <br />A, No Hazardau� Substance has been, is, or will be located, transported, manuf�ctured, t,reated, refinsd, <br />c�r hand(ed by any person on, under or about the Prope�ty e�c�pt in th� ordinary c�urse 8f bu�iness <br />and in scriat compliance with �II applic�ble Environment�t �.�vv. <br />B. Trus2or has ncat �nd wilt n�t cause, ccznt�ibute tt�. ar permit the rel�ase af ar�Y Nazardous �ubst�nc� <br />�n the Propsrty. <br />C. 7rustar wili immediately notify �e��ficiary if {1} a r�Isase or threaten�d reiaase of Hazardous <br />Substance occur� o�a, undee qr �baut the Property or ra�igrates or thre�i�ns to nnigra2e f�om ne�rby <br />property: ar t21 there is a vi�lation of any Environmentai Lav�r concsrning the i�roperty. In such an <br />event, Trustor witi take all necess�ry rem�diai activ� ir� accardance uvith Envir�nrnental Law. <br />D. Trustor has no knowledge of or rea�on to beiieve there is �ny pending or thre�xened in�r�s�igation, <br />ciaim, or proc�eding of ar�y kint# relating to t1� any N�zard�us Substanc� loc�i�:d on, und�r or abput <br />tt�� Pr�perty; or {2} �ny viol�tion by Trustor or a�►y tenan2 of �ny Envir�rarra�ntai l�w. Trustar w`slf <br />imm�diately notify Beneficiary in writing �s so�n as Trustor has re�son to believe i.t��re is ane� su�h <br />pending ar �hreatened inuestigat�on, claim, or proceedir�g, In such an ev�nt, �en�ficiar�r has th� right, <br />but not the obiigatitrn, to �articipate on any such proc��dinq in�tudin� Yh� rigt�t to receive ��pie� of <br />�ny documents relating to such p�aceedir�gs. <br />E. Trustor and every tenani have been, �r� and shat( rema�n en fult compliance with any �pplicabl� <br />Er�viranmental �aw. <br />F. There are no undergr�und sta�age tar�ks, private durr�ps or open w�tls tacafi�� o�r o� un�er th� <br />Pre�periy and no such tank, dump or weil oavili be added unl�ss Beneficiary fir�t cansents in v�rriting. <br />G. Trustor will regularly inspect the Pe�p�rty. monit�r tt�� acti�rNties and op�ratior�s an the Prtoperty, and <br />confirm that aIl permits� iicens�s or approvals required by any applicabl� Envi�onment�l Lawr ar� <br />obtained and complied with. <br />Srsveitylnstrumenx-��rrsmarcixktAgyrieuExurat�PS� A.�aCA-t�ESI-W� 7t1i�011 <br />Lth4�°:� Eank�rsSY�tamefi� VhA#�-G53StNE} 4i�0?},fl0 <br />4�iQlse�� K3e�wee �in�nci�6 Servic�s �t�93� 2Lt11 ���e 6�t 5q <br />