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201107958 <br />t�ebt. wt�ether ar nat then du€, with any excess paid to Trusiar. If Trustor abandsans �t�� Prap�rty, or <br />does not answer anrithin 3t3 daYs a natica from Beneficiary that the i�nsurance carrier has offered to <br />settte a ciaim, ttsen Beneficiary may collect the insurance proceeds. Beneficiary may use the proc�eds <br />t� repair or restare the Pr�perty nr to pay th� Secut�d Debt whether or not then due. The 3Q-d�y <br />period wilf begin uwhen ths notice is given. <br />Uniess 6�nefic►a�y and Trustor otherwise agree in wriiir�g, any appiication of proc��ds to principai <br />sh�11 not extend or postpone the due date of schedui�d payme�ts or change the amouni of th� <br />payments. If the Property is acquired t�y Beneficiary. Trustor's right to any ic�surar��e palici�s and <br />proceeds r�sulting fra� d�mage to the Property hefare the acquisitiors sh�l! pass to �en�fici�ry io ihe <br />extent of the Secu�ed t�ebt immediately before the acquisition. <br />B. Tru�stor agre�s to maintain comprehensive genera! �iabllity ir�surancs n�arnen� B�neficiary as an <br />additionat in�ured in an smovnt acceptable to ��neficiary, ir�suring against ctaim� arising from any <br />accident �t occurrence in c�r on the Property. <br />C. Trustar agrees io maintain rental loss ar business inierrupiic�n in�urancs, �s required by Beneficiary, in <br />an amouni equa� to at least cov�r�ge of ane year's deat service and rec�uired �scrovv accauni <br />deposiis tif agr�ed tca separat�ly in writingt, und�r a fe�rm of p�l�cy acceptab(e to Benefi�iary. <br />�2. riGQ ESCR4W FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agre�ment. Tru�tor <br />wil! not be required ta pay to Beneficiary funds for tax�s and insurance in escraw. <br />23. FINANCtAt REPORTS AMC► ADDifii£}NAt Ot7GUMEtdTS. Trustor v,rill provide to Beneficiary upan request, <br />�ny #inanci�t statemsnt or information Beneficiary may de�m n�cessary. Tru�toe warrants th�t all �inanc�ai <br />statements and information Trustor pr�vides to 8eneficiary are ot will be, a�curats, corr�ci, �nd �ompl�te. <br />Trus�ar agre�s to sign, deliver. and file as Senefici�ry may reasonabty r�c�usst any addi2iona! docur�a�nis or <br />c�rtificsfions that B�nefiiciary may consider necessary tc� perfeci, coniin�e, and preserve Tr�rstor's <br />abligations under this Desd of Tr�si and Ben�ficiary's lien status vn the Prop�rty. tf Trustor faiEs t� do so, <br />�enef�ciary rrray sign, dsliv�r� ar�d fite such docum�nts or c�r�ificaie� in Trustor's r�arne� and Tru�tor h�reby <br />irr�vc�cably appoints Ben�ficiary or �eneficiary's agent as attorn�:y in f�ct co do the thir�gs �,�cess�r� to <br />�camply w�th th�s section. <br />24. JC?1NT AMD INC}IVEDUAL LlABILITY: CO-St{°sNERS: SUCCESSOfiS ANQ AS81Gt�S Bt3UND, Aft duti�s under <br />this De�:d of TEUSt are joint �nd ir�dividual. if Trustar signs this D�ed of Trust t�u� doe� ncet sign the Evidenc� <br />�af Debt, 1`rustwr does so anfy ta mortgage 1'rustor's inter�st in the Property to secure p�yment of the <br />�ecured Debt and Trustor does n�t agre� to b� perssrnaily liabie on the Secured D�bt. Trustor agr�es that <br />Bertefici,�ry and any party to this L?sed �f `ftust m�y extend, modify car make �ny change in ttae terms of this <br />Oeed o� Trust or xhe Evidenca of Dek�t wi2hout Tru�tar's ca�nsent. Such a ch�ng� wrill r�ot releas� Trustor <br />from the terms �f this Deed of Trust, The duiies �nd benefits of this Deed af Trust si�ali bind �nd ben�fit <br />t.l�� successtars an�i assigns of T�ustor and Ben�ficiary. <br />ii this t}eed of Trusi s�cures a guaranty b�tween Ber�eficisry and 7rustar and d�es n�t directly s�cure the <br />obligation which is guarantied, 'C'�ustor agse�s to waive �ny rights ihat may preu�nt �sn�fici�ry from <br />bringing any action or cl�im against 'frusior or �ny party indebtsd undsr th� obligation including, bui not <br />licnit�d Yo, anti�d�ficiency or ane-action I�ws. <br />25. APPUCABLE lAVdi SEVERA8ILITY; INTERPRETATlON. This �e�d af 1'rust is governed by �h� laanrs of the <br />j+sri�di�tion in whicl� Beneficiary is located, except tca th� extent othervvise req�Ire� by the laws �f th� <br />jurisdiciian where ths Property is loc�ted. This De�d of Trust is complete and f�atly int�gr�ted. Th�s C?eed of <br />Trust may not f�e ame�aded or modified by ora! agr�ement. Any s�ctian or �lau�e in this D�ed of Trust, <br />�xt�chments, or �ny agreement related to the Sscured Qebt that conflicts with ep�lic�ble !aw wiEl not ts� <br />effective, ur�tess that law expressly or imptiedty peerrait� ihe variat+ons by written agreement. If any s�ction <br />csr ciause of tt�is C?eed of Trust cannot be enfatced �ccc�rding to its terms, that s�ctivn car cl�u�e +�riEl be <br />se��red and wiil not affect the enforc�ability �f ihe remainder c,f this C�eed of "frust. Wh�n�ver used. the <br />singula� sh�ll irsclude ihe plur�l and the piural th� singuE�r. The caption� and h�adings of the secti�ns �f this <br />De�d of 7rust �re for conv�ni�nce on3y and are npt to be us�d to int�rpret or defin� the terrr�s ok thi� D��d <br />of Trust. Time is of the essence in this Deed o# T�ust. <br />26. SUCCESSaR TRUSTEE. �e�eficiary, at Beneficiary's c�ption, er�ay from time to timc r�m�ave Trustee and <br />ap�oir�t a successar trustes by an instrum�nt r�corded in the �c�unty in v�hi�h this D�ed of Trust is <br />reco�ded. The s�uccessor trustse, waithout canveyance of ths Property, shatl �uc�e�d to ail the titl�, pawer <br />�nd duties confsrr�d upon the Trusiee by this Qeed ofi Trust and appiicabte la+�r. <br />5ec3.>r,tvinstrurrc�nt-Catnmarciat,'agrisuitueai-BdE AG��-RESt-PdE afti��jt9 <br />1'fvfiE�i�,' $enket� �ys%sm�T� Y#utP-C&95€AtEY (11Q7t.40 <br />b�dc�tter5 Kfurvsr Finanriai Serviees �S:i 9�3. 201 t Pa9e 8 mf I�J <br />