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� - ��`� ��'�� " �`� 20f10795� <br />discr�tion to 2he Secured C7ebis, the cosis af managin�, protsctir�g and p�eseruing the I�roperty, and other <br />n�c�ssary �xpens�s� �'rustcrr �gr�es th�t th�s Security Insirument is immedi�t�:{y �ffective b�t�ssn °Tru�'tcsr <br />�nd Ben��ici�ry ar�d effective as to third parties c�n the rs�flrdin� �f this Assignmet�t. <br />As long as °t:his Assignment is in effect, Trustor w�rrants and represes�ts th�t no d�fau{t �xists under the <br />�eases, and the parti�s subject to the Leases haue not uicaiated ar�y applicable !aw on le�ses. licenses and <br />I�ndiords and t:en�nts. Trustor, at iis sale cost and ��per�s�. wilt �eep, obs�rve �rid perfarm, �nd r�c�uir� a1t <br />Othe� pBCtieS to th� [�e�S6S tv Complqf ttdiYh Yhe L��S�� �Ctd aity 8ppliC�ble f�w <br />If Trtastar or any pariy to the lease d�iau�ts ar fa►1s to ohsserve any a�ipi�cabie law. Trustpr wili promptly <br />natify �er�e�iciary. ifi Trustor neg4�cts or refuses to �nforce camp[�ance varith the terms �f the C�a��s. �h�n <br />�enef�ciary m�y, at ��nefi�i�ry's opiicsn, enfarce compliance. Trustor will not sublet, modify. extend. <br />cancel, or a�hervaise alter the l.eases, or acc�pt the �urrend�r of th� Prop�rty cav�r�d by the Leasws tunl�ss <br />the Lea�es so require► u�it�out Benefrciary's �on�ent. Trust�r wilt not �s�°rgn. corr�prom�se, subardinate �r <br />encumber ths L��ses �rtd ��nts en�ithout �eneficiary's prior v�rritten consent. B�r�sficiary dcaes not assusne or <br />becoma li�bl� t'ar the Pr�sperty's main�enance. depreciation or ather losss� rsr clarr�ages when Beneliciary <br />acts to man�ge. Proteet or �r�serve th� i'r�perty, �:xc�pt for losses �nd damag�s du� ta S�rtefi�i�ry's gross <br />negligence �r int�ntion�i tearts. Otherwiss. 7ru�tor wi11 ir�demr��fy �eneficiary and hcald Beneficia�y harmie�s <br />for at! IiabiiiiY, fos� Q€ damage thet Beneficiary rr�a� incur when Benefici�ry opts i+� e�ce�cise �ny af its <br />rem�di�s a+�ainst any p�rty obligated under zhe Leases. <br />'t 5. Ct3lVDC}Ml�[IU�S: P�AtVMED UNIT UEVELt?PMEWTS. If the Propecty in�tud�s a uni# in a c�ndominium or a <br />planned t�nii deveiapmeni, l°rustor aa�iA pertarm al! of Trustor"s d�tie� under the cav�r�ants, kay-iaw�, car <br />reguEations af it�e �ondarn�nium �r pCanr�ed unit deveiopment. <br />'i6. DE�AULT, Trustar wii! be in defauit if any of th� fpllowirrg occur: <br />A. 6�ny �arty abtic�ated on the Secur�d C3ebt faits to make paym�nt wh�n due� <br />�. A brea�h af sny t�rm or �ovenant in this Oeed of 7rust, any priae mortgage or any cc�nstruction loan <br />agr��m�nt, security agreem�r�t or ar�y oti�er dacument evidencing. 9uarant�einc�, securing �r otherwaise <br />reCating tc� the Secured Qebt; <br />C. Ti�e makir�g rar furnishing af any v�rb�t or �ritt�n repr�seniati�n st�t�me►�t c�r w�rranty tc� <br />B�n�ficiary titat is false or incarrect in �ny m�te�iaE respe�t by Trustc�r ar any person e�r �rrtity <br />abtigated �n the Seaur�d D�bt; <br />[3. The r4�ath, dis�olutic�n, appointment of a receiver fo�, or �ppli�atia�a eaf an+� debts�r r�iief {aw ta, <br />Trustor or any person or entity cakstiga�ed on the Secured Debt; <br />E. ,4 gesad faith beti�f by Ben�fici�ry at er�y iame eh�t ��nefi�tary i� insecure with res�ect t� any person <br />or en�ity obtigat�d ora th� S�cur�d Debt or 2hat the pres�psct of any payment is impaired �c the <br />Prc�perty is i€np�ir�d; <br />F. A rnateriat adv�rse c�r�nge ir� Trustvr°s bcas'rness including awr��rship, rr��nag�mer�t, and flnaneial <br />conditions uvl�ich �er�eficiary i� its �pinion b�l��vss impairs the v�lue c�f the Prap�€tr� ar r�p�}�s of <br />�h� Secur�d Debt; or <br />G. A�y la�n pr�eeeds are us�d f�r a purpos� ihat v�ilt contribuYe to excessiv� �rc�sion of highly er��1€b1e <br />{and or Yo the �Qnversion caf wettar�ds to produce an agricultural cemmcadity, as further expl�ined in 7 <br />C.F.R. 1'art 13�i3, su6part G, E�ehifait M. <br />17. R�NEEDiES QiV �EFAUL'T. in some instances, ftderal �nd state lmw wiil require �eneficiary tca �aravide <br />T'ru�ter with noti�e of tl�e right ta �ure, mediation noti��s or st�er notic�s �nd m�y establish time sch�dule� <br />f�ar foreclosure actions. Subject to these limitat�r�ns, if �ny, ��r�eficiary may ac�el�rate tht� �ecur�d D�6t <br />�nd fioreclose this C���d at Trt�st in a mannsr provided by law if ihis Trustor is in d�fa�(t_ <br />At the �ption of �en�#iciary, a�It or any pact of the agreed fees a�ad cha►�ges, a�crued interest and principai <br />shaki be�orne immed�ately due and payable. aft�r giving nestice if required by 1aw, u�on the o�curr�nce ot a <br />de€ault ar anytime th�re�fter. !n additia�ri, Ber�eficiary shali be entztled fi� ail the remedies p��vided bY iaw. <br />th� Evid�nce of C�sbt, ca�h�r evidence� of debi. this Deed o� Trust �nd any r�lated docus�ents incl�adin� <br />without Eimitation th� pow�r to se(! the Propertg�. <br />if thete is � default, Trustee shat6, in additior� to �ny othee �ermiited r�r�s�dy. ai th� requ�st of the <br />��nefi�iary, adsrertise and sett the Property as a varhoi� or �n se�ar�te parc�ls ai public �u�tion io the high��t <br />bidd�r f�r cash and cvnvey absatute title free at�d clear of ali right, title and interest e�f Tru�tor at such tit�� <br />and place as Trustee desigr�ates. Trustee shall give natice of s�le including the time. terms and p#ace afi s�le <br />ar�d � d�sc�iptiarr of the property ta be sold as requ6r�d by the applicable l�va+ in �ffec2 �t th� time �f th� <br />pcc�pps�d s�l�. <br />�aa:curety instrumer�z•�prneaaer�i�tiAgr�uitur�bNE �GCQ-RE�t-PJE TrAi265 ; <br />ii"AF��@ankeas5y�st�msT� VILaP-G59aEtdE! {1afD71,445�3 <br />4Vc�dtaars Klasmc�r f}�tmci�d SssrvFC�s �t���, 2871 P��e fr s�i tD <br />���� <br />