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` r� n <br />�0110'795� � " <br />12. PROPERTY CCiI�IDtTIClN, .AL7ERATIpNS �1NQ fNSPECTION. Trustor will keep th� Property ir� good condition <br />and make a!t repairs that are reasonably nec�ssary. 7rustcrr v,rill give B�neficia�y prempt notice �f arty tass <br />or dara�age to ihe Pro�erty. Trustar w�li keep th� Properiy fr�e af noxiaus weeds and grasses. Trustor �srift <br />r��at initiate, Joi� in or cc�nsent ta any chang� in any private restrictive coe�enani, zoning ordin�nce or nfiher <br />public or priv�te restriatiort limiting ar def�ning the us�s wh"sch may be made of the Property or any part of <br />the Property without �eneficiary�'s prior w�itien consent. Trust�r wiU notify ��neficiary of alt dem�r�ds, <br />p�oceedings, claims, and acfi�o�s ag�ir�st Trustor or any other or�vner made under law �r reguiati�n regarding <br />use, c�vs��ership and occupancy o� the Rroperty. Trusior wili comply with a!I lega! requirements and <br />restrictians wh�th�r pub(ic c�r private, with respect to the use ofi the Prnperiy. Trustor also agree� tt�at the <br />natuEe af t�ae occ�ap�n�� anc� use will not change without E��r�eficiary's ptior written conssnt. <br />Na p�rt"st�n of the Property �,rit6 b� r�emov�d, d�rraolished or materi�![y alter�d withaut �en�fici�ry's prior <br />writtsn �onsent e�cept that Trustai has the right to remove items of personal prcaperty comprising a�art of <br />ihe Prcap�rty th�t b�:com� wom or absolete, R�ovided tlaat such personal praperty is repiaced vurth n��er <br />persana! prop�rty at te�s� equal in value to ihe r�piacsd per�onal property, fr�e fram any title ret�ntior� <br />d�vice S�CUfitY agr�ement or �th�r e�n�umbran�e. Such �eplacemen2 �af p�rsanal pro�erty wiil b� de�rn�d <br />subject ta th� security interest creat�d by ihis D�:ed o# Trust. Trustor sha11 not parYitian or subdiseide ihe <br />Pr�p�rty without �eneficiar�r's prior �rrrtten cor�ssn2a �enefi�iary or Beneficiar�'s agents may, at <br />B�neficiary's capiion. en�ter the Prnperty �t any reasonabl� time f�r the.purpese of inspeeting �h� Prop�rty. <br />Any fnspeciion cof the Prop�riy shatl be entirely far ��neficiary's b�neftt �nd Trustor wiG in na way rely o� <br />�eneficiary's irsspection. <br />t 3. At1THORtTY TE} PERFURtt�. If T�ustcrr ta�ils ta perfior�n any af Trustor's duties under this t�eed of 1'rust. or <br />any c�ther morig�ge, deed of trust, security agreement or other iier� dacument thac has priarit�r c�ver this <br />Desd caf Trust, �eneficiary may, without �otice� P�rforrn ihe duti�s or cau�� ih�;m to b� perfc�rrrred. Trusior <br />appaints Beneficiary as �ttorn�y in f��t ta sign Trustor'� r�ame or pay �ny ��ount n�c�ss�ry for <br />p�rforma�ce. I# any canstructio�n �n th� Prc��erty is discontinu�d c�r nat c�rried an in a re��a��i�#� man��r, <br />��r�e#iciary may do vvh�tever i, neces�ary to prote�t �eneficiary's s�curity interest in the Pr�perty. This <br />may include �ortn�Eeiing the cons�ructi�n. <br />Beneficiary's righi to perfarrn for Trust�r shalt not create an �biagation t�a perfc�r�. and S�nefi�iary'� faiCure <br />La ��r�orm witi nat pr�clude B�neficiar�r fr�m exercising any o# �e�tefici�ry's ather rights under ths I�vv or <br />thi� Deed of Trust. Any amounts paid by �eneficiary For insuring, prese�ving �sr atherwise protecting the <br />Pr�perty and Benefiaiary's security int�res� wfti be due an demand and wil! bear interest fram the date at <br />the payment unt�l paid in full at the ir�ierest rate in effect #rom time ta time ac�c�cding tcs the terrnis of th� <br />Evidenee of C9ebt. <br />14. ASSlG�tMENT Q� LEASES AMCi RENTS< Tru�tor irr�uocabiy assigns, 9rants and conv�y�s to 6�neficiery a� <br />�dditional security �!t the right, t�tle and intere�t in the falleawir�g {Prapertyy. <br />A. Existing or future leases, subieases. ticenses, gu�rarrties and �any caiher wr'rtt�n or v�rbai agr��mercts <br />far the use and accupancy c�f th� Proper�y, inctudin� but nat limitsd to, any extsnsi�ns, r�neu�als, <br />modifications o� rept�cements {Leases}. <br />�. Rents, issues �nrd profits, includi�ag but not limited to, security dep�sits, minimunm r�nt�, p�rceni�g� <br />rents, additional rents, ccar�mon area m�ir�tenance charges, Parkin� ch$rges. r�al �st�t� tax�s, oth�r <br />�pp(icab�e tax+�s, insurance premiucn cor��ributi�ns, liquidated damages foiiav,�in� default, cancell�tian <br />premiums, '°Evss taf rents" insurance, g�est rec�ipt�, revsnues, royaliies, proce�ds, bonuses, <br />accounts. contract rights, 9enerat in2angibtes, �nd all righrs and clairr►s which Trustar may h�+e� th�t <br />in any w�y p�rtain to or are �n �ccouni a# th� us� or �e�up�ncy af the vs�h�le or eny pa�t a# th� <br />Pr�perty tRentsp. <br />In the event �ny itecn iisted as Leases or Ren'ts is det�rmin�d to b� per�anal prc�perty. this Assigr�m�nt wiit <br />al�o b� regart��d �s a security agreerrrent. <br />Trustor witl ptarr�ptly provid� B�nefici�ry with copi�s of the L�:ases arrd er�riEl ��rtif� th�se le���s are true <br />arcd eorrec2 copies, The �xisting L��ses �aritf be provid�d on �x�cutian of the Assignment� and att futur� <br />��a�es �nd any ather information with respect ta these leases will be przaerided immc�di,�t�ly afisr ihsy are <br />e�cecut�d. Trustor may collect, receive, er�joy and us� the Rents so {ong a5 Trustor is not in defautt. Tr�s��r <br />wil� not coitect in advance any Rents du� in future I���e �r�riads, un#e�s Tru�tor first obtains Len ier's <br />written consent. Upon de�ault, Trustor witt •re�eive any Rents �n irust for Bsneti�iary and T'rus��r will not <br />�ommingle the R�rrts with any +�ther funds. Vtther� ��neficiary so dir�cts. Trustvr witl �ndorse ��d deliwer <br />any paym�nts of Renis from the Property t� �eneficiaty. Amflunts coi�ected v�ill be app�isd �i �enefociary's <br />Seeuritylnstrument�Cammercia€iAgricu#eur�l•NE R£sGQ-fdEs!•S�E 7il12titl <br />VS�Y� �a Bar�#asas By�tem��� Y€vtf"-0595tPdE) {9 9Q71.� <br />id��e�rs K€uw�s �fnar?c.i�! �er�ic�s G1893, 2�1 5 P�ngc 4 r�f 1Q <br />