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,« �0110795� <br />F '_ _ �P <br />If more tttan on� person �igns thi� De�d t�f Trust as Trustar, each Truscor ae�rees that thi� Deed of Trust wili <br />secur� atl fuiur� adv�nc�s �nd fu�ure s�bligatians describ�d above that �r� gMUe�n t� or i�curre:d by an� �one c�r <br />more Trustor, ar any o�e t�r m�re Trustar �nd oti�ers. This C3eed �sf 7rust witt nca2 sec�re anY other debt if <br />Beneficiary faii�, v+aith respe�fi to such nther debt, to m�ke any required di�cio�ure �bout thi� C���d caf Trust <br />or if B�n�ficiary f�ils ta give �ny required notice of tfie righY of r�sci�sion. <br />5. FAYMEtdTS. Trustar �gr�es te� make att p�ym�nts on the Secur�d Debt �vh�n due and in acccardar�ce with <br />xh� �erms �f the Evidence �f C?ebt ar this Deed af Trust. <br />6. WAF�RAPdTY O� TETLE. Trustc�r �ovenants that Trustor �s i�wfully seixed caE the est�te cc�nvey�cl by� this <br />€7e�d esf Trust �nd has the right to irrevacably granC, conu�Y and s�ll t� Trustee. �n trust, with pow�r of <br />s�l�, the Pra��;rty and warrants thac ihe Prc�psrty is unenct�mbered, except for encumbr�r���s �f record. <br />7. CIAtMS AGAII�ST TITLE. Trustar �nrili p�y ail t�xes, assessr��r�is, liens, �ricurr°abrances, le�se pa�n��nts, <br />grc�und renis, utili�ies and ather charg�s re(ating to ths� Prop�rty uvhen du�. Benefici�ry m�y require Trust�r <br />to provid� to Berzefici�ry capies �f a�Ei natices that such amaunts are du� and ths r�ceipts ��rir�encing <br />Trustcar's paytnsr�t, Trustor vdik3 defend title to the Praperty against �ny claims that woutd impair the ti�r� af <br />tF�is [3eed s�# Trust. Trustor agrees 'to �ssigr� to Beneficiary< a� r�qu�st�d by �enefiic�ary, any rigi�ts, �6ai�ns <br />or d�fenses which Trusinr may haue �gainst partie� vvhca supply lab�r or materi�ls to im�aroue ar m�intain <br />tt�e Praperty. <br />8. P"RIOR SECURtTY ifllTERESTS. With regard to any other rr�ortgag�, deed pf trust, s�curity agr�ernern ar <br />other tien docum�nt that creaied a pricar se�ueicy interes� t�r encumbr�nce on th� �'roperty and th�t anay <br />hav� priority ov�r thi� Deed of Trust, Trustt�r agrees: <br />A. Tca m��e �li p�yr°�encs when due and to perform or eom�ty wiih �fi cc�venani�. <br />�3, T� pre�mptty deli�rer Lc� ��n�fi�iary �ny notic�s that Trust�or rec�ives fraen th� k�oid�r, <br />C. Nc�t t� mak� or p�rmit any modi#ic�tion or e�tensior� ofi, and not tca requ�st �r ac�ept any future <br />aduan��:s und�r any note or agreem�nt �ecured by, �ta� wtta�r mo�tgag�, �e�d �f trust e�r ��curi�y <br />agreement uni��s F3er�efici�ry �ansent� in writing. <br />9. DUE O�! SAl.E pR ��1GU�lBRA�ICE. Benefici�ry may, at its option, deciar� th� entise balance of th� Secur�d <br />C9�b� to be imrr�edi�tely du� and pa�able up�n the �r��tiar� of �ny lien, eneum�rance> ir�nsfer, or sat�, �r <br />can�ra�t fc�r �ny ofi th�se on ths Propert�. However, if th� Property ic�aludes 1"ru�tor's r�s�dence, this <br />s�ction �h�ll be �ubj�ct to tP�e restrictions impcased by fed�ral f�w {1� �,F.�< 59i), as applicabte. For �h� <br />purpases �# tt�is sectocan, the terrr� "Prt�pert�" al�c� inclvdes any interest to alI csr ar�y part af th� Prr�p�rty. <br />This cvven�nt �hall run with ihe Pr�p�rty ar�d shaEi rem�in in effect until th� Secur�d D�bt is paid sn full an� <br />this �eed of Trust �s rei�a��d. <br />10. TRAIVS�ER OF AN INTEREST iN �'NE TRUSTt)R. tf Trustor �s an encity catt�er thar, a nat�aral person tsuch �s <br />� carparation �r other argani��tion}, �eneficiar�r may dem�nd imm�diaYe pay+m�nt if t 1! a benefici°I �nteresi <br />in Trust�r is soid or ir�nsferr�d� {2} there is a ch�ange in either the id�n�ity or number c�f m�rr�bers �f a <br />parinsrship; crr {3} there is a ch�nge in awner�Ftip of more �h�n �5 p�rcent caf th� vo�ing ste�cEc e�f � <br />�csrporatian. }iawrever� �er��fi�iaryr may n�a� d�mand p�ym�nt in the above sit�satiorr� i# it is prcahibited by taa�a <br />�s c�f th� d�ts of this Deed of Tru�t. <br />11. Et�1'iTlf �IARRANTtES ARtG� REP'RESENTA1'tOi�S, if Trustor is an entity oth�r than a naturat perscan t�uch as <br />a corpoeati�r� tsr other org�anizatien}, Trustar makes to 8eneficiary the fallowing warrar�ti�s and <br />representations vuhi�h shafl be continuing as long as the �ect�red Debt r�mains out�tanding: <br />A. Tru�tor is ar� entity wh�ch is duly arg�nized and st�l�diy ex�sting in th� 7rustas's �tate of incorper�tian <br />tor organi2ationl. Trustor is in good s�ancii�g in atl stat�s in which Trus2t�r tr�ns�cts tausir�ess. Trustar <br />has th� pt�v�er a�nd �uthorit�r ta av;rn th� Pr�perty a�,d ta �arry �ri �is busin�a�s as now being <br />conducted and. �s applic�Lle, is qu�lEfied to do �c� in e�cl� stats in wh«h Trust�ar crper�tes. <br />B, 7he exeGUtic�ne deiivery and perf�armaz�c� csf this Reed c�f Trus� by Trustc�r and the ' ablig�tion <br />��rici�nced by the Evidenc� of t3ebt �re wiihin th� pc�vaer of TrustQr, heve been duty �uthoriz�d, have <br />received �I! necessary� governmenial a�pr�val, and wili n�i violate �ny p�oui�ion t�f law, �r �rder �f <br />caurt or governmental �gency. <br />C, Qther thar� discCos�d in writing Trustar has not changed its nam� vari2h�n th� iast ten years and h�� <br />n�t used any �iher trade or fi�titiaus name. Withasut B�nefici�ry's pri+ar v�rritten con��nt, Trust�r does <br />not and wriU not use a�iy oth�r n�rne and wiU preserv� its ex�stan� narro�e teade nam�s and franchises <br />�ntil the Secuted Debt is satisfi�d. <br />S�.ce�rdtY tn�arum�o2-Gnenm�sreial,`Agrt�t�Itural•PEE� <br />VAR€°:r; E3arck�rs �ys�ms <br />Walaers �fuaver �sn�n�ia�5erviae� �t"393. 2tFi t <br />A�;a�4-F�E�I-�SE 'P;1,2i?11 <br />VP,�k�•C595tRSEI 411 �7S.Gp <br />PgQe 3 �f i9 <br />"'�'� �� <br />