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20110795� '� <br />2. GQNVEI'ANCE. For goad and ualuabl� cansideratton. the receipt �nd sufiiciency of v�hich is ackrsou�riedged. <br />and tc« secure the Secured Debt thereafter definedl, °Trustor irrevocabty granis, conveys �r�d sells to Trustse, <br />rr� trust for Lhe bene#i� crf the ��:neficiary, with power 4f s�le, the fallawin� described �roperty: <br />THE NQRTH HALF OF TME SDtl7HWEST QUARTER f�d1P2S�Vi14} OF SECTIQ� Ft1UR (4), TU1��8N1P �[WE {9► �tQRTH, RA�IGE EIEVE�I {i If WE�T <br />�F THE 6TH P.M., MALL C(#UAiTY. PdEBRASKA EXCEP3I�G A CERTAiPd TRACT MDIiE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBER 1N 4�AR�A�ITY �EE[t <br />RECOR0�0 AS Ot�CU�IENT �IO. 2�030&65Q <br />7he �e�p�rty is tocated ir� � � at <br />iCo�cnty} <br />> Nebf851C� <br />�AdtlreSS} � jCit�r} {2ip Cc+de) <br />Together witt� �al( rights, easements. appuri�n�nces, rc�yaltie�, min�ral rights, oii and gas righis, cr�rps <br />tir� all diversic�n payn�ents or thirt4 p�atty payme�ts made to crop p�oducers, �nd a(E e�isting a�d fuYur� <br />imprauements, stru�tu�es, fixtures, and repiaeements that may novu, or at �ny time in 2h� fuiu�e. be part �# <br />tl�e reai estate described above {akt referred to as "Prop�rty"}. The teem Property alsc� includes, but is nt�t <br />limit�d to, any ar�d all �+ater welEs, water, ditches, reservair�, r�sc;rvoir sates �nd d�ms lacated ran the r�a! <br />�s2�te and ali riparian and water righis �sso�iated with the F�rc�perty, hc�wever �st�bii�h�d. <br />�. MAXlMUM t}�I.IGATtON L.iNitT. Th� tot�I prineip�l amot�nt s�f tt�� S�cue�d O�bt {h�reaft�r de#ined} s��ured <br />b� this O�ed of Trus� at �ny on� time shal! nc�t exceed S 9.QOO,p00.0� . This <br />limitatioe� of amount doe� noi inciude inier�st, Iraan cF�arg��. �ommitrner�t �ee�, br���r�g�s commi�sions, <br />�ttorneys' fees and �ther charges v�iidly made pursuant to this Oeed of Trust and does n�t ��a�ly ia <br />advances {or ir�terest acer�ed on such adv�naes} mad� und�r the terms of ti�is De�ci of Trust to protsct <br />Beneficeary sec�rity and to p�rform a�y c�f the covenants centained in this D�ed of Trust. Future �dvance� <br />ar� cont�rr�plaied �nd, along with ather future obligatior�s.. ar� secured by this t}eed c�fi Trust eeeen ihough �31 <br />c�r par� may not y�t be adv�nc�d. }�Qthi�g in ihi� pe�d� e�# Tru�t, F�ow��uer, sh�ii cc�n�titute � c�amrnitrr�ent tc� <br />make addition�E c�r fiutur� toans or advances ir� any �mount. Any su�h �ommitment +r�ould n�ed to be agre�d <br />tc� in � �eparate writirig. <br />�. SECURED DE�T �1E�INED. Th� terrt� "Secured Debt" �ncludes, but is r�at limited ta, th� follouuing: <br />A. The pr�missory note{s}, coniracits). c�uar�ntytiesi or other �vidence c�f d�ist d�s�ribed belcs�rv �nd �!1 <br />e;cten�ions, r�newal�, modificat�ons ar sub�titutior�s {Evidence of Debt}. ft�'Vhen r�ferencire,g t1r� det�ts <br />6elow rr is su�gested that y�u in�lude r't�ms such as brrrrc��rers' r�arn�s nat� amaunrs, i,�tsr�st r�x�s, <br />rr��rurrty dat�s, etc.1 ' <br />6APSK QF DtlN1PNAN PROP1tt�50RY NOTE ��03B1 lid THE �A�E OF CRAI6 C. NU}(TABLE DATED 1a21•11 IfiE TNE A�fiOU�lT OF S15Q,OO.OQ. <br />B. A!I future adu�nc�� irom �en�ficiary isa Trustor or c�ther #utur� �biigati�n� of Trustor to �en�fi�ia�y <br />und�r �ny prpmiss�ry rrote, centr�ct, guar�nty, ar ath�r eviden�s of d�bt ex��ting na�v or ex�cuted <br />�fit�r this £3�ed of Teust wheth�r ca� not ihis �e�d af Trust is specifiically r�#�re�d �o in the evid�n�e �f <br />debt. <br />�. Aii c�btigaticans Trustor avv�s t� 8�neficiary which n�w ea�ist �r cr�ay later �eri��, ta the extent not <br />prc�hibit�d by law, including, but not lirt�ited to, liabifities �or �verdrafits relat�ng to any depc��it <br />account a�reement between 1"rustor and �eneficiary. <br />C3. All additianal sums advanced and expense� incurred by �eneticiary fe�r insuring�, pres�raring or <br />otherwise prot�cting th� Praperty and its velue �nd any other surns adu�n��d and expenses ►ncurr�d <br />by �en�ficiary �snd�r the term� of this 4��d �f Trusi. Plus interest ae'the hig}�est rate in �ffeci. fresm <br />tFme to time, as provided in the Evid�nce o�' Debt. <br />E Trustar's perfarmance under xhe terms of any instrument evidencing a d�bt by� 7rustcs� to �eneficiary <br />and any D�ed af T�ust securirrg guarantying, or otherwise relating to zhe +debt. <br />S��urity 1r�sxrcameraf•Csare�sn�rci�l;Agricuffural•NE 1�4�0-l�E�3-�7E 1�9f2Qi t <br />VM#�iN ��nkers 5ysteaasT� V?�AP•C595iP�lEf t11C2�}.�g <br />t�+uatar� Kiu+ar�r Financle[S�rvMes �����. 2071 R�ag� 2 ot 90 <br />