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r r� ...-.�. .y';;`.i.�. .. .� <br /> •_.��yfr� .._. . . . . .. - .. _. <br /> �IITUa ___ _ <br /> �1� •� . -' ' .. - . ' �� R.' i�.�I--�"�----�'-•-,%�_ nr., <br /> . . . -.......-.,.� i �ei.+IM a,p,�1� ,� < "� �_ _ <br /> t <br /> � �k:r?�/..+.'�.iC'�t' �'). ' ' t ISr ' ,� �..'.I�,V`t1CIf� RKC��n.r +a.�'i'Pi1'x'�'1F9.��1l51iWa� _ — __-�.�_ --_. <br /> � r:�i.- .� . _ 1_ _ __ . . _. . <br /> ♦••�y...+ /N�1YMw+t1FYY. .•.�,.- ••.ntr-_. <br /> .�.. <br /> --__._..,....�... "•�.�,.,"-. ..�.-�._."..,r,.cr_rr.,em.,..-....»......... ,��I��r'�`Ai�il�li�i `-�:.��.Il^ -.wa+rM...�.,�-'-._... _ .___.. __. <br />. .. ._ �-. ... __ <br /> __'i.___ ,. -.-,_.._..-.._-�.._�:..... _. ......._ ..._ - --.,_.� �_ . _.. . '"'""___ <br /> -��=.lA._. . . � <br /> -....�...•:_.a�v.R�:.xri�-.a-....-. T.�._.- . <br /> ____........._._......__...__.-_._�- /� �y <br /> ����M �WU��11 __-. <br /> , ' 2�. Re�ott�veyanCe. Upon payment o} all aums aecured by this 9ecurry lnatrumer�t, Londar ehnll request T�ustea to – <br /> reconvoy iho Propcdy end ahaA aurrrnder Rtls sccur�ry In:.trument nnd cll noteo evldericlnp debt eeeure� by lhls 3ecudty � <br /> Inntrunicnt to 7mG4ca. Yruotc�ohali rcconvcy tho Property�vlthout vmrrnnry nnd wllhout chnrdo ro tho percon or peroanr.Icg�lly C- <br /> enUtled to It. Such peroon or peroano ehnll pay any rocordatlon co�to. !, <br /> 2�. SubetOlutw T►ustso. Lender, at Ite optlon, mey trom time to time remove Trustao and ep�clnt e euccessor trustne <br /> to eny Trustee appointed hereundes by an Inetrument recorded In the county In whlch thla Security Instrument Is recordad. _ <br /> Without conveynnce of the Property, the auccessor truetee ehall eucceed to all the titlo, po�ver and dutlea conterrad upon <br /> Trusteo herein nnd by appllcablo law. W <br /> 24. RAquaat for Nntices. Bonower rAquests lhat Coples o} the notices ot deSautt and selo be sent In Bo�iower's � <br /> addross whlch Is th9 Prope�ty Addroso. <br /> 25. Rlder�s to thla Secur(ty Instrument. 11 one or more rldere nre exacuted by Borrower and recorded together <br /> with this Secudly Instrument, the covenants and agreements of ench such �ider ehsll ba Incorporeted Into and shell smand and <br /> Rupplemant the covenants and agreements o1 this �ocurity Instrumenl es Ii the rider(s) wore a part ot this Secur(ty inntrument. <br /> [Gheck appllcablQ box(Qe)J <br /> ❑AdJustable Aate Rlder ❑Condomin(um Rlder �1-4 Fami�y Rlder <br /> ❑Qradueted Payment Ridar ❑Pianned Untt D�vclopment Rider ❑8l-Weekly Payment Rlder <br /> ❑ Balloon Rider ❑Rate Improvement Rider ❑3econd Home Rider <br /> ❑Olher(s) Spectfy <br /> BY SI�NINCa BELOW. Borrowor accepts and agrQea to the terms and covenants contalnad In ihls 3ecu�ity Insirument and in <br /> uny rider�s) executed by Borrower and recorded wfth it. <br /> [SeaIJ �I] <br /> eorrowcr owcr La1i111 D. Lueb <br /> (SealJ �/�i2��� D � (Sealj <br /> Bo�rower Borrowcr Carm�ll Q� �.tl� <br /> �1 A t C V r'ni�urii�w <br /> � ss: <br /> COUNYY OF Hdl <br /> On thla Bth dny o1 F�bruanl . 1997 . betore me,the underalgned,e Notary PubNa duly <br /> commisabne+d and quelfied tor sald county, personaly cnme l.�land D. Luebba and Car�otsn f3. Lu�bb� , _ <br /> Husb�nd end Wi� <br /> to me known to be the Idunticel prxeon(s) whoge neme(s) ere subscdbed to the toregolny Enstrument and ackno�rledped the <br /> executlon theteo4 to be thel� voluntery nct end cla_�ad. <br /> WHness my fi�nd�nd noterlal seal at drand isllnd In sald county,tho dato atoresald. <br /> My Commissbn e�ker. �m/Aww p1� `�°�9 ` — <br /> —'�\ � otu bllc <br /> U <br /> � <br /> �NERIII tQO1�AY•Sttf�tl MtDr�fh� <br /> NAROIYN VONO 0 <br /> My Com�n.E�p. <br />.. <br /> ;. <br /> � ,. <br /> , <br /> _ F7316.1M�(1/97) Page 5 01 5 <br /> 255398 <br />