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<br /> 9°4 �A�IL�f F�O���
<br /> (Asslgnment Wf Rents)
<br /> TMIS 1•4 FAMILY RIDER fs made this 6th day o1 �eb►uBryL , 91 �J7 . and Is Incorporetod Into and shall bo ,
<br /> daemed to amend nnd supplement the Mqrtgnqo, Deod o1 Trust or Sacutlty Deed (tho "SRGUtity Ii18tNm8nY) 01 tha asmo dntp given by tho
<br /> underalgnod (tho 'Borrower') to socuro eorrov+ere Nota to Tl�e OverlAnd Natlonal Dank of Orand Island
<br /> � __ (tho "Lender"1 of tho samo datc and coveMnp the
<br /> Property described in the Socurity Instrument and lochted at: �
<br />, N � ,. 307 E. 6th Straet�rand Island. Ne6raska 68801 —
<br /> ,� (Propurty AtltltC55j
<br /> �;���, 1-4 FAMILY COVENIANTS. In nddlilon to the covenents end agreements made In the Socurity instrument, Borrower and Lender �
<br /> turther covenant and egree as(ollowa:
<br /> A. ADDI�IdNAL PR�1pERT1f SUBJECT 70 THE SEGURITY INSTRUMENT. In addit�on to the Properly doscribed in
<br /> the Securiry Instrument, the tollowing Iter.^.s Rre added to thA Property descriptlon, and shall also canstRuto tho Property covered by the � -
<br /> Secudty Instrument: bulldfng matedals, ap�5a.-aes and goods of every nature whatsoover now or hereafter located In, on, or used, or IntendQd _��c:
<br /> to be used In connectlon with ihe Property. i.:,d(ng,but not Ilmlted to, thoso for the purposes of supplylny or distrlbuting heating, cooling, ;�;;;;�;_-
<br /> . eloctdcity, gas,water,alr and Ilght, firct pr�r+er.�on and extlnpulshing apparatus, security and �ccess control apparatus, plumbing, bath tubs, !s_=
<br /> water heaters, water closets, sinks, rartges, staves, refrigerators, dlshwashers, dlsposals, washers, dryers, awnlnc�s, storm wlndows, �torm ;;.�.�
<br /> doore, screens, bllnda,shades, curta(ns end curtain rods, attached mirrors, cabinets, panelling nn�ariached floor covedngs now or hereafter , .. 4'• �,
<br /> ��;�:��: attached to the Proparty, all of which, Including replacements ond nddRlons thereto, shall be deert�ed to bo and remain a part of the Property � :
<br /> •,•����:.
<br /> ' -_.���`�� covered by t he 3ecm i l y Instrument. All of the toregoing together w(th the Property descdbod in ihe Securiry Instrument (or the loasehold �,r,a��a�
<br /> �"" `•°� estate If the Security Instrument Is on a leasehold► are referted to in this i-0 Famii Rider end the Seaurtty Instrumant as the 'Finperty". - :i�{��f
<br /> ,. Y :�t' j:�;rr.t�j
<br /> � B. US� OF PRO�ERTY; COMPUAt�lCE WI7W LAW. Bortower shell not seek,agree to or mnke a change In the uso ot �a;'` ;ti;�ti;;:
<br /> :�,.;r,� the Property or Its zonlnfl clBSSlflcation, unless Lender has agreed In writing to the change. Bo►rower shall cumply with ap laws, ordinnnces, ..!��fi���;i.
<br /> .'` 'i���. regulatlons and requiremente of any qcvemmental body applicablo to tho Property. ' �'�Y� %-
<br /> C. SU80RI71NATE LIENS. Except ae pemdtted by federal law, Bortower shall not aliow any Ilen inferior to the Security Instrument ���
<br /> ' � to be perlected against the Property without Lender's prlor written permisslon. _.�,�c�l�
<br /> D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Bortower ehall msintatn insurance agalnst rent loss In additlan to the other fiazards for which
<br /> Insurance Is requlred by Un(form Covenant 6. �'
<br /> E. "BORROWEF1'S RIGIWT TO REINSTAT�"DELETED. Unitorm Covenent 98 Is deleted. _
<br /> �• F. BORR�WER'S OCCUPANCIP. Unlesa Lender and BoROwer olhenvis� agreo In wrlting, tha tirst sentenco In Unlfortn _
<br /> , . . Covenant 0 conceming 8or►ower's occupancy of tha Property Is deleted. AO remelning covenants and agreaments sot lorth In Unitorm
<br /> Covenant 8 shall renuln In oNect.
<br />� wuu�.��� w� �wa�nn °�^".•�' o�aii °L::'�R :v :.«^.�°r nll IpnawA f11 (1\fi PfO0E11V �1d fl��
<br /> „ � t7. H�.�7tVInlYt�n� vr �ee�oev. iipuii �ci�ubi�o ioyiioot, uv�wno� -
<br /> � •• security depositn me�ia ln connectlon with lesaes of the Proporty. Upon the eselgnmant, Len�er ehall have the right to modiTy, extend or
<br />= terminste the exiatinp ieaaea end to oxecute new leaaea. In Lendnr'e sole dlacretlon. Ae uaed In thia puegnph Q, the word °lea$e' shall
<br /> � � .�� • me�n 'eublaiee' If ihe Secudty Instrumont Is on a leasehold. —
<br /> "- -=••�k�'':J�'' and unconditlonelly esslgne and trnnsfers to Lender all the rents and revonues ('Rente") ot the Property, repardlese o}to whom the Rente o}
<br /> �-'"-"� "� :�' the Property era payable. Bonower uuthodzes Lender o� Lender's ager:te to collect the Rente, end eg�ees that each tenant o} tho Property
<br /> ,.�a:� ���'"�
<br /> �:.;�;;,�� shall pey the Rents to Lender or Lender's agenta. However, Borrower ehall rocelve the 6ients untll (q Lender hae gNen 8orrower notice oi
<br /> -:�=r y;;m.r� defauk pursuant to parngreph 21 0}tho 3ecurity Instrument end(II) Lender heo gNen notico to the tenant(s) that the Rent�aro to be peld to
<br /> "` Lender or Lender's ngent. Thls assignmont of Rents lconstilutos en absolute esslgnment and nat an esslgnmen4 tor addltlonel secudry onty.
<br /> _�_LtR"�–.�„�,n_� e �/ n_ y 11 h 1 1��I ♦ n F. nf1 n _ _
<br /> .:',�4�fi�: Ii Lender IVBS IIOtICO 0f b��1Ch t0 tlOrtOwer. i nf{ ncfi15 io�.6iro�i U MV�3���� �hw.� �C h�.d�� Qa^a�:�:w�t's°."°.�f .�t" "°!1"!. t
<br /> =7,�,,�v�,., Lender only,to be epplied to the sums secured by tho Security Inotrument; (Iq Lender shall be entitled to cotlect and recoive sll of the Re��te
<br /> ot tha Property; (Iii) BoROwer agrees that cach tonant oi thu Property shal!pay ell Rents due and unpald to Lender or Lender's agents upon
<br /> --,.__.:.--�:� Lender's wdtten demand to the tenent; (N)uniess applicable law provldes otherwise,all Hents collected by Lender or Lender'e agent� shaN be
<br /> --=�-��v,_� appiled tirst to the costs of teking controi of and menaging the Property and collecting the Rents,Includ;ng,but noi Iimited to,attomey's fees,
<br /> - ":�,'„�;� receiver's toos, premlums on recelver's bonds, repatr and maintenanco coate, Insumnce premlums,taxes, assassmenta and other cherges on
<br /> —v:`~;;;,„�; the Property,end then to the aums securs�i by the Secutlry Instrumont; (v) Lender, Lender's agents ar eny,judiclaily eppointed rocelver shall
<br /> �-.�:.,.r..�� 6e liable to account for only those Rents actually receivPd;and(vq Lender shall be entitled to have a recelver appolnted to tako posaesslon
<br /> -'o.'"���}' of end manage the Proporly and collect the Hents end profits derlved from lhe Property without eny ahowing es to the Inadequacy of the
<br /> �-'���,;'�'�� Prnpertyr as security.
<br /> If tho iienta of tho Property aro not ouNiclent to cover the costa ot taking control oi and managing the Property and ot collecting the
<br /> ��"'�� ' Rente eny funds expended by Lender tor such purpases shall becomo Indebtedness of Borrowor to Lender secured by the Securiry
<br /> y_-:.,,�j�cru� Instrument pursuant to Unifortn Covenant 7. ` __ __
<br /> __-.....,,.k„�, Borrower rep�esenta and wanantc that Rorrower has not executed any pdor assignment ot the Rents and hes not end will not periorm _
<br /> --_.. ,.,�:
<br /> � - any aat that would prevent Londer trom exercising ks righta under thls paregreph. _
<br /> - ��r�'--�.-'��. Letider, or Lender's agents or a judiclally eppointed recelver, shnll not bo requlred to enter upon, take control ot or malniNn tho Property
<br /> ' �-=r��'� ' -
<br /> :��vA�.�?;` i• betore or after giving notico o}default to Borrower. However, Lender, or Lendar's agents or a Judlciaily appolnted recelver, may do so at any _
<br /> ;,-=y�---- � time when a detnult occurs. Any appllcetion of Rents shau not cure or wnivo any dafault or InvaliciAte nny other dght or remedy of Lender. _
<br /> L °s�"='��` Thls assl nment oi Rents ot tho Pro o shull terminato when all the auma socured b the Secu Instrument ere ald In (ull. -_ ° -
<br /> =+�-.;:$;_ 9 P n1l Y ►�Y P
<br /> (. CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Bortower's doinult or breach under any note or agreement In which Lender hns an Interest -
<br /> -- �,• • shali be a breach under tha Secudty Instrumant and Lender may Invoko any of the ramedies permitted by the Securiry Instrument. =-.�
<br /> BV SIGININQ BELOW, Bortower aaoopts and agroos to tho tertns and provisione contalned tn thls 1�4 Famity Rider. �"
<br /> ��
<br /> - �.�a=
<br /> - ,. _ �Seaq C�__=__
<br /> . / �.. �% -- �
<br /> . « ,��
<br /> Leland D. ue �-;�°���
<br /> . :�;:�� . � � . (Seaq 'r:
<br /> -'�w • w......,.,a.n......o., n� �..eh� �
<br /> � j (3eaIJ
<br /> ' .. • ; Borrowcr
<br /> ., Y
<br /> i .
<br /> t
<br /> - . � .�I$C'U�] .
<br /> . ' Borrower �
<br /> �� �'
<br /> MULTISTA7E 1-4 FAMILY RIDER • Fannle Mne/freddlo Mec Unflortn Instrument Form 317U 8/90 �
<br /> - � F1342.LM0(11N4)
<br /> S ,
<br /> �
<br /> 255J90
<br />