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__,,,, ., � <br /> ,�, , <br /> ,""Q"�' '. . ;, . ..,��.. ._. <br /> „ �_.�,•-:- ....�......w�� . <br /> „ <br /> . 1 ��.�P�'�fbt'^' : . i .l , . .1W]iCR'>�1•RL�GA•`t , n ' ' r. . . . . ��1H,1. - <br /> .,. .. .... � . _ r^.. . ' .. .. .. . . . . A O'� � �4 n+ ''�- -_ <br /> �, v r ��r�8�"l � „ _. <br /> � , ' 17. Trsn�fer of the Property or a Beneficlal Interest In �m�vower. It aii or any part ot tho Properly or , <br /> any Interost In II 13 sold nr troncfonad (or If a bonoficlul Intcrest In Bortower Is sold or Irnnslerted end Bortower Is not a nnturnl <br /> person) withoul Lender's prior written consert, Lendar may,at ils optlon, raqulra Immodinte pnyment in fu11 01 nll sum� secure�] by <br /> lhis Security !nstrument. Howwor, this optlon shell not bo exerclsed by Lender if exerclso Is prohiblted by federal Iqvi ns of the <br /> • dato 04 this Security Instrument. <br /> " If Lende►exercises Ihls optlon, Lender shall gNe Borrower notice ot ncce�erntlon. Tho nottce shell provide p pedod of not <br /> less than 30 deys irom the date the notice le dellvered or malled within which Bortowor must pey nll sums secured by this „ <br /> � Securlry Instrument. II Borrower fells to pay these sums prlor to the explratlon of thls perlod, Lender may Invake any remedles ,t <br /> permitted by ihis Securily Insimment v�ithout turlher notico or demund on Borrowcr. <br /> ' 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinatete. If Bortower meets certaln conditlons, Borrower shail have ihe right to havo , <br /> entorcement oi thls Security Instrument dlscontinued at any tima prlor to the earller ol: (a) 5 days (or such other period es <br /> �;,_.,,,t:�» npplicable law may specity inr relnstetement)bofore selo 01 the Property pursuant to any power oi salv contained In thls Security ..- <br /> � _,� - Instrument; or(b) oniry of a Judgment enforcing ihls Securlty Instrument.Those conditlons are that Borrower: (e)pays Lender ell <br /> .. sums whlch then would be duo und�r this Security Instrument and tho Note es if no aceQleratlon had accuned: (b)cures any , <br /> dei�ult oi any other covenant or agreements; (c) pays all expenses Incurted In enlorcing thls Securlty Insin•ment, including. but �. - <br /> not Ilmited to,reasonable qttomeys'tees; and (d) takas such actlon as Lender may reasonabty require to essure that ihe lien ot ;Y:.,_ <br /> thls Security Instrument, Lender's dghts In tha Property end Borrower's obligatlon to pny the sums secw ed by thls Secudty :•,�;,- <br /> • � Instrument shall conUnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bortower, thla Secudty Instrument and the ob�gatlons secured <br /> a heroby ahall remain tully eftecpva sa if no acceleretlon had occurred. Howaver,thls right to relnstate shall not epply In the case _ <br /> ° 01 acceleration under paragraph 17. � — <br /> . �>. , � <br /> 19. S818 Of R�Ot9; Change af Loan Servlcer. The Note or a a partial Interest In the Note (together with thls �;,,:: <br /> � '' Sacurity Instrumant)may be sold one or more times without prlor notice to Borruwer. A sele may resuli In a change in the entity <br /> (known es the'Loan Servicer')that oollects monthty payme�ts due under the Note end thls Security Insirument. There[�iso may ;�'��__ <br /> „�.;�-�•. be one or more chenges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change of the Loan Servicer, ;.:���,� <br /> � �,', , Bonower w(II be given wdtten notfce of the change In accordanca with paragreph 14 ebove and applicuble law. The notice wlll � •,,iE:;;,,. <br /> ' state the name and eddross of the new Loan Servlcer end the ad�ress to which payments should be made. The notice w@ aiso �.:`'' <br /> ' ,�� contaln any mher iniormatlon requfred by epplicable law. `t <br /> ,�'..�..- <br /> �i;.2';j�4 <br /> 20. Fiezardous Substae�ces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dlsposal, storago, or release of ;;��i-. <br /> ,�.i��,:'.°':' ' any Hazardous Subatances on ar In the Property. Bortower ehull not do, nor allow anyone else to do,anylhing aflecting the +���;;,��.- <br /> ''"7i�.�1:;,-::. <br /> .:;,;_r Praperty that Is in viofatlon of sny Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appty to the presence, use, or ,.a��;;. <br /> - ~� storage on tho Property of small quantfties ol Ha�ardous Substances thut are generally recagnized to be spproprlate to normal -,:=3�= <br /> resldentlal uses and to matntenance of tho Property. <br /> ';..,'e�_��� Borrower sha!I promptly give Lender wrltten notice of eny Investlgatlon, claim, demand, lawsuit or other actlon by nny <br /> aovemmental or reaulatorv epencv or private party Involving the P�operty end nny Hazardous Substence or Environmental Lew ot �- <br /> ' . which Borrower hae actual knowledge, i} Bonower leams, or Is notiiled by any govemmental or reguiatory eutiiortry, inei eny <br /> �' <br /> removal or olher remedlatlon of any Hazurdous Subutnnce ni(ecting Proporty Is necessary, Bortower shail Rromptly teke all <br /> nocoss�ry remod:al actlons in accordance with Environmental Lew. <br /> A3 used in thls pamgreph 20, 'Hazardoua Subatances' are those aubstences deilnsd es toxlc or hezerdous subat�nces by <br /> �. �� Environmentel Law end the fotlowin� aubstances: gesaline, kerosane, other fiammeble or toxlc petrolaum producle, toxlo <br /> � pesticldos end hetblcldae, voletlle aolvents, matorfels contelning esbestos or tormeldehydo, and radloactive matedats. Ae ueed In <br />_- ,'�.,,_ , peragraph 20, 'Envlronmentel Lew' meane federel laws and lawe of the JurlediCtlon where tha Propwry 13:ecated thet ref�te to <br /> " healih, eatety or envlronmentel prater,tlon. <br /> �- �: __ _ _ WON•UNIFOHM COVENANTB.Bortower end Lendar further covenent end epreo aa lollowe: � <br />�-'�`+ �' ' 21. Acc�lentlon; Ramsdl�s. Lend�r eh�ll gtv� notico to Borraw�r prtor to accal�r�tlon <br />_ � � ..4'� following Borrower's br�ach af any c4vensnt or egr�smeRt in thte S�curity On�trumont (bu! not <br /> ���"""�'`""��;' rior to accoleratlon undor paragraph 17 unlsss applic�ble law provid*s oth�rwlso�, Th� notica <br /> , -`�':x�-=:� shsll epeclty: (�) the default; (b) the action roqulrad to cure the defauk; (a) a date, nn! Issi th:n <br /> Y���;,, . 30 days irom the dats the notice ie givon to Borrower, by whlch the default must ba curad; a�ad <br /> "?.'-""�.�' (d) that hlture to cure the dofault on or before the date specltled In the nottc� may result In <br /> �•=��'�':;�''.;;'� acceleratlon of the suma secured by thls Seaurity Instrument and eale of the Property. Ths notioe <br /> -�_:;,;;��,,,,'-., ` shall turther intorm Borrower of the righ4 to relnatate t�fter accoleretlon and the rlght to bring a _ — <br /> ,,-;�;,;;;,;,. court actlon to assert the non-axistence of e default or any other defense of Borrawer to ��- - ----- <br />