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� '���- � . <br /> "�.,; , , . � . _.. .. .�Y� <br /> ..{. Y�' � . „ .. r .r: .. ,..•�,,. , , , ,� " -,�.�.� � . <br /> _,�... _ <br /> -- --j�. . . . ,. . ;�w-_._ <br /> �7... x�a��N� �.�-: <br /> . � . Borrower moy cura euch n dofnull und relnclato, as provlded In parngraph 10, by causliTt ihe actlon or proceedinp to bo " <br /> dl��nl�ood with n n:linp that. In Londer'a flood lolth dulcrm�nnllon,procludos}urfelturo ol tho Darrownr's Inlerost in ihe Property or <br /> oiher materini Impnlrment ot tho Ilcr croatod by thls Security Insiniment or Lender'� security Interest. Bortower ahnll niso bu In <br /> • . dofautl ii Borrower, du�ing tha laan npplicatlon procoss,gnvo motedalty inlsa or Inaccureto informatlon or statements to Londer(or <br /> lallod to provide Lender wlth any materlal InfortnAtion) In connactlon with the loan evidonced by tho Notc, including, but not <br /> " , Ilmited to, representatlons conceming Borro�ver's occupancy o} the Property as a pdnclpel rASldence. If thls Socudty <br /> Inctrument Is on a Ieasehoid, Bartower shall compty wlth all tho provislons of the lease. II Barower acquires fee title to the <br /> Properly,ihe leasehold and the fee tltle ahall not merge unless Lender egrees to iho merger In wdling. <br /> 7. Protection af l.e�ider's R19hts in the Prope►ty. If Qorrower talis to pedortn ihe covenants and agreements , <br /> conteined in ihis Security Inatrument, or thero is a legal procaed�g that may sipnificantiy aftect Lender's rights in ihe Properly <br /> (such as a proceeding In bankruptcy, probate, tor condemnatlon or forlelture or to enlorce laws a regulations),then Lender rnay <br /> do and pay tor whatever Is necessaty to protect the velue of 4he Properly and Lender's rlghta In ihe Property. Lender's actions ' <br /> .,:,.�„� may Include paying any su�ns secured by a Ilen which hns prlodty over thfs Securiry Insirument. eppeadng In court, paying <br /> . ,m• reasonable ettomeys'fees snd entering on the Property to mako repalrs. Although Lendev may teke actlon under this paragraph <br /> 7, Lender does not have to do so. <br /> My amounts dl�bursed hy Lender under paragraph 7 shall bacome additlonal debt ol Donower secured by thls Secudry <br /> Instrument. Uniess Fo►rower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear Interest from the date ot <br /> disburaement at the Note rate end shall be payable, wllh Interest.upon notice irom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> B. Mortgage It98u�aflCe. Ii Lender requlred mortgage Insurance as a conditlon of ineking the loan secured by this <br /> Securky Instrument, Borrower shall pay the promiums required to malntaln the moAgage Insurance In atiect. If, for eny reason, the <br /> morlgege Insurance coverege requlred by Lender lapses or ceases to 6e In eNoct, Borrower shal pay the premlums required to <br /> abtaln coverage substentlalty equfvalent to thu mortflage insurance prevlously In efteat, at a cost substantlally equivalent to the �: <br /> cost to Bortower of the mortgage Insuranca prevlously in effect,from an altemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. If •���r� <br /> . r.-- <br /> substant(ally nqulvalent mortgage Insuranco coverege is not availa6le. Borrower shall pny to Lender each month a sum eyual to . <br /> on�•Iwetfth ai the yearly mortgagR Insurance premlum bein�paid by Borrower�vhen the insuranco coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> ' `!: ►� bo in eNect. Lender wlll accept, use and retaln these payments es a locs reserve f�ueta of modguge Insurance. Loss reaene ,�;i;�� <br /> , ' payments may no longer be requlred, et the optlen of Lender, fl mortgege ��surance coverage (in ihe amount end for the pedod '��� <br /> Ihat Lender requires) provided by en insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes avallabl9 and Is obtalned. Bortower shall pay ,. <br /> � % the premfums requlred to malntain mortgage Insurance In eHect, or to provide e lass reserve, unUl the requlrement tor mort,qage =- <br /> . insurance ends In accordance wlth any wriHen agreement between Borrowor end Lender or npplicable lew. �`�� <br /> " "�•� 9. Inapectlon. Lender or Its agent may make reasonable entrtes upon and Inspnctions of the Property. Londer shali gNo �•�_ <br /> . Borrower noUco st the time of ar pdor t�an Inspoction specifying reasonable cause for the Inspectlon. <br /> 10. COnd@mnBZlOn. The proceeds oi any award or clalm for damages, dlrect or consequentlal, In connectlon with any _ <br /> • � condemnation or other tAking o} nny part af the Pruperty, or for conveyance In Ileu o1 condemnallon,sre hereby assignod and -`' <br /> ° shall be pald to Lendec �;.;- <br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by this Secudry �!—_ <br /> ,�: ^ : �.�BT" a:i�oi 7i�ui u a_..,,...... •wa .. .� .. ..��..��.. ��w� n.., i..ti ��-"._,- - <br /> .,_:•;�:.. ;: _ i�M..r, t �ua� -°r ps�,,tc �..��.,,.y�. !r , � <br /> ;;:.aas a,a::„ �, parii.. ,� 3���� ...pc:;; t;:•r:r.., _ <br /> .� Ihe feir market vnluevof'the Property Immedlatety before the tuking Is equal to or grenter Yhan the amaunt o1 the sums secured �"�; <br /> by thls Security Instrument Immediately beiore the teking, unless Barrower and Lender otherwlso sgree in wdtlng, the sums �, <br /> socured by this 3ecurity Instrurnent shall be reduced by the amount ot the procoeds multiplied by the tollowing haction: (a) the <br /> total emount oi the sums necured immediately befora t{ie taking, dMldr.d by (b) the falr market vehe of the Properiy Immediately - <br /> �:::r� _ before the taking. My balance shall be pald to Borrower. In tho erent of e partial taking of the Properly in whloh tha falt market <br /> _ • value of lhe PropoRy Immedlatefy betore the taking is less than thn amount of the sums secured Immediately be(ore the takinp, - <br />�,..y., �: unlese Bortower and Lender othervviae ugroo In wrlting or untess eppllcable law otherwlse provldes, the proceeds shall be <br /> +<''�� epplled to the sums securod by thls Securiry Inetrument whether or not the sums aro Ihen due. <br />- -' ��`,��,`•;� if the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borcower that the condemnor oflere to make nn _ <br />- -�''�_� dt�c�iu ui onitid u Ginii6 fOf dBTiio p-- y g `—. . _. <br />__,q,. �., Qo3, uG�TGW6i faiio t0 ro5 vnd S"v Lniiu6i WiiP�in 3u dn t� aiier i�lo oeio t�le nolice Is iv0n, <br /> Lenda Is authorized to collect and eppty ihe proceeda, at fts optlon, elther to restoration or repalr of the Property or to the <br /> n- : _ ,,:,:� sume aecured by thls Security InaUument, whether or not then due. <br /> -�;-�.�� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wdting, eny eppilcatlon o1 proceoda to princlpal shall not Qxtend or <br /> - '==23�TM� po�tpone tho duo dnto ot tho monthty payments rateRed ta In puragraphs 1 and 2 or chango the emount ot such paymcnts. - <br /> =�����s`� 11. Borrower Nnt ReleASed; Forbearance By Lender Not a W�Ivar.Extenslon ot tha ttme for payment or = <br /> ---- --�-���� � modi�cnUon o1 amortizatlon o1 the sums secured by thls Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In Interest of - <br /> -�--T"`''-! Borrower ehall no! operate to releaso the Ilabiliry of tho origlnal Bortower or Borrower's ouccessore In Interest. Lender ahall not <br /> - = be required to commence proceedinga agalnst eny successor In I�terest or refuse to extend 9me tor payment or otherwlse -- <br />_a;«�:�e•_�•- modily amorttzatlon ot tho sums aecurad by thls 3ecudry [nstrument by reason of any demend made by tho origlnal Bonower or - <br /> ;cy� '' Borrower's succossors In interest, Any forbearance by Lendor In exerclsing any dght or romedy ahall not bo a walver oi or -' <br /> _i'•T`` <br />_._.�-±,.�_._ , preGude the exerclse of any dght or remedy. _ - <br /> :r;�;r;�;� 12. Successore and Assigna Bound; Join4 �nd Severel Llabillty; Ca-signera.The covennnts and _-_ <br /> .�-,�:;� egreemonts ot thls Secutity Inetrument shall bfnd and benefit the euccessore and usslgns of Lender and 6orrower, subJect to tho --- <br /> '""�'�""", �rovislons of paragraph 17. Elorrower's covenanta end agreementa shall be Jolnt and severel. My Borrower who caslgns this -- <br />___:`�nt.r.�,..-.-. <br /> �,�,•: 5ecuriry Instrument but doos not oxecute the Note: (a)is co•signing thls Secudty Instmment onty to mortgape, grant and convey `-"'" <br /> =��.s�,g.,,.�. that Borrower'o interest In tho Property under the tertns of thls Secutlry Instrument; @) la not personalty obligated to pay the F':-==- <br /> "' :' sums secured by this Secudty Instrument: end (c)agrees thet Lender and nny other Borrowcr mny oflrao to oxtend, modiy, �"-� <br /> . lorbcu or mako any eccommoda2lons with regard to the terms of this Secudry mstn�ment or the Note without that Bortower's �= <br /> . . consent. -- <br /> • 13. Lo811 Cherge9. Ii 4ho lonn secured by thls Secudty Instrument Is subJect to e law whfch sets mexlmum loan <br /> charges, �nd that Inw Is Onnlly Interproted so that the Interest or other loan charge3 collected or to be collected in connecilon <br /> ., wRh the loan Axceed the pertnitted Ilmits, then: (u) any such loan charge shull bo reduced by tho ctmount necessary to roduce == <br /> � thc charge to fh� pertnitted Iimit; and (b) uny sums nlready collocted irom Borrower whlch exr,eeded permftted Iimits wlil be ;ry,'.:r-- <br /> ', retundod to Borcower. Lender may choose to make this retund by reducing tho princlpnl owad under tho Note or by mnking n <br /> - d'vect pAyment to 9orrower. if e roflmd reduces princlpal, the reducUon wlll be trented es a partinl prepayment without any ���°��:„ <br /> : ,.� . � prepayment chargo under tho No4e. - <br /> 14. NOtICe3.Any notice to Bo�rower providad lor in thls Security instrument�hell bo gfven by delivedng k or by mall!ng it <br /> by first cless mall unloss applicablo I�w requlres uso of another method. Tho notico shall be directed to tho Properry Address <br /> � ur anr viiier ntidres9 oorrower designaies ny na[ice to iender. Any notiCe to LentlOr snntl da cJrven Dy tlrst GU9s mall to - <br /> Londers nddress statad horeln ur any other address Lender deslgnAtes by notico to Borrower. My notico provided for In thls <br /> Securiry Instrument shall be doemod to heve been given to Borrower or Lender whr,n given as provided in thls pamgraph, <br /> „ ., 15. C3OVOfnittg Lew; Severabillty. This Security Insirument shnll ba govemed by (eder�l law and the law oi the <br /> , jurisdctlon in whlch the Property Is located. In tho avont ihat any provlslon or clause ot thls Security inetrument or the Note <br /> ' conflids with opppcablo law, such con0lct shall not attect other provisfons of this Security Instrument or the Noto whlch can be <br /> g'n�.n eitect wlihout the contllcting provlslon.To thls end the provlslons ot thls 5ecurity Instrumenl and th�Note are declured to <br /> bo swerable. <br /> . 16. Borrower's Capy. Borrower shall be given ano contormed copy of ihe Note and ot Ihis Secudty instrumont. <br /> F�3�G.LM6 (t197) vagc 3 0l 5 �����i�L��"'��� <br /> �j <br /> 1 ' <br /> 25539ti I .. .... <br />