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<br /> �� 4
<br /> • S: �Ot�lM�lkl�1�1l�0l.�[[pVYCr E1ii11 �`�G��l11�[�D1►!�L'�i Q69F_�SiUf$Qi flCi�tl6f RCCtOd,`OD t�C • =-
<br /> pnopeety inw�+ed�ainst toss by fim,lazatds iacludod wit�iin tl�ie-tenn'eatended wrerag�"aad any utf�cr t�s�rds,includis6 • �;�;�=�.�-
<br /> _ . floods a�ttoodiq�,for xfiich La�der c+equicas�nn,•y�• This insuranee sh�0 be cmirqit�od in the att►unnts attd��ir the periods �'�`"�""" _
<br /> S T _
<br /> t�t i�ee6er toynues:The ic�wr�nee carrier p=uvidin�the in,nrrnoe shal!bc cttos�Ay Hornawror subjas'to'kei�der's ap�r�coval '',r'"+'`''t-�_ -
<br /> ---- wbi�h shwtl oot!k•l�ntr.swmbly wid►hetd.!f Boaav��er fails to maiMaie cater�t dcscdbcd 9bove,i�er�der may.ac L�Ter's fp:< :. '�:�.''�Y,.:�$_-
<br /> .�. ..,..,::<
<br /> �,. option,obain eovctago to proce�I.+ender's rights in thc P�operty ia accordi+noe with pa�Sraph?• , - :�- -- '�.; �-- -:�
<br /> ' Ap iawranac policies and t�e�rals sdap be aooeptable to Lender at�d sfiall ia�tudc a st�adacai mo�tgage clause. l.ender ``� � � , -
<br /> � thall have�Le rigtprtta hold ti�t policies and renewals.if Latdcr�equires.8o�v►�r.sli�ii prumptty git�e ta Lender afi receipts of
<br /> _ ' �u _
<br /> 1-'���:� pid Prattiut�and reaewal aotices.tn tt�a avcat of fass.Banuaaer sl�t!give proropt�»utioc to tl�iasuranae carrier and l.en�er. - - -- -
<br /> � �, �;�,�° Lender may tmlce pnuof of loss if not mada pmmptly by Hc►rnowzr.�: - : ' . � :.
<br /> - - " 1`-�--:�: Untcss i.ender and Bor�ower otheswiso agaoe in writing.insurance proceods sMit he�ppliai to_restoration ac_�pair of the - -_
<br /> '`•:':�:•`���-.: • `
<br /> r;-, ptopctty d�tnagod,if tho[estoration or�ir is eoo�amically fe�sible and Leadcr s saurity is not lesscned.If the restotatioa ar
<br /> � ,. �� c�epaar is not 000uomicallY fi�ible or i.ender's security would be lessaned.tUe i^�r3+�+s pr000eds shall be appliod to tiie sums F;, '� ' :
<br /> r ' �,.`�r'�k � 9ecumd by this Soauity[nsttument. w1►�tAer or aot then due.with wy exeess p�d.to Bomnwcr. If Bnrrouver a6anduns the �.� ,�'tr `
<br /> u .
<br /> - ,.;:�;>;i:<=,� Properry.ot does not answer within 30 days a notice finm Lender th�t thc iasuiance cutier!ws offeted to settle a claim.then . _ _..'•�.:�:R .
<br /> �. r {'",�'` :' '.� , l,endet maY colloct the fnsnr.mce pr�oceals. Le�dec may use t6e proceeds w cepair or rc5tore the Property or to Pay surtts . . ` `' ,��rs t2 K . ,
<br /> � - . ' '` r - ,� aocumd by this Secutitar�wh�i�er or aot td�a due.7Yie 30-day periad wil!begin when the ncxice is given. F .:y
<br /> �' '`' , ` =. Ua[ess Lender at���owec Mberwise af;rec in wdting•anY ePPtication of pmceeds ta principai shati nat extend or - :..,`` , -
<br />':`.t'�"%.::t. f�f=�� 4i�_�..:,.;`- ' ,� ` .. �` -
<br />, ;"��r �`,s� :�} `, ,. p o s t p o p o t U e d n e d a o e a�'E�i e m o a t h�' n e f e r r e d t o i n 1 a n d 2 o r c l t a t t g e t h e a m o unt of the p a y m e n ts. If :�.: . �``'� ��� .
<br /> r 4� s ��.
<br /> . i,- . �- '` `' �-.:.
<br /> ��� � r�f uMer p�rs�rapA 21 t�.�tvpadt}'*s-:'�by I.eadcr.8ormwer's rig6t to any imytratce palicies and proceeds res�u[ting from �:�.�r������.';�"�-�`: �;�
<br /> ` �`'`-4�r - � .:_ d�ge to tAe P�o p e r t��l�c k�f�?i:�.�aorst sh�!l.pass to L�'r to the eztent of the wms secu�d by tl�isSecurity Ins�mm�e�at �� �',
<br /> € ���,.r__.
<br /> ' �' •`'`, .."� ��'� immod'ratetypriaa.i��s�i� . �� �,. . , `�--= .- ���, —
<br /> '' �`�_` t $� �s;°" �: i.O�c�,`��at���!!!l���otectioo of We Prnpaety:Borrowe�s Lo�r Ap�i�iop;�.nsebdds- �:�;':�f. .�'� __.
<br /> r y '' gOlidvPgt��O�DCO����:'�IJfht'�+_fC�t�Ilt Ff6�1Cti3t�S$OR�b9YCi S p[!IlCt�i�siclCOOC aFif�lliS s'sxt��f S�ftef"tlkS-a?1cCttillnR tlf� n •r-- ; f�
<br /> . A`" r,1:,����7��' ti�is Se�r1#i�Instrument atd�j�s,ane to occupy t6e Propetty as Bo�ower`s pan3p�1;-i�sidence far at teas�one y�ear after ' `` � � � � —_
<br /> ��� �. the d�e'ra�mccu�y.unless,,�r'�aihenvise aSrees�n writing.which consent shall trot be unreasonably withheld.or unless 't,`` ..
<br /> : .- • ` esteauating circumstaares ex"si��•?�ich are b e yand Barrower's ooatrol. Borrower shal! not destro y, d a m a ge ar im p a ir the . �` � ,j ,4' .. �-
<br /> , _ _._.p. .: ."' PtnpeKy, attow .:`..,,., -to�detcriarate. ar cantmit wasM on thc Prapeity. Borrewer shall be in defaule it arry forfeiture '� ..',.-:��3•�.- . �- -__
<br /> ' `. . ` aetiaa or pmoeedin�:;wT��..'ser eivil ar criminal,is begun that in Lender's gaod faith•judgment could result in forfeiture of the ' ' " � . -, '°
<br /> � . . • Pmperty or othetvit��.�.s:rially i�smr the lien c�ated by tftis'Sr�.^a�riry Instrument or L,endcr's xxurity interest.Bormwer may � . -_ :��.
<br /> � . ," �.- cute sa�a a dePaely�+sfi��iastate,as pnnvided in paragraph 18,,��asing tfie action or proceeding to 6e dismissod wit1�a tufing � : � , �i-'
<br />- . . '.'F" ina'on I es focf' >:i�.�� e.�o wer s intcresi in the .or ather material . . ��.- �`�'=
<br /> :�. :�� that, in I.ender's�..�sih determ u , prec ud e�?�2-. . �i � �g F .
<br /> �'` - impaim�et�t of tfae.ii�;��by this Security��qs�*�i:�.�u���y interest:Borrowes�,a�6e in default if � �� _
<br /> '±;dt: � `� < <:�.; �• '� � � �__
<br /> � Bo�r�_,�i��lb�i application proass,�6'C,t.+�SEi18l."l��ris�u���.•inform..�tian or stat�t�r+��dcr lor failed t � ,��:t,.. �
<br /> ��h:�;S`:'?°,��i'�:`.�. ' � IIO O �L'C�•1'v7i��i��',6 llluCC�137�Ofllla[i0f1I111COfl11CC1�CHARh7f+9��fEfC�GI:�:i�eflcedb �fr�.Nat�.ay�91'.�.J`,$.blitlf0l�1(IliIOt� i�', i�+y'�"`�r
<br /> . . .r��;;�;.� ;r,� Pf.�; . . �.. Y . �d y� �,, k ,.�, _•as
<br /> ,,,.,''�� f.,..+�_�,�. to, z�itatio ;�ai�seru�{pQ,�`�',� c oc(�(��}��of the Pr vas a �resYdc�ao�'>:t'i this Ser`'f� � Instniment is on� � z� , '�,lh''��}�i.14 . '`
<br /> .�.; �. �, '�P�u��• �^�'^'�7 �7 ��: .. � t� t�v)�1 t+,. �K3
<br /> ,�,=t° .. . leasehold. Botsda�c,'�D:comp:}�:Yriih all the provisions af tt�e lea�e_ �#��iorrrawer ac�uires fce t�#i=���thc Property. the ,z. .���?�` . _
<br /> ' • ' - leacehold and the?��shall not merge untess l.ender agrees ta thc mer�iu.�riting. . '�� ''•� --- � -
<br /> ': ��--- -- - 7.Ptotect�aprolFt�ender's Rights 1n the Property.lf Borrower fails t��'form the covenants and:�recrtknts contaitrcd in . , •� - -. ^'��� Y
<br /> � - this Searm�.'u.;Insuu7T'.ent,or there is a legal pmeeeding that�ra�_:��°nifecantly affect l.en�'�s rights in.the Property Iwch as a � - -
<br /> � � • � � . pro��n�irx��i�kruptcy.probate,far condemnatian nr fos�ei9�s�;_:s to enforce taws or.i�utxtions>,t3sen lrender may do and t � . _ � .� ?�
<br /> pay fai��ir�js;sr�u��cessary to pratect the value of the Qi?�;and Le��er's rights in�ie Fc�yss.�.�€�mder's actions ma} ; , -
<br /> `1�. . .' � inelude'��•i�3_r-.s��s�s secured hy a lien a^�iias fias�p,raura;� Ef.r;;4�;'�:.curity Instntmet« ,s�uqn; in coun. paying ! ' �.°
<br /> f _. ' . reasomt�f�t�:�:a�e,:s";'�ees and entering on the P�oE,Y:'rr;!3Q�Ty3$.� i�;airs �in�i.�h L.cnder��r�;,3.�qx�i�►g�nder this paragraph ! _ � �l ,�.-
<br /> - � - : ::: � •::k��{'r s
<br /> ':f.::f�.i�,., T,L�em��aes not have ta do sa. � . ' ':. '• "`. '' .. _ '' : `' . `",'�.:i`�1�� r --
<br /> ,`;,:i.:'f'�;: At���amonats disburscd by.��e,u�3cr urtdcr thiti paragra�.�, ,hall hest•�c•:r^3iti�k�al.��d;s �si C��rei�wer secured by this '�'fl.�;;�:+;:�v�`<` t�ih2-
<br /> �}(i :7 . _ - } �1 �. . , ;: r(�( r 1 a i S --���
<br /> • •� ' ��'����••i: . SecuQi,t�► .iuttument. UOICSS Bpf(U*�i�:r�dQd(.C.7iit7 itT,'iCC i0 AlI1Cf tCfII1G O��T.}"?�1�:flt. tf:�;as.raibms�fr�bear intcrest fmm the "•��;r�f, �ti�,�',�;l�E �_
<br /> • � ?�' date af disbursement at thc Note ratc and�II he payablc. with intcreu_ uai+:ei no�icc frnm Lcrt�is-cu;Batmwcr roquesting � ''�'�t' .lr,�,.�s`t'r° tl`,':{�`;
<br /> ' , • �: � �aY�L , , . ' �. ": . : , • .�' • ':� ,. :Y<:'� ;,: .
<br /> . _ 1.i, '.�a :'i � i c ��i :.-
<br /> -�.!��qrtgAge iasurpnce.If l.ender required mnrtgage irnurance a�a ca.^.d"ninn af making thc loan secured by this Sccurity �:, : ,tl,,;�� � r�t1;.:
<br /> , . �.:n"-x . . �,�,w�,. � t
<br /> . ' �.�tCsUa��jt,;Borrewer�shall pay the premium�rcquircd ta maintain the mortgagc in+urancc in rifcct. li, for any reasan. the , .�.•.�����F`��k , ,;:•`�`'
<br /> . � 'j� •. a�t��m�r�r��.average required by I.enCer lap�cs vr ceaxw tu hc in���'4�:t.Burruwcr tihall pay thc premiums required to ; ; ±- <�F ��a?;
<br /> 'u�.�cna���ially equivalent[atDse�t�age insur;u�ce pRwi�a:�1y•.in cffcct.at a rost +ukst�ctialty cquivalcm to the • , �,t),,J..
<br /> � '- � ' r � �.. .. ., ;�.,._,,
<br /> �. • , : ' c�ast'to$utr���ts.�s��lhr morlgagr insurance pr�ti�bs�ly in eff�t. from aq.ali�matc martFagc imur���praved by l.ender. lf . ; ,: �:x„�
<br /> . �.��.:
<br /> � � � subsianteall' e uir. , �niart ae���9surancc cuticr c�y nui sc:�ilablc.Burfi�aer sh�U �}to Lcndcr cacTt nwnth a�um c ual to � "�` ,'��ssf:;
<br /> . Y 8 �,� €."' -. a£' P" 9 ,s;,,r, . ;.,...
<br /> ...i�>'� on�twelfth of the t��y��3»ga�in�uran�r pmmium hcin_paid by H��rruarr uhen thr iil..w�ance co�•crage lap�ed��r rcared to � �?��;;''-;;.-��r ' ��
<br /> ' � � "'*�`� be in ctfect.Lendcr w•cl(� e and retaen�hc a mrntti s r lo�� . �� � �
<br /> +;�,, �p•'izsc ,c p"y a rc.�nc in liw .,�f'nusttgage insurance. L.ovs reserve . '�''�`''si`°."s,s� �j':.
<br /> . � . ,r,,: 't;t��,',.�r .:�:
<br /> t� �y+KFY j.} .
<br /> � i0nn 302a !/!O '�� . ,'���r�`� t'r���T�"n;
<br /> � � ,, , t� �� �
<br /> •�� P0.x3c�6 i}�����i�f(��tl��}�71�'�
<br /> I 'i�� � .. 1�1{/�H1//i9�G�Y . � � i���� �.r�ti����kl7i`.7`• �.�`i.
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<br /> ;( �;,, ._ 1� i���
<br /> ✓.:.`' ��,- �..�-. . .
<br /> . :vti��' ' ' r � i � .
<br /> � (.: .
<br /> . .:`,'t' 1:��'� _ __ —_ . _ _. . . . . . . . ._ .._ _ ..:_ - . . . _ . ,.. .. . -
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