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<br /> p,�,maots mh,no roa�a ba saqai�b.��e up�n uf i�adx:if mo�t�o iawr�noe oove,r�c(in tbe.e�:m iar tUa petioa --
<br /> - tht I�der cequines)Pt'avided bY�ei iasucei'appc�aved bq,Leoder�ain beoome4�vailable aad is d�taiaod:�$turti�wer stull pyy �:=� ��_y�=
<br /> °° dr pemiao�a nequined w m�inhia aaRg�e iasuraeQe is�ef�,or w provide a lo�s reserve,uatA ti�e reqniaemeat tor mottg�a - . �'� -----
<br /> _��=,�_�
<br /> - iosnr�►ob e�ds ia aocaid�oe wiW aay writte�a sgroement betwroea Bor[�uwa aad LtadEr or appiicablo tAw. , �------,:�3:,__
<br /> !.I�epeotion.l,ender ur its�ac may m�toe ceasoo�blc�tries upon aod iacpectians of_tGe P�operty.Lcnder sf�all givo - _<E` ,` �
<br /> � r,
<br /> -= Bomnwdr aatia at tltie time of a r pr�or w an ia�peuion apecifyin8�rason�bie ca�ue for tlie iaspoctiaa.. _ <. .`�.z�,�3=-,,...
<br /> - lf. C.�ada�e�tbn.The Fnuoeads of any awa�d a cltim fot damages, di�ct or wasoq�tiai.in.00nnoctior►with n►Y _ ` :<.4w•.z 1?�.:. _- -
<br /> y ��- - ooedema�tion or dl�er Wting of aay put of tNe Propetty,or for ooaveyanoe in liw of ooademnacipn,ur�y assignod aod ,5 �,�:;��"�3;`�
<br /> .z
<br /> `� � a1�a116e psid w Lend�r. '..;``` � -
<br /> .;•7} '."�' � _ . _ .
<br /> Ia tl�e eveat of a wpE ta�ing of tbe Pi+a�etty,the pmaods strrt{6e apptied ta ti�e s�uas secured 6y dus Sxuaty It�stameat. .. .
<br /> -:_"� ,.•�;:�;, . .. w6aher or aot�Lea duw vQfth a�►y e�ss paid to Borrower. In t6e�vene of a pae�t takiag of[he Pmperty in whict�che falr -- .- --
<br /> :r�' anrkd vaWe of t6e pcopeity immediaeety 8efore the tatcing is equ�l m or grc�ter ttwa tbe amouni af the suaes sewwd by t6is .
<br /> .��•. _ n,����� Soc�nty Insnummt immediately 6efae d�e ts�Inog,uoless Botmwer ard itodet othetwise ag�oe in wcitiag,t6e sums secumd 6�►
<br /> �", : t�,z � - dds Seauiry[ostcumadR shall be a�c+ed by tha.amoum of d�e pcaxeds muttiplied hS►tLe fdiowiog fr�ctioa:(a)We mt�l :
<br /> � ��"` �moutk of tbe sums savncd imonodiaoely before dre t�lciag.d"ividod by(b)the fair m�rket vatue of tfw Prn�sty inus�ediatdy
<br /> t-� � h
<br /> t� rF� +
<br />--°�'�����','"""�.; befon d�mtioa. Any b�e shail be paid to Barower. La tt�e event of a Qutial tatcing of d�e Pmperty ia w1�.dre fiir �.,;�: . - :
<br /> _5��f " f �t ,� �. l�t$[1�11C O�t�1E P[OpEttSl��[[10�I�C�St�Ott t�IC�C$t5�t�ll tbC�[OOfql[Qf t�lC SYmS 50CItf0d 1�`.�fO�IC(LC .>`'�1
<br />_:x�s.� r Y '�;,:y:r;�:� �,Yf1�C5S 80[[rlMCf��Of�IC[WISC AgIlC IQ�YllttU$�i 1IOICSS�1CAbjC_kdW OIhCf�Y�SC pI8Y1dCS,�.Q�E)i„�OHaS S6/u "='t�`� .
<br /> . � :' - be applied to 14e s�sa�ucad by this S�cu�qty lnshumrm ahetikr or nQt.ti�sue�ate t[rea d�e. -,"_- �� . :. ' : i . _ .
<br /> "�;.�;; � �:� � - .. -=- . '" .. - , ..
<br /> +����� �. If tbt Pr�op�ciy is al�odooed by�otra�r.or if,aRu nntic�e by t��u 8oriv+�es t6at tbe oonda�or offers to mate�u < �,--,G,
<br /> �` t, ` •aiifatd or�ttte�ctaim for daaiages;; Soc�uwer f�e7s ta respond to#�:��i�ir,313�days aRer the date the na6c+�.�8+!!eu,' • �� � ;r;;,_ �
<br /> % f% "� �`` i e�der is audarized to witecka�appty the pr+uooeds,au its optiea,eit�e�i.�r�g�a`or repvr of thc Pr�peRy u:r�tbo'aaas � .- - --1� Y�_-
<br /> �' � • saviod by this Security Inst�noent,whether or aot then due. ,.:
<br /> ..r _,�.. �i,. r ?� .. y:, E: �a``�L3'�-
<br /> r T< ' IInkss l�der aod Bartower att�wise ag�ee in wricing. smy�an`of pmcads ta principal shait noe excaod oe�. � ?t
<br /> „ ag ee
<br /> '�" ppstppne the dae date of tbe montbiY P�Y� P�+S!�,.. Se WY�'��•�•: _ �'-
<br /> .�+,��, , `__ rcfemed to in �;�d 2 or,cdao the a4ap�of such • , r
<br /> �;�::-. ' . ,. .�r�: 11.Dae�ow�!!'NO[R!1l�ildi Foebeataa�!�9 I.elldea'No�il'�ICi�1EE�1'��+'�a,ef the ti�for paymeat or modific�tiou �
<br /> � . � �
<br /> � ' � ���u�amortizatian of the sums s�ecuted b this Seca iasnument l� s�xr�swr in ima+at of Borrower s6a11 . ;,;,¢`��°
<br /> . Y MY ��� ,$�� �`. _ �:>
<br /> `f`�' . ` °..:` 'dbt opaaae to ntease ti�e�iala�ity ot tl�e origiaat Borrovuer or Bonu�e,�s sncces�:ns int�est:.l.eiWa shall aot be iaqaind ta � _ - :�u:�.i��_;;:,'—
<br /> ; �:x��,�`.' `,`��::��r �P�o�diDSs�mt anY�ccessor ia interest or refuse to e�iC�6d time for paymeat as�erwise modify amortiz�iot� �` ,: `-���� _
<br /> . ,a �,'`� _ -" � n iaswment reacon of an deniand made.tty the a�u2� � .,:.�` • ��;;�-
<br /> - �'-�rr `��.�`� � -�` of the sums secund_by:�slt�s:Soca ty, by. y �Borrower or Bairaweis � . �. .
<br /> ,; :,1;�41,:: ";��s.����, t. .
<br /> -,..',f Ee,��f,.r� ,•.,: � '�y:IIxnda in.e.xencising aay right or re�5.�i::�no�be a waiver af.or pnctude t6e f i -Y-;`;i:�?�:.��-�
<br /> ;:ti,�p�-p_ :St� µ�'�e*� SIIC�CGS.�O/51111AtClC51.�}..3�71�J,�dt311CC r . `i_. .. :r„"" .�
<br /> <� ue2'�Y�ti;�rf�. ,�'g'?�5�� f�C�15C of 811y!/$�Ft Al't�_ , ; ''t•..,' '•� \��:�,.. + •.. ��q�YS{ � -fi.� :{:
<br /> f i4�`�.��,"?",w��5`� �f�'s'' ��i 1Z. �q0����'s 10�At i1�`.�1f1�?I.1��t�; �_'171C COYCQaIIts BAd��EGts.Of t�114 .�,��Yif�� `,�.s �
<br /> t �'�s• '�.`�{'+� �Secunty Ia�timd�l +�ai��.#i�3 and benefit the suce�r�,;e�,3.�ss`�uf Lendes,o�twrrowu. snbject w`�.�visioasdF �"ti"���'-' _ �,;< -_
<br /> ��``�. .` '?�`°�� patagr�l! LT'Su�su�c�s covenants and agreernents 's�;afJ.`��e�:a�£.s4werai.��Aay Bomawer wl�o co-signs'tt�is Savqtg , ' ��f�,`y` . :���� ;
<br />-_;y f= L1S[t0111Ct1t�1�t.-&�s.not eaecate the Note: (a)is co-si�ai+s�'�,��aai�j+'insttumeAt onty to mortgage,grAnt and tomtey t1s� . ;�E r� �
<br /> � • Bormwa's irnelest in the praperty w�der the tertns of�s.�-e';:��:sunent;(b���s.not P��Y�b8���.PaY�� '��'�:`�� . .
<br />- 1 ---_-�_,_ securcd by this Securiry Instnimen�and(c)agoes that L'e�uter a�id any other Borruwer may agree to eufend.mv�lY•forbqr or �''�, ' ,�
<br /> malce any accomawd�tioas with regard to the temu of this Securiry(nstmment or the Note withoat that Bortnw�er's consein. - ,-"---�-�—� '
<br /> •- <_ . . , .
<br /> _:;; 13.I.oan Chardes.If the loan secured by this Security InsE�uas�sri is subject to a law whidz s�ts rt�iaxim loan charges, � . :: :
<br />° � and that law is finally inurpreted so that the interest or other ta�,:�es collc�teA or to be au�Ai�ted in aotmoction with tbe j ; . `. ��_
<br /> ''� ::.n;ra;; . � laan exceod the pennitted timits.then: (a)any such loan charge,si'��Tli�b+:Yedaced by the amount necessary ta�e tf�e chuge :;s;?,:�`-`.•.�
<br /> ;�_` f:,=�.., . ' a
<br /> ,•. ,�•..; � to the pern►itted limit:a►�•{b)airy sums already coltec������;��Er whicb ex��3cA permitted limitx�be nfi»dod to ��,�.:.., .
<br /> ,f��7
<br /> -� �:'�:= Bosrower. LeiWer may�c&ioose to make this refund b}.i�as:�;;�.me;�incipal owed uader the '..!ua�e��'�Y.ee�king a diract ��,tn�.�f 4 '
<br /> {r : rF` �� " r.. , tr rr: .
<br /> paymat to Somswer. If a refund reduces principal ��xaac�t.mil1 be treated as a pieYni �xt-�.}�.�:arittwut aa� :; � 9�h,
<br /> �... , . . ,f��r.+` Pre�aYme�t��under thc Note. ' : ::� : ;, ...: t�+,. �:; �s�, :
<br /> � � �' ; •:T4.S!'is�iees.Any notice to Borcowet provided for ir tfius�an1���istcumem shall be givea�}��lti.�ecvag�a:sr by mvliag ��,i 5�� . .� . .
<br /> . ,et b;�S'7rst class mail unless appticable law requires use o��other iiiet,'sod. The notice shall be directed ta ds�1Ptdpetty Address �'F „�<`•
<br /> ,,a.::
<br /> ;�� '�ot-;��y other address Borrowes dcsignates by natice [o I.ender: Any natice to L.ender shaU be given bg fisst clus m�il w ;�:-�� � ,
<br />- '�5��).;-c•. .
<br /> ,�,�,�'- 1:ender's address stated herein ar any other address Lender desigi�es by noticc to Borrowcr.Aay notice pmvidad gor in th�s ��o.,'�i- .
<br /> ,�,.�
<br /> • • , . Secudty lnstrument sha11,6e deemod ta have been given to Boaower or l.ender when given as pcuvidod in this paragraph. .<<<r, . •
<br /> _ . '*:�x^,.
<br /> �, :.,,,�,_,:;r�j. � �. . 15. Governing I.�w:$everabllity. This 5ccurity Instmmem shall be gat�ed by fee�eral larr a�.:the law of the ,?,���,,.. ,
<br /> ��.t .� . . �ction in which thc is Ic►catcd.In the event that an rovisian ar,��of this Se�vd ln.�i,v�or the Note �' n�� .
<br />• r ;, j�cisd� �Y Y P tY '"�1•' , .
<br /> a��l �,,ja�xgtfcts with applicabS,e��r,'such canflict shall rMt affcct othcr pr�►visions u�tRi��ea�.s�ity lnsttument or the��ce+?��5ich can hc 'fsp;1;:'
<br /> , . ',�� }9::,, . �; �, , .
<br /> �i?im CSEeN;�'i2(svut t�.tu'��i�l?icting pravicion.Ta Ihis cnd the provesiu,ss�t�t�iS s�surity lostrumeat and the lv�yir are detf�d !
<br /> _� .• .tsr i�st*��. ' • � : . ' ' ; . : ,
<br /> .,..
<br /> ' �,/ y. . ' . ��i�Fs;�?:viskta's Capy.8nrrower tihall be given�me cQ2farrn.ai.��;�st the�ate and of this Security inst�t:.� .'� ;;:-.� ,,t., .
<br /> y!l,;i t. _' , . . - . �;i;, f �,
<br /> �F.,
<br /> - �F' �::f. � .. . � � � � 'i,�� � �'�`�� �� € >c.•,. .i
<br /> ' .!/� . ' . ' � � ' . ,'.,''` . � ,<F=`:Y ' .
<br /> .`'r4ir�'S . . ���1'� �.'�.'�1��4 a:;E , '. � , i:. i -.,
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<br /> }.�tt`•, - - - � -- • '.�, . . ,"�::..�*,;'i.�P:S;"� •tl:.�. :. • . . . . '
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