`� a C` x � `L.•" .4` . _ . _ . . . . " 1�
<br /> - � . '. . ' �. ._' `''� _' y� .."' _—_. _'__.'. .__'__. ".�"__ '_ 'r
<br /> .y _ � _.
<br /> J. _ _ � ' '`r � ,� . f _ ' _ _ _ _ " � .. ( { ' --_
<br /> J : �i .�� :J• _yS�y_+}3"f�
<br /> . _ . 1;�J'--
<br /> . _ �1• .l. w..r.• ' _ __ ' _'_– " .,, ,. _ '. . v .,� ___� ..< .., -
<br /> �':7:� ' ' " _" __ ... . , . _
<br /> � i
<br /> i` " ..- _ •• . �-i -
<br /> _— " _' .. . ._ -.....:
<br /> 4'.��vr �ui�yy�� . . .` _ . . .. ._. _ ..' ' ... - ._' _ _ —__ '_ __—_____._ ___"____ ._ ` .
<br /> - 92-- 10�� , _
<br /> _ 1�G�l�R wm�slt t�e imp�n,►�na no�v:ac aamta ae�aa on the p�p«�y,aaa ati�t..app�t�o�a.aaa.`::.. —
<br /> = S:mns eo�r>or b�e�rafta.a�:�t ni�tlw pcioperty: 11� �aad additions shill iiso ba covenod by tWs Seauig► - - _
<br /> _ Iroaaoar. All�of tho fo�ain�is rete�red to ia this Sautit.�r Inswment ss�t6e•Pmpeic�.'.: =-�T_..�.=--
<br /> , . —y�„•_--.�=_-
<br /> __ _ � 80RK��iBR COVENANTS tlnt Soaowcr is lawfutijr sra.9oJ of We�state bei+eEiy aonvegod aod i�s the right to gnK md _��,i_,.. ._�,. -,
<br /> - � coavey tbe P�pe;ty and th�t tUt'Pt�npa'[}is uaeaa�m6ttiod,oxcept for cncumbr'�nc�e's of r000�d. Bom►wu wanants aad will - � _����---
<br /> . �-.
<br /> -� defa�d�enrtAl�y tt�c titk to tt+o Psa�paty against all ciaitas aad dem�nds.subje�ct w any e,oaina6rances af reoas+d.
<br /> :� . THLg SECi71tCi'1(INS71tiJA4ENT oambines aaiforan wv�aants for national use�nd antwaifonm oovenants with limitcd ` '
<br /> - variatioes by�jurisdiction to aoasddue a uafotm'securiry in�ws�p►t ooveriag ceai piapeny. . . . '
<br /> _ , .'' � lINffQRM tXlVENAN7S.Banawer and l.eoder aati?�a�anda,gcee as foAow� _. --_---_---- -
<br /> ,:.,. i. A.�.ot Pri.dpal and ina�e;Prep��ant ad�ate.Cba�gea. 8orrowa s1a11 P�P�tY WY wf�aA due the -
<br /> . _ .__�:��'?�-.-. principai of and intecsst at tAe debt cvidenoed by the Nate�nd smy-prepaymeat aad l�e charges due under the Note. . '. , . .._ ' .
<br /> . . +�r ,.
<br /> � ' •.F.�.1S�•...".'9.P+�'X ���tor Tues a�d L�anoa SubjacCw appiicabk hw or to a wriuen waiver by lender,Borcawer shall pay to �- . . �
<br /> �'�.;�'= �, Leader oa t h e d a a�due u o d e r t 6 e N6te,w�l t b e N o t e is p a i d In fu l l,a�m( F u n d s'ti for:(a)y e a r l�r t a x a+ �r• .:. ._
<br /> ..::;w,. Y�Y Pa3� . � .. -. _
<br /> ^�:�::��:=r�";� aqd a�ussanents which may atqin piiority mrer tlus Saurity Iastniment as a liea on the P[operty;(b)Y�actY l�d�oTd PaYm�ts '
<br /> �•. •�?�. .._ ot gcaund t�ents on the Piaperty.if any:(c>yearty hazac�or pmpeny inpuranoe P�iums;(d)ycarty tioad iusuraaoe p�+niums, � - -. . • --
<br /> -� ��`° if any;(e1 Yeatty moctgage iasuranoe prenaiwas.if amy:apct l�anY�Payabk bY Homnvrer ta te�:in s�ouo�¢�ttt '' - ' -
<br /> '� �� :f= ' . d�e provisioas of puagraph 8,ia lieu of the paymeut bf maitg�ge iawraace pn�miums.These items a�ciiie3'`'lE�i►av I'teaos.` . ,�,;•��;
<br /> . �� t•:
<br /> r .`. ;.�: ; . Isndtr ai�.aE�;�time.ooltoct and MW Funds in an�nat_ta�xeaed t6a n�xinnum�aw�A a`terder for a fede+ca��r.. =�,rj� �`:�
<br /> - �:.;:-,::� . - ��tf.
<br /> ':,; :, ":'r� � nl�ted mortgage'toaa.may reqt►ic�for 8oimwer'se9cm��a000vat unitsth federat Real.Estate��tt..%ment Pmoedui+esAcs�of ` ,,=-• - - _:n _-
<br /> ,„ , 't� 19T4 as a�ncnded fmm.time ta t€me.t2 U.S_C.Saxi� Z5(Il ei s�q.('RFSI'!1'l.unless.euotl�erlaw tbat appties w t�e Fuads <,; � �,
<br /> � � , sets a lesser a4�oont. If so �s time,oollect aM hold Fuods in at� i`s,i:•c�t t+u exceod the Iesses�maunt. `'a:�.`G eF< :ar° ___
<br /> ,. �c� ..�. �!►,��?nY� ,� . ' .
<br /> Irender may euimate tbe a�iiJztt vf F�.d�on tLc 6uis of cumeot data and��„l�t`���.of expeaditutes of fuoue ;�j� � � }
<br /> _ ` r : ; ,{:',[,t{,��, ( ;����f.
<br /> � �i • ` .: .• �:":,.,.: �' � ;' _
<br /> ,F :� t � Escrow ttems or otl�wise in.�o�daaq�.'�i}t�?�li.�bk 1aw. .,�"F ,:.,,,�` . . '�
<br /> !t�
<br /> � . ��� 3.•:. .';. � ,t i.r�� -_
<br /> �y * - " '' - �{71C'�`tiQt�9 S�fi��r b�.liE`�'�ft� ��,�ie1�Tf�?►�fE1SC�OSIis �ie iti50iCa Ii�i•��'�� �ilII1�i i1T ef3 . , iz:•`'� --�"� '
<br /> '�F' , • TTi?•':•...� � ���• •�s �" G:�i.��.��� - �� �.
<br /> ; .���rl��, . �` , . •�uding l.eader.if Irnder Fs s�uch an i��iaip��,?�aa ai�Federal Home l.va»B�;��s�a�i�aOPiY.���.`�v p�y� s- ` -_
<br /> _,�;�•.� �d�
<br /> .,�_ „c...� ? .r,.. ', �� t. • �-� p1;a�`��.
<br /> ;,�f.,f `=�:� �'���_.a ��;<< � �•=�aw Iteam.L�ender may uot c�harge Bo����;f,h���and applying tHe Fwuds.�lty ada�y�ing du�e�v�iiewreou�rt,or !?',�;�Y<r: . �' .�
<br /> ���;'F€ �';��. ".r�`�I'' ' vea no the.#�.ew Itans unless I.wdesr i.i t.�r1�r m�cf:5�y7sri�on t�Funds and applirable i�'�inits Lajdeir��mak(i�t. �:`; �:s��Et�:-
<br /> _1Z Q�i e 4�r �'f, ,)if . � 7 . . + !C^_ j `t'"=':_. , _ . . .' ` __.
<br /> �� , - ,..�:t°�--'�s,�f����.'�� a charge•N�?.�q:�f�ender�9�qai���erlt�r`�ya-one-arne�clmrge for an iadepeadentt�4�te tsx rrpasting se�v�ae �' . "�
<br /> 1���; ,`,�,�' � 5; used by L�:i,rs�oont�ection with this Yam. unless applicabie law provides otderwise..t,��ss�ae agnemeat is m�de� F `�
<br /> l}�! {
<br /> �z =�Y��€��[ applicable faw ft�cjaires interest to 6e paid:L+crJder sh�ll nat be reqaued to pay Borrov.sie��y ir�er�st or eamings on tlie Fund�.,;+, ��::., c �- ,
<br /> ..�:�r�: ::4�,'`����',L.���!',t i;_� Bornnwer and l�nder may agriec in writi�ig:.�nwever,that interest shall be paid o�t���'-uisd.�l�der shali give to Borroaes,� � �`•' .�fi�� ��'•`
<br /> , ��, , �'=°��. ,
<br /> �f�{_;` � ti� ��' ,;�' „ ' ��t';"t'�� '.�:s�.
<br /> , r.. � .F�,ti �4f��va��s�t without charg�,;;3aiannual xcountiag ot`}�C�nds. stwwing ctedits and debits ta�iz��,i�s�q2.the PaTose for which e� ,, ��,f ',�
<br /> cha�
<br /> ���:.
<br /> �,.� `�,�1"f�r:'�;�`�+�fi�' , debit tv the Fv�rl�was m�de_The Fdnds'ae�j�'�clged�as addi[ianal secarity for all s�sewit�.�i;�his Security Insuvment ' ��: r -c,r�i•�
<br /> •. ". ��f��t�4.4�'.,��t��;ir k4� _ If tbe�w�Q's Ne1d by Ixndereacaod tP�a�amu pemiiaed ta be held by applicable law,�sha11 xcount to Bortox�r i . ,., � ` ;�
<br /> j,' �.�. fr, �.,. . ., � ,, ,
<br /> '' .��,e�+�� .,�r ;`•` E��� :��a��ezcess Fnods in xcor+danc�e with the r ire�e'�s;� lipble faw.It the amouat of ttie Funds hetd h Lendcr at • �;.'s„. ���
<br /> � �•'rF�?;�"�,�f`=; `��.�.���`� �N .aPP Y �:. , :.fi
<br /> ',,��Y��; ,: pay hc whe^.ti �may naafy Borr�eeri�,n vvriting,and in such Bo ac':�: :;�r<, .
<br /> _ , • '- ,.`�Y�+'�'r; � '�t���a1',&s�i�cient to t Escmw[tans �.+�- �o . G� � ' . � .
<br /> F 4,I ; "���[((�,�hs� �'6W�t�:�:�s[m8ex the amount necessary r.�alce u,�K�%��.ye�cyi::�csrrower s�k�op�F{�deiicieacy in no more th��,� . IE'� ` . . �'�`:
<br />�'�fv�s. %'�-/j iflt�J r [.�� �`yR � �.! � � :i. '� .3.i: •'`,� ,•_,�',��
<br /> 13 � }.} 1 �rr�Y�.,1M�UA'R,��u�.n�r Na���5����.�'t��n. - . .:' ," , � .,`� �:'•, dF �
<br /> - )i� F .�.._._ ... . .. . - . r ___ '
<br /> J.,r�_ �r,f?� � . Upoti�t in falt of ail snrrn.�•sra��cl by this Sccnrity Insttuinent. Lcivit��all promptty tefund to Borrower�yr•:, E r=- ,- --�- ;
<br /> � r. S�9i34;x�,. �. _�., _`I .
<br /> , , ; , �'S�,;�,,_. . . Funds hetd 6;r�nr3ic�r.if mur�r paragra�bi�i.L.ender shall acquire or sell the P�a�sp:Lender.Prior to 1he acquisition or sale . .
<br /> •,�:,r�.;y: - •• ,� .
<br /> P ;�;f.•�,z�;s � - oFthe PropertY.:�'ti�.ap�fy�r��C-��ds held bY ac9 aE Y �::f::�:;;�
<br />,, l.eader at the time of uisition ar saTe as a credit �inst the sums securod b :��;•;, . -
<br /> ��;�:;�;�� %. this Security I�i. .�.: •,,,; . , ;.;�., ,.,, . z
<br /> ,.� , �.
<br /> r�!� ' . �. ' 3.�ot Paymq�ts.Unt�ss r,�Gicable law provides otherwise.a!I payatents re,ceived by L.endet under paragrdphs � � ,. ;�
<br />#': . �� ,. . � � 1 wd 2 slrati be applied: first.co any���t charges duc under tlie Nae:seoond,to amaunt�c payable undcr par�grapli 2; .t ' . '-
<br /> , ,`�''; k:`:. ' third,to interest due�.faurth.ta princi��,� .rad iaa.to any latc charges due tm�i�.the Nae. ` `'
<br /> +. ,�yr.�;r•... �':.: . f •. •T'-;_
<br />,�- ,. ;` ,�,';,���#. ` ,- :` : 0.�arges;Uens.Borrower shali�;:a�'tai:.�;:�eessments.charges. fines�.+mpositions attributabta�the Property t ";;
<br /> i� 3 j,r 'ir,: : . , �;�'
<br /> ,f�jt`�`• t�,�j��•y,,� �'�if�may au�,F:e priority drer lhis Secucu.�.�is�rarsv�:a�d leasehotd payme�trs,'norgFnund renu.if any.�iw�err sfull pay ; • ,,P'ti�.:;
<br /> �•T i P r.�';� '.`'i these obliga4au�c�the manner provided isi1T�P�Ph 2.or if nol pai��m ti�t t��ar�r.:tiorrower s5tul 1�Y th�m on time dir+�1`�, j ` �•r r
<br /> :hj�;_,� ,.f,� , ;, ., �:�, .; • . ' .� ,:'�-;r':
<br /> '< <<, r*.. . .� to the person�payrt�ent. Borrower shall promptly fumish ta Lc���mIU.��i���a�j�,t4.-*�ountsxa be�aaid under this par�ges�:-'`,
<br />_'{;;��'.; r•r-r <<<,�,�t:%.��:?�' � � : ..
<br /> �,�.;:�i1-#4�l,�`�tI�y;;y.,''',;; If Borrower makea�these payments directly.Borrowet shall promptty fu;�nti�i'e zs��u�;�ri:,:�r`ei�encing the paymenu. ``f�,,�.�
<br /> �' .f�jt n�t,,% ''f'! �S . . ' ''. . . . ' ..
<br /> - �,�, f-, . •:z�;�'A'� �` Borrower shall prornp�g discharge any licn whid�has priority ovr,�;�6ies 5raar��-:[�i?*�ccsent uNess Borrower.(a)agrees id ".r C iry:::�::�,•
<br /> '�•�-` �Li t 1 l��� � p ' i��'•I`(2i;-�' .
<br /> ��.t��;�'. �;1��� � writing to tbe payment aith�abligati�n sccutaf by the lien in a manaes,�sa�'�,�+:�i�:l�ata,,,�r:(b)crintests in good Paith ttie liet� . }.�. � .
<br /> "41.� � �.`'J�_;ti , t ,. , � �j�.'7�Z."',�`' , !,"�6•y
<br /> `:.3 3.'.,:. ' `,s`���#- ;: �y. or defends against enfarcement nf 8i�ii�� in. IC*j� pIOCCCdltfg5':rl��).i�.]d'Lj,�c.Ru:�SrCf's apinion aperate W preveat d�c ��`•.:,•� - .. �`'`y�'r��:::�.
<br /> 4 � .��.�
<br /> • ' •� •�p►���� eaforament of ihe lien;ur(N�ecures f�r+.ti,t lsuidcr of thc ticn an'-',o�eiv:inv*ssi.�i.1�.�;,�;7ory t�Lender subordinating the Ilcn to , ' . :•�:`�'`4':
<br /> '.�' ;;:��:°- . .. , ,i. 4
<br /> . , . ',. this Security Instrumen� iH:�aftter detctmiiii:�;i`l'�a►�t�►,.��f the Praperty iy�t�7E�jv.i 5��a lien which may attain priority over .
<br /> •',•;�h�,,, this Security lnstrument.�s�tt�y giv4�pi�'r+ttaa�.�r,�.�t�rui�3r identifying thc,iic:�.`�;rn,wcr shaU satisfy the licn or Iaice or�e or � ��
<br /> ��,����`',. . more of the acuuFls set fc�n�'�;G�wilhin 7L�t�3�i�E,i��rot,.g of�ce=i.. �.; : ,
<br /> ;:':.%�''�• . • .{:,� ' . ` '" t� �;., � . < i ''�;,�,.
<br /> 1�� .. ' �:i�LI� , .. . - � .. I�� � ' ' ' ��� �l� � �.1. ! ,
<br /> . ;t�d� .. . . . D •�� - . . . � .'=�•�;L
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<br /> . _ .. e.u�� . _ , , �� ��a�i�l'�
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<br /> , . . . .. ;y! " � .'; �1r`'.,�i+}''•,'/;��.�s' .r {t.
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<br /> ,�;•;, (:::�.
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