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��� . �� .__ _-� - . ,. _ r. `. . .. .�.. . : f_`. ._. _ . ._ .` _: ._.��_ � a <br /> . .� � ' � - �' <br /> � • <br /> _a - � !_,.Lendar wiFh wrNtan noUm ot any actual or ! � <br /> • 13.'LENDER'3 RltdHl'TO CCi::y5�1�cvi�C�'G L,EGAi w�'i'w+dS. Gte��c�sh�➢o�:T�'t�psot•b .- _ __ =4.,- <br /> U:reatened aWon,suit,or other praoaed+rtg altccting ths Proparty. Grantor hsrehy appoirrts Lender as its attomay�indact to corm�snce,;rnervette In,end i"--"�'°' . ` , <br /> dsfend such aGtcns,suits,or other le�l prcoeedings and to eortpromise or setila eny daim or cor�trovorsy perlaining ihereto. Lendsr shall not ba liab!e ta � �>�.�� <br /> Grerttor tar any ac:ton.error.mistako.omissbn or detay pertaining to tho ac6ons dasaibad in ihi�para�apti or any dart�s rosu8ing therehom Nothfng F . . .. . . ,. '<- <br /> eontained herein witl prc�vorrt Lan�k+r fram YaMv�g ihe a�lorrs dasuibed m ihis paragraph in rts ar�n narro ` ._� <br /> v <br /> � �. . <br /> t4, li1IDEC7'd!F[CAIiQiV. Lend�r ahall nct assum�w bv responsihte for the perfamrance o1 eny of C3rantoYs aEltgaticns viith rospact to ihe Property undor ;;} `�� • • ': <br /> �y areum,yance�. Qrarrtor shal�irtrr�diately provide Lender wiih written no6ce of and intlemuty and hotd Lender and its�harehotdota.d�rnctora.offixra. �� • <br /> ertpioyees end aSe►rts narmtess irom ell daim�.damages.IiabiliUes(indud�ng attomeys teas and legal exponses).rauses ot astlon.actiorts.suits an4� :. 4 <br /> am <br /> other legal�ooeadn8s(wrrulativafy"Claims�Portajning to tte Property(indudng.but not Iimited to.ihoso imrohring Hazatdous Materials) Ciran►cr.upon� • ,. <br /> the requesl o}Lender,shaU hUs teg31 eounsel to detend Lender trom such Galr►ts.and PaY 1he&ttomeys tees.�egal oxp�nses and othsr wsts inwrrod In ' : ,� <br /> sonnettion therewitfi- In ths attemativa,�ender hh h�,��e the tarm�^atlon,r t2aseeor'faredosure ot this Oeed of TrusK �Grantors eost a►ancor� ' - <br /> obligadlan to indermity Lertdar undsr ihis paraSraF , � ` •, _ <br /> A ND/tSSESSbIfEJ3TS. Qrantm shall pa all taxes and assessmertts relating to Properry when due and Imme t�he esU na edgannual insuran� � ` . <br /> tb. TAXES . , <br /> = of payrr�nt ot s�rre�. UAun the requesi ot Lendar. or shall deposit wiih�end2r each month ono-twal(th(�/2) - -- <br />. p�zmium.lanes and assessmertts pertaining to the Pmperry. So rong as ttiere is no�fauH.�eso arr�ou�ts sfiall ba ap��d to ths p�nt ot taxo ------t . - � <br /> a,sessr�rrts and insurartce as required an the Propc3riy. In ihe avarrt of datauh.Lender shalt have ihe its sole appiy the funds so hetd t , <br /> GaY�Y taxes a against the Obiig�tians. Any tunds appllied Lenders 2ppled In ra.rcre�rse order of ths�e date ihereef. • � _ <br /> 5 1& INSPEGTIO;U CF PROPEA7Y,80ai(S,RECOADB ANO REPORTS. Grarttor shail altow Lendar or its agents to exandne and inspect the Pmperry ' . - ;..;;�� :1�; <br /> and exartdne.fnspect and maks cop[es of Cimntor's books and reeords partaining ta the Property trom tims to Ume. :rantor sfiall provide arry assistance . .- - - __ <br /> �Nj��Y Lender for these p�upDSes. Alt of the s��aturas and inbm�ation oorrta'r.a3 i�Gras;c���.�and records shall be genuine.uue,aaurate snd , '. , .� � <br /> cam�ets in ail respecis. C,Yantor shall note ths e�dstence of Lende�s bene8da!irtterest in its books and records pertaining to the Praperty. Ad�Uortalty. '.�'-f,4. <br /> ' QraMOr shaU report,in a form�ry to lander.siech intamtiatlon as Lender may re�est regar�ng Granta�a ttnarteta!concWon or the Praperty. The `-,_ . <br /> infamtation shall be far sarah Pedods.sha11 rafleet 6tatrto�s teoords at such tirre.and shafl be rendeted wtth sud►t�eyuenr.y as Lender may designate. All . �:.:,=.�__._ <br /> '`•f - <-' "F'm!_°�. <br /> irdomrta�ion fumishetf by G.�lrtor to Lender shall be we.accur�e and oomptete in atl respe�ls,and signed by Grarttor d lBndsr reques[s. - - , c� �„ <br /> r�x:`�••_.____. <br /> � 17. E56aD?EL CERTIF[CA?ES. Wrthin ten(10)days after a►ry request bY Lender.Ciranior shall deliver to Lender.or any irrtended transferee of Lender's '. . •.;�,,,_--. �- <br /> dgMs�e�fi+respect to the Obiigattons.a stgnad and aelmawtedged statement spedfying la)the outstanding balanee on tfie Ot�tigations:and(b}whe4her ' <br /> Grantar possesses enY daims.defenses.setoffs or wurrterdatrts with rasped w ffie Obligations and,ff so,iha nawre ot suc,h daims.dafeases,sotoffs ar _ ,������ <br /> � courtUar+da(rm. Grarrtnr wiU be condusivety bound by arry representatian ih�IBnder may rtralce to the Irttended transf3ree resped to these matters(n r �. <br /> ( � the everrt th�Cirantor faHs to provfde the requested statemarrt in a timery manner. � ., :���'_ <br /> -. ;._;��:, - <br /> y8. D�AlILT.Granier sttaU be in defauit un�r thts Deed of Trust and tha Trustes's power shail became operative in tha e�:errt iha3 Gramor,Borrower or „�,�:����y <br /> _ �ny�tor of iha Obl;gaUons: -•��-- _ <br /> .._sc.._..� .. <br /> �. (a} fails to pay arry Oblig�lon to Lender when tL�e; , _ —:,,,_ <br /> (b) fails to pertartn arry Obligation or bread�es asry warrantl►or covanartt to Lender wrtta?ned in this Qzed of Tn�st er arry othar presem or Gmire .,;�-, <br /> �., ,� <br /> _ agreement; in rtaatec�l respeet or subjects tho Pra�m/to condemiatlon: � ,�' <br /> (c) destroYs.loses or dartiages the ProPer►Y �Y m atl _ <br /> .� •., <br /> (� seeks to revoka.termfnate or otherwise lirtit fts Ga�aliry under any guaranty to Lendar; ._ _ ',.< <br /> - (e) des.beecmes legatiy dissoNed mr termtrtated.6erames insolvem.makes an asslgnmerrt tor ihe fi eden whl�rarttor�Botrtawer � " `-�x`�� ` <br /> �bts as they beoorre dus,filas a p e t i tion undsr the federal banlvuptcY taw�has an im�oiurrtary petitian in banlaupicy . ,`, 1 . <br /> � % or any�arantnr i� <br /> rtamed,or has CroPBnY t a f mn un d sr a r ry w r i t a r p r a o a s s o f e a u rt: � <r A• • �� .._ <br /> altows goa�s to�used.lransPeRed or stored on tlie Property.the possessfon.transportation,or use af�.:gal: •?'�.:•.. <br /> ��.'�:�.�:,,.�c;"• � <br /> ` �9� �oy�rs any pa�ty other ihan Grantor or Barrawer ta assurre or undertake anY ObG9atton without the vrtitten unsert ot Lender,or • �.: <br /> (h) causes Lsrsder m deem itseif insecaue due to a s!�fftcant dedine in the value of the Praperry:or if Lender,in�nd faith.tar any reason.belteves � ��,� ; :�;.;' <br /> ' that ihe prospect of payrtter�t or perfom�ance is irry�aire�. <br /> • ,�'' ;,;f. : `. , :y}� ,.. <br /> 1g RIaHTS OF LB�IDEA ON O�AULT. If ffiere is a defauft under ihis Deed af Trust,Lendar shall 6a em�ded to exerc,ise one or more at ihe foilowtng �':F�,• ,_�.:.- <br /> ',�:;:4 rame�eswithoul noU�a demand(exeept as cequired by Iaw): _ - 37 j... <br /> (a)to dedare ihe 061fgailons 6mtiedamly c5�e and paya6�e In fuli; s ' <br /> _ (b) to wlfect the outslandng ObHgatiom.►wfth or withoul resorUng to jumdal process; . _ � •, c s:,•- <br /> rsonal properry ar Ch�!s conslituting fhe Prqoerry at a place reasonahty ,°�.-�„:,. ; <br /> (c� ta tequlre Grantor to dsUver and rteke avallable to Lender arry pa _ !'� <br /> ca:rvzn!ern to arantor and lendor, , . ,�, `� <br />. (d? �etner upon ar�d taf�possession of ihe PropertY without applying for or obtalning the apFo.,�nt of a receiver and.m Lendei's ,�;,._ . <br /> appoirrt a reeeiver without 6ond,wilhout fitst bringtng suit on the Obligatlons and without othenv`se mestin8 anY st�utorY oond�tions regar+drtg _ �,�� <br /> beir,g i�reanded th�Lender sha0 have this condarfiial ri�t to appolm a reeehrer. • <br /> n m af�}re proporiy and let ihe sarte.e�ther in Ttustee's uwn name,in the nama ot Lender or in the nama of Ciramor,and v�"'"" <br /> (e) to ertpioy a.� 9� �d the sarro.after paymeM of all neoessary charges end expenses.on acoount of - ���.��, .l M1r::.' <br /> ' reo0lve the rems.i.Cames.fssues and pmfits of the Property aPA�Y ... �- <br /> � theObO�lons; . . :• .; _ <br /> . (� to DaY any surro in arry torm or iranner deemed expemem by Lender to protect the securiry of t�s Daed of Truh or to cure arry dafautl other fian _. -��.�:�-'�. <br /> paymern ot irterest ar prindpal on the Ohilgallons: thrau exerdse o1 the pcwor of safe as reterenoed in •� ` <br /> (9)to taredose this Oeed of Trus1�udctat�y a rtor.r�dldalty and to�rect the sate of the propeny � �- <br /> paregeph 20 heteof in aoo0ord�fCewlth apqiC.abia i::x: ."'�!1�.__s- <br /> (h)to setoff Qrantofs Ohligations aga!nsf eny ar:acunts owed(irarrtor by Londer fnduc9ng,but not limttad to.:��s.fnstrumarrts.and Qeposit ;:',��� .:��.• � <br /> asr�mts rtatntalned wilh Londer or arry curtemfy exisUng or tuture affiliate oi Lender,and _ .}f:.,.._, <br /> (:)v oxerdse atl oiher rlgMs availabie to Lender undet arry other written ageemerri or applicabte law. �,'• •-.-�----� - <br /> ' LendeYs rl s are curtulashre and may be exerdsed together.separatety.end in arry order. In the cv-a��thal Lender Instinites an acilon saeWng ihe ..•. .• : _:..._ <br /> reoovery o�any of the Properry by way ot a prejud�rem remady in ai aGion egainst(3ra►rtor.Grar.t��+rraivas the pasUng of arry band whkh m1�1 .�p.,..,i:',_ <br /> otherwisa be required. Lender ar Lsrdefs dest�os rr�.y ihe Property at any sale. Proceeds ot any Trustee s:�te hereunder shall be app6e3 <br />- flrst,to the costs and e�ensea af exetclsing ihe pow3r a sale and of the sale,inGudng the paymer�t of the Trustee's Ssos ectuaily Indured end nof?o ��''°�''��''� �"` <br /> e���num vrhtch rtay be aovidad br In this Deed of Trust,seoond,to payrrem of the Obligations sea:red her.� the Paymertl of junt3r "�.a.�"�%A:- <br /> Vust deeds,rrortgagos,or oth�r ile�ot��s.end the balanee.H any,to ths person orpersons legalty entlt2ed thereto. Tha�uoporty or erry part thereof may `�'�`#`�;, <br /> be sold in one paroel,or In sudi parcets,manner or ordar as IBnder in�t�sole�sustion nay e►ed,and a�aa or m�ve exerdses ot the pawer herefi gfanted � --T:• <br /> •�••<t--= ' <br /> - sfiall nof e�Nng,ilsh or e�aust the power untess the enUre property is s;.�ar the obligatlons are pald In r�1;. --;�r„—=L.�-.�:r <br />' i•'i 2p TFIUSTEE'9 EXERCISE OF PCNYER OF SALE Qd�10EFAULT: It Lendar elects t�seU Grantora izs'.�rast in the P.a,.-'=rtyr by exercise ot the pawer of � �` 4+���"Y,���'.---� <br /> F�wvar.^.:.-��:�-_• <br /> � satu hereln ea n t a in e d.l nnder shail nati f y Trustee in ttxi r�nsr then requlred by law. .••�,�,��.�_�,.•, <br /> � �M�.•. • n�.•�.w <br /> Upon reoeipt of sueh notice of Lender and at the mrecHon of Lendet,Tro�"ae shali eause to be re�orded,pubtished and delivered such notiees of detault . - .:"'��<.:•- <br /> � ��,y;;�g o}�o�q�y ihen be re�lted by law and by ihis Oeed o}Tr,�t. Trustee shall,onry at tho dreellan of Lender and w0hout deTrsnd on(irantor, � Y,..,,,:• <br /> � ;.°»�s�Umo t�.s may then he required by taw and after recordadon o1 s::�:�naflce of defautt and after nmice oi salo hav(ng 6een ghren as re�ired by iaw, , , • <br /> s,3±'rs Froperty al the t!me end piace ot saio fixed by it in sueh notioo o}stile,ehher as whole or In ssparate Iots or parceis or ftems as Lor��r shall deem _ <br /> e�ertl,and in sueC�cader as fl may detemino,at public auWon to the highest bidder tor casn in lawful maney of the UnBod S'tatospayabis at the Uma ot • .. � <br /> ' sale,ar es othervulss m,ay then be required bY law• Trunee shall del'rver to such pureh�er or purchasers thoreot Rs good and sufHdem cleed or deeds . <br /> •i car,vaying iho praperry so su�d Ixn vii�iheut anY ooYanam or warranty.e�ress or Irt�t��d. The reeitats in such doed o1 any matters or faets shall ba , <br /> � car.a'usive praof o!ihe finhtulnoss ihereot. Myperson,Indumng,wfthout UmttaGon.Cirantor.Trusles or Lender,may purchase at such sale. Trustee rtay � <br /> .. in ffi�minner pravldQd by Isu posipctse sale ot all or any poNon of ihe Proporty. , . . <br /> 21. REQUEST FOA HOTICES: Grantor requnsts that a oopy of any noUoo of defauit and a cop/of arry noUcs of sate hereunder be ma(led to each person ' � � ' . t,�• <br /> � who is a PaAy hereto at t�tie ec�ess of such person set fonh hereln at the samo tirre and in�he sama manner required as though a separate request ' i' <br /> theraol had been fitsd by eaeh such psrson. . - <br /> �--- <br /> i� . <br /> � f-- <br /> . I ' � . �_: <br /> i I�r � ' - <br /> I1 .._:.' _.. _ .._.._:.. � <br /> __ Papo3 _�11 � . _ . .. . _ ..� <br /> NEDOTC Rg�.3A6 <br /> � � �. � , I"". <br /> - ^ ' � '- .: •. f ' <br /> . _ _ �" _ � �_ � .. .. ....... ... .._... -,_ <br /> _.�....._�-- ��.�.�..^.�. .—.- :'i._-_.T._.."_' _ - ..,, _ . ' . . ' . - <br /> � .. <br /> �..._� <br /> :....�..-. ..-T..+-�...�-.�_...�-.�.-�_�__�_.... . . . .�.. "'—.""'_._..�._.. . . . _ . <br /> . �' � . ' '• , '• �•`I •� ' : . - � ` . .. ., • ; ' <br />-� . .-1( . _. . i. ' � .a. .. ��� . � .t'.. . .1 .. . � . . ' ' ._ .,t,�. .. •. •..n . . . . . . � . . . . . . '•.. <br />