. . ' _ . . . �. . ` �:
<br /> . ....,. -
<br /> '--_.-� -.:b:.�.:._.. �. . . 4 , . . - . . . , ' . — :: ._ �,:.-
<br /> : � .. .. ,. �y�—_
<br /> , • . .. . �:�ti
<br /> . ' ' . ���-.. -----` .
<br /> _ ` �cl Ail�tab'o Iav+s and regufauens.�nctumng,without furetaqon,the Amecicans vrrth 6isaiw�66as act.42 ii.S.C. Settiort t2�85 ni ssr. is,��o;i -.- ; -_-
<br /> , i tegulatfans prortul¢ated ihereundflr)and af1 zoning and 6uld�ng laws and reguta6ons relanng to the Property by virtue of any fed9ral,stata or muNdpal , � �
<br /> authority wrth jurisdetion avar iho Properry.Presarrtly aro and shall be observed and cortplied with in ali material respezts.an�ali dghts.Goensss. ' �1_
<br /> 1 �� • ~` . -
<br /> ' ' i � pomits,and corGfieatcts of oxupaney pndumng but not IlrtQted to zaning vatiances.spsNal exce�tions for noncanfaming uces,and final inspaciton i , , _
<br /> �! approvals).vrhethor tortporary or�srrranetn.which are ma:er(al to the use and xwpancy of tha PropeRy.Rreserttly are and shali he ohtained. � �:' ��' .
<br /> `'+ fueserved and whore nacossary.mnawe�:
<br /> i
<br /> �? (dj Qraritor haS t�e rigtit ar�d is duty authoritod to execute and perfortn its Obfigatlons under this Deed of Trust and these aetions dn not and shail nat � • _
<br /> I eonEla wiih the provtstons ot anp s�tatute,re�lailan,ordnanee,rula of taw,corttract or other a�eerrem which may be bind�ng on Grantor at any time,
<br /> � (e) No aGion or�edng is or shall be pend�rt�or ihreffiened which rtdgtrt materialty affea the Properry:and , • . -
<br /> { (f) Grarttor has not vioiated and shall not violats any staMe.rcgu!aiion,or�nanes.NIB O}�fl'N,wrmact or other agreemetit(ndud�ng,but not lirr�ed t� .
<br /> tfiose govaming Hazardous Maierials)whlch rtti�t rtetesiaily atied tha Property or L�nders rights or imerest in the Pmperty pursuam to this Deed o�
<br /> Trust. .
<br />� 3 PRIOfl DEEOS OF 4RU3T. Qrantor represertis and+�artams Ihat there are no pdor deeds of trust affscting any part ot ihe Property except as set forth' r• �-
<br /> =" on Sct�e[6�1e B attads�d to ihls Q:�d ot Tnul,►vtilch Gtatrta a�ees ta pay and pertorm in a timely manner. If there are any prior Qae3s of irust the �_'�_--- - -. - ---
<br /> Cirardor agrees to pay all artnurtts cxed,and porform all obligations required,undsr sueb deeds of trust and the indebtedness seared theraby and turthe� � -- ,
<br /> agrees that a defautt un�er any prlar�ed of trust sfiall tm a dsfau4t under ihis Oeed of 7rust and shall entitle Lendsr ro all rights and remedes contain ( , __
<br /> here:n cr in the O�Iigations to whleh Lender vrn�d be emitled in the event of any other de(zuft. �.� . < , : �
<br /> 0. TRADiSFERS OF iHE PROPERTY OA BFSiff[CIAL INTERESTS IId f3RANTONS OA BORROWEHS. In tha evern of a sala,comreyartce,fea�, .� • ., �, -
<br /> � contract tor daed or transter to any psrsan of aB or any�rt of the real praperty desails�ed in 3chadWa A,or arry imerest therein,or of a!I ar arry benefid • .
<br /> irrerest fn Borra�Ner or Grantar(if Borrower or Cirantor is not a namralperson or persons 6ut is a wrporation,limited IlatpGty corrq�any,pa�fiarship,mist,o
<br /> � pihet�egal entity),Lender may.ffi Rs optlon dedare tfie outstant5ng prtnefp�al ba!ence of the OhiigaUons plus aarusd irtterest therean imr�edrately dua artd . . ; •• '
<br /> PaYable. At Lendefs request.Cirantor or Bartawar.as ihe case may he,shaU fumish a comple2e statemerA setfing forth all 01 its stodQioiders.members.or • • . ` ",...
<br /> partners,as apjxo�tlate.and the e�errt of iheU respecth�ownershlp'utterests. . ,��°-_ ._,_
<br /> s. . ;,F�;:_- -r:
<br /> S. ASSIQHIItEHT OF RHQTS. �n consideration of the Obiigations,which ara sewred by this Deed oF Trust,t3rarttor a6solutely assig�s to lender�I t • . •
<br /> Grantors es►ffie,right,tiUe,interest,datm and damand now owned or hereaftet acqu(red in ail e�dstin and fuwre leases of ihe Properiy Qndudn , ,: . .y���'
<br /> ' 9 a Y:�..,
<br /> extensions,renewats end sublaases>,aU a�e emems far use and oxupaney of the Property(aU such Ieases and a�eements whether written or oral,are �^ `�^�
<br /> .�� hereafter re(er�d to as tha'Leases'.and all�uaranUes of lessees periomrance under the Leases.to�iher with the irtr�ate and caminutng rtght to � �h . �.-. . --
<br /> colteei and reeeive all of the rams,tnooma,rece pt( s,revanues,issues,proffis and othar income ef arry n�re now or hereafter due(indu�ng arry incarre af ,
<br /> any n�re caming due during arry redartq�tlon pertod)under iPie Leases or irom or arising out of the Propartfl induding rtintmum rertts,addrtional rents, • _�L:y �.f-�
<br /> percemage rerts.Paridng or mmron area maintenanco corrtributions,tax and insuranee eontrinutlons.defidency rertts.1lquidatad damages foliowing ,f ,:, .. •., _
<br /> defau8 in any Lease,all Srooeeds paya6le under arry po(icy of insurartee cover(ng ioss of rertts resuidng from urrtenantability caused by dastruction or ` •-� ' '
<br /> • dartage to the Propetry,al)proceeds paya6le as a res�dt ot a lessee's exerGse of an apUan to putdtase the Pmpeny.aii proceeds dsrived(rom the +�`
<br /> termtnatlon ot rejectton of an Leaso fn a ban{ouptcy or ather insoiven n ,and aApro ceeds lrom any dghts and dalrrs of , 4"'�'° �� �
<br /> y �y�rcoeed g arry Wndwhicfi tirarttor . ._ _:�_.,- .-_ ,;:::
<br /> nay hava agatnsl any lessee under ihe Leases or arry occupants of the�roperry(all of ihe above are hereafter ooUecthraly referred to as ihe'Rems�. This �=���-
<br /> assf inent is subject to the r(gM,powar and euThorfry ghren to the Lender to eoUeet and apphj ths Rerrts. This ass?gnrrerrt is recorded tn amordanee�vith '.. z_. �` .� �
<br /> - agpt��bls state law:iha iten created by thls assi�ment is intended to be spedftc,perTected,end choate upon the recording of ihis Deed of Tnist,all as
<br /> pravJded 6y appUntle s�tate law as amendad from Ume to tirt�. As long as there is no datauft under 1F�e Oblig�tions or ihis Deed of Trust,Lender grants ,
<br /> - Cirantar a reweabfe Iicense to collect all Rerrts irom the Lsases when dua and to use sueh prooesds in Granto�s business operatlons. Hawevar,l,ender ��`�,�
<br /> . ' may at arty tlrre requtre Qrantor to deposit a!I Rertts tnto an acooum maimafned by GtaMa o�Lender�Lende+'s institWon. Upon Qefauft in the payrrent -.- •,.�. �.- -�i�:-_
<br /> � of,or in the pertom�ance ot,any of ihe Oblig3tlans,Lender may a17ts aptlan take possession of ihe Property arM have,hotd manage,lease and operate the - • " ',���
<br /> ' ' Property on terrns end iw a pedod of time that Lendar deerr6 proper. Lender may proceed to ealiect artd reoeiva all Rents from the propeRy,end LBrtder � �� .�;; �
<br /> shali have full powar to malaa afteraUons,renovattons,repairs or replaoerrertb to the Property as Lender may daem propar. Lendsr may appiy all Rerrts in �� � �, ,
<br /> � lsnder's sote�isueUon to paymem of the ObCg�ens or ta ihe paymerd ot the oost ot such aiterations,renovaar��.rspairs and raplaoerterrts artd arry► �`
<br /> expenses(nddertt to ta}dng and ratain(ng posses�an of the Praperty perfo�rafly and ihe managemartt and opar3!:a�of t�e Pmperry. Lender may laeep tha ,•��`� ' �.'` ; '.—
<br /> '; :.� Pro P�Y P�P B+�Y insurad mid may d�sd�arga arry*�.zs.chazgas.dairr�s,assessrtierrts and aiher liens which rtey�,v3. The e�ense and oost ot thase ''r•�$'�::;, ;:.�
<br />, �,. � acttans rtey be paId trom ihe Rerrts recefved.an�anY un p a l d amoums s h a l l b e a d d e d to t he p dn d p a i o f t he O��ns. T hese a rt n u r rt s,t o�t h e r w i t h �' •,;
<br /> other oosts,shall became paA of tha Obligazions secured by thls Deed of Trust
<br /> , •,r:, .i� -
<br /> , 6. LEASES AND OTHER AQREEeAENT& Grantor shall not ta)�or fatl to talaa arry actbn whid�may cause or pamdi the temir�tian or ihe v�ithholtfing of �:r, 't�f' _
<br /> anY paytnent in eonnectlon wtth arry lease or othera�esmertt('A�eerrerA']pertatning to the Property. In addition.Crantor.without Lend�rs prlar writtan ,� �. ' �
<br /> - oonsenL shatl not:(a)eoIIeet arry montas payabfe under arty A�eemem rrore than orto mortih in advanee:(b)rroddy a-ry Agreerr�nt;(a)assi�or aQmv e •
<br /> Gen,seauiry irterest or other encum6rance to he piaced upon[�taMOr's rigMs,titte and irrterest in and to arry G1$eemerrt or the atrourAa payabte �' ' ,.,,'�.
<br /> am
<br /> . ihereunder,or(�termfiate or cancel arry Agreerrertt exeept tor tha nonpayrrem of any sum or other rreterlal breaeh by ihe other p:.rty thereto. if Cirar�tor
<br /> '• reaehres at arry me any wrftten comnun(cation esss�ing a defauR by(iratitor under en AgreerterA or purporting to teminate or r�cet arry A�eertem, ''�
<br /> � Qrantor shallprortpUyr forvvard acopy of such oomrunleation(and any subsequem oortrruntmtions reiatin ihereto)to Lendar. All cu�A�eemerrts and '
<br /> . the am�unts due to(�rantor thereumfer are hewby assi{y�ed to Lender as addtional securiry lor ihe Obiigations. ��.�. � �y
<br /> , R COLLEC710:0 CF INDEBTE[iNESS FRO�A?HIRO PARTY. Lender shall6e entitled to no9ty or requfre C3ramcr��notitY any ihird pa,ry(includ�ng.Ixn ;:_����� �J
<br /> , '� not i(rtited to,lessees,lioensees,govsmmerttal au�thortlles and Insurance eortpanles)to pay Lender any inde�ess or obligatian owing to Grarttor wlth �_--.--�---- ---
<br /> respect to the Property(curtutativety 'indebte3rzss�whelher or not a defautt exists urufer thfs Dead of Trust. �rantor sha:!dllgenUy edlecl the T�' �,_T:'�'� .s-
<br />.� •� ir�ebtedness awing to 6ratitor hom these thfrd par�:es urrt(I the ghang of surh no4ftcatlon. In the e��that Ciranta possesses a��'ves possass�on of • ' �`: --
<br /> any instrurre►rts or other remEtia�xs wi�raspea to�he IndebtedL��s rollowfng iho ghring of su�:-r,s�fle�ion ar if tho instrumer.:s�r other rertittanees "'� -.: ,.-.., .•s�
<br /> � conshtute the ptepayrrent oi�y i��bie�'iess or t`�paymem af any insuranoe or oondermation�-�.Grartiw shall ttotd suu�h��and ather ;Y, ' - __
<br /> remtttancea In trusl far Lender a�.1 iram fta otha7 p�perty,endorse the instrumoms and other rerte.:�ces to Londer.and Itmte6ately provide Lender wffh ~�': ,_ __ e
<br /> possession of itte instrumerRS and mher rartiC.ar✓�s. Lender shall be et�ilied,but not requfred,to oollacl(by fega)proeaedngs or otherwlse),extend the •.� .�__.,
<br /> •i��,�.,�'.� Urte ta rtt,oo r r p romise.exchan�or reieaso arry obiipor or eollateral.or otherwise sottle any of the Udobtedness whether or not sn svertt of defauit �. .;_ - _.•::-� •�
<br />.,�. ` exlsts un�de Ws qgreemorn. �e:�er shail not 6e Ilabte to aramor tar any aeeon,error,mistake,ortisslon or defay pertalning to ihe act!ons dasaibed In this ,��•'
<br /> � parageph or any damages r�utUng therefrom NoMrithstan�ng the foregofig, nothing h3rein shall cause Lender to be deerred a : j�,` ,�:_
<br /> ; rrortgageadn-possession. , .�
<br /> • t . . ;. i^ '-:.
<br /> 8. USE AND�ANNTENANCE OF PRQPERTY. Cirantor shall talce aIl actians and make any repairs neeEed to mafrtain tAe Properiy In good eond'Non. r�'����`
<br /> Grantor shall n�cxrmit ar pem�t any waste to be comrtitted with respeet to ihe Property. Qrantar shali use�a Property solely in oortylianw with =ry��^��•
<br /> ayplita6lo law and insurance polides. Oramor sY;:ll not make any elterations,eddtlons or i�►provemertts to the D-aperty whhaut Lenders pdor written _ ��L.r;,. .:'�'
<br /> ' oonseM. Without Ilmiting tha toregoing,ail aJteraticns,edd2tons and Irtpravemertts made to ihe Pn�eAy sha7 6e s:.�A to tha 6eneftclal irrterest he(onging , , •
<br /> to Lender,shall nat be remaved withaul Lenders ptlor written oonsenL and shall be rt�de at Qrantor s soto expense. ,
<br /> a WSS OA DA�AA(iE tirantcr shaU bear the enUre dsk of any loss..hoft,desuuetlon or dar�go i anrrlativety'Loss or Dama�'�;o:ho Proporty or erry
<br /> A AA
<br /> portlon thereof irom arry cause whatsaever. In the evem of any Loss or Damage,Grantor ahall,a7 Vte opllon of Lender,wpair the�cted Property to Its ��=--"°Y�---�°--�
<br /> � pravlous oon6tion a pay or cause ro bo pald to Lertder the decrease In the fair market vatue of the affected Property. ., - . ,
<br /> 10. IN8URANCE. The Property w(11 bo kopt insured tor ita(ull Insurab►e vatue(ra�cartnm cost)agalnst sll hazards irtdu�ng loss or damago eaz;�6y •r. • _
<br /> fiood,earth�alce,tomado and flro,thofl or other casualty to�he oxtent roquired by Lender. GraJrtor may o4tain insuranoe on the Properry hom sueh � ' . `c
<br /> cortpan es as are aaeptado to Lender in its sole msuetlon. The insuranee policies shall requlro the insurenee oonpany to provide Lender with�least � .
<br /> . �0 days'wrltten no!ice before such polides aro attared or eaneefled in any marr.or The Insuranee poUdus sha;l r�mo Lendor as a toss � �
<br /> �yoe an th�no acl or onission of Grerttor ot any other person shall affect the rigM of Lender to 6e paid the insuranoe proemds pertaining to the . .. " ' ' �.
<br /> loss or darrege of the Prope►ry. �n the event Grantor fa(Is to aoqu(re or mairrtain(nsuranoe.Lender(attar providing notiee as may ha required by law)may , •
<br /> � In its dscreUon procure appropnate insuranee ooverage upon ihe Property and the{nsuraneo eost shail be an aCr�neo payable and boaring Irtterst as .
<br /> descr(bed in Paragraph 23 and sewred heroby. Grantor shall fumish Lender with evldence ot Insuranee Inmeating ti�e required caverage. Londer rray act , �
<br /> r
<br /> • as attameyin-faet for Cirantor in maldng and sett,fig claims undar Insurance policlos,canoelling any poliey ar en�rsing tirantors narne on any dra�t or -
<br /> nogotieble instrumem drawn by ar►y insurer. All sueh insurance Iides shall be immed�ately assi�ed.pledgsd and delhrered to londer as further sowriry . -
<br /> r►y po
<br /> � for the ObligaUona in the sverrt of loss.(ireritor shali irtme�Nataly give Lender written noUee and Lender Is aulhorized to make proot o}loss. Eaeh • "
<br /> insurance eortpany is�rected to mako payrrems dlroetly to Lsnder instead of to Lsnder and Grantor. Lender shall have the right,at fls sole option,to ,
<br /> app►y such moNes toward the Ohligatlons or toward tho cost o}rehuil�ng and restoAng the Property. My amaurtts may at LendsYs optlon be applied in ( ,
<br /> ihe Imrerse ord�r ot the due dates thereol. f � � � �
<br /> • 11. ZONING A?JD PRNATE CBVENANTS. Orantor shall not Inhiate or oonserrt to any change in ihs zoning provisions or private covenarns affeecting tho � .� .
<br /> use of the Properry withoN Lende�s pnor writtan oonsem. Q Orantors use u4 the Propert�r becqmes a nonconforrtd�use under any zoning rovlslon, j �
<br /> Grantor shail not eause or pomit suoh use to be d�seaminued or ahandnned without the prior mHten oonserrt e'.Lender. Cirantor will ittrred'ate�i provlde � � �^
<br /> .. � Lender v�3th vrtitten notloe of any propased ehanges to th0 zon(ng pravfsions o►privata covenams affeetlng the Property. I .
<br /> 4 ,
<br />• . � 12 CONDEIV��A714N. Gramor shalt irrQne�iatety provide Lender with vrritton notice of any actual or threataned oondertnation or ominartt domaln �. .
<br /> ! proCeemng pertatnfng to the Pmperry. Ail monles payabte ro(3rantor from such Wndermatlon or taking are hereby assigned to Lender and shall be applled ' - �"
<br /> -! first to ihe paymerrt of Lender's attomeys faes,legal oxponsos and other cosis(indu�ing appralsal fees)in connectton with the condermation or em(nent � • •.. , . •—
<br /> � domaln procectfings and then,at the optlon o!Lendet,to the payrt�m of the 061igations or the reslaratlon ar repalr of ihe Praperty. � .
<br />. . NEOO7B Rev.i1+94 Pxyu2t�6 � f . , .�-..-
<br /> � �� � • �.,
<br />� _. ._._ . ..��::.,�. o .. . << _ � . .t ° �—` � . , ' � .
<br /> , .. . - , N , • •t- . . � ' , : . . . ..p - .• .
<br /> • , .�r • -'f � � . . (r . � � . �u• . . . . . . .. _ • . .
<br /> i-
<br />. - . . . . . .. . • . ... � .. . . . . . . ... . .. . . . _ . . . . � � � _ '.6 . . . ,s ... � �- . . • . . . , • , �.
<br />