. .n. _ . . _ ' . , ,. - . . . . .. .. - . , ` .�.: -r.(.•.� '.� .-` ` � _ � -
<br /> ,. ... ...s�1� � . ' � • ' ' , � _ � ' , �, '_ � _
<br /> .:;.-_ . . . ._ .0 .. . . . �. . . - -� `, � ' �..�
<br /> _- _ ' �_`.� --"-_
<br /> � � SECUR➢TiP INTERE3T UNDER THE UNiFOiid9 CCu'.�iERC1AL CODE Thls Oeed ot Trust sha11 be cansidered and be effee�ra as a finandng � � -- ;
<br /> � is toeaied)
<br /> • � statamem a.nd a fiuture fi;ing pursuant to the provis(ons of ths Uni}ortn CummerdaJ Code(as adaPted in the state where ihe real property' �:,_
<br /> fi tt u r e s c h a tt ats,arsd arti des of p ersonal pro p e rt y now ormed ar hereaftor attached to ar m be used in eonnedion with tha Property togethsr with � ,' ` ��� ` ` s
<br /> 1 oovoring . ( �
<br /> any and ah�eplacerrems thoreot arid addrtions t hereto(t hs'C h a f t a ts'1.a n d i 3 r a n t o r h a r e b y g r a r rt s L e n�r a s a c u ri ry i r rt e r e s t i n s u e h C h a tt e l s. Th e d a b t o r i s .
<br /> the Ci�antor dasaibed abova. Thts Desd ot Trust will ba ef[ectl+re as a finandr,g statament fiied as a fixture film9 w�th resped to all fiutures indudad vrithin . ���
<br /> sad premises and is to he filed tor record(n the rea1 estate retards of each rnw�ty where any Part of sald premtses(incWd�ng said Rxtures)is situated This t , , . .f
<br /> � Deed of Tnut sh�ll also ba eftectiva as a finanang statemant cavadng any other prertdsss and rtay be fited�n any other ap propriate filing or recor�ng � _
<br /> office. A carhan,pfioto�aphfc or other repro�ction of this Deed of Trust or of any finandng slatemern re�ati�9 ta this Deed of Trust shall be suffidarrt a,a „
<br /> finandng statement br any of the purposes referted to in thfs Paragraph. Tha seeured partY ts the Lender descnbed above. Upon demand.Grantor sha�,�. i . _
<br /> �reice,execute and deliver such setu[ny a�eemema(es such tertn�s daflned in said Umiortn Comtrereial Code)as Le�der at anY ume may t'merKiJd , , _
<br /> ' neoesYary or proyer or required to�arrt to Lendar a perfected s9curiry irttarest in the Chattels,and upon Grantors talure to dn so.Lender is autharized tC'►� •
<br /> sign any such a�eerrertl as the agsnt ot Qrarrtor. Grarrtor hsraby aulhorizes Lender ta fife firtandng staterrents(as such term is defined in said Unitartn' � �,,
<br /> COrtorereia!Cods)avith respad to ihe Chattels,at any tirre,withou[the signature of Grartor. Grantor wilf,however,at any tirre upon�est of Lender,
<br /> � � s;gn sueh flnanGng si�ements. Qrantor v�ili Pay a1�filir�tees for the filing ot suah financtng siaiemems and for the refiiing thereof at lhe times required,in M �,
<br /> the opmlan of Lendsr,b��sald Unifarm Cortmc�rdal Code• �f tliB lisn of this Deed of Tn�st be su:ject to any securityr agreemem covaring ihe Chattels,then �
<br /> in the evem of any detauit under ihis Oeed of Tnist,atl the dgt�i,titls and irrterest ot Crantor in and to anY and ail ot the Chattels is hereby assigned to � __ __ _ ___
<br /> Lender,together�vith the benefit o(any depos'tts or paymenis ncN or hareafter made ihereof by Gramor or the predecessors ar suxessors in tNe oi .
<br /> (irantar in the Properiy. _
<br /> '3 23. R�'3'BUR8F1�6ENT OP AMOlJI�tT3 EXPENDED BY L�VDER. Lertder.at Lenders option.may expend(unds(indudmg attomays fees and legaJ " . , ,
<br /> Seha�lj ���rr�rse Lenda�tali such amoYurrts e�er nrded by Lenda�og�sr wi�eMi re rtiereor n at the tower�o�f�ihs htghest r�ffi desaibad�Y - k . . . - .
<br /> Obiigation or the highest rate aIlowed by 13w from tite da2e of paymertt utrtil ihe dafe 8�' are deafter the beginn(ng of�lication of notiae o} ��;. _
<br /> Obli�tions hersin and shal he seaired by the benefictal irtterest granted herein. If in g�i P� '`�s `` .� . "'6
<br /> sale.as herein provided or tn Ute evertt Lendet shall.m fts sole oytton.Pemit Grantot to pay any p3t2 af the Obli�L ons after lhe 6sgirm�.�g of pubilqtion of �,. •: f";�,<R_.,� ,.
<br /> rad'ce of sa1a,as herein provided.then.Grantor shall pay on demand al1 expenses ina�rted by tiea Tn�sL'e and Lender tn cannectan with said publieation. � , � �
<br /> irtdudmg reassnat�e attflmeys tees to ihe attomeys tor ih3 Trustee and far the Lender.and a reasoriatrla fae to the Trustes,and this D.0..ed of Tnut shall be . .�w`�_�'��,f.-_._
<br /> security for ail sudi expenses and fees. " " ":=:�_ =�^,. , � :.
<br /> ?A. APPLlCATION OF PAYIYtENTS. Tha Trustee shaflapply the proceeds of�a trustes's sale.Frst.to the wsts and expenses ot exerdsing the power of � .. : �;;��,�4�r;;:;,��`
<br /> .i�,.�a�; :
<br /> � sale ar�d of ttte sale,tndudngihs yment at the Trustee's tees acNa11y inwrted net ta exceed th.e amourrt which rray be provided tar in the Deed of Trusi. . .�;,�"
<br /> , �; �mnd,to paym�rR of the obliga�on sewted by ihe Oeed of Tnut,third,to the paymerrt of junicr deeds of trus►,rtnrtgages or other lianholders.and ihe ,. �.�`
<br /> , �ance.it any.to the person or persons tegally erttitied th»reto. . .,'.�....,, ..:� .. �
<br />' 25, pp}NEf3 4'DF AITOANEV. Grantor herebyap�o�ms Lender as its altamey-in-Ya:.':a endorse Grantar's narre an all fnstruments and other dacurt�.rns s... �';_f'::;� ' ",�-
<br /> � pertatrdng toµn 06ligatlons or Oeed of Tnist. In ad�tian Lertder shail 6e enMled.but not required.to perform arry aulon ot execute arry douamnt ;t"�;>`� . := .:-.-_
<br /> - recp�Ged to be�.�an or exawted by Grar�tor under this Oaed of Trust. Lender's per(omsana�of such action er exzc�nion of sueh doairtertts snaU nm __ ,.�s;'`�'''��:Y_.'la `
<br />, rehave Grarttor�om any 061Pg�on or c+�re any defaurt under this Deed af Trust 1�11]pcNars of attamey described in this�eed of Trust are eoupied with an ... ���"
<br /> g ' �'
<br /> . irrtetest and ere irrevocade. ��."`
<br /> :"' , : '"r �-"�_
<br /> 28. SUBROQATtON OF LE1�ID�A. Lende►shall be subrogated to the dgMs of the holder ot any previous Iten, securtry irrterest or eneurtmrance
<br /> ,._ �seharged with funds advaneed by Lerider reyart9ess of whether these liens.securfty fnterests or athar encumbrances have been re�aased af record. . - '�• ';_�� ;.- r:
<br /> Z/, CpLLECTION COS'TS. To the axtentpemitted bY law,Gramor agreea topa5t Len�t's reasonable feas and auis.indu�ing,but not limited to,fees �•.'-��' ~ :-�'�' �, ..
<br />� � and oosts of attomeys and athsr agertts pndudng wfthan Iir�ation paralegais,detks and oonsuttants),whether ar not sudti attomey oragertt is an .�,`
<br />`-�fi � ertployee ot Lender.which are tncurred by lender in wlleGfig arry amourrt due or enfordng�y ds�M or remedy undar this Deed of Trust.whether or not -•.;�`�= . r,`;'� ;� -
<br /> � suit is hrou�rt,fneludng.but not timited to.ail fees and oosts(neurted on appeal.in haniwytqr.end inr post-jud�rr�m cal!ection aeLOns. ���',-' �- �� �• *-�
<br /> .'- � PAHTIAL RELEASE. Lartder may release its Urterest in aporUon of the Property by e;ceaning and rzcardmg one or rr,ore Partial Deeds of �:�.� :, :
<br /> Recomrayance wflhout aflecting its interest tn the remaiNng ponion of ihe Property- Nothin8 heretn sfiail be deertrerD ta oblig�e Lender to releass any of its t>.,; � �.
<br /> irrterest in the Property(exoept as required under ParasvaDh 38 or as may he othanxise required by lawy.nar sha11 Lemter be obligated to release any part .��,: •;':•j, :
<br /> ' of fhe Properry if Grarrtor is in default undar this�eed"of 7rus1. The Ilen and sew r i t Y irttewst created bY the Deed af Trust remaln tn eftect with res�aet to . {
<br /> that porUon of ihe properry,as d e f i n e d i n t he D e e d o f Tru s t,i fi a t i s n a t t h e s u h J e e t o f t h i s o r a n y P a r t i a i D e e d o f Reoomre yanee ::r...r � � 7� •'�..
<br /> :'.,i Y .. _
<br /> 29� 1LODIRCAT[ON AND i�7G�VER. The modfleattan or wahrer of arry of Cirarttots ObUgaUons or lenders d under this Oeed of Trust m�.st be ie: '
<br /> . come(ned tn a wrtttng si�ed�;1.endac LerMer rtey parform enY of Borrowers or Ciramors Ohtigatlons,delay or I to exerdse srry of fts dghts ar aooep� f:
<br /> paymerrts iram Grantor or a:yc�*rj other than Cirantor withaut causing a walver of those Obiigallons ar d�ts. A watver on one oeraslon shall not wns�Nte , . _
<br /> • a wahrer an arry other�aasion. Cirantors Obitgatiorts under this Deed of Trust shail nm be afteded if�ender emends,eomp�ortises,exchanges,faJs to
<br />' exerdse,trtpalta or reteases arry of the Ohfigat�ons belonging to e►ry C�raMor,Bortower or 1hird or arry of iis ri�ts agamst anY t3rarrtor,Bor,-��r or . 't ��,�=
<br /> party a
<br /> �{�p�y ar any of ihe Property. Lenders lailure to insist upon striel pertormarue ot any oi the Obli-gations sha0 not be d emed a wahrar and Len:ur shall „� .,:;y�•-�=a_�:_—
<br /> hayethed�tmarryUrrethereaitartoinsistuponstrlaperbmtanoe. +^��+•.� �
<br /> �:��
<br /> 30. SUBSTIME TRU9TFE:'fRUSTEE UABIUTY;C�ifiPEN8A7ION. In ease ot the death,inability,refusal to act or absence of the Trustee fromthe ' `�';�,�_
<br /> stffie where iha real property is located or in case ihe hoider of the OhligaUons shall desire for any reason to rertave tho Trustee or any subsUMe trustee es '��r-
<br /> trustee hereundet and to appolyd a new truscee in his plaee and slead,the holder of ihe ObUgallons is here6y�an!od full power to appotrtl in wdUng a
<br /> subslfMe trus'ee tor satd Trusme,and the wbsUtute Vustee shaU.whan appoirtted,beoome suooessor to all rl¢rts of Trustee hereunder and the sar.ro shall `�:�%�;�s�
<br /> beearre ves�in him tor the purposes and objeets of ihts Deed ot Trust with a➢U'�power,et�ttes and obligaUons hsrein eonterred on the Trustee. ?�n:stee - �'
<br /> '' shall nat be fi�b[e for arry errar of p'��m w aci done by Trustee.or be o��r.vdse responsiblo or aeeaurrtabie under arry cfreumstanees wha^-�aver. �•.
<br /> Trustee shafl not he peraonally(iable rn case ot erAry by h or arryane aGNng by vf,lue oi ihe powers herein�ar�ted it upon the Deed of Trust for dehts .__ ,..-,� � . :�.:;_•'
<br /> . comracted or Iiah�ity a darnaAes inamed In them�age rrem a operaUon of said premises. Trustee shall have the A�t to re1y on any instrumem. y;;,�-rr-:: =- -----
<br /> . doc�ment or atg�aturs mrttiarfang or supporting arry aetion tal�n or proposed to be taken by k fiereimder or befieved byil in�ood fatih to be�nuine. � ,; -�.s:::=-.-•s::;..
<br /> ood
<br /> � T r u s t e e s h a f l 6 e e n U i t e d t o r e i rt�u r s e n n r A f o r e�e n s es incurted b y 81n the p eAormance of rts duties hereunder and w reasonahTe eortpensaUon or such ';� ,.� r;,,..
<br /> ,, 'J of its seMces Aereundet as shall be rendered. ararrtor w(il,irom Uma to Urre.pay compensaUon�e Tru s tee heteun d e r e n d r e l r rt w r s e T r u s i s e f o r a n d .-���'�'�
<br /> .f save and ho(d it hamiess from and against any end aU loss.cost.Ilabfiityr.damage and expen..e whatsaever incun ed by ft in the performance o}tts�ties. „ . •"�'�;=
<br /> . ,_ -- ,'.,��. .
<br /> ;. All monays reeeivod by Tnutee shali.ur►til used or applled as herelnprovIded.be held In trust for thepurposes tor vfilch they were tecehred bu1�eed not ' '��, ,..'•'. '. .._,:
<br /> � , 6 o s e g e g a t e d in any m a n n e r fr o m a r ry a 1 h e r m o n e y s(o x o o p t t o t h e e x t e M re q ulred b y law)and Trustee shall be urtdar no l:ab(6ty tor Irrterest on arry
<br />" moneysrecefvedby(thereundar. ���.��r��` -~--
<br /> ,, � . - -:.:•..,. _
<br /> ' -...'T'Yni�r_b.�F...'�..F'�1�.."
<br /> . , 31.�SUCCESSORS���tve�rs,adrtinstrators.Tp sirsor�ae�titatives feg tees andtdevisee enefit of�2rrtar snd l�nder and thelr respoctive ', ". . �,_
<br /> -.:.�., �:
<br />- � . • :�a{t�'e' 'G.
<br /> 32.NOliC�r. Exceyt as o'.".erwise requlred bY law. notloe or othar oomnmlcatlon to be prmrlded ur►d3r this Oead of Trust shall 6e in wrltir�g and serA �.!' •: �.'.`:'' . .
<br /> to the parties�iha addre:s��eseribed in thla Deed�Trust or sucfi other ad�ess as the partles ma desi�►ate In writing hom tims to Ume. My sucfi :,,t.,.,...��'„t��,�, �-.
<br /> � no4ce so glven and serA bY f;�si�lass ma11,postage propaid,s.'t.11 be daemod gtven the eaAier a}three�3)days after such naUce is sern or when reoetved � • ., � � �::
<br /> by the person to whom suc'h nx:ce is being ghran. -•
<br /> ' 33, gEVEpABILfTY. Whenever possible,eash provision of thls Deed of Trusf shall 6e inter;.te'ed so as to be eNeetiva and valid unaer applicable atate - �~" ' �'
<br /> Iaw. I}arry pravlsion af thla Deed of Trust vb!=*.3s the lav�or is unentoreeabie,th�rest of the Deed o}Trust sh2'i occr!i�ue to be vaiid end errtorceaht3. • `
<br />� , , o�the�se.GAarttor o'onsertts to the�sdicllon and venu�e of�.��uA seleaed by L.eng�wn rts so:�m u it�lon,loeated in ihat ta og���18��p��dos —.
<br />��. --
<br /> � ' 39`A!{SCELLANEOUS. (irantor and lander acpee thattirte is ot the essenoe. Orarrtor walves presentmerA,demand for payrr,�rt.naUce of dishonor and � • . ' .
<br /> est 9xeepl as roqu,red by law• All ra}era-:ss to Cirantor in lhls Dead of Tnist shalt lndudo allpersons signing below. if the�is more ihan one Grantor, • � �
<br /> elr 0611gaLOns shall be�oirrt and several.Tf,s Deed ot Trust represenis thv eonplete IMegrated understamm�g betweon Grantor and Lender pertaining to ,
<br /> ihe temtia and condNone heraof.
<br /> � .�
<br /> � 9b. W07HtHD PARTY fi�L-'}�TS. No person Is or shall he a 1hiN pariy barteflelary ot any provision ot thls Deed ot Trust. A!1�:ovislons ot ihis Deed of ______
<br /> � Trust in favor of Lender aro Irrtended soleiy for tha i�nofd of Lender,and no third�shall be ernflted to assume or e�ect th�Lender vr01 not waive or
<br /> oonser�to tho rmdflcation of any provision of ihls Oeed of Trust,in Lender's sole on.
<br /> �!. PiiESERYA7fON OF UABIUTY AND PAIOAiT1f.WMout aitoc4ing the Ilabl{iry of Borrower Grantor,or any guararttor of the Obliaatians,or any other � �'��
<br /> � � person(except a person expressly reieased in w�ting for ihe paymer�andperfortrenee ot ihe bDligaUons,and wftho�t aHecBng the l�ts ol lander with � , , .
<br /> • j re s p e e t t o ar ry P rops rt y n o t e x p r essly reteased in�ng,and wilhout irtQaldng In any way the priority ot this Deed of Trust ovar lhe iMerest of_an�yperson . !
<br /> 1 Eoqulred ot first e�ldenced by�ecormng s�secp�em to tf�e reeordng o}this Deed ot Trust.L en d er rmy,o Mer b e tore or a f ler t he m a t u ri ry o f t h e o D i i g a t i o n s. �
<br /> ► and v�ithout notlee or wnserh:release any person Iiabte torpaymartl or performance ot ell or arry part of tho Obligalions;make any agreement aitering the �
<br /> i terms o}paymer�t orperfomonco 01 al or arry part of the Obligatlons:exerdse ot rehain hom exerdsing or v�alve any ri s d�t or remedy that Lender may hava
<br /> _:_� r.utc�r the�J e ed of T n ist:aeoept a d dt ion a i sew ri f y o f any k l n d f o r a r e y o t i h e O b i i g a t l o n s,a r r e l e a s e o r o t h e n r�i s e d o a l w i l h a n y r e a l�a r p e a�_p r o p a r t y • . .. �'.:'-:
<br /> �� sewring iho Obiigatlons. My person aequiring or recording evlGenee otatry irtterest of azry nature in Ihe Prope�riy si�bfi i;ri d e e+r i�y �r t r s r 3 z f s ��=---=�=-•�-�- --
<br /> iMerest or reeording any ovidenee ihereof,ta havo conserrted to ail or a�nyr such actlons by Lender. , � � �
<br /> � � ' � ' � �
<br /> NE007D Rev.1119d Pepo4pt .�
<br /> t:--�r.
<br /> � , . , � _ . . • •. . ' ... •, - - . � . `l � 1.�. � _ - t. . . � � . �'„ ' �. _ .. . .
<br /> . . , .. . . . " -_ . .. •, . . . , .� L.. �. _.l � . •,• . . . . . 1• . .. � . .lt� - . (���' . . ... . • • •
<br />