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201107842 <br /> contintic to pay Co Lcndcr the amounti of t$e aeparntely desigvxYcd paymentis thaY were dua when Ll�c <br /> insurance coverage oeaaed to be in cf�cct. T,ender will �.ccept, use�nd i�ctain these payuientis as a <br /> non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Morfgagc InsLU ance. Such loss reserve ehall bc��on-refundaUle, <br /> notwitl�st2riding the fact thaf the Loan is ultimately paid in f�dl, and Iender s1�aII not be reqtir�ed to pay <br /> Bormwer�uiy interest or earniugs on such loss reserve. Lender cau no longer require loss reseroe paymonts _ <br /> if Mortgage Inauranee coverage (in the amo�mt a�id Pox the periad that Lendor rcquires)provicled Uy nn <br /> insurer selecteci by Lender agaiu becomes available, is oUtained, �nd Lender reqnires separately designated <br /> pay.tnents fowv'd the premiums f'or IVlortgnge lnsuranco. If T,ender required Mortg�ge Insurance as a <br /> condition of malring tho Loaai aiid Rorrower was raqnired to ma1ce sepac�ttely designafed paymcnt�toward fhe <br /> preiniums for Morfgage Insnravcc, Borrower shall pay the premittms required to mflint�in MorCgagc <br /> Insurance in effect, or to provide a noi�i-refttndaUle loss reseive, tmtil Lender's reqniretnenY f'or Mortgngc <br /> 1nsuYance ends in accordance��iCh any wrifleu agrec mcnt Uetv✓een Borrower end Lender providing for auoh <br /> terminn�ion or unLil terr�unatior� in�required by Applic�ble Law. Nothing in this Section 10 aPfects <br /> Borrowar`s oUligation to p�y iuteresf at the rate provided in tha Nofe. <br /> Mortgage Insnrance reimbntses Lender(or any entity that purchases the Note) for cerCain losses iC may ii�cw <br /> if Rorrower does noC repay the Loan aa ngreed. Borrower is not n pnrcy co thc N(ortgaga Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insurere evahiate thefr C�ta] ri�slc on all su¢h insuranoe in force fi�oin tune to time, nnd may cnte�� <br /> iuto agreements with oYher partiea ChaC sl�arc or modif'y their riak, or red�icc ]osses, These agreementa m�c on <br /> terms and conditions that are satisfnctory to fhc morfgage insurer and the oCher party (or parties)to Chese <br /> agreeinenfs. "1']�esc agrecmcnt�s�nay require the mortgage insurer i�o inTlce pa}nuents nsing any soarce of funda <br /> that the mortgage insurer mny�l�avo available (which may include funds obt�ined frqm Mortgage Inelu�nnce <br /> preiniums). <br /> Aa a result ok'tl�cso agrccment�s, L,evder, any purchaser of flie Note, anoiliar insurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> entity, ar any affiliate of any oP thc foreboing, m�y receive(dire�;tly or indirectily) vnounte that cierivo from <br /> (or might be characterized ns) n porcion of Sorrower's payments for Mortgagc Insnr�ice, in exchange Eor <br /> shaa ing or modifying Che mortgage insurer'e risk, or redncing losses. If such ngraemcnt��rovicles Uiat an <br /> xffiliette of I ender takes a�l�are oP the insurer's risk in cxchange f'or a sl�are oP khe premiume��aid to t�he <br /> insurc�r, tho xrrangemcnt is often Renned"cAptive reinsurnuce." Fnrther: <br /> (a) Any such �greements will �ioC affecti tlte amomits thaf Bm•rower l�as ngrccd fo pay for Morfgage <br /> Insnrnnce, or mty oCiter ferma oY the Loan. S�wh agccements will nof 9nerease the amonnt <br /> Borirowa�will owc for iVlortgnge Inem•ance, nnd tliey n�ll not ent3tle I3nrrower t�o any ref`and, <br /> (b) Any sncli ngreemc�its will not affecf We righta Aorrower has-if n�ty •wihh respect in fhe <br /> Murtguge Insurance iuider tlic Iiontcowners ProtecCion Act of 1998 or nny otltcr law. Tliese riglits <br /> rnay u�clude Ct�e rig}iC to receive certxin dieclosurce, Co reqnesf and obfain cancells�tion of Glic <br /> Mortgage Lisnt�ance, to l�ave the D�ortgage visiu�:u�ce tcrminated�u[mn�licalty, anA/or to re�civc <br /> x refand of any_l'IorCggge Bis�u•flnce prem[nms that were iuicnruod at the tune of snch <br /> cnncellxtion or terminatimi.. <br /> 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneons Proceeds are hereby nssigvcd to <br /> nuci shall be paid to Lender. <br /> IP Lhe Property ie d�nagaci, such Miscellaneoue Proceeds sl�all be npplied �o resEoration or repair oi'Yhe <br /> Properry, iP H�e reatoration or repair is economically feasible and Isnder's security is nol]esaoncil. During <br /> auali repair aud restoration Ueriod, Lender shell have Lhe right to l�o1d sucl�Miscellaueous Proceeds unLil <br /> Lendcr hae]�ad an opportunity to inspect such ProperCy Yo enenre flie worlc ht�s bcen completed to Lender's <br /> 2311fl0 <br /> NEORASKA-Si�pin Fonilly-Fannla MaclROddie Muc ONIFOkM IN51 HUMENT Fa�m 3028 1101 <br /> VMP(ry' VMP6(NG(1105) <br /> Woltere Kluwer Flnanclal5ervicea Pega9 of 17 <br />