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201107842 <br /> foi the ropairs and reaYoration in a single payment or in a series oP progress payruenLS as the work is <br /> completed. If Ehe insurance or condemiiation prooeads are not sufficient to rep2ir or resta�r o thc Pro�aorty, <br /> Botrower is not relieved oPBorrower's ol�ligation for the completion of such repair or restoration. <br /> Lender or iCs agent niay n�alce roasonablc cntries npon aaid ii�epections of the Properly, PP it has re�sonable <br /> oause, Lender m1g inapecC Che inlerior ofil�c improvcmeuts on the Property. Lender shnll give Borrower <br /> noGce at the time of or prior to such an interior inepeoCion spccifying such reasonable cauae. <br /> $. Bo1'POWeI''s Loan AppllCation. Borrower shall bc in default if, during tlie Loan application prooess, <br /> Borrower or euy peraous or entities acting ne �he clirec�7ou of Borrowor or wiUi Borrowor's knowledge or <br /> consent gave maCerially falsa, misleading, or inncourate information or�taCcments to Lender(or failed to <br /> providc Lcnder witll matcria] information) in connection with tlie Loan. Materi�l represoniatione include, but <br /> �re nol limited to, xepresentations conoen�iug Borrowcr's occupanc�of tha Proparty as Bora•ower's princip�l <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this 5ecurity Instrument. If(a) <br /> Rarrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements cont�ined in this SecuriCq lnstrument, (b) there is a <br /> lcgal prococding thati might significailtly affect Le�ider'e interest in the Property nnd/or rigl�ts under tl�is <br /> Securilq Inslr�iment(snch as a proceeding in Uanln'uptcy, probate, for condenmflCion or furfeiLUre, for <br /> enPorcement of a lien which m�y�ttain prioriCy over fhis Socuri ty Inshument or to enPorce lnwa or <br /> regulaCions), or (c) Borrower has abAndoned the Properry, then Lender may do and pay fbr whatever is <br /> reasonablo<ir apprc�priate to proteot T.euder`s inCeresC in ths Property end rights under Ll�is Security <br /> Inatrument, iuclnding proteoting andlor asscssing thc value of the ProperCy, and securiug and/or repairing <br /> the ProperCy. Leudar's acYions cau iuclude, but are not IimiCed to: (a)paying an}�emns secured by a]ian <br /> wl�iol� hns priority over this Security Inatrtunent; (b) appezring� iu conrt and (c)pnying rcasonal�le lttori�cys <br /> f'eas to protect its interest in the Pr�er and/or rights nnder this Securit�Intit��umen_G�i�cliug' s 9eciu�d <br /> pasil�ion in a banitraptcy proceed'nig. Securiug flie ProperYy inelndee, bnt is not limifed to, cntering tl�c <br /> Yroperty to make rcpairs, changc 1ocics, replace or Uoard ap doors and windows, drein water frorn pipes, <br /> elitninafe building or other code violalione or dangorc�us conditior�s, and have utilitiiea turned on or ot'f. <br /> Althongh Lender may teke action tmder this Seotion 9, Lencler does not havo to do so and ie not under auy <br /> duty or oblignCion to do sa It is agreed that Lender incurs no liebiliry£or not t�king any or all ae[ious <br /> authorizcd undcr this Scction 9. <br /> Any amounls disbursed by Lender under lhis SecCiou 9 shall becomc additione�l debt aFRorrower secured by <br /> this SecuriCy InsY�umenC. Thesa Eunounts shell bear inte�est at tl�e Note rat�from the d�te of disUursemcnt <br /> az�d sl�all bc payablq witl� such intcrest, b�pon notice fi�om Lender to Borrower requestin�payment. <br /> If this Scciu'ity Tush•nmont is on a lcasehald, I�orrower shall comply with a11 Ylie provisions of Ehe lease�. I£ <br /> Borrower acquires fee title io the ProperLy, the leasehold and thc fco title shall not inerge unless Lender <br /> agrees to flie merger in writiug. <br /> 10. MOrtgage InsUranCe. if Lender required Mortg�ga Insurance as n condition of m�ltivg lhe Lo2n, 13orrower <br /> ehal]pay tl�o promiums rcquircd to v7aintain the VTortgzige Tnsm•ance in efFect. I�P, for any reaaon, tho <br /> Moxtgage Insuxence coverage required bp Leuder ce2aes to be auailablo from thc mortgage insurer that <br /> previously provided such insurance and Rorrower was required tio make separately designaCed paymeuta <br /> toward the pronii�uns for Martgago]neurance, I3on�ower yhall pay the premiums reqnn�ed to obtain covernge <br /> sii6stantially equivatlent to fhe Mortgage Insur�nce previously nx effeoC, at a cost subsk�tntially eqtiiivaCent to <br /> Che costi tio Borrower of Uie Mortgage Tnsurance previously in effecf, from pn alternate mnrCgage insurer <br /> � selected Uy i,endcr. If substantially oqnivalent Mort�age L1�tua¢ce covarage is not availnUle, Borrower sh�.11 <br /> 231190 <br /> NEORASKA-Singlo Family-Funnfo MaelFredAiuMan UMFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1107 <br /> 4M F� VM P6(N F.)(1 10b) <br /> Wollera Kluv�e�Fil�ancial Servlces Page tl of 17 <br />