<br /> eatiefaction, provided Wat tiucl� inspecfion sha�ll be undeitaken promptly. I ender may pay for the repaira
<br /> and resYoration in a aingle clisbursen�ent or in a sc�ics of progress payments as the work ie complctcd,
<br /> Unless azi agreement ia made in writing or Applicable Law reyuires interest to be pa�d on such
<br /> Miscdlancous Proceeds, Lender sl�all uot Ue required to pay 13orrowor any interest or earnings ari snoh
<br /> Miscell�ncous Prc�cecda, If the restorsUon or repair is not econonlically foasiUle or I,euder's security would
<br /> be lessened, the Misoellancous Piroceeds s1�a11 ba applied Yo the sun�s seoured by this�Seciuity HisCnunent,
<br /> whethex or not then due, with the exccss, if ai1y, paid to Borrower. Such Misoellaneoas Proceeds eha11 Ua
<br /> applied 'ui tlie order provided fot in Section 2.
<br /> in tha event of a total talcing, desCruc�ion, or]oss in value of the Property, the Miseellanu�us Pr�oceede shall
<br /> bo ap�lied to the euins secm�ed by 8iie Secnrity Insli•ument, wl�ether or not Yheu dtte, with the exoesa, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a partia1 talcing, destruction, or losa in v�lue of the]'a operty in wl�icJi tlie fau•market value of
<br /> the Property invnediatcly bcfore thc partial taldng, deatnictiiou, or losa in valuc is a�ual to or greatar than the
<br /> � atnount of the sums eeci�red by Uiis Sccurrry]'nst��ument iminadiaYely before the parCial f��king, destnletion, or
<br /> loss in valua, unless Borrower and Lende��o�l�awisc agree in writing, the sixms secured by Chis Sec�u�iry
<br /> lnstr�iment shall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellancoue Proceeds multiplied by tl�e following
<br /> fracCion: (a) tlie total amount of tl�e sums secured immediately bePore fl�e�artial talcing, dastruation, or loas
<br /> in value divided by (b) the fnir n�adcot value of the Property iminedi�tely befare lhe partial fnkiiTg,
<br /> destritction, or loss in value. Any balance sh�ll be paid to Borrower.
<br /> 1� the evenC of a paa�Yial taking, clesh�notion, or loss in va1uc of the Property iix which the fair ix�rket valuc of
<br /> fhe Property immediately before the�>arti2l t�ldng�, deatrnction, or losc in va1ue is less tl�an the amount o£the
<br /> auma secured immediafely bofore 4he partiul taking, desUuction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and
<br /> Lendcr oflierwise agree ni writing, tihe Miscellaneous Prooeeds sh�ll Uc ;npplied to the sums secured by this
<br /> SecLU�ity instrumont whether or�iot Uie smns u'e tihen due.
<br /> lf thc Property is abandoned by Bornower, or if., after noLice I�y Lendor to Rorrower that the Opposiug Party
<br /> (as defin�d in tl�e next aeiltetioe) offers fo make an awFUd to sehle a claim Por damagee, Bon ower falls ta
<br /> respond to Lender wiCliln 30 clflys af[cr tha d��Sc tl�e uorice ie given, Lender is authorized to wlleot and apply
<br /> the Miscell�aieous Proceeds eitlier to restoration or rep�ir of thc Property or to the stmis secured by this
<br /> Seourity Iustruincnt, whether or noC Ilien dua. "Opposiug Paxty" means fhe tlurd party that owes Borrower
<br /> PQiscelleneoua Proceecls or Lhc��arty ttgainst wl�oin Rorrower has a riglit of ection in regard Co Misocllaneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower shall be ni defanit if any aotion or prooc�dii�g, wl�ether civil or criininal, is begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judginenC, could eesult in forfeiture of the Property ar olher material impairment of Tznder's inCerest in the
<br /> Property or rigl�ts under tl�is Sectu'ity InstiuuzeuC. Borrower cau cm�e suol��1 defatdC and, if acceleration has
<br /> occurred, reinatnCe 2s providcd in Scc tion 19, Uy causing the acCion or prooeeding to be dismissed witli a
<br /> iuling that, in Lender'e jtidgment, preohidas forfciturc of tl�e Property oi other inaterill impanment oP
<br /> Lender's interest ni the P'roperty or rig�hts under this Secm�ity Insl��umcnt. Tl�e proceeds of viy a�wvd or
<br /> claim for dan�ages fhat arc attributaU1e to tUe impairment of Lender'e interest in the Property arc l�ereby
<br /> assigned aaid sha11 be peicl eo Lender.
<br /> All Misoellaneous Proceeds that are not npplied to restoration or repair of the Property sl��il be applied in the
<br /> orcior provided for in Section 2.
<br /> 231190
<br /> NEBRli51<Fl-SinBle Family-Fxnnie M:aelFrMdia Mac ONIFORbi INSTRUMENT Porm 3028 1101
<br /> VMP(ry VMP6(NE)(1105)
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