<br /> in the Property and rights mider tl�is Security Instrument; aiid (d)talces sttch action as I ender inay
<br /> reasonably require to assurc that L,undcr'e intercet iii Che Yroperty and�ig7lts under tl�is Secnrity Instrument,
<br /> arid Boirowcr's obligation to pay the snms secured by this Seonrity Instrument, shall contimie imchnnged.
<br /> Lender may requu•e thaY Borrower pay such reinstatemenC sums Tnd expenees in one or more of the following
<br /> forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (U)money order, (c) certified checle, Uaiilc cl�eck, treasurer's ehecic or
<br /> oashier's eheck, provicied a�xy etitoh checic is ch�awn upon an inetituuon whose deposiCs are insured Uy a
<br /> federal agency, instr�tme��tality or ontity; or (ci) Elcatronic Funds"L'ransfer. Upon reinstatemant by Borrower,
<br /> this Sccurity lnstrumenf and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effectivo as if iTO aeceleration had
<br /> occurred. However, this righf Yo reinstete shell not apply in the case of aoosleration uncier Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan 5ervicer; NoCice of Grievance. 1'he No�c oe a par�ial i�Ttcrc�e in tt�o
<br /> Note(together with this Security Instrument) can be sold ona or mora times withont piior notice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a cl�angc in the cntity Qrnowt� as the "T ortn Servicer") thaC collects Periodic
<br /> Paymcnts duo under the NoCe and Chis Seourity Ius�rument u�d perforn�s other mortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligationa under the NoYe, thie Secnrity Inshvment, and Applic�bla Law. There also migl��be one ox more
<br /> changes of the Loazi Servicar umelated to a sale oi'the Note. Tf there is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower will Ue givea written notice of the chai�ge which will state Uie nama znd address of the new Lonn
<br /> Servicer, the addrGSS to which payments �l�ou7d l�o macio and any othcr information RESPA requires in
<br /> covneoLion with a notice of transfer of servicing. If fhe Note is sold nnd thcrcafCOr thc Loan is ecrvic;ed Uy a
<br /> Lonn Servicer other Yhtui the purchaser of the Note, Yha mortgage loan aervicing obligerions to Boi•rower will
<br /> xemain with tlie Loau Seivicer or bc haiTSferred to a euccessor I.oan Servicer and fue vot asstiuned by Eha
<br /> Note pw'cl�tuor nnless otherwiAe provided by fhe Nofe piu�ehaser.
<br /> Neidie�'Rorrower nor Lcnder may commence, join, or be joiueci Co nny judicial action (as cithcr an
<br /> individiial lifigauC or the meinber of a cless) fliat tu•isea from the oH�er par6y'e actions pursuanl to tliis
<br /> Security Inst'iument or that allegcs tl�at the othcr party has brcachcd any provision of, or any dnty owcd by
<br /> reason of, this 3ecurity [usCrument, nntil snoh 13orrower or Lender hns notified tl�e oCl�er party (with enoh
<br /> noticc givev in winpliance with the rec�uirements of Section 15) oP such alleged Ureech and a£forded the
<br /> othet party hereto �t re�sonable periorl after the giviug of such notice to take corrective action. If ApplicaUle
<br /> Lnw providos ¢Yiine period wl�iclt mtiist elapse before ccrtain aution can bc takon, H�ati time period will be
<br /> deemed to Ue reasonaUlo for pnrposes of fhis paragraph. 'I'he notice of�cceleration end opportuiuty to cure
<br /> givcn to Borrowex pursuant Eo Seclion 22 aa�d Yhe uolioe of'accaleraSion given to Borrower}�tirsuant[o
<br /> Sec6on 18 skall be deeined to satisfy the notice and opporhmity to talcc concetive acfion provisions of flvs
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. ns uscd in this Scction 21: (a) '7lazardous Substarsces"nre those substences
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substanoes, polhit�nts, ox waetes by EnvironmenYal L�w aud the lollowing
<br /> subetances: gasoline, kerosene, otiher flauunaUle or toxic peU�oleuin products, toxic pesticides and herbicidcs,
<br /> volnHle solvents, maYerials confa�ii�ing asbesEos or fonnaldohydc, and radioactivc materials; (b)
<br /> "Envi.ronmer�tall,nw°moans federal Iaws auil ]nws of the juxisdiction where Hie Propei�ty ia located U�a�t
<br /> re1ato to l�oald�, sa�Pety or envu•onmental proteclion; (c} "Eravirofa�meaatad Cleariuy" inoludes any response
<br /> netion, remediel actioi�, oc removal action, as defined in E�rviromi�cntial L•aw; zuid(d) an "L'nvironmer�lal
<br /> Condr�dion"means a condition that oan cai�se, wnlribute to, or otherwiae 6rigger an Lnvironmenktl Cleauup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit Ehe preaei�ce, nse, disposal, stor�ge, or r�lease of anp Hnzartloua
<br /> SnUstauces, or U�reaCen Co relense any Itazu•doua Substttuces, on or in tl�e ProperCy. Borrower shall not clo,
<br /> nor allow anyone else to do, �iything affecling flie Property(a) that is in violation of�ny Enviroun�enCal
<br /> Law, (b)whiclt creatas an Lnviromnental Cnnditioi�, or (c) which, due to lhe presenoe, uae, or release of a
<br /> IIazardous SuUst��ce, crcates a condition that aclversely�ffects tlie value of Hie ProperPy. Tl�e precediug two
<br /> zatt�o
<br /> NFBRASKFl-Single Femily-Fannla MaelFretltlla Mac UNIFUHM INS I HUM hNl Form a02o 7101
<br /> VMP OO VMP�(NEI(1105)
<br /> Wollefs Kluwar Flnanciel Servlces Page 13 of 1]
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