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201107842 <br /> senCeuces shall uot apply to Lho presenoe, use, or aCOragc oi� the Properry of si�r�ll quantities of'IIazardons <br /> Subntances that are generally recognizcd to Ue appropriate to nonnal residential uses and to maintenance of <br /> the Yroporty (inc1tiuling, but noG limited to, hazar�dans substAnaee in cons�tmer products). <br /> 13ocrowcr shnll promptly give Lender writton ilotice oF(a) any inveaHgation, claim, demflnd, laws�iit or otl�er <br /> acYion by any govermnental or regulatory agency or priva�te party involving tlie Property and any Hazz�rdous <br /> Subatnnae or�nvironrnontnl T,a�w of which Borrower has achial la�owlecige, (l�)any�nviromnentnl <br /> Condition, incfiding bnC not li���ited to, a�iy spilling, lealting, discharge, release or threaC of ralease of any <br /> Hazardous SubsCauce, atid(c) any conditiov caused Uy the prese��oq nse or release of a Nazardous Substance <br /> wfiioh advcrso1y a£Pects(he value of the Yroperty. If Borrower learne, or ie noti�fied by any governmeutal or <br /> ragulatory flufliority, or any privaCe pv�ty, that any rcmov�l or othes reniediation of auy IIaaerdous Substance <br /> affecting tlie Property is neceseary, Borrower sh�ll promptl� talce all necess2ry remedial actious in <br /> aecordauce wi2l� Enviroumentnd La�. Nothing harain shal] crenLe any oUligation on Lender for an <br /> Pnvironmenfal Cleamip. <br /> Non-Uniform CoVenants. Barrower and Lencier oovenant and agree aa fb]}ows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give noticc to Borrower�rior to necelerafion following <br /> I3orrower's bre.�ch uf tuiy covonant or Tgreernent i�� this Sccurity IuNlrument�(but nat piior to <br /> accclerntion mider Section l8 unlese Applica�le Lxw provides otl�crwise). `l'he nukice sliall speci�Fy: (a) � <br /> the�defanit; (b) the netion requiced to cm•c the defnnlY; (c) a daEe, uoi less than 30 dayti Yrom the dnte <br /> Clie is given to Borrower, by which fhe dePnnit mnst be�mu•ed; amd (d) that failure Co cure tl�e <br /> def:�idf m� m�befm�e#he dnte spcc9fied i�� tLe notice i��av i•esult in accelern6oi� af tlxe snms secm•ed by <br /> tltis Securify Ins�•i�meut anci sale of tJic Property. 'fl�e notice Shall furtLer inform Sorrowcr of tlie <br /> right Eo rcivatnte after acceleratimi and tlie riglit to bring a cpurt ;wtiou to assert ehe nan-existenec oE fl <br /> defaWt or z�ny aCLer defense of Borrower to acceleraEion and s�nlc. Lf tlie dafanit is noC cnred mi or <br /> beforc the daYe epecifi�ed in fhe rwtice, Lcnder at ite optim� may requirc immediate payment in full of <br /> all sume secnred�6y thie Secnrity 1neMument wiC6ont fartlier demand and may involce Olie power of ealc <br /> and any oUier remedies peamitted by Applicable L:�w. Lcuder shall be entitled to collect all ez7�enses <br /> h�cntmed in pnrsning the remedics p�rovided i�� Ctds �eohon 22, inclnd'u�g, bnl�not]iuiitcd to, rcasmiable <br /> �ttorneys' fees �nd cosfK nf title evidenec. <br /> If dte po�ver ol'sale iR involced, Trustcc shal] rocord a �mtice oY defaidt in ench connTy in which nny <br /> part of tlie ProperCy is located and shall mnil copics of'sncli notice in thc mxnner prescriUed by <br /> Applicable Law to Rorrower nncl to Clie ofher persuns prescribed uy Applicable Lnw. Aftcr tl�e t�me <br /> reqnired by Applicable, Trastcc ehall give public nofice of sale to the persm�s and in the ina�mer <br /> prcecribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, withonE demand m�Bm�•ower, shnll scll tlie Property at public <br /> anekimi to thc higlicst bidder af tlie fime and placc �nd mider Clie fenns designxtcd in tlie noHce of sale <br /> in mie nr�nore p�rcelS and in nny order 7Y��stee deterinines, Trnstee m�y postpune sale of nll or nny <br /> parcel of the Properly by pnblic nnnouncement af Che Hme and place of any previoosly schedided salc. <br /> Lendcr or Its desi�iee may pnrshaee�l�e Propa•ty at any sale. <br /> IIPon roceipt of pTyment af GLe price bid, Trnstcc shall deliver tu the pnreJiaser 1'rnsCee's deed <br /> conveyiug tlic H•rrperty. TITC recitale in fhe TruNEee's decd slinll be prim:�facie cvidw�ce of the tnilh of <br /> the�sfaCements made fJierein. Truetoc shall apply Clae piroceeels of tl�c sale in W�e t'ollowivg ordcr: (a) to <br /> all cosYs z�nd expenses of exenising tlie powcr of eate, and fhe ss�le, iuohidia�g the payment�oY tlie <br /> Trustee's fees nchially incm•red v�d reaeonuble tittm•ncys' fees a�pern�itted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br /> all snms seciu�ed by tliis Seciu•it,y I�tstrmnenf; and (c) xny exeass to tl�e person or persone legally <br /> entitleel to iC. <br /> NEBR95KA-Slnlefainll FanninMee7FnmdAicMacUNIFORMWSTRUh1ENT 2311�0 <br /> VMP(� � Y Farm 3020 1/01 <br /> bVolters Kluwer Finenciel5ervices VMP6(N[�(7105) <br /> Pngo 4 of 17 <br />