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201107842 <br /> designitoci a snbstitnta noYice nddress by notice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly noCify I,ender ol' <br /> Boirower's oh�nge of address. IF Lender speoifio� a procedure For reporCing RorrowaP'e chuige of address, <br /> fl�cn T�orrower shall orily reporL a change of addreas Cinough tliat specified proccdure. <br /> There may be only one designatcd +�otica addresa uuder 6his Secm iCy Inatrmnei�t at any ona time. Auy notioo <br /> to Lender ehall be given by delivering it or by mailing iC by first class�nail to I,endor's adcL'ess etnted herein <br /> unlese Lendcr has designated anothar address by noCice to Bon�owcr. Ang notioe in coimcction with this <br /> Secnrity Instrumcnt shall not be deemed to have been given to Letidcr uutil actually receivod by Lender. If <br /> any noYice required by this Security Instn�ment is also requiied uncler Applroable Law, the Applicable l,aw <br /> requireinent will satisfy tho cttn•eeponciing requirement ur�der fUis Security Ii�stnimenC. <br /> 16. C�overninc� Law; Seuerability; Rules of Consfruction. This SecuriryTnstrLUnent ahall be govcrncd Uy <br /> fcdcral 1aw atid the law of thaf urindiction in which the Properiy is located. All rights and obligations <br /> contained in fhis Security Inskument nre sulijeet to any requirements and liinitations oP Applicable Law. <br /> Applicable Law might oxplicifly or iinplicitly allow the parties Yo ftgree by contracf or it mighC bc silcnf, but <br /> such silence shall not be construcd�s a prohibition ngainrt�greemant by oonlract. Tn the event that any <br /> provisicm dr elattse of this SeeuriCy Iustrwuent or the Note oont7rcts wiCh Applicable Law, such eonPlict shall <br /> not�ffect otl�e��provisions of tl�ia Seourity fnst'rninenY or the NoCe which cau be given ePFcct witlTOUt the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As used in d�is Securidy Insu•umenG (a)words of 17�e masculine gei�der s1�a11 me�n nnd includc coi��esponding� <br /> n�uter words or word5 of the f'eminine gender; (b) words in tiha singalar shall mean and inclnde Che phu a] <br /> and vice versa; and (o) Che word "may„ gives sole discretion without any obligaCion to talce�aiy action. <br /> 17. BoYYOwer's COpy. Borrowor dl�all be giveu one oopy of tl�e NoCe aud of tfais Security InsCrument. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in tl�is Seclion 18, "Interest in <br /> the Property" mcans any]a�l or benefioinl intorest in the Property, vicluding, but not limited to, tl�osc <br /> Ueneflcinl interesCs eran�fcrred in a Uond for deed, conlract for dead, inaCallmeut�aies conlracC or escrow <br /> agreemenC, the intent of which is the t��za�sfer oP title by Borrower at�a fitture date to�a pnrchaser. <br /> If all or nuy part oP the Pro�orry or any InYereat in the Property is sold or txAnsferrod (or if Rorrower ie not n <br /> nat�iral person and a benefioinl inLerost in I3orrowar ia sold or transfe��red) wiYliottt Lender's prior«�itten <br /> oousenC, Lcnder may require immediate p�ymcnt iu full oF ail sums secnred Uy this Security Insh-ument. <br /> fIowever, this option sl�all not iie exerciseci by Lender if guch exarcise is prohibited Uy Applicable Law. <br /> If Lender exercisos dlie option, Lender shatll give Borrowcr notioe of Ac�eleraCion. The notice sliall provide a <br /> period o�F not less than 30 days fr�>m the dafa the�notice is given in accordanca with SeoLioii 15 withu�which <br /> Borrower must pay a115mns eecured by Lhis 9ecurily Inetirument. If 13orrower fails to pay these sumF prior to <br /> the expirnCion of this period, Lender may invoke any rcmedies pertnitCed by fhis Scctirity Instrumeut witl�out <br /> fw�ther notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 19. BorYOweY's Right to Reinstate After ACCelePafion. IC Borrower meeYs cer[ain conditions, Borrower <br /> ehall have the right to have enforccment of'Uiis S€curity InsCrnmeuf.disconGintted flt nny lin�e�prior to the <br /> earlicst of: (a)five dnys bePore sale of Che ProperCy pursuant to any po�vor of sale contained in Chis Secqrity <br /> InstramenC; (b)snch other period as Applicable Law inight epecify for the tenniiiatiou of Borrower's riglit to <br /> reuistaYe; or(c) enhry of a judgincnt enforcing tl�is Security Inelrumeut. Those condiCiovs aro that Rorrower: <br /> (a)pays I,ender all stuns which [hen wpuld be due uuder fliis SecuriLy lnstr�nnent aud ttze Note ns if no <br /> aooelernCion had ocoLirred; (U) eures atry defnulC of any other coveunnts or agreemcnts; (o) pays a11 expeusea <br /> uicurrod in enforcing Chis Sccurity H�strument, inclnding, b�it not limited to, rensonable atitorneys' �Fees, <br /> property inspect4on and vnhiflCion Pees, and other fees viourred for Uio purpose of proteoting Lender's inkn�aHt <br /> zatiso <br /> NE6f1A5KA-SinBlo FSmily-Fannie Mae7Freddie P4 ac UNIFORM INST2VM[NT Ponn 3028 1101 <br /> VMP ry VMP5(NF.1(110G) <br /> WoHe[s Kluwer Flnencial Services Page 12 of 77 <br />
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