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201107842 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; forbearance t3y Lender Noti a W aiver. Extension of the t;me for payment or <br /> modi'Fcation of'amorkiaation of tlxa snms secured by this Secnrity Insmnment granted by Lender to Borrower <br /> or any Succ;cssor in Tnferest of T3orrower shall noC operate fo release tihe liability of Borrower or any <br /> Sueoesaors in H1CeresC oC�3orro�ver. Lcndor shall not be rcquircd to commence proceedings ag�insti any <br /> Sucoessor iu Inferest of Boirower or [o refiise Io exlend time for paynient or odtcrwisc modif}amortizati,on <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instniment Uq renson of eny demand made kry tho original Borrowor or <br /> any Successors in Interest of Borrowor. f�ry forbenrnnce by Lender in exercisin� nny right or remedy <br /> inclndin�, without limifation, I,ender's acceptance of paymenCs f'rom third pereons, entitiea or Successors in <br /> lntcrest of Borrower or in am��mts lctis thzn thc�inount thcn due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude tha <br /> exercise of nny righY or ramedy. <br /> 13. Joint and 5everal Liability; Co-signers; 5uccessors and Assigns f3ound. Borrnwcr covenantti and <br /> agrees that Borrower's obligations aud liability shall be joinC auci sav�ral. IIowever, any Borrower who <br /> co-sib��s this Sccurity G�sh uinont but does not execate the Note (a"co-signer"): (a�) is oo-sig�ung this <br /> Security Inst2ument only to morfgage, granL v�cl comeX the co-signcr's rntcrest in the ProperEq under tlxa <br /> tenns o£this Seourity Instrnn�ient; (U} is not personally obligated to pay �he sams secured by tl�is Security <br /> Inatr�wment; and(c) a�rees thaY Lencler�nd eny other Borrower ow�gree to exlenci, modify, Corbcar or m�l<e <br /> any accommodaUons wiCh regacd to Che Cerms of this Security Instriunent or the Note without Hie co-sigver's <br /> conseut. <br /> Snbject to flie provislons of Section 18, any Successor in InYeresti of Borrower who assuines Borrower's <br /> obligations under tl�is Secar'ity Instrm��ont ip writillb, and is approved by Lender, �shall obtain all of <br /> Borrower'e righYS end benefits under this Secnrity Inslrument. Borrower s1x211 not bc rc➢cancd from <br /> Rorrower's obligationa aaid liaUilitiy undar Y1us Sectu•ity Iustrument unlese Lender agrees Co sueh release iu <br /> writing. 'Thc covcnants and agrcements of this Seauriry Instrume�t shall Uind (except as provided in Secfion <br /> 20) aud benef'it the successors �uid assigus of Lender. <br /> 14. Loan ChaYges. Lender inay charge Borrower Pees for services perPormed in conneclicm wilh B�rrower's <br /> def'au1P, f'or#he purpose of'proteoting Lender's interest iu the Property and righta under this Seoaxity <br /> Histrument, including, Uut not limited to, a�ttorneys' Fees, property inspacCion and v�lunCion fees. Iu xegnrd to <br /> any other foce, thc aUsenoc of oxpress authority in thig Security Instrument to charge a speciPic fee to <br /> Bon�ower shall not be construed ns a prohiUilion on the charging of auch fee. Lencier may noL ch�rge fces <br /> that are exUressly prohiUited Uy this Security Ilist��ument or Uy Applicable Law. <br /> If the Loan is suUject Co T law which sets maxunum loa�i chaiges, and tl�aY law is finnlly interpretod so that <br /> tho ijtterost or othor loan oharges collcotcd or to be oollcctcd in oomiectioit with d�e T.oan exceed the <br /> permitted limits, then: (a) ang such lo�n ch�rge shall be reduced by fhe amount uecessary to reduoe Che <br /> charge Co tha permitted limik; and (b) any sums alreedy collected from Borrower which exoeeded permitted <br /> limits will Ue ref'unded to I3orrower. Lender inay choose to make this refund Uy reducing the principal owed <br /> undcr thc IVote ��r by malcing a direct payment to }3orrower. ]f a refund reducey principal, the rednct�ion will <br /> be lreaCeci as a partial prepayinent wilhonL vry�repayment charge(whelher or not a prepaymcnC chargo is <br /> provided f'or under the Note)�. Borrower's accept�noe of aziy such refund made by direct payme�lt to <br /> i3orrower will constitiate a waiver af a�iy right of'action T3on�ower might have arising out o�f such overel�EU�ge. <br /> 15. Notiees. All notices given by Borrowe��m T.ender in conuection with this Security Hist��ument inust be in <br /> writing, tlny no[ice to 13arrower in coimeoCion wifh fhis Secnrity 1ncCivmeut�shall bc d�-cane,�cl t�have becn <br /> given to Borirower when mailed by firsY class mail or wlien netually delivered to Boxrower'a notice�drlress if <br /> sent by ot�ier means. Notico to any oi�e Rorrower s1ia11 conskihite notice to all Aorrowars w4ess tipplicable <br /> Law cxpressly requires oEhcrwisc. 'fh�nouce address shall be Lhe Pro��crCy Addre�s m�less T3orrowor�has <br /> 231180 <br /> Nf_6MSKA-Singlo Famfly-Fnnnia MeolFrodtlle Mec UNIFORM INSTRUMf-NT Form 3028 1107 <br /> VM P� VMPB(NE)(1105) <br /> Wollefa Klower flnanaial Sarvicea Pxpe 11 nf 17 <br />
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