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201�0777� <br />speci&es aprocedureforreportin� Boaowe�'schange ofaddress, thanBoaocversball onlYreporta chen$e ofaddress <br />throvgh that aparfied procedura There may be only one designated nodce address undec this Secariry Inshcnment <br />et any one time. t�ny notice ta Lender sfiall ba g[v� bp delivedng it oz by mailing it by first clae� mail ta I.�da's <br />address stased herein ua2�s Landes has de.d�at�ci another address by notice w Horrower. Any nadce in �naection <br />with tbia Securlty Iasuumeat shall aot be de�ed to hava bean g#ven to I.eader imi91 actUalty recaived by i,ander. <br />Tf any notice required by this Security Instrument is slso reqnired nnder ApplicabJe Iaw, the AppIicable Law <br />requuem�t will satisPy the correspoading requirement under this Secucity Tnst�ument. <br />Ib. GoveraEng I,aw; Severabf[ity, Rnl�¢ of Construetion. This Seaurity InsRvment sHall be governed by <br />fedeial law aad the law of ihe jarisdtetion in w(rich d�e Properry is located. All rights aud obligations contained in <br />this 3eowlry fnstrume,nt are svbject to any requir�e�ts and lim{tas(ons of Applicab2e Iaw. Applicable Law might <br />expliciHq or implicitly alIow the pariies W agree by cantract or it might bc as�aut, but euch silence shall not be <br />coffiIra� as a proIu'IsItiaa against agreement by contract. In the avent d�at azry prov#sion or olavsa of tlds Security <br />Tnstnuneat or the Note confiicta with Applicable Law. sucFi conSict shaIl not affect other provisiona oftF►iis Sectuity <br />Insrrumww�t or the Note wLich cxin � given effect wirthout the conSicttng pravisian <br />,qs vsed in th3s Seaurity Tnahvmenr, (a} svords of tha masculine gender shall mean and iaclude <br />aeuter words or words of the £aminiae gettder; (b) words in the singulaz ehall mean aad fnclude iha pIural and vice <br />vexsa; and (c) tha word "may" � sole discretion withrnit �ay obligadan to take aay actioa <br />17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be g3vea one copy of tha Note and of th3s Securlry Inshument <br />18. Tran.afer sf the Property or a Beneticia! Ininrest ia Berrower. As used ia this SecNoa 18, "7nterast 3n <br />thc Property�" means airy legaI or beaeficial 'anterest in the PrcPertY. including, but not limited to, those ba�eficial <br />tnt�resu uansfarred 3n a bond for deed, cantracx for deed, tas�allment sale.a con�act or escrow agree�mr,ctt, tha 3atent <br />of wlaich is the hans£er o£tifle by Bonower at a fuhse date to a prucBaser. <br />If ali or aay part of the Proparly or azry Tnterest in the Praperty is sold or �ransfmxed (ot if Borrowex 3s not a <br />natural person and a bene5cIa1 imerost in Bonmvcc is sold or transferrecn witfiont Lender's pri� writtea coasent, <br />Lend� may reqaire immediatepaymcnc in Rill ofall sums sec�sedbythis Sacarity InsErument Sowever, tkis option <br />shall not bo axercised by Lender if snch m�ercise ia proh�ised by .Appflcable Law. <br />If I.ender �cercisas this opt(on, I.endes shall giva Borrowor notice of accaleratioa. Tha notice sF�all provida a <br />period ofnot lessthan 30 days from the date the notice is giv� in accordancewitb. Sextion 15 wid�in which Borrower <br />must pay all sams secwedby ttds SewrIty I�vmeat. If Bozrowes fa�s tv pay thesa sums prlar to tha expiration of <br />th{s periad, Leader may lnvoke azry remedie,aperm�tted by this Sectulty Insh�ume� without further notice or demend <br />ou H�rower. <br />19. Boaower's ltight to Iieiostate AfCer AcceleratFon TfBaarower meets certain co�litions, Barroveat shaIl <br />have tha right to have enforcement of this $e,curity Inskumeut discoadnued at any time Pnor to tha r.�rliest oE (a) <br />flve days befara sale of tha Progerty pursuant to any power of sale cantaine8 in ttds SecuritY Instrumenfi (b) sach <br />other period as Appl3cable Iaw might specify for the te�mination of Boaower's right to reinstate; or (c} enhy of a <br />jad�ent entbrcin� rbis Secadry Insh�ument. Those condi�3ons are ti�at Borrawe�: (a) Pays Leacier all stu� which <br />than �vould be dne uader tbis SecurityTesa�um�t aad theNou as if no acceleratian had occiared: (b) cures anydefault <br />af any other covenants or agreements: (a) Pa3's alI expensas 3ncurredin enforcing tbia Seeurity Tns�vman ; 3�ludiag, <br />but not ]icaited to, reaso�ble attomeys' 'Fees, Pr�P�Y �on and vaina8on fees. and odxer fas iacurred for the <br />pur�mse of pro�cting L�der's intezest in the Properey aad ��ts uader tMs Secnrlty Instrum� and (c� mkes ench <br />acrion as Lender may reasonablyrequi�'e to assare fl�at I.eader's interest in the 1'roperty aad rightsunder this Securiry <br />Inslrumeat, and�orrawer`sobligaSan to paythe sv� securedbythia SecnriLylnstrament, ehatI conUaueu�itmagad• <br />I,eaded� rqay require thet Borrowerpay such reinstatement snms aad axpenses ia ona or more oft8e followiag forms, <br />asaelectedbyLender: (a)c�sh;@)awneYorder;(c)certiSedchect�bankcheck,ueasiae�'scheckorcasfiiea'scheck <br />provided any such cfieck is dracvnuiwn an insHtutton whose deposlts ara 9nsured by a federal ageacy, lnatrumantaIiry <br />or enBtY, or (� LFectroaic Puada Txansfar. Upon reinstatementbyBorrower, this Security Instnameat and obligatians <br />sec�sed hereby shati remaiaRiliy effective as if ao aeceleratioa had occurred. Howev�, this rlSht to reinstata sha1l <br />nat apply in the ces� of accelc�aHon uader Section 1& <br />20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servtcer, NuBce of Gr7evaace. Tha Note or a partiat int�est in the Note <br />(mgether �vltk thia Sexurity Inshvment} canbe sold oae or moretimeswithoutprior natice to Borrower. A sate might <br />resutt in a chan�e 1a tka eatity (known as the "Loaa Sorvicer"} that collects Periodic Paymeats dua under tha Note <br />and this Secwdty Instrument and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations und+.r tke Note, this Secmity <br />Xnshvment, aad Applicabie There also mf�ht be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer wuelated to a sale <br />ofthallote. Ifrhere 3s achangeoftke I,oan Servicer, Barrower will be �iven wrltten natice of the changewhichwIIl <br />state the name and addrass o�the new Y.oan Servicer, flie addr�s Eo which gaymeata should be made and azry other <br />informatloa RESPA reqn'sas in coaaection with a notioe o£ tcxnsfer of serv3cing. If the Note is sold and ihereafter <br />the Loan is serviced by a Loaa ServIcer othor tban the purcYiaser of the Note, Yha mort$a�e loan serviciug obligations <br />to Borsower will remain with the Loaa Servicer or be tcansferredto a succ�ssor I.oaa Servic� and are aot assumed <br />by the Note pnrchas�c' naless othcrwise pmvided by the Note purc�aser. <br />Ndther Borrower aor T.eadar may r;omm�►ca, join, or ba}oined to any judio3al sc4lon (es either en individual <br />llHgaat or the membar af a cIass) that arises &omthe other paety+'s ections pursuanE to tLis Seeu�ity rn�_• ar tt�at <br />alleges that die other party has breached anyprovSsion o� or any duty owed by ressoa a� tivs Seourlty Inst�en6 <br />undI such HorrowerorLend�rr has natiEed ifie otherpazty (whh suchnotice given incompliancewith the rec�u.iremc�a <br />of Sectiaa 15} ofsuch atleged bresclZ and afforded the otfier parly hereto a reasonableperiad after tha givi�g of such <br />aotica to mke corrective acdoa If Appllcable Law providas a time perfod wI�ich mnst elapse before certein action <br />cac be taken, thet time pesicd will be deemed to ba reesonabla for ptuposes af this paragraph The noti� af <br />xcceleratioa and oppordmity to ciu�o givea to Borrotiv� piasuant to Sed3oa 22 and the nodce of acceleration giv� <br />NE6RASKA-SI�gIe FamQy-Fatmfe MaelFreddEe Mec UfVIFOf�R INSTRUMH�IT - MH�.R g� <br />Fwm 30281/61 Page 8 af 11 ����sg�c.� <br />1.�� <br />