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2oi�o��7� <br />�:. �. <br />;,. <br />of the st�ms seoaced by this SecurIty Instramem immediat�ly bef'ore the partial taldn�, destruation, or losa in valae, <br />tmle� Borrower andLender o�t� agreeiawriting, tha sums securedbqthis Security3natxumem s6aribereduced <br />by the amount oftl� MisceUaaeous Proceeda multiplied by the folIowing frad3on: (a) the totat amouut of tha sums <br />s�uredimmediately before the partial taldng, destnsction, or loss mvaIue divided by (b} the fair mazket valus of tl� <br />Property immediately before tha part[a2 taldng, dastrnctfon, ar loss in valne. An}+balanoe shell ba paid to Borrower. <br />In tl� ev�t of a partial takia�, destruction, or ]osa in valae of the Praperty m wfiich tfie f�3r market velue o£ <br />flxa Property immediately before the partial taWng, des�uction, or loss in value is less than the emount of the sums <br />secared 3mmediately before the paztial teldn$, desh�uction, or loss in valne, vnlass Borrowar and Lender otherwtse <br />agreeinwriting, the Miscallaneous Proceeds st�all be appIied to the s�a securedby thIs Security Instcvment whether <br />or aa4 tha svms are then due. <br />Ifthe Properry is abandonedbyBorrower, or 3� aRar aottce by I,ender to Borrower ttat the Opposin8 p�Y (� <br />dafined ia che next s�tence} offars to raake en award w satzle a claim far damagas, Borrowes faiia to respond w <br />Lender witivn 30 days after the date the notic� ie givm, Lander is authorized to collect and apply the 1vTsoellaneous <br />JProceeds eithar to rastorat9an ar repair of tha Property or to tha sums secured by tbis Security Instrumem, whether <br />or not then due. "�PPos3ng Party^ means the thixd party tbat owes Boaower Miscellaaeous Proceeds or tha pany <br />agaiast whom Borrower has a r7,�ht of action in regard to Miscellaneaus Praceeds. <br />Boaawer shall be in defaalt if any actfon or proceedjng, whethtt dv31 or crIminal, is bagtw tbat, in Leader`s <br />jndgment, wnld resvit in forfeluv'e ofthe PropeMy oz' oUt�'raat�3a1 itnpairmant ofLendcm's iaterest in the Property <br />or rIghts uadar this Seaicity Instivment. Borrawer cancvresach a deffiult aad, if accelesationhas occ�ared, ra3nstete <br />as provided in Section 19, by causla� the actian or proceeding to be dismissed wikh a n�ag that in Landet's <br />jud8meat, Preclades forfeibua of tha Property or otIur materfal impai�cment of Lender's ioi�est in the Yroperty ar <br />sljghts under this SectuIty Inshument Tha proceeds of avy award ar claim for damages fhatare atln3utable to tha <br />impairmeat af Leader's i�erast in the Properiy are hereby as4lgaed and shall ba patd to I.�der. <br />,� A�!?�—.n�,e� Proacds tbat ara aot applied to cestoration or repair of the Property shalI be appHed in the <br />arder provided for in Section 2. <br />12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By I.ender 1�Tot a R'aivet. Exteasion of tha time for paymeAt a <br />modification oFamortizaHon of the sums secuzed by tUis Seaurity Instn�ment grented by Lendar to Borraw� or a� <br />Suxessor in Iaterest oFBorrowar shall not operate to releese the ]iab�ity of Borrower or any Suoce�ors in Tnterest <br />o£�rowe�'. I.ender s1m11. not be required to commence proceedings agamst any Suxessor in7nterest of Hoaower <br />or to refuse to extend time for payment or otherwlse madit'y an�xtization of the sams secured by this Security <br />InstrumenY by reasoa ofacty demand mada by the origInal Borrower or any Successors in Interest afBorrowar. Aqy <br />forbeazance by Lender in ace,scising aay rlght or remedy including, withrnrt 19miffialon, Lender's axeptance of <br />P�Yffients from thicd persofu, ernities or Successors in Interest of Borrower or 3n amounts fess than the amount then <br />dne, suall mot ba a waiver of or preclnde 4he exercisa oFanp right or remedy. <br />13. doffit and Several L[abSlity; Co-sigeer� Snecessor� and Assigns Bound. Botrower covenants aa�i agrees <br />that8ortower'sobligatioasandliabilityst�allbejointsadseveral. Howaver,eayBon'owerwhoco-sig�tkiisSeourIty <br />lnstrvmenY 6ut d0es noL �cecute thoNote (a"co-si$nor"): (a) is casigaing tBis Security Inshvar�t �Iy to mortgage, <br />grant and t�nvay the casignec'6 9nterest 9n tha Property undar the terms of Uvs SeCtuity Insttvmest� (b) is aot <br />persoaally obligated to pay the sums sewred by thts Securiry Inatrumen� and (c) agreea that Lend� and atry othex <br />Borrower caaagr�to oxtend, modify, forbearor make any axommodatioas with regardto theterms ofttds Security <br />Inatrucmeut or the Note without the co-signer's oonseat. <br />Subject ta the prov3sIons o£ Scction 18, any Sucs�or in Interest of Bonower wlw assumes Bon'owm's <br />obSigadans underthia SecurityInstevm�emt iawridng, xndis approvedbyLendar, ahaiF obiain all ofBarrowet'srights <br />andbeneHtswoderthisSecnrityTnst�ment BflnowarslmllnotbezaleasedfromBorrower'so6ligaHansandliah�lity <br />uader this SecarIry IasCVm�t unless Lender agrces to such release in writing. The cove�snis and agreemcats of this <br />Security Instrnment shali bind (eaccept as provided in Sedion 20) and beneSt the successors and assigns of Lendez. <br />14. Loan Charges. Lender may char�e Borrower faes for aervices performed 9ncotuaectioa with Boaower's <br />default, for the p�puse of protecting T.eader's intraest in the Property and rights uader this Sequity Ins�tment, <br />including, but aoc Umite3 to, attameys' fee�s, pzroparty inspecdon andve�luation fees. In regard to rany other fees, tha <br />absence of express autharity in this Se�writy 7nsh�ument to charge a speeific fee to Bonower shall not be construed <br />asaprolnbi8oa an the cdarging ofsuch fee. Leadermaynot chargefe�thatare axp�'ess�}'Prohiblted by d�is Seeuriry <br />Tns�tunant or by Applicabla Law. <br />If tha Loan is subject to a lawwhich s�s m�icawm loan charges, and that law is $naIIp i�ecprated so ti�et the <br />imereat or oth� I� �harges oollected or to ba coUected in conaection wlth the Loan excced the germitted Iimits, <br />then: (a} aqy sucfl Iaan charge �hall ba reduced by the amovnt aecessary to reduce tha charge to Use permitted limifi <br />and (b) anY sums atready coIIected &om Borrower which exceeded permitted limita will ba reRmded to Bonower. <br />Lendar maychoose to makethis reftmdby redacin$ the pr3ncipal oweduader ti�eNoie or bymaking adirectpayment <br />to Boaowar. If a refimd reduces principa], the seduotian wI11 be treated as a part[al prepayment wlthrnu azry <br />prepayment charge (vrhetkac or aot a prcpaymeat cFiarge is pfovided for nnder the Note}. Borrowar's acceptanca of <br />any such ra8md madeby diract payment to Barrower�vIll canstitute a waiver of aay rtg6t ofaction Bonower mm�ht <br />have arisiag ont aP sach overcLarge. <br />I5. NoBces. All aotices givcn by Botrower or Lendar in conne�lion with this Se.curIty Iasuument must be ia <br />writing. A� notice to Boxrowec �a coffiection wIth this Sacuriry Inshvme,nt shall be d�med to bave bxn gtvan to <br />Bo:row� wlaw mailed by fixss class mail or wfiea actually delivered to Boaowai's aotice addr�s if sent by other <br />meana. Nodce to aayone Borrowersbatl constihrte not�ce to aU. Bonowersnnlesa Applicabie Law racpressly requires <br />otherwise. The notice address shall be the Praperty Address onless Boirower has designaied a svbstIarte notice <br />addr� by noti� to Lender. Barrower stmll prompcip nadfy I.ender of Bonowcr's change of addre�. I£I,endar <br />NEBRASKA–Sing[e FamRy-6annie MaelFreddta Mao UNIFORM WSTRUMBJ'f - MHtS <br />fortn 3028 1/01 Page7 of !'E ��� <br />L�- <br />