<br />;; :
<br />to Borrower pursvant to Sectioa ] 8 shall be deemed to sat�'y the notice and opportimitY to take correaive action
<br />provIsious of tbis Saction 20.
<br />21. Hazardons Snbstances. As used in this Section 2I :(a} "Hazsrdous Snbsiaacea" �e thos� subslaaces
<br />de8ned as taxic or ha7ardaas substances� Pollutaata. or wastesby Environmental Lavr and the followIng subsmnces:
<br />gasoline, ker�ene, other flawmabYe or twdc pelrola�m praducts, toxic pesticides and herbicidea, volat3le solvams.
<br />matezials containing asbestos or formaldehyda. and radiosdiva materials; (b) "Eaviroume�al Law" meaos federal
<br />lawsandlawsofthejut3sdicHonwherethePropertyislocatedtbatrelatetofiealth, safetyosarvironme�a[pzoteclioa;
<br />(c} "Saviroamental Cteanug" inc%udes a� response aceton, remedlal action, ar ramoval acHon, as 8afined in
<br />EIlVi[onm0zt181 L�V &IId (d) e¢ "Env1rONACU�1 Condi$oII" meet�S s COUdiUOri tllat cHa � cOnt[IbutC LO oC
<br />otherwise h�ger an P.nv3ronmental Cleanup.
<br />Bnrrowerahallnotcauseorpermitthapreseace,usa, dispose2, storage, orreleavaofaayHa�rdousSubsffinces,
<br />or threat� to release anyHaTardous S�bstances, on or ia the Prop�ty. Barcowersball aot do, nor allow aayona else
<br />to do, anything affecting the Prop�ty (a) ttmt is ia vioIaKon of any Esrirommeatal Law, (b) which cre�es an
<br />Environmeaml Conditiom, oz (c) which, dne to the presancq use, or release of a Hazardous 5ubstanca, creates a
<br />condition that adversely affects the value of the Property. Tha preceding two sentences s1ffili not appty to tbs
<br />Presence, use, �' starage oa the Property of small quanrFtfes of Hezerdovs Swbstances Wat are S��Y �
<br />to be appropriate to aormal residential uses aad to maintananca of tha Property (inctuding, but not limited t,q
<br />ha�rdous substaacas in aonsnmer praducta).
<br />Barrowor sb�all prompdy give Leuder wriuea notice of {a) any investi$arion, claim, demaad, lawsuit or othet
<br />actioab3'�YS'�'�mm� orregulatorYe$@a�3'�'Pn�P�Yim�alving thePropertyandaayHa�rdons Sututance
<br />orEn.rironmentat Lawofwhichsorrowerhas actualxnowledge. N) anyBnv3ronmeatat coaditton, ;ncina'mg but noc
<br />]imited m, aay epilling, leaking, dlscbarga, release or threat of release of azry Haaardous Snbstance, and {c} azry
<br />condition sxused by the gresrnce, usc or relaso of a Har.srdous Substttace which adversaly affec�s the value of the
<br />Pmperly. 7f Hwzower learas, or is notified by aay goveraman�i. er regulamry authorit3: or �aY P� P�Y. that
<br />aay removal or other remediation o£ any ?3a�rdous Substance affecting rhe Pcoperip is nacessaty, Borrowa sHa11
<br />promptly ta[ce all nece�ryramedial ac6oas jn accordancawith �n.vltanmeatei Law. Noth3ng herein shall createany
<br />obli�aGon an T,eadee for aa Eavironmenfal. Cleanup.
<br />NON-UNIFORM COV6VANTS. Hoaawer and T.eadar fiuthar covenaat and agree as follows:
<br />22. Accelera8on; Remedfes. L�der shall gtve notke to Borrower prlor to acceiereti7on follawin�
<br />Borrower'sBreach of any covenant or a�reement 3n tLis SecarttyIns4rame� (bntnot priorto acceleration mder
<br />BecUlon 18 aNess ApplYeable Law provIdes othervv�se). Tha noHce shall epecify .(a) the defauI� (b) the actlon
<br />req� to tare the defan[� (c} a date, not less than 30 days from the date tbe nol3ee is glven W Borrower, by
<br />wLirh the default must be cared; and (d} tHat faAlare to ase the default on or befora the date speciGeQ in the
<br />no13ce may result In accelerat9on of tfle sums secnred by thls Secarlty Instrament an8 sale of the Properts The
<br />notice ahall farther inform Borrower of the ri$Lt to reinstate after accelera�lon and the right to briog a com�t
<br />act3on to wssert the noo-e�dstence of a defanit or auy o�er defense of Borro�ver to accPderaEion and sale. Tf the
<br />ddanit is noi cared on or before the date speclfied in t�e notiec, Lender sE #CV option may reqafre fmmediate
<br />payment iu fuII aP aA sams secured by thfs Se� lnslxament wlthoat inrther demand and may 9uvoke t6e
<br />power of ssle and any oth� reme8ies permitted bp A.pplicable Law Lender shaD be enEitled to co➢ect all
<br />esp8nses Sn¢urnd la pursafag the remedfes grovtded ia this Sestion 22, 9ncludin�, bnt not I[m4ted to, reasotnable
<br />attorneys` fee9 aad cosfs of 13t3e evideace.
<br />If the pawer of sale is 9nvo[ced, Trastee shall reeord a notice of deTault 7n eaeh coanty in wLich any part
<br />of the Yroperty is located and shaII ma� copies of s¢ch notica En Yhe manner pr�crlbed bY APPllcable Lavr to
<br />Sorrower aud � the other persa� prescrlbed by Appllcabte Law After the Sma requJred by AppHcable Law,
<br />TrasteesheDgYvepnblicnoticeof�leWthepersoasandintLemannerprescn'bedbyAppllcableY.aw Trastee,
<br />withoat demand on Borrower, s6aD seII the Property at pabIIc aacHan to fhe h9ghest b9dder et the Hme and
<br />glece and undee 8�e terms desi�oa#ed 9n the noatce of sate in oae or more parcels and in suy order Trastee
<br />ddermiaes. Trustee naay postpone �le of ali or siry parcel of the X'roperty by pablic annoaacememt atthe time
<br />aad place oP any prev3oasly schednled sale. Leader or 9t4 deslgeee may pnrcl+ase the Proputy st any sale.
<br />Upon receIpt of payme.nt aE the price bzd, 'i'zustee shall deliver to the parchaser Trustee's deed conveying
<br />the Property. The reeitals in tt►e Trustee's deed shatl be pi3ma £acie evldence of the trnth of tLe sfatements
<br />made therein. Trustee shaU apply the praeeds of t6e sale in the fo2lowi�ng order: (s) to aII cosls and expenses
<br />of eserdsing the power of sale, and the se�� iaclndiag th�e gaymant of the 1'rastes's fces actually fficnrred aa8
<br />reasouable attorneys' fees es perm4tted bY A.pPlicabk Law; (b) to all sums secured by tbis 5ecurIty Iastrumen�
<br />and (c) any esce�s to the person or pecsons IegaAy eatitl� to it
<br />23. Raennveyance. UPoaPaymentofalIsumssec�edbythisSacudtyTnsttvnutnt,Lendesshallreqa�tTrustee
<br />to revonvey tha Propariy and stmil surreader fl�3s Security Inslnimeat and all nates evidencing debt sec�ued by tbia
<br />Security Iastrument to Trustes. Tmstessh�ll recaaveythe Property withcut warrantyto the person or persona le�aIIy
<br />eaNded fi!t Such person ar persuns ahall pay any recordaHoa costs. Lendar may chazuge suchpersoa or persons a
<br />fee for recanvaying the Property. but ouly iftfia faeis gaid W athird pariy{suchas the Tnutea) for services randared
<br />end ffie cbargin� of tfie fee is genavitted vader Applicable Y.aw.
<br />24. Snbstitnte Trastee. I.cnder, at it� opPion, may from t3me to Yime ramova Trustee and appofat a snacaa�r
<br />trvstee to any Tn�stee appointed hereimder by an ins�ument recorded in tha conniy in rovFuch this SecurIty Tnsttumaut
<br />is reoocded. �V'rthout coaveyaace ofthe ProPartY. Yhs successortrustee sball sucxeed to s%I the thle, power and duHes
<br />�agerred upon Trastee hereia and by App]ica6le Law.
<br />NEBRA&KA—Singie FmnIIy—FanNe Mae1R�dIe Mac UNIFOI�N IN3TRUMENT - M9i$
<br />Form 3028 4101 Paga 8 oi 11 ��
<br />��
<br />