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201�0�77� <br />Airy amotmia d3sbursadbyI.endarunder cids Section 9 shallbecomeadditlon�l debt ofBorrower seo�ttedbythis <br />$ecur[ty Inshument, T)xese aaiounts shalI bear interest at the Note rate from the date of distmrsement and shaIl be <br />P$Y�le, wiUa sach intarest, npon nodca &om Lender ta Boaower requas4ir�g Paymeat <br />If tHia Secarity Inshumeat is on a leaseboId, Baaower shall comply wil�. all the provisions of ihe lease. <br />Borrower shaU nat eurrender the leasehold estate and insereska hareIa coavsyed or terminate or cancel tha grrnmd leesa. <br />Borrewea shsR not, without the expresg wcitten consent of Lender, alter or amend the Sroimd lease. If Borrower <br />acquires fee dtle to the Property, the leasehold aad the fea tida shall not nierge unless Leader a$rees to the mergar <br />3n wri8ng. <br />10. Mortga�elnsurance. ifLeaderraquiredMortgageInsuranceasacoadi8onofmaldngthaI.oan.Horrower <br />shall pay the pramiums required to maintaia tha Mortgaga Insurance 3n e$'ect If, for any reason, the Moxtge�e <br />]'asw�aacecaveragerequirad byLendexc�sesto be ava�ablefromthemortgage insurer that previw�sly provided srach <br />iffiurance aad Boaower was reqLUired to make separately desi�natad payments toward tke gremiwns for Mort$age <br />Insurance, Borrower shall pay tho premiuma rcquired to obtain coverage substantfa2Iy eqaivale,nE to the MortBab'� <br />Iusurance previovsly in affect, at a cast subslantlally equivale.nt to the c�t to Barrower of tha Mortgage Insuranca <br />prevIously in effect, &om an a2teraate mortgage insvrea selected by Londe�. If substantially eqnlvalmt Mort$age <br />Iasuraace covera$e ts aot ava�able, Borrower e6atI continua topaY to Lender the amount oftha separatelydesi�nate8 <br />payments that were due when the insurance covesage ceased to be in effect Lcnder w�7] accept vse aad retain these <br />paym�ts as a aoa refundabla loss reservein lieu afMortgage Iasuiance. Such loss reserva shall be non-raft�ndable, <br />aotwItBsEaadlag the faet that rhe Loan 3s ultimateIy paid in flil1, aed 7..�dar shaIl not be req�iredto pay Borrower any <br />interest ox oarnin$a on such loss raerve. Leader wn no longer require Ioss reserve paym�is if Moztgage Insivance <br />covaraga ('m ihe amonnt and for �e perlod that Lend� require.$) provided by aa in.a�uer seI� bq Lender again <br />becomes available, is obtaiaed, and I.eador requires saparatelY designated Paymeats toward the premiunns £or <br />Niortgage Instu�aaca. If Lender required Mortgage Tnsurance as a coadidon of inekh�g the I,aan and Borrovrer v+es <br />required to make separately 8esignated paymenrs toward the premiums for Mortgagc 7nsurance, Borrower shal[ pay <br />the premituas required to maintain Mortgage Insuranca in effect, or to provide a naa reflmdable loss raserve, uatil <br />Leader's requ'vement far Mortgage Insuzance e.nds in accordancewith aay written agreet�t betwoan Borrowat and <br />Leuder providing for such terminaflon or umil termiaation is required by ApPlicabla Lxa'. Noibing ia dua Sectioa <br />10 a�s°ts Borcowar's obligation to pay inYerest at the nte provided in the Nou. <br />Mort$a�e Tnstittance xeimburses Lender (or az�y eatity t1�aC prachasas the Ntrta} for certaia losses it maY incur <br />if Bonower daes not repay ffie Loea es agreed- Hoaower is aat a parry to the Mort$age Ins�aace. <br />Mortgage msurers evaluate their total r3slc oa all sach insurance in force from tima to time, �d �y enter imo <br />agreements with other parties that ehare or modify their ristc, or reduce lo�s. These agra�aents aze on terms and <br />conditions that aze satis�ctory to �e mortgage 3asucer and the other Pazh' (or parties) ro these a�reements. These <br />agreements may requ�za tha mortgaga insnres to make paqmmta vsing aay source of fiands tbat the moxtgege insurer <br />may have avai3able (wtdch may incIude fluids obtained from Mortgage Insvraace premiums). <br />As a result of these agreements, Lender, eaY Purchaser of tha Nota, enother insure , any reins��rer, any osher <br />endty, or anyaffiliate ofanqofthe foregoing, maYreceive (dire.cfly or imdicectly) amounts that derive fram {ormight <br />be characterized as) a p�doa of8o�rower's �yments forMortgage Insurance, ia exohange for sharing or modii�$ng <br />the mortgage insurer's rIsk, or reducm$ losses. If'such agreemeniprov.ides tbat asa affiliate of Lendor � a shaze <br />of the �tsnrer's risk in axchanga far a shara of the premiams paid ta dxe inaurer, the arrangement is often ta:med <br />"captiwe reinsUrance." Fwthec: <br />(a} Ang such agreeraeats w1II aot affect ihe amonnf� that Borrower has ag�reed to pay for Mortgage <br />Insorance, or any otLer terms of the Loen. Sach a�reemeats wfll not increase tlie amoant Borrewer w�I owe <br />for Mortgage Insurance, and they wID not entttle Bom�wer to any refaad <br />(b) Anp snch agre�ents x9ll not affect the righb Bonmver Las - tf aay - with a�espect ta t�e Niortgage <br />Yns�sace nader the Homeownees YxobeMdon A,ct of 1498 or any ather law. TLese rlghta may inclnde the rtgh4 <br />4o recetve cerm[n disclosares, 4o requesB and obta4n cancel0ation of the Mortgage Insurane� to have the <br />Mort�,��e L►snrauce Yetrm�nated automatically, and/or 4o recetve a refand of any MurtgsgelGusw'ance precn3nms <br />that were nneeraed at the ttme of snch cance�atton or Yerminatioa <br />il. Asstgnmen4 of NxisceUaaeoas Proceeds� Forfeitura A]I Miscellaaeous Pracceds are luseby assigaed to <br />and shaU be paid to T.e�tdar. <br />IftheProperiyis damagad, suchMiscellaneons Pra�eds shallbeapplied torostara6on or repairuftkeProperty, <br />if tha restaradon or rcpair is economicaIly feasble and Leadar's sec�sity is not I�senecL Dtaivag sach repair and <br />rastorari� poriod, Leader at�all have the rlght m hold such Miacellaneous 1'roceeds uatiI Lander has had an <br />opparnmity b� iaspect such Pmparty Lo ensure the vwrk has beea oompleted to Leader's satisfaction, provided that <br />such inspection shall be �dertakeapromptfy. Lendermaypay for the repairs andrestoratioa in asingle dishursemem <br />or in a series ofprog�ss paymea� as the work is completed. Uuless aa agreemenY is made in writing ar Applicable <br />Law requires 3aterest to be paid on snch Miscollaneovs Proceeds, Lendex shall not be required to pay }3orrower any <br />interest ar eanaings an snch A+fiscelIaneons Proceeds. If tYie restoraflon or repair is not ecoaomically feas�'ble ar <br />Lender's sec�ity would ba lessened, the Miscellaneons Proceeds shall be applied to the s� seciaedby this Security <br />Instivmeat, �vhether or aot tken dne, wlth the excess, if any, paid to Bonowar. Such Miscellaaeous 1'roceEds shall <br />be applied ia ffie order provided fox in. Set�aa 2. <br />7n the cwent of a total taldrs$, de.strucflon, or loss 3n value of the Ptoperty, the Nfacellaneous Proceeds a1mL11�e <br />agpIIed to the svrns securad by this Security Inscrumene, whetfier or not thea due, with the excess, if aay, patd to <br />Bonower. <br />In the event of a parHal taking, destrucflaa, or loss iu va}ae of tha Paoperiy in which the fau' mer&et valne of <br />the Property immadiataly Before the partial taldrog, desQUCiion, or Ioss invalue 3s equal to ar grea4� than the amoum <br />NEBPASKA—SI�gle Famly—Fannle MaelFreddle Mac UNIFORPA IN$TRUMFNT - MERS pp� g� <br />Form 3028 !!0'd Page 8 of 11 www.� <br />� <br />