<br />addiaonal loss payec. Leader shall have ths right to hold tha policies and reaecval certificates. If Lender requices,
<br />Borroaror shall promptty ghm to Lendar all receipYa ofpaid premiums and reaewat nodcea: Yf Borrower obtains ang
<br />form of ia4nraace coverage, not otherwise requic'edby I.andct, for damage Ya, or deshvdIon o� dre Properly, such
<br />pollcy st�ll iaolude a smadard morega$e clanse aad ahaU namo Lander as mortgagee and/or es an addid�onal loss
<br />PaYee•
<br />In the event of loss, ]Bw.rower shall glve prompt nadce to the insaraace certierandT.sndar. Le� tnay matte
<br />proof of losa if not mada promptly hy Borrower. Unless L�der and lBoxrower othciwise agrce in writing, anp
<br />is�surance proceads, wheUxer or not fhe aadarly3ng iaswaace was raquired by Lend�, sS�all be appiied to restoraUon
<br />or ropair of the Properry, if tha ratoration or repeir is economically feasr'ble and Lenda's security is not lessened.
<br />1�tt�3ng such repair and resto�a@aa period, I.endrs aLall bave the right w hold such iasuranca procaeds unhl Lender
<br />has had an opportunity to inapect snch Property to ensnra the work I�aas bee� completed to Zendec's satlsfaction,
<br />provIded that such inspe�tion shall be undertaken promptiy. Leader may disburse proceeds for the repairs and
<br />restoration in a single peymeat or in a series o£lnogress PaYmeIIt� as die work ia campleted. Unle�s an agreement
<br />is made in wrifing or Applicable Law re,quires interest to be pmld on sucfi insvranca proceads, Lender sfiall not be
<br />reqnired to pay Hormwer any interest or eaorniugs on sach proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third pasties.
<br />retained by Aonrowar shall not be paid out of tha insaance proexds and sha11 be tiu sole obli�a�on of Borrawar.
<br />Iftke restora6on or repair is nat economicaIIy feasib2e or Lender's securitywauld ba lesseaed, tha insarance proceeds
<br />shall be appIiext to the sams seeiuedbpthjs Secarlry �nstriument, whathear or not then dne, with the eaccess, ifanY. Paid
<br />to Bonower. Such ins�uacce praceeds shall be applied in Uie ordar provided for in Section 2.
<br />If Horrow� abandons the ProPerty. L�der may'file. nego8ate and seate any available insurance claim and
<br />zelated matters. Tf Borrower d�s aat respond wifliln 30 days to a notica fmm Landrs that the insu�ance cacrier has
<br />offered W seV1a a olaim, �ea Leader may naQodate and settle the claim. The 30-day �riod w1II Uegin whaa tha
<br />notica is given. In eithes eve�, or if Lender acquires the Praperty uader SecHon 22 or oth�vv7se, Horrovver hereby
<br />asai�s to Lander (a) Bo�rower's rights to any inawrance proceeda in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpadd
<br />uad� the Note or this Socurity Instrument, and (b) any ot8er ofBorrowe�'srIghts (other thaa the right to aayrafi�ad
<br />of uneerned premiums paid by Borrawer} nada sil ;++��*Anse polidc.s cover3ng the Property. insofaz as such rights
<br />are applicable ta the coverage ofUxe ProPerty. Lender ffiq nse the i�uraace procads eithu to repair or restore the
<br />Propecty or to pay amaunts uagaid tmder the Nata or ffiia Security In4hlmme� whether or not t6en dua
<br />6. �pancy. Aasower s6aii accupy. establiah, and use the Properiy as Borrowea''s prindpal res�dence
<br />wiiltin 80 days after the exectrtion oftbis Securiry Instrum�t and sball conttmie to occapytheProperly asBorrower's
<br />prindpal rosidencefor at leeat one yeerafter the date aFoccupancy, unl�.s Lenaer othecwiae agrees in writing, wlrich
<br />�nse,nt sball not be imreasoaablywithheld, or imlesa extenuat'vig circumslances cxist whieh are beyoad Borrower's
<br />co�rtroL
<br />7. Preservaiion, Mafnteuance aad Protection of the Proper[y; Inspections. Borrower shall not des�'csy,
<br />damage or impatr tha Property, allow the Property to detaiorate or commit waste on the Properry. Whether or not
<br />Bonoro�rer ts residmg ia the Praperiy, Borrower ahall maintain the Property ia order w preveat the Pxoperiy from
<br />deteriarating or decreesius �n vabza due to its oondttion. Y7nlesa It Is detecmiaed pucsnant to Sectia¢ 5 tl�at re�xiir or
<br />restoretion ia not aconomically fea�ble, Borrow� shall Prom�(Y rePai�' the Property if damaged to avoid fiutha�
<br />d�ioratioa or dama�e. Xfimstuamce or condamiaation proceeds arepaid in �nnecdon witfi damage to, or the mlang
<br />a� the ProPertY. B�rower sbail he responsxible £or repairing or restoring the Property oniy if Leader has reieased
<br />proceads for such purposss. Lgndar may d9sbuias prxceds far tha repaics and r�on 3a a single paymeat or 3n
<br />a series ofProgr�s Papmen� as the work 3s campteted ifthe ins�uamce os condemnadon proc�eds arenot sv�cient
<br />w repair or reatorethe Property. Barrower is not ra]ieved ofBoaowe� s obflgation for tha compleBan of s¢ch repa�r
<br />or restoration.
<br />T.enderorits a�antmaymakereasonable ontriesugon andinsgections oftheProperry. Ifithas reasonabtacausa,
<br />I,eud�raay 3nspect tha 3�erIor of the improvemems on the Propert�c Lender svall $ive Borrower aotice at t� time
<br />of or priar to such an iaterlor iaspectian �g such �easonable caase.
<br />& Borrower's Loaa Appllcatlon. Borrowar ahall ba in dei�nIt i� durmg the Loan application process.
<br />Borroweror anypersans or ea�ti� acNng atthe direction of Bon'owar or whh Barrower's kuowIedge or consent gave
<br />mat�ially false, misleading, or ifficcurate info�mation or statemeau to f,ender (ar �iled ta pmvide I.ender with
<br />materiat 3nformation) 3n crnmecrion with the T.oan Materiet represen�Hons 3ncIudq but are not ]inxited to,
<br />representatioas c.oncernin� Bocrower's occug�cy of the Property as'Bozrawer's principal residence.
<br />9. PrMection of Leader"s Interev4 in the Praperty and Rights Under this Security �as6rnmaat If (a}
<br />Bonower fa,ils to perform tha oovananis and agr�mants co�ained in this Security Instramea ;(b) there is a legaI
<br />praceediagthatmigfit atgnificsnQy affectLender'sinterascjathaPropertyandtorrlghtstmderttds SeotulryJnstrumant
<br />{such as a proceeding in bankraFt�Y. Probate, for condamnatiaa or f�feibue, for enforcemeat of a lien which caey
<br />attain prioriry ovar this Sec�uiry r��*s+�� or to e�force laws or rogulations� or (c) Bortowar has al>andaned the
<br />Propert}; thea Lender may do aad pay for whatevar is xeaso�abla os appropriate ta pmtect Leadcts interest ia the
<br />Property and rights nader this Seonrity Iasavment ineluding' protecdng endlor essassing tha vaiue af the Prop�l.y
<br />and secariagaad/or repa3r3ng the Property. Lender's actIons canincluda, but are na limited to: {a} paying any s�ms
<br />seciuedby a tien which has priority over ihis Security Ynstrumen� (b) aPPeerin8 �a �mr ; and {c) Payiag reasonable
<br />attorneys' feeswproteet ib intereatin.the Prapertyattdtor rightsw�dce ihis Secux(ty7ashismosrt, incIuding its secured
<br />positioa in a baalQUptcy proce�aiin�. Sccia3ag the Property includes, but is not limit�d tio, entaring the Propeity to
<br />make rEpairs, c6ange lacks, replace or board up doars and windoers, draia vvater �om pipes, elimineke bnilding or
<br />other t�de violat{oa5 or dangarous coaditioas, and have udlities tumed aa or off. Althou�h I.eader may take actioa
<br />under t��is Sectioa 9, Lender does aot hsve ta do so and is not uader any duty ar obliga8� to do so. It is agreedtLat
<br />Ltnder htcurs no liab£Iiry far not taldng any or all actions anthorized under this SecNoa 9.
<br />NBBRASKA—Singla Famliy—FenNe MaelFreddie MaC UNIFORM INSTI�1MB�tT - MHiB pp�yg��
<br />Form 3028 1/01 P�e b of 11 svww,dacnsgk.mm
<br />�✓
<br />