<br />��. �.
<br />shall for all purposea be dcem�d to be a covenant and agreement coataiaed fn this Sectalty 7nstrumeat, as the phrase
<br />"coveaant and agreemeat" is nsed in Section 9. If Barrower is ob?igatad W pay L�Saraw Ttems directly. pursuant to
<br />awaive , and Borrower faiIs to pay ihe amotm4 dua for an EscrowItam, Latd� t�y ex�cisa 4ts rIghts und� Section
<br />9 and pay auch amount and Borrower shall then be obIigaoed nadar Secflon 9 to repay to Lendar any such amourn.
<br />I.ead�c maysevoke the vvaivar as to any or aJl F.scrowItams at aay tin¢e by a nottce givea ia acxordancewith Section
<br />IS and, upon such zavocatioa, Borrower shall pay � Leade�r a➢ Funds, aad in sach amounts, ihat are tfien required
<br />undar �is Secdon 3.
<br />Lendo�'maY atau,yUme. co]Ieat and hold Fuads in anamouat (a} spfficieat ro pecmitLeadar to applpthe Funds
<br />at the time speci5ed under RESPA, and (b) not to e:cceed tha ma�cimum amomrf a lender can require unQer RESPA.
<br />Leader shatI esHmate the amovnt of Funds due on the basis of cune�t d�ta and raseonable ea�matea of expenditure�
<br />oPfE�GUe Escrow It�ms or atherurise in axordanca with ApplIcable Law
<br />Tha Funds shall be held in an iosdtadon whosa deposits arv i�tned by a federat agency, ins4vmaatality. ar
<br />entity (inoluding Leadex, if Lender is � 3naNm8an rvhose depasits are so 3�ured} or ia eny Federal Hama I�a
<br />Bank. Leader sha33 apply the Fuads to paythe SscrowItems no later then the time spaci$ed nnder 12ESPA. Lender
<br />svall aot chazga Borrower fcsr haldiag and applying tfie Fimds, sanuallp analy�cing tha �crow aacount, or veafying
<br />the Escra�v Items, unl�s Leadec pays Barrosver intm�est oa the Ftmds and AppH�ble I�aw p�rmits L�nder to make
<br />such a ch�ge, Unlese an a�r�ement is made ia �vritin� or Applicable Law requirea iaterest W be gaYd ou the �unds,
<br />I.erifler shall not ba requirad w pay Borrower �nny iaterest or ear►dngs on tlm J.+unds. Horrower and I.mxter can agroe
<br />ia wrldn� however. that iater�t sball be paid oa tha Punds. L�dar sha11 �ive to Borrowar. without cbaxga, an
<br />�ual accouwing of the Funds as required by RESPA.
<br />If thece is a sarpius of Funds fiekl m escrow, as def�aed aader RESPA, Lender si�all account to Boaewer for
<br />tha exc�sfk�nds in aocordaacewithRESPA. Ifthereis a shartage of Funds held in escrow, as de$c►edunder RESPA,
<br />Leaders8allaotifp Borrower asr«p�edbyItESPA, andBonowarshallpayto Lenderthe amount ne�saiytro ruake
<br />up the shortaga 3n accordanca wTtfi R�SPA, but In no more than 12 monthty paymeats. If there is a deSclency af
<br />Fuads held in eacrow, � deTmed undet RESPA, Lender sl�all nottfy Boixower as requiredbyl2ESPA, and Ha2rower
<br />sball pay to Leader the amotmt neoessacy to make up tha defiaiency in acwordac�aewith RESPA, but in no more ttmn
<br />I2 monthlYP���
<br />Ugon gayment in full ofalF s�a s�uredbytltis Security Instrnment, T.ende�r shalt promptlq refund to Boaower
<br />aayFtmds htld bp Lender.
<br />4. Charges; Lfau Bormwer shall pay ali taxes, assessments, charg�, fines, and imposiHons ath3butabla to
<br />the Praperty which caa aUain pdorhy over U:is Secudty 7nshvment, Irasehold paymenta or grouad re� on tite
<br />Property; 3f au}, and Comwauaity AsscciaHon Dues, Fees, and Assessmeats, if eay. To the eae� tl�at these items
<br />ere Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provlded 9n Seciion 3.
<br />�OIIOW2! St18� PTOfl1pL�' �6CbE1'$0 SQj� �iEm WIY�CTI �SBS j}L70t$y 4YP.t Y�8 $CCUT�Lj� 7ndn.snrmf Ut11C� BDI1'OWC7:
<br />(a} agrees 3n wr7dng ta tho payment of thc obllgaHoa seaared by tha Iian ja a manaer acceptabla W Lender, bcu only
<br />so long as Hoxxower is Performing such a�reemeng N) co�ests tfie lien ia good faitFi 6y, or defeads against
<br />enforceme.nt oftlro Ueu �n, logalproceal�ngswhichinLeuddsopiaion operate topraventthe �faa�cemeatofrha lien
<br />wbile those proceedings are pending, but only nniil such prqceeding,s are conclnded; or (c) sectues fram the holder
<br />of'the Iiea an agreament sads:(�ctory to 1Lemdor s�wrdiaedng the Ltea to tlais Seauxicy inskum�at Yf 7.,�dar
<br />determinea that any part of the Property ia sabject to a lien which can attain priority ovar t�is Security 7nstrument,
<br />�� �Y ffi�e Bon'ower a noHce ide�ing tha lie�. Within IO daqs of tba data on which t5at nottce is given,
<br />Borrower ahall a�aij+ the llen or take one or more af the adions aet farth ebove m tbis Section 4.
<br />Leuder ffiyraquira Botrowerto paya oae-sime chazga for areal �ata tax verification andJor reportmg sezvice
<br />vsed by Lendcr in coaneaion witfi tfiis Loan.
<br />�. Property Insnrsuce. Boaowet aVall keep the impravemeafs now eaosling or hereafter ezected oa the
<br />1'roperty insured 8�a3nst Ios4 by $re, he�'ds i�lnded wlthin the term TMeactended ccfv�age," ead atry otheL huzerds
<br />iac2nd'mg, but aot limited io, earthcg�akes and floods, for which Leader requires iusurance. '1'b�is ins�usuce shall ba
<br />mainsained in the amouut� ('mcluding deductible levels) and for flm periocL� Srat Lender requir�. Whef Ldnde�
<br />zeqt�irespurst�t to the preceding sentences can change dm�fng tire term ofthe Loan. The inswmctce carrierprovidtng
<br />theinsurance shallba choseabyBorrowersnbJectto Leader's r3ghttod3sapproveBorraowei'schoioe, whichrlght shaII
<br />not be exerclsedunreasoffib2y. Lender mey requiroBorrower to pay, im cnanectioa wit6 this Loan, either: (a) a one-
<br />time ch�gafar IIood zone datermiaatioa, c�tiEcation an�i iracking s�n^icea; or (b) a ane-Cume cbargefor IIoad �na
<br />detenmination and certiScadoa services and subsequent ebarges each time remappmge ar simitar changes � which
<br />reasonably might affect snch determiaacion or cerdfication. Bonmver s6all also Ba zespans'}�e for ihe gayraaat of
<br />anY fee.s imposed by the Fedecal Bmergenay Maasgemern Agency in coffiecdon with the revlew of any tlood �ne
<br />detenminatiaa resalting �COm au objection lry �xowax.
<br />If Barrow� �i1s to maintsin eay of tka caveragas descrIbed abova, L�dez may obte�n insuranca covera;�e, et
<br />Ltindd s upiian and Horrowec's cxptnse. Lender ia under no abli�tion to P�� �Y P�cular type or amount
<br />of coveraga. 7fh�cforo, such cavoraga shaU covor Leader, but might or might nat grotect Borrow�, Boaower's
<br />s4�Y in the Property, oz tho contents of the ProP�Y, 0 $� �Y �, haardor Iiability andm'rght provida greater
<br />or Iessar cov�xsaaga than was pravioasly in effect Borrower aclmowledges that tha cost af ihe insu:ance wve�age so
<br />obt�iaed mi�t s3�ificanHY eocceedthe costofias�eacethatBocrowerconld haveobiained ?.�amonnts disburs�d
<br />by Lendes uader this Secrian S shell be,come additia�l debt oFBortawa st�tted by tbis Secutity Inskument, The,se
<br />amonats shall bear intaest at the Note rate from che date of disbu:semeat ead shaIl be payable, wttfi such inberast,
<br />upoa nottce brom Lender to Borrower requ�ing PaYment
<br />All insuranca po]ides required by I.eader and reaewais of such policIas shall ba sn6jact to Lendar's rlght to
<br />disapprove suchpolicies, shall inclade a standard mortgage elausa, and shall mm�eLeaderas mort�ag�and/oraa an
<br />NffiRASKA—STngle famDy—Fenr�e Mae/Freddte Mec UNIFORM INSTRUMEVT - MERS p���
<br />Fomi 3028 1l04 Page 4 of i! y�wr.dpan8gk.mm
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