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20��07771 <br />TOflE1'HER WfTH aIl tha improvements now or hereaRer erected on the P�P�Y. aad alI easemeats. <br />BPPurte�nc�, and Sxhaes naw or her�fter a pazt of tbe properly. AII replacements and additions sball also ba <br />covercd by tliis Sec�uity Insh+�au. AJI of the fnregoing is referredto 3n this Securiry Tx�strumeat as th� "Propa� .« <br />Borrawe�ruadeistands andagre�stl�tMERSholds only legal Ntla to the intecests �rantedbyHorrowarintbis Seetalty <br />Inshumeat,lsut, 3f necossar5'to comply with law or costom, MER5 (as nomiaee for Lender and I�ender's sucoessors <br />andassigus) has the right: to ox�rdae au5 or aU oftGosa intaests, includin� but mot lmuted to, tha ri�ht to forerlosa <br />and sell tha Prapeny, aad to take any sction required of T.end� including, bt� not limited to, releas� and cancelfng <br />tbis Security 7nshumeat <br />130RROWBIt COVENAN'fS tbaY Boaower is lawfiilly seised of the estate �ereby conveyed aad bas tha xi�ht <br />ta grant aad wmrey the Yroperty an8 4tiat the 1'roperty is uneacumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br />Horrower vvarrants and w3ll dofand $en�ally tha title to the Proparty a�inse all olaims aad demands, subj�c ca azry <br />encumbrances of record <br />THIS SECURTTYINSTRUNffiQT combinesuniform cwenantsfornatioaaluea andnoa-uniform covanaatswid� <br />I'vnited varlaiions by,jtuisBicLioa to consdtut� a tmifarm aecarlty ��t ceverjng real groperty. <br />UNIF�RM COVBVANT3. Barrower end Lender covenant and agree ss follnvvs: <br />i. PaymmtofPrinciPal,Interest,EscrawIteros,PrePaYa►entCkerSes,andl.atcC6axges. BorrowershaU <br />Pay whea dus the prtndpal a� and on, the debt zvideaced by the Note and anYFrePaYment �ha*8es and Iate <br />cba�r�es due uader the Isota. Borcower shH12 alsa pay f[�nds £or ascrow Icems pursaant to 9ection 3. Paymeats due <br />under tha Note and thia Security Insaumeat ahall be made ia U.S. cmrency. However, if a�y check or ottur <br />inshum�t received by Lend� as payme,nt uader the Note or this Security Inst�m�t is reiuraed to Lender tmpaid, <br />Lendermay reqnire flmt any or ati subsequent paym�ts dua undar tha Note and this Securiiy Instrument be made ia <br />oneor more oftha tbllowing forms, as selacbed by Lender: (a) cash; (b} money orda ,(c) c�zGfied chock bank cbeck, <br />tra.sur�s check or cashia's checlS provided anysnchcheckis drawnupon an iastitutioa whoss deposiffi areiffiured <br />by a fedaral a$enoy, inshvmeniality. or eatity; or (� Llech�onic F�ds Transfer. <br />Paymeass are deemcd reoetved by Landea' wfien reoeived at tha lastion desi�ated in tba Nate or at snch other <br />lo�t3on as mayba designated by I.encter in accordancewhh the motice provislons 9n Section 15. I.ender mayredaa <br />�Y P�t or PaTtial �Ym�nt if the paymient or partial paymenrs are inau£6cieut to briag tha Loan curreat Leader <br />�5' a�t �S' PaS'ment or Partial PaYment insufiiciem to brfng the Loan correae, wIthont waiver of anY ri8hts <br />fiereuuder or prejudice to its rights to refi�sa sucfi PaYm� �' P�� PaYmenta in the ti�ture, but Leader is not <br />obligebed ta sPP � PaYmants at zha ttma sach payments aze accepted. If each Periodic 2'ayme� is appfled as of <br />jts scheduF� due data, thenT.ender aeednot pay interest on uaapplied fiznds. Lemder may hotd sach �mapplied fimds <br />�nsll Bocrowar makes payment to brlag tha Iaan curzeat Tf Horrow�' do� aot do so witLiia a xeasonabla period of <br />timq Lendec shall either agpIy s�:ch iimds or retum them to Borrower. If not applied eazlier, such f6nds w3il be <br />applfed to the outstandin� prJndpal balaaca under tha Note immediateIy prior to for�Iasiae. No offsei ar clami <br />which Borrower mi�ht hava now or in the £i�tur� against X.ender shall relieve Bonrower from matffig payments dae <br />under the Nate and tbie Secarity Instrumeat or performin$ the covena�s and ageameats secured bg this Security <br />redn,�ne�, <br />2. ApgIIcation of Payments or Proceeds. Except aa othetwlsa describ� ia this Seciioa 2, alI gayme� <br />accepted and applied by Ixxider al�ll be spplied in the following order ofprlority: (a} iaterast dua uader tiu Note; <br />(b) Pz3ncigdl dua undar the Isote; (c) amounts due uader Section 3. Snch payments shall be applied to �ch Periodio <br />Payment in the order in wbich it becama dae. Any remaining �otimts sBall be applied 5rst to late charges, secand <br />to airy other amoun� due und� thie Savrity Insonmxant, aud thea to raduce tha grktcigal balance of the Note. <br />Tf Lende.r rece�ves a payme� from Boirower for a deIinqnent Periodic Paymeat which inclndes a sufficie� <br />amommt to pay a�+ iate char$e due, the payment may be applied to tke delinquent payment and the late ctiarga If <br />mora than o� Pariodic Paymani is ouG�ndieg, Lender may apply arry payment received from Bonower to tha <br />repayment of the Periodic Paymeuts i� aad to tFie extent that, each payment caa be paid iu full. To tfie extant that <br />any excess adsb a8er tha paym�t is applted to the t�llpayment of ona ormore Pariodic Paymenls, such ancess may <br />be applied to any late chazgas dua VoluatacY Px'eFayments sbaU. be applied Scst to an]+Prepaymeat chazges and thea <br />as descrlbed 'm the Nata <br />�Y aPPlication of Payments. iasuranca Prac�ds, os Miscellan�us Procceds to princIpal due under the DIote <br />stiall aot racsend or pasipome the due date, or cleaage ffie amcwnt, of the Periafia Paymeuts. <br />3. Funds for �'scrow Ite�. Boirower shaIl pay to Lender an cUe day Per.lodio Paymants ere dua under ths <br />1�Tote, tmtil the Note is paid in fiilI, a s� (tfte "Fimds'7 to provide for paymeat of amovnffi dne fbr: (a} texe� and <br />as�sments ead other itams wHich caa atCain prioriry over tiiis Seaur3ry 7nstcumeat as a Hea or encumbrance an the <br />Properiy; @} leasehold payments or ground reaRS oa the Property, if aay; (c) premt�s for a�ry aad all insarance <br />reqnitedby Lender under Sec#on 5; aad (cn MortgaSe TnsurancePram�uma, ifany, arffiy sams payabla by Borrowar <br />ta Lender in Iicu o£the paymea�t of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accardance with the provisioas of 3ection 10. <br />Theseitemsarecalled"EscrowYtems." AtorIg3natlonorataaytimeduc3ngtheteimoftheLoan,Leadermayreq�ra <br />that Community Association T}ues, Fees, and Assessments, if auy, be escmwr.d by Bormwer, and such due+s, fees aud <br />assessmams shaA be an Escrow Itam. Borrower shall promptly £umish to Lender ati �Hces of amounts to be paid <br />under t�ia Section. Borrower sl�ll pay Lendar the Funds for Bscrow Items imlass Lander wa3ves Borrower's <br />abliga6oa to pay the F�nds for any or aIi Escrow Items. Leader may waive Borrowec's obligation to pay to Leader <br />Funds for anyor all EscrowTtems at aayNme. Any auchwa{ver muy oaFy be 3nwritEng. Ia tha evern ofsnchweiver, <br />Baaower sta?1 pay directly, whan and whare payable, tke amoanta due for auy Escrow Itoms for which paymcnt of <br />Funda bas beea waiv�by Leader and, ifI.eader requirea, sheD fianish to Lend� rec�ipts evidaaciag snchpaymani <br />vvithin suchtime period as Leader mayreqafra. HorrowaPs obligation to make sttt� payments andtoprovide receipta <br />N�RASKA-9ingle Famiiy—Fannte MaslFreddie Mec UNIF018�A W&TRUMEMT - MFA3 �eg�� <br />Form 3028 1l01 Page 3 oP 11 �,,��,�m <br />�� <br />