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10/19/2011 11:27:24 AM
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10/18/2011 8:32:22 AM
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201107771 <br />(� '�LiBets" means all Itideis to tLis Securlty lnstrnme.vt tl�at are acexutedby Borrower. The following Riders aro <br />to be �cecuted by Borrower [check box as applicable]: <br />[] Ad,�usffible Rate Rid� ❑ Placmed Unit Development Rider <br />[] BalIoon Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rid� <br />� 1-4 Fam31y R9der [� Second Home Rider <br />❑ Coadominfum Rider ❑ Other(s) [��] <br />(a� «APPlicable I�aw" means atl ca�rolliag appIiceble £ederal, state attd lacal stahttes, re�ulations, ordinances and <br />adminishative rules and orders (tt�t have the affect of law) as well as all applicable tmal, non-appealabla judicial <br />OpiaiOns. <br />(� "Com�aamaity Assocfation Daes, Fees, and Assessments° meang all dues, fees, aeseseme�s aad othea� c2�arges <br />t}�at ere impased oa B�zow� or tha Property by a condom�nium aesodation, horaeownars assoeietioa or sim3lar <br />orgamzation. <br />(L3 '�tectronlc �'ands T�anster" meams any transfer offhnds, other than a transacdon orlglnatad by check, dra8, <br />oz similar papor 3nstrwmccak which is initiated Haough an e2ectroaic temninal, telephomc inshvment, wmputea', or <br />magnatic A�re so as to order. ius0�vct, or authortza a S�aacial institut{on to debit or cr�it aa accaimt Such term <br />Iacludes, but is aot limitad tq poiat-of-sala transfers, automatad teller mac�e tiansactions, traosfers 3mtiated lsy <br />te]ephonq wira kansfecs, and automatecl clearlaghouse uaasf�s. <br />(N� "Fscrow Ttenas° meaus those itams that ara dascribad ia 5ocdon 3. <br />(�l} '2Yliscellaneous Proceeds" me�s anY compe�satioa, satdemeat, award of damages, ar proceeds paid bY �Y <br />th3rd party (other ihaa 9naiaance proceecu paid vader the coverage.s described 9n Sectton 5? far: (i) damage to, or <br />destruction o� ihe Properiy; ('ri) condemnatioa or other taldng of all ar any part of the Property; ('iu� conveyance ia <br />lieu of condemtmtton; or (3v) misrepresenterions o$ or omia4ians as m, the value and/or condition of the Property. <br />(0) '214ortgage Insnrance" mea.ns insuraaceprotecdng Leade,r against the �npayment o� or defaalt on, the Loan. <br />(!� "Perlod[c Paymenfi" meavs tha ragularly echeduled amaunt dua for (i} priaoipal and interest imder the Nota, <br />Plws (3�� an9 amomats under Seetion 3 of thia Seciuity T.vsuumart <br />(Qy 'RtESPA" means the Real Estata Settlement Procednres Act (12 U.S.C. §2601 et aeq.} and iCS implementing <br />regnlallon, Regulatton X(24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might bo amanded from time to time, or aay additional or <br />successor legislation or reguladoa that governs dza satas subject mattar. As used 'm dris Security Inslnmment, <br />'"RFSPA" refars to all requaements and restrictions that aze imposed in regard to a"fed�ally relatedmortg�ge]oaa" <br />even if the Zc�n doas not qualify as a"federally relateci mort$age loan" under RESPA. <br />(R) "Snccessor itn Interest of Boaower" meanc mry party tkat has mken titlo to the Propesty; arhether or �aat tbet <br />party bas assum� Bonower's obIigations aader tha Note and/or this Security Insttvment <br />TRANSFER OF RiGHTS iN THE PR�IAFRTY <br />Tho beacfiaisry of this Sxurity Ins4rumeat ia MERS (soleiy es nwmince for T.eader and I,ender's sacceasors and. <br />asaigna) and t$e successors and assigns of NFERS. T6is Securiry Instrumeat secures to Lendea: (i) the repayment af <br />the Y,aan, and all reaeavals, extensions and modificatioas of the Nou; ead ('u� the performanco of Borrower's <br />coveasabandagreeme�tsundcrtHisSxudtyInauvma�tandUul�Tota. Portbispurpos�,Borrowerirrevocablygrants <br />and coavays to Trustee, in tcvst, with power af sale, tha followFng de.scrFbe3 properly lxat� in the <br />CO'UNTY of HALL . <br />[i}po of R�ordivg 7urisdicslon] LNeare of ReeoadiaB 7uricdictioal <br />LOT `TFIIRTEEN (13) IN BIACK NIAIE (9} IN BOGG3 ANU HILL'$ ADDITTON <br />TO TliE CITY OF t�RAND ISLAtSD, HALL COIINTY, NEBR�.SKA. <br />whiah cwren,tly ]�es the address of 2016 WEST 11TH STREET <br />[ssreac] <br />GR71ND ISLAND 68863 <br />[�p7 I��r �] <br />("Praperty Address°)- <br />NEBRASKA-6ingle Famliy—Fannie MeslFreddie Mec UN1FORto9 INSTRUM6VT - MERS <br />Form 30281/01 Page 2 of 17 �y��8g� <br />, AIebraska <br />� <br />
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