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201107752 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. �xtension of the time f'or p2yn�cnt or <br /> modi£iontion of vnor�i�atiov of the stmis secured by fhis Sccurity InsY�'ument grantod by Lender to Borrower <br /> or any Succassor ni Tnterest of Borrower shall not opet•ate to releaec the liaUility of I3onower or any <br /> Succcssot2a in Interest of Borrower. Lender�hall not be required Lo commcnce Wroceedings againsC any <br /> 9nccessor in lntcrest oF Bottower or to refuee to extcnd time for payment or othoCwise modify amor[i�atron <br /> oF the suma seoured by thia Seourity Tnstiument by reason oP ai�y dematid made by 11ie original Borrower ar <br /> any Succassors in Interest oPBon�o�ver. At�y forbeacance by Lender in cxercising any right or rcmedy <br /> incluciitq;, without limitation, Lender's ncceptance of paymenta from fliird porsons, entitaes or Sucoessors in <br /> H�tcrest af T3on�ower or in ainounts less than Uie ai�iount flien due, shall not be a wa�iver of'ox preolude the <br /> exercise oP any right or rcmedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrowcr covenauts nnd <br /> t�grees that Bortower's o6ligalione and liabiliY�y shall be joint and ncveraL However, any Borrower who <br /> co-signs thie Seourity Inst���unent bnt doee not execute Uie Note (a "co�eignor"): (a�) is co-sigiuug Chie <br /> Security G�strmne�rt obly to moctgage, grent€nd convcy the oo-signer's interest in flte Pro�erty under thc <br /> tern7e o£this Security Insfrnmcnt (b) is not personally obligated to pay 11ie sums secm�ed by fl�is Security <br /> Tn�tnunant; zaid(e) agrees that Lencier and any other 13orrowec onu agrw to extencl, modify, forbear or make <br /> any accommodations with regard to the terme of this Security Instrnmenl pr tl�e Note witliout the co-eigner's <br /> consent, <br /> Subject to fhe provisions oF Section 18, vry Successor�n LiCerest oFBorrowor who assumes Borrower's <br /> o6ligatipns under this Secnrity Instrument in wriCing, and is approvecl by Lendor, shall obtain nll of <br /> Borrower's riglits and benofits under tliis Security Iuslrumont. Rorrower shnll nol bc reloasecl from <br /> Borrower's obligations and liabiliry nnder this 9ecurity Insu�urnoiit�m1ess Lander�grees to Fuch ro1easa in <br /> writing. The eoveixants and agreements of tl�is Secnrity IusUVmeut shall bind(except as provided iu Section <br /> 20) and bcncfit tlic nucccesors a�nd assig�ns of Lender, <br /> 14. Loan Charges. T e�udor may cl�arga Borrower fees Por ecrvioes perfonned iu oonncction wifh Borrower's <br /> deYnult, for tha puipose of protocting I,ender's niterest in the Yr�perry�nd rights under this Sccm-iry <br /> Iust�umenY, inciuding, but not limiCed to, attorneys' fees, propertg inepection and valuation fees. H2 rogard to <br /> any otUer fees, the aUsence of express anthority in tliis Secniity Itist�t�tnenC to oharge a specific fee to <br /> Borrower shn11 npt Ue constnied as a prohibitiai an thc chu�ging ot;such fee. Lendor in�ny noC oUarge foes <br /> that aa•e expressly prohibieed by Ihis Secutiry LisCrument or by Applioable T,aw. <br /> If the Loan is sn6jeot to a law wl�ich sets meximum lo�n chnrges, and tl�at�law is finnlly iuteiprctcd so that � <br /> t1�e interest or ofliar lovi cheiges collecfecl or to Ue collect'ed in eomieotion wrtli tl�e Loau exceed the <br /> pennittcd limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall bo rcduced Uy the t�moimt naoassary to redttce the <br /> charge to the permitted limi[; 2nd(b) any sums nh�endy collec�ed from Roerowai which exceedcd permiCted <br /> limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lendcr may choose to m�ke this refinid Uy reducing 1'1ia principal owed <br /> under iho Note or by maldng a direct pnyment to Borrowcr. If a refttnd reducaa prinoipal, the reduction will <br /> be Greflted ns n partial prepaymcnt without aary prepaymei2t churgc(wUether or not�prepa}nncnt cha�ge is <br /> provided for imder Yhe Nofe). Borrower's acceptance o'f any euoh refunci inade by direct paymenC lo <br /> Barrower will constittiite a waiver of any right o,f action Borrowe� n�iighC have arising out o�Psuoh overcharge. <br /> 15. Notices. All notices given by Bon•owcr or f,ender in ooimectiou wif1� Chie Securily InsYrumei2t vnisC be iu <br /> writing. /tiry notice to Borrower in cormecfion witih this Security H�stmtnenC sl�al1 be deemad to heve l�ocn <br /> given Io Bon�nwcr when marled by�tia�st class mail or when achtally dalivered to 13orrowor's notice adclress if <br /> seirt by oClier means. Notice Lo any one Borrower shall cousHlnte notice to all Borrowers uvlese ApplicaUle <br /> expressly requires otherv�iae. The notice address y1�a11 Ue tlie Property Address unless Borrower has <br /> zai�e� <br /> NEBRASKA�Singla Femlly-Pannie MaelFretltlla Nlac 11Nlf-ORb7 WSTROMENT Fnrm 3028 1/01 <br /> VMP nn VMf'B(NEI(1106) <br /> Woltors Kluwer Finonolol Sertices Page 11 oF 17 <br />