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201107752 <br /> satiefaction, provided 6hat such inspection shall be uudertnkeu promptly. Lender may p�y for Lhe rcpairs <br /> and restoraSion in e single disbursement or in a series of progrees paymonts as the work is completed. <br /> Unlcss an agreement is made ui writing or ApplicaUle Law reqtaires interest to be paid on such <br /> Miscellaneous Prc�cccds, Lcnder sha11 noY be requixed to pay Borrower any interesf or carningy on such <br /> Miscellaneous Procaeds. IF Che restoration or repair is not econoinically feasiUle or Lender's sacurity would <br /> be lessened, 11ie Miscellaaieous Proceeda shall Uo applied to Yhe sums secured Uy Chis 9ecurity Instrument, <br /> whether or not then due, with tha excess, if any, paid h�Bon-ower. Such Misoellanoous Pinceeds sliall be <br /> applied in the oider provided for in SecCion 2. <br /> In the eveni of a total talcing, deshuction, or loss in vahie of thc ProperY�y, the Miscellancotis R�oceeds shall <br /> be�tpplied [o die smns eccured by tl�is Seauriry Insh•nment, wheChor or not tlien due, widi Che excess, if any, <br /> paid to Bon�ower. <br /> In the event of a par[ial telring, clestruction, or loss in value of tlle Property in which the£�ir markot vahtie of <br /> the Properry iminediataly bofore the p�rLial talcin�, destrucCion, or losa in value is equal to or greater t1��u� tlie <br /> amount of the sums secured by Uiis Secm�ity Listrunicnt immediately before the parpal taltiug, dastruction, or <br /> losa in value; unlese Borrowcr and Leader oYheiwise agree in writing, the sums secured Uy tliie Sccm�ity <br /> HisWment shall be reduced 6y the amount of the 1Vlisoellvieous Prow�ds multiplied by che£ollowing <br /> fl�action: (a) the totial uuouut of the sums seoi�rcd immadiately before the par[ial taking, desUuoUion, or lo0s <br /> in value� dividcd by (b) tlte fair mvicat value of the Property immediately before Che partial talcing, <br /> destruotion, or loss iii value. Any Ualance shall be paid to Borrowcr. <br /> In fhe evont of a partial talrii�, destrucYion, or loss in vah�c of the Property in whicl� the Cair madcet value of <br /> the Proparty immediatoly l�cforc the partial taking, deshlic�ion, or loss in valua is leas than Che vnount of the <br /> sums secured immediately before tl�o pattial taldng, destruction, or los� in valne, uiflasa Borrower and <br /> Le�xder otherwise a�gree in wriEing, lhe Miscellanwus Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this <br /> Secu��ity [nstrun�ent wl�ether or not Cha sums �re theil dne, <br /> PC tl�o Properfy is abandoned by Borrower, or if, nPCer notioc l�y Lender to Borrower lhaL�tl�c O�posing ParY�y <br /> (as dafined in lhe nex6 seiltenpc) offers to make au nward to settle a claiin for damsges,Borrower fails to <br /> respond to Lender within 30 days after thc date tl�e notice is givan, Lender is uuthorized to collecC and apply <br /> the Miscellaueous Proeeeds either to restoraCion or rapair of the.Property or to 6ha sums sccurcd Uy Uiis <br /> � Security InshlunenC, whether oi not tl�eo due. "Opposing Pai`ty" means Cl�e third parCy tliat owes Borxower <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or Che party against whom T3orrower has a right of action in regard fo Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Ron�ower shall be in default if any�6tion or procecdinb, whetl�er civil or oriminal, is bcgpn tl�at, in Lender's <br /> juclgment, could resLi1t in forfeiture o'P the Propeity or oclier matar'ra1 impairinent of Lander's inCereet in the <br /> Property or rights under lhis Seopriry Tnst�rmnen(; Rori•ower can cm�e such a defatiilt and, if acceleration has <br /> occttrred, rainstaYa as provided in Secfion 19, hy causing U�e action or proceed'u�g to bo dismiesed wit'h a <br /> ruling tl�at, i�x I,ender's jndgment, preoludes farfeiture of tlic ProperP�y or oYhea�inaferial impaivnent of <br /> Lender's inCerese in Cl�e 1'ropeeLy or rights under Yhis Secuiiry Insti�umcnt. The proceecls of any award or <br /> claim for dunages fhflt e1'e ntt�ibiri�l�le to thc impainnent nf Lender's interes6 in tho Pro}�erty aae hereby <br /> assigned and sha11 be paid to Lender. <br /> All M�acell�neoua Proceeds that are not applicd to re�toraYion or repnir of the Property shall be appl�ied in the <br /> � order provided f'or in Sectiion 2. <br /> za�t�� <br /> NE�RkSKA-Sinqle Family-Fennle Maa(FreddieMec UNIFORM INSTRl1M[NT Form 3028 710� <br /> VMP r0 VMPe�N (1705) <br /> Wollere�KWtver Financiul Sorvicos Papn�fl nt 1"! <br />