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201107752 <br /> designatcd a substifute notice address by notice to Lender. Boirower shall prompYly notify Lendor of <br /> Borrower's change oF adaress. If Lencler specifies a procedure for r��porting Borrower's change oP address, <br /> then Borrower shall only report a change of address Chrough that speciFicd procedure. <br /> There may 6e only one designatod notice address uuder this Seourity instrument at airy one Lime.Any nofice <br /> to Lender sliall l�e given by deliveriiig it or by mai1ntf; iti by firsE oleas mail to Lcnde�'s address stated hercin <br /> unless Londer l�as ftesignated another lddresa by nofice to Borrowen Any notice m covncction witU lhis <br /> Seci�rity Insleumen[shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received I�y Londer.If <br /> ury iioYice required by this Seourity[i�str�iment is also required under ApplicaUle I,aw,the Applicable Law <br /> requirement will satisCy flie correaponding rcquirement mieler thia Sernirity Ineu�ument. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability,; Rules of Construction. Thie Seonrity Ine[rument shall Ue governed Uy <br /> federal law and the law of the jnriadicfion in which thc Property is locnted. All iighi�s and obligations <br /> containcd in tl�is Sectitrity Ilisiruinent are snbjeot to flny requirc�i�enty and limite6ons of Applicablc L¢w. <br /> Applicable Law mighC cxp1icit1y or implieikly allow ttie partiea to agrce by conCra�eC or it might l�e silent,but <br /> such silence sha11 not be oonsfrued as a prohiUitiou agaivst 2greement by oontract, [n the event that any <br /> pro�=ision or clause of this Security Instr�imenl or Ihe Note conflicCs with Applic�ble Latv,such confliot shall <br /> not affect ather provisione of this Seottrity Instniment or the Npfc whic1i cau be given effect wiChont Chc <br /> conflioting provision. <br /> Ae used in tkia Seonri�y Instrumc��t: (a)words o�f Cha mascnline gender shall mean nnd include eorresponcling <br /> ueuter words or worde of the Pemivino gender; (U) woxds in Yhe singuler shall mean and include Gie�lural <br /> and vice versa; azid (c) the word "may" givcs solc discretion wiYhout atiy obligation Co Lalcc any u�ction. <br /> 17. Borl'owel''S Copy, Bonower shall bc given one oopy of'the Note and of Lhis Secuiity Insttumeuti. <br /> 1II. Transfer of Che Property or a Beneflcial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in <br /> the Properry" means any legal or beneficial intercet in the Property, inclnding, bnt nol limited to, those <br /> bc,ti�eficia1 interests trausferred in a bond for cleed, contract for dced, installment sales eonh•aot or esotnw <br /> agreemeiu, tha inCenC o�P which is the tranefer o�F title by ESorrower a[a fuLnro dxto W a purchaser. <br /> If n11 or any part of the Propc�rty ar any HrteresC in t1�e Property is aold or h'ansforrcd (or if Borrower is not a <br /> natural person awd a beneficial iuCerest in &>rrower is sold or trauefeired) withouf Lendor's prior wriCten <br /> conFent, Lcndcr may require unmediate p1}nnenY in fiill of all swns sccnred by thie Security InshtmienC. <br /> IIowever, [his option sl�al] not bc cxercised Uy Lender if auch exercise ie pro]�iUitcd Uy ApplicaUle Law. <br /> If Leuder exercises thie option, I,ender shall giva Borrower nofice of acccleration. The notice sl�all provide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days from thc date tlie notice is given in acoorduioe wifh Section I S within wl�ich <br /> i�oi�rower nntst pay all suws securad by Ihis &eonriLy lnstiument. If Tiorrower fails to pay these sums prior to� <br /> Ll�e expiration of this period, Lender ma�y invoke any re7nedies permitt�d by this Sectvity Inehument without <br /> ftuther notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain coneiitions, T3orrower <br /> shall ha�ve the right to have enforcemenL of thie Security lnsta�umenl discontinued at ang �ime prior to the <br /> carliest of: (a) five ciays UePore sale oP Yhe Properly pnrsn�nt to any power of sale contained in this Secu�ity <br /> � Instriunent; (b) enclt other peiiod as Applicable Law might apecify for thc tennination of Borrower's rigli6 to <br /> reinstate; or (o) enu�y of a jndgment enforcing this SeouriYy Instrumenf. '1'hoee conditions are tihat Borrower: <br /> (a)pa�ys Lendar all eums which then woi�ld bo duc under fliis Secm'ity Insh-ument and �lic Notr; as if no <br /> acoele��ation had occun�ed; (b) etu•es nuy defaul6 of any othcr coven��ts or agree'menYS; (c)pays all cs��e�ises <br /> inciured in onforcing tl�is Security Instiuinent, including, but noC lin�itcd to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> propert}r ins�ection nnd vahiaCion Pces, and oti�er fees iucurrad£oi Yhe purpose of proCccting T:ender's intereat <br /> 231191 <br /> NEBRASKA-3ingle Famlly-Pannle Mee/Fredtlle Mec UWFORM INSTRUM ENT Fbrm 3�28 1/07 <br /> VI�AP O� VMPG(NE)(1105) <br /> W olbrs Kluw er Finenciel Services Papr.1�nt 1'l <br />