.;. , ,. . , . . . .
<br /> . .. . . . - , .. . ..._ - - -- �-... . ,, _
<br /> . . . - _
<br /> -----��__..-_� ---..___......._. --- -- - - ----- --- - �l��Q�ia7'�� , . .r:;.�i.
<br /> ... `����_o
<br /> • Borrower may cure such a detauit and reinstate. as provided in paregraph 18, by causing the action or procesding !o be � � •-:, _
<br /> dismissed with a ru!'mg that in lenders goad taith detemunauon.precludes fadedure oi the 8ortower's interest in tho Property or � ��°•�.�_.��.
<br /> other material impairtnent of the Gen ueated by this Securfty I�strument or Lender's security interest. 9orrov�rer shall also be in �
<br /> detautt it Bortower,dudng the loan app�icaUon process,gave materialty lalse or maccurato intormation or smtements ta Lender (or E ,
<br /> failed to provfde Lende� wRh any matedal intorm�tion) in connecticn with the �oan endenced by the Note, inGuding. but not [ , < •^„Y
<br /> limRed to. repmsentatlons conceming Bortowers occuDanaY of the PropeRy as a prtnupal residence. 1t this Secumy ,
<br /> Instrument is on a leasehold. Borrower shall compty wdh ali the provisions of the tease. It Borrower acqusres fee ti�e to the i , , • .
<br /> _ Property.the leasehold and the fee?�!!?shl�not merqe unless Lender aqrees to the merger m wdting. ` _ '��
<br /> 7. Protec4ten of Lende�'s RighBn te�tiqe� Pro�arty.If Bortower tails to pedorm the covenants and agreemen�s ,� °.
<br /> corttained in thls Security Instrument or there is e fegal proceeding that may signficantly alfect Lender s nghts �n the ProPerty ; '� ; -
<br /> (such as a proceeding in hankruptcy,probate. far candemnation or tosteiture or to entorce laws or regulaUons). then Lender may i •• a{ •��
<br />�` �� do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lenders rights in the Property. Lenders actions � ,,�.„�,:
<br />_ � may indude paying any sums secured by a Gen which has odority over this Securiry Instrument. appearing in couR, paying ; t �«:;'
<br />-_ reasonab!e sttomeys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take aciion under this paragraph - ; � � '' °
<br /> 'TM --�-'-,_�::,...-
<br /> 7. Lender does not have to do so. " �. .`'`
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shall become addRional debt of Borrower secuoed by ths Security � � "�
<br /> � '.. ``--.::. ,t�'..�[,r �,
<br /> InsUvment Unless Borrower and Lender agree to o2her teTms of paymetit these amounts shall bear interest from the date of ,
<br /> � disbursement at the Note rate and shalt be payable.with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. �._ . ..,:,�;,��`''��,`,...
<br /> 8. MoKgage IQSUr'df1Ce. If Lender required maRgage insurance as a condrtion of matang the loan secured by this ___.- ,•:�
<br /> Security Instrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to ma�ntain the mortgage insurance in effeci. If.for any reason. the , _,_�:__
<br /> , moRgage insurance coverage required by Lender Ia�pses or ceases to be in etfect. Bortower shall pay the prem:ums required to _
<br /> obtain coverage substantial�y equlvalent to the mortgage insurance previousry in etfect at a cost substantiallY equivalent to the ;�
<br /> cost to Borrower of the moRgage Insurance previousy in eftect, from an aftemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If '�•.r
<br /> substantiaUy e�uivatent mortgage insurance coverage is not available. Bortov�er shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to . _A__f'`
<br /> on�tw�Rh a5 T'±e YeartY mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barrower when the insurance coverage(apsed or ceased to •-- �.�,,,•E---T�;�__
<br /> ba in effeat. �der wi0 accepi. use and retain these payments as a tnss reserve in Geu ot mortgage insurance. Loss reserve `.�ra_. �,�n�,-
<br /> payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,it moRgage insurance coverage(in the amount and tor the period - ;,:.�
<br /> ;hat Lender requires) provided by an Insuter approved by L.ender again becomes ava�leble and is obtained. Borrower shall pay -_ �� Y
<br /> the prem'.ums requlred to matntain mortgage (nsutance in effecl. or to provtde a toss reserve. until the requirement tor mortgage _�`:�i�
<br /> insurance ends in accordance vrith any written apeement between Borrower and Lender or app!icable la� � �" ' "
<br /> 9. Inspection.Lender or its agent may make reasonable entrles upon end inspecttons of the P�riy. Lender shall glve '__"��:�'�'!^t j-,=
<br /> �-�.r;...;y. "
<br /> Bortower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifytng reasonable cause fot the inspectiort. �• �-
<br /> - 10. Condemnatton.TRe proceeds of any award or Gaim tor damages. direct or consequer.�l. c+ conrtecdan wfth eny �'-r�-�,���,.:
<br />. condemnaUon or other taldng of any part of the Properly. or tor conveyance in lieu M candemnatlon, are hereby �igned and •_r� _-•y�_•
<br /> shall be paid to Lender. -
<br />" In the event of a total taldng ot the Property. the proceeds shaU be appUed to the sums secured by thls Security '���.. '., ,
<br /> Instrumen�whether or not then due,with any excess Patd to Bortower. In the event of a paRial taktr�g of tha Properiy In whlch < ,a• . � , ��
<br /> � the talr ma-ket value of the Property fmmediatety befare the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured •�`•� ��'���' :.�.
<br /> . . �y this Security InsVument Imm e d i a te l y b e tore t he t a l d��� u n l e s s B o r r o w e r a n d L e nd�r o t h e r w l se a gree In writin g 'he sums �•°�,- Y ~�i��'
<br /> y^_�`���t. _,
<br /> secured 6y this Security(n�r�ment shall be reducsd�. '{'�amount of the proceeds^��.".i�11ed by the followfng trastrr� (a)the ; . .,.. ,,�,+�
<br /> - total amaunt ot the sums sesvred immediatety befare:'�:a:aldng.d'Nided by (b)the�ir�-a.�e!vatue of the Prapc�y h'.mediatety ";. �I��• �`�s: ,;,_;
<br /> before the ta!dng.Any halanee sha0 6e p�t�Borrowec In the event of a partlal taldng �!tfie Property In whfeF�the lalr madcet ,,.5�»�-°7 µ.`s i��,.
<br /> , ,
<br /> . .•Fr;�j value o1 the Property tmmedlately betorn'.°n�9 is less than the amount ot the sums secured i�.rra".3tely before the taldng. ,�u.��F;:���
<br /> t t"'�:t untess Borrower and Lander othervrfse �ae in wriUng or unless appficable law othen�rse F�c�r.�� tlie proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by thls Securiry InsWment whether or not the sums are th�n�:e. •• '��
<br /> I1 the Property is abandoned by Bortower,or H,after notice by lender to Bortower Y:iat the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> award or settte a clalm for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender vrithtn 30 days after the date the noUce is gi�en. , ;-.
<br /> Lender is authorized to eolled and apply the pmceeds, at its option, eRher to restora8on or repatr of the Property or to the :�:_
<br /> sums seeured by thls Secudry Instrumen�whether ar not then due. �icatlon o1 proceeds to p�-cipal shall not mRend or
<br /> Unle3s Lender and 8orrower otherwlse agree In writing, eny app '. ��;;.'`,.�" __�
<br /> � postpone the due date of the monthty paymertts re?erred f.o In paragraphs 1 and 2 a change the a��t of such payments. ,�.�:
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Reloased; Forbeara��By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension ot the Ume tor payment or ������� -
<br /> � modHcation o1 emoNmtlon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to eny successor In Interest of �-^ �
<br /> Bortower shaU not operate to release the llab0'ny oi the odglnal Bonower or Borrowers successors in interest. Lender sfiatl not _ •-
<br /> be requlred to wmmence proceed'mg3 -�Inst eny successor In lnterest or retuse to extend tir.t�for payment or otherwlse __
<br /> moddy amortlzation of the sums secu:e�'�y this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mac:by the oflglnal 8orrower or �`�.i.
<br /> ' Bortowers successors tn 4�res4 My forbearance by Lender in exerdsing any dght or remzdy shall not be e walver o1 or !�'.�� ��-_� '
<br /> preclude the oxerclse of any dght or remedy. _----- --`_:_-.
<br /> 12. Successo� and Asslgns Baund; JoiM and Several L.iability; Co-stgnera The covenants and - ,��,
<br /> agreements of this Secu�ity Instrument shad bind and Denefit the successors and asslgns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the . ,,:_� �
<br /> ,,, provlstons of paragraph 17. Bortower's covenants and agreements shall be jolrtt and severat. My Bonower who co-slgns ihls �
<br /> Securlty Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)!s caslgning thls Securiry Inshument onty to martgage, grant and convey ,�� �`�� _
<br /> that Borrower's Interest tn the Property undsr the terms af thls Secudty Instrument; (b) ls not personally obltgated to pay the �i�.�:i
<br /> ,--
<br /> � sums secured by thls Security Instrument; end (e) �r;yees thet Lender and any other Borrower may agree to �fi:nd, mod'Ay. ;;;�k`;.' : .'' , . , _
<br /> • forbear or make any accommodaUons with regard to t.�e tertns of thls Seadty Inshument or the Note wfthout tY.a2 8orrower s _ .
<br /> consent " , _ . ' i
<br /> � 13. Loan Charg�s. It the In� s4cured b this Secud I�atrumerrt is sub ect to a Ia.v �,l.�ich sets maxlmum loan � �"x+�^'
<br /> y tY 1 -�jc,�:.�---;c--r•�.�---,
<br /> charges, and that law Is flnaty lnterpr��3 so that the interest or other Ioan cherges collected or t�'ae collected In conne;Uon �
<br /> wfth the Ioan exceed the;�ermitted fimiis.then: (a)any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce ,+;t�••�.� -�'� ' •�
<br /> ihe charge to the pertnRied Iimtt; and (b) any sums atready collected hom Borrawtr whiah exceeded pertnitted Ilmits will be !���;"i�. � � ' � �
<br /> ' retunded to Bortower. Lender may choose to make thls refund by reducing the principal owed�r.der the Note or by maWng a .'�„�::` "" -•-��
<br /> direct payment to Bonower. N a returt� reduces princlpal. the reducUon will be treated es a p=':� prepayment without any ~a."�',' .:.,,`.'::
<br /> . ..�.,;%-i�,.,
<br /> � prepaymzr.`charge under the Note. ' ; .,�
<br /> 14. NOt1Ce9.My nottce to Borrower provided tor In thls Secur(ty tnstrument shall be given�g t�livering it or by mailing it --- ,�,.;;--,-.-,_.-
<br /> � by flrst ctass mail untess applfcable law requtres use ot �.�other method. The noUce shall be d::ec!ed to the Prc�?rty Address ;���-
<br /> or any other address Bacrawer designates by noti� ?e Lendec Any noUce to Lerce� shall ba c,r+en by first �;3ss mail to _______,___.___,,..
<br /> . Lender's address steted hereln or any a:her eddress Lender deslgnates by noUce t� Earrower. Q;.� nollce provided for in this , �
<br /> Security InsWment shall be deemed tc '-�ve been given to Bonower or Lender when given as proaa��in this paragraph. • <- : __
<br /> 15. Governtng Law; Sev�s.�ility. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the � !
<br /> . judsdiction in whlch the AropeRy is lorated. In the event that any provislon or cl2�se ot this Security Instrument or the Note ;,:
<br /> contlicts wilh appllcab:� 1��v. such contltct shall not attect other provisions o1 this S:eurity Instrument or the Note which pn be �';;:,:,..' �
<br /> cy'ven eNec1 without ths conflicting provision. To this end the provlsions of this Sac��'� Instrument and the Note ara declared to � : —
<br /> be swerab!e. ' • .
<br />_ . 16. BOffOWe�'S COpy.Borrcwer shall be given one contormed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. _ .
<br /> a�g� 7 oi 5
<br /> � t=-- • ' . i::.
<br /> - F�376.�MG rtr971 �
<br /> � . 96799 . . . . .[.'.
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