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_ <br /> .. . .:.,.. . .. . ,.. .. . . „ . . . .. � - -- <br /> �_..._.___ ...._..s._-..'�Z .�.__�.�L._., .'_' _" ..._._ "__....._.._. "__` �OV�I'�� _ . .._� _ . � .f^._".��. _ � ` -} .4J.a t 'F,f ._ <br /> "� 2... <br /> 7� <br /> ' T0t3E7'FiER WRH all the improvemct►ts now or hereafter erecte�on the property. and all easements. apDuRenances.and • � �=-t��y,; � .,� 4- �, _ <br /> fuctures now or h�reafier a paR ot the propeRy. ��replacements and addihons shall also be covered by this Securily�nstrument. <br /> A�I ot the to�going is reterred to u�this Seariry►nstrument as the'Property.' • , � <br /> BOiiROU+1�R COYENANTS that Bonower is tavr(ulry seaed ot the estate hereby conveyed and htu the nght to grant and . . :_— <br /> convey the Rroperty and that the PropeslY is unencumbered. except ta �aimbrances of record 8orrower war►ants and w�l ,_�_ <br /> defer�d generaity the tiUe to the Property agais�st a ll d a i ms en d G e m a n d s s u b}e e t t o ert y encurnbrences ot record- � -��. <br /> niis s=cuam IWSTRUMEIVT camDines unitortn covenants tar �aUonal use and non-unitorm covenants with [mited o�:�"� <br />� • vflildtio�ls by j1inSIItCT1011 to COn`�itiuio i� uirnv'�"�'....w."'»1»:-°«'CL'^�'t rnva!no r2�1 oroPaM =_-_.- -_ f-_- <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and Lender covenani and sgree as toltows: , "�,� <br /> � 1. Paymant ot PHrtci��! ared Interes� Prepaymsnt and Late Charge�Bovower snan Prompuy Pay wnen ._ <br /> due the prineipal of and interes±on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. . •;,ia <br /> - 2. Funds 4ar Taases a�d Insurance. Subject fo applicable law or to a writtec� waiver by Lender. Borrower i ha��para�y . , <br /> to Lender on the day monthly paymenis are due under the Note,until the Nofe is paid in fuU,e sum ('Funds')tor a e • _ <br />� " taxes and assessmenis which may atta+n pdati2Y aver this Securit)1 Instrument as a lien on the Property: (b) Y�y I2asehold _-,-r•--- <br /> payments or ground rents on the Prcperty.if anY: (�) Y�N h�b or pmperty insurance premiums: (� yearly flood insurance , <br />• premiums,ff any. (e)yeau(y moRgage insurance premiums,it eny. and (fl anY sums payable 6y Borrower to Lender in aceordance �� <br /> with the provisions o}paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of moRgage insurance premiums. These items are called °Escrow ;`_-^�t'.��f�,�+ <br /> ` 4 ltems.' Lender may. at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amcunt not to exceed the ma�dmum amaunt a le�der for a � r`:�' <br /> tederaily related mortgage laan may require tor Borrowers escxow acr.ount under the federa! Real Estate SetUement Procedures _.,�,t;,^c��•r_ _ <br /> �a �e.^'Jt:.'_"_.__ <br /> Act of 19'74 as smended from time to time.12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq_ �'RESPA'), uniess another law that appGes to the Funds =.,,. , , d� . <br /> se[s a lesser amount. It so. Lender any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to euceed the lesser amount r�;y��_�..,; <br /> ' Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the 6asts of arrent data and reasonahie estl�mates ot expend�res oi tuture '';:,��-��--u;'g' <br /> Eserow Items or othenvise in ea:ordance vrfth app�cable law. y.'-ry* . <br /> The Funds shall be held in en instiwUon�vhose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentallty. or entity(�ndudi�9 , .;�;�_� __ <br /> LendEr. 'rf Lender is such an institution) or in any Federdl Home Loan Bank Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow ,.. _---- - <br /> ,.t. <br /> � ftems. Lender mtiy not chazge Borrower for holding and applying the Wnds, annually analYi.3ng the escrow account,or verihling ;_ __ <br /> the Escrow ftems. unless Lendsr pays Borrower interest on the Fo.�rds arsd appGrabie law pertnits Lender to make such a ' . '..,,�,..a...=. ,�_ <br /> charge. However. 4enda maY recN�re Bortower to pay a one-Sime c�a.'ge for en ��dependent real estate tax reporting service °��� <br /> ' used by Lender tn �::�edlon with this loan, unless app6cable taw provides o^.`.awis� UNess an aqreemertt is made or �y:�,��T��-•-- <br /> . app�cable taw requlres interest to be Fsaid Lender shatl not be required to pay Barrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. "�, . � <br /> sa <br /> • • Bortower and Lender may agree in writing. however, that intecest s!�a1� be paid o�the Funds. lender shali give to Bortower. _.:=-���,."�`�`�s <br /> - without Cnazge. ah annual accounting af the Funds, showing�edcs and debits to the Fursds end the purpose tor which each _,� -,.,,.,.. <br /> �.�,�_ <br /> debit ta 4he Funds was mada The Fur,ds are ptedged as ad�tian�securitY for all sums secured by the Security Inswment. .,���.:��.� - <br /> it the Funds held by Lender exceed the amourts permitted tc be held by applicabte law,Lender shall account to BoROwer ;�,_,�_ , <br /> tor the excess Funds in aceordance wfth the requ'uements o4 appticable taw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at eny ,� � `' ,^"""¢�" <br /> ,���•: ;;i,-. <br /> Ume[s not suNicle�t to pay the Escrow items when due. Lender may so noUfy Bortower in writinng.end in such case 8orrower � .`+. ,i•.-_ <br /> shail pay to Lender lhe amount necessary to make up the defidency. Bortower sh�ll malce up the defidency in no more than _ - <br /> twehre monthy payments,at Lender's sote discreUon. , _ , `' <br /> ` Upon payment in tufl of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shait prompUy 2fund to Bortower any Funds ,��'-:,�� ;' . ' <br /> ,,.,��, hetd by Lender. If,under pasagraph 21. Lender sh31 acquire or seU the Property,Lender, pdor tc:be ecqulsiilon or safe ot the �. y. . " ii�'. :: <br /> � •� �' <br /> property, sfiall appty any Funds heid by Lender at`t.a time cf acquls(tlon or sate as a credit a�-�:^:st the sums secured by this ,' �'�`•= <br /> � �J<'�,.y- <br /> . Security Insisument •�:.?,:; �` `.._ <br /> 3. App11C�On of Payttlents. Unless a,allcable law provides othenvise, eil paymen's received by Lender under ::1'•'_ , �"'''��E �i:�•�;��,. <br /> paragraphs t and 2 shall be apphe� first, to any prepayment charqas due under the Note;se��d,to amounts payabie unde► � r ^ <br /> ��. ' ` <br /> � • parag�aph 2:1hErd,to interest due;touRh,to prfncipal due; and t3s*_ `:a enY late charges due under the Note. <br /> � 4. Charge� Liens. eorrower shall pay all taxes, asszssments. charges. flnes and imposi�ons a.."^Satebte to the • �)i�.,_ ._ <br /> Property whicA may attetr►ptioritY over this 8ecu::y%nstrumen�and leasehoid paymertts or ground rerrts. "rf�.m•. 6ortower shall <br /> � , pay these obngattons in the manaer provlded in p�agaph 2, or if not pald In that manner.Bonower sha0 Gsy�them on time ' :�•�' `�� <br /> .�:� <br /> �- :- .r. <br /> � direetly to the person owed payment Borrower shall promptiy tumish to Lender ait notices of amounts to be paid under thls i. • <br /> �•:. , para�aph. tf Borrowe� makes these payments directty. Borrower shall prompUy fumtsh to Lender recelpts evidencing the �`�'• � ��.'�: <br /> • payments. �!�. ;-; _=-- <br /> Borrower shall prompUy dischar;,a�.�y(fen whlch has pdority over this Secudty Instrume:��..r,'ess CioROwer. (a) agrees in r•'•" __ <br /> � miUng to the payment of the ob�gatton secured by the Uen in a manner acceptable to Lender, tb) contesta In good taith the � ��� _, <br />, . Iten by, or defends agalnst enfoscement of the Hen in, Iegal proceedngs which (n the Lende�s opin(on operaie to prevent ihe �.,,r ^ <br /> c�ntorcement of the Ifen; or(c)secures irom the holder of the�en an agreement satisfactory tc lender subordfnaUng the lien to _ .�.�-?�., �•�;,�_ <br /> . ... ����;�� � <br /> thts Security lnstrumenL It Lender determines that any part ot the PropeRy is subjecl to a (iee a::hlch may atffitn Prioriiy over this _ <br /> � Secur�4y fnstrument.Lender may glve Borrower a noUce Identitying tha Uen.Horrower sha0 saUsty the lien or take one or ma-a�: -�,w-�:�-_ , <br /> " � the aC:ans set fortt►above within 10 days of the glving oi noUce. �--4 . __ <br /> ' S. H a z u d o r P r o p o r Q y I n suranco. Bortower shall keep the improvements now exlsUng or hereafter erected on the � <br /> PropeBy (nsured aga(nat loss by ftre, ha�ards inciuded withln the term 'extended cweraga' an d any a t her hazaz d s. in c t u d i n g _ __ <br /> � floods or ftooding,tor which Lender requtres insurance. Thls Insurance shall be maintained In the amourds and tor the periads _ - - <br /> thet Lender requires. The insurznce carrier providing the Insutance shall be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's approval _ �- <br /> • which shall not be unreasonabiy ����yhetd. li Borrower talts to matrAain coverage described ebove, Lender may. a1 lender's — <br /> �• ' opUon,obtein coverage to protect!r�'dar's rights In the Property fn accerdance w(th Para9raDh 7• <br /> NI insurance and �enewa�s shall bs acceptable to Lender and s!ss!I InGuda a standard mortga3e clause.Lender � i� <br /> � � sha�havo the dght to hold the policies and rertc+�afy. Ii Lender requires, Bo�auer shatl promptty give to to-r�er ali receipta of - <br />. pald prem[ums and renewal noUoes. In the ever.:ct'��ss,Borrower shall gtve G':r.ipt noUce to the insurance carrieT and Lender. ���_IFY.,-- <br /> Lender may meke proof ot loss fl not made prompLy fly 8ortowu. ' ' ° <br /> Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wr'tting, ir.*��:�nce proceeds shall be applied to restoraUon or repar of the � ^�:.:::'+ �� — <br /> � Property damaged,tt tfie restoraUon or repalr is eccnortil�y ta�s1G'e end Lender's securfity Is not lessened.If the restore�u�,or °.,, <br /> repair is not eeonomlcaty teasibte or Lender's secti:-.y would be tessened,the insurance proceeds shall be ttpplted ta the s�s - _ <br /> . secured by this Secudry Instrument, vfiether or n:,^ then due, wfth any excess pald to Borrower. It Be.:c�+er abandons the . •-_�.=:Y'�.. <br /> ' Property, or does not answer withln 30 days a no�ce irom Lender that the irsnace canier has oftered t� sattie a claim, then � • ��-.:,. <br /> Lender may coUect the Insurance proceeds. Lende► may use the proceeds ta repair or restore the Property or to pay s.:s ^r,,. ��^���;� <br /> • secured by this Secudty InsVument,v�hether or not then du�. The 30�day perlod will begin v.ten the noUce Is glven. �r.����k1 T.���� <br /> Untess Lender and Bortower c:hervvise agree in wriUng, any epplicatlon ot ptoceebs to pdncipal shail not exte-ia ar .�,.x,..,i�,�t,�y�af,,, . -_ <br /> postpane the due date o}the mor.°!�y payments reterted to in patagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymEr:'S. if :�� y ;�R� _ <br /> � under paragrap b 21 t he P rope r t y is a c quired b y Lender, Borrower's dght to any insurance polictes and pro�eds resulUng kom � • �:. <br /> � damage to the Properry priar to the acquisiQon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by th:s Security Instrument _ <br /> � '. imnediately pdor to the acqulsitian. � � _ <br /> 6. Occupancy, Prese��aftion, Main4enance and Protoction of the Property; Borrowe�'s a.oan ;• <br /> , �"�cation; L98S9holds. E��rower shaU occupy. establish. and use the Property as Bortower's principal residence wilhin „ <br /> sixty days after the execuUon o} this Security Instrument and shall conUnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal �:. ,.. .. <br /> � residence for at leas! one year efte►the date o1 occupancy, unless Lender othervvise agrees in writing, which consenl shall noi ' .. . <br /> • be unreasonably wr.-Seld.or uniess extenuating circumstances e�cist which are be�rond Borrower's control. Borrovrer shall not � _ <br /> . destroy. damage or r.npalr the Property. eltow the Properry to dete�orate,or cammit waste on the PtopeAy. 8orrov�er shall be in : . _ <br />� delault it any forteiture action ar p:oceeding, whether civil or criminel,is begun that In Lenders good faith iudgment could resutl . - <br /> in foAeiture of the Property or o:-�rwise materfally impair the hen created by this Security InsWment or Lender's security interest. . <br />. . .. .. a,;.�..�.« <br /> .. . ......._.... . LLL 1�-�— -- ���_ <br />.__ .nn PaQv 2 �f 5 _ _ ' _ _ _ <br /> . , , ,� <br /> � 95199 � � . � . . 1�=�.s <br /> �-- .:- ��v�c�-- �:..�_�. <br /> . _ ., . ' - - ' � . . . ' tr' � � • . � � � � � . • . . ' , �Q' . '�' <br /> ..• . ,... .. . . <br /> .. . . . � <br /> . . •, <br /> .. <br /> . •� , . . :- -.� . .. , .. . . <br /> _ .- .. . . - _,' .. � ... ., . . � � . . . .. . <br /> . . .. _ ., � _ ^ . � .. . � . • .. . .. ...�,.i� �• . . ... . . . _ ... � _ . . . . _ ... . _ .. . <br />