. - _ _ __ . _ :. .� . . ��,� �O���i � . � ;�..--
<br />- � 17. Trasssfee of the Property or a �eneficial tnterest ifl BOTTaUVeT. M all or any part ot the Propeny or , _
<br /> , any interest in it is sold or transterted (or it a benefrcial interest in Borcower is sold or transterted and BaTOwer is not a naturai :: :-.
<br /> ,..n y,.: .
<br /> . � person) w�thaut Lender's pnor written c.,onsent. Lender may.at fis option, require immedfate payment in full ot all sums secured by e __ __
<br /> • thts Securiry �nstrumenL However. this optioa shaU not be exercised by Lendm if exerase is prohibited hy federal law as o1 the �� ���:� ' .�
<br /> � date of this Securiry Instrumeni � . . � ;_
<br /> If Lender exerases this opUon. Lender shell grre 8or►ower �atice of acceferation. The notice shali provide a penod of not _ _� ' ._ __
<br /> ._�� less than 30 days from the date the notice is defnrered or mailed wrthin which Bortower must pay ail sums secured by this r � �� . 1-•_.
<br /> Security Insuument H Borrower faiis to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may irnoke any remedies {� :;�_�, _ �
<br /> l �
<br /> . , � permitted by this Secudiy Instrument without further notice or demand on Bortower. - � _ ; -
<br /> 18. BoRa+tsret's Ri9M t0 Weinstate. 1t Bonower meets certain condiLons. eorrower shall have the rfght to hare .r
<br /> 1 entorcement of this Sewrity Instrumerrt discontinued at any Lme prior to the earlier ot: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> � appticable Iaw may speafy for reinstatement)betore sale o1 the Properry Pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Sewdry
<br /> �, � Instrumen� or(b) entry of a judgment entordng tfiis Security Instrument.Those condih'ons ara that 8orrower. (a) pays Lender ai! , . .
<br />--' ' sums which then wauld be due under this S2curiry �ru�trument and the Note as if no acceleration had nsUument.inGu�n� but — � ��,,� � � `
<br /> all enses inwrred in enfotan this Security 9� —:�r=-—=_T._� ''
<br /> ' � detault of any other covenant or agreements: (c) PaYs e�P 9 , _ ;
<br /> not I'united to. reasonable attomeys'tees: and (tn takes such action as Lender may reasonabty require to assure that the 1'sen of
<br /> . tt►is Secu�iry Mstrumen� Lender's dghts in the Property and Borrower's o4rgation to pay the sums secured by this S�r�riry ., .. - �
<br /> ._'v _ ..
<br /> instrumzrrt shatf eorrtinue unchanged Upon rainstetemerrt by Bortower, this Security Instrument and the o6ligations sc1.-ured __
<br /> hereby shaU remam fully effedive as'rf no acceleratlon had occumed. However.this right to refistate shall noi appry in the case _ ....;,`". . .-�•. .':
<br /> of acceletaUan underParagraPh 77. _ : ;:i-�+��vr�='=
<br /> 19. Safe of Note; Chaeego of Loan Sersdce�. 7he Note or a a partlai incerest in the Note Rogecner ,�nn sr,;s ` ' F �.r `
<br /> gecurity instrument) may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Barrower.A sale may resuit in a change in rna�r,tit'y _�,.,.o :. .�__
<br /> (fmown as the 'Loan Servicer)that collects monthly payments due under t he ho te an d t his S e c u ri ry I n s tr u ment. There a'so�y , •� •�--"�•---
<br /> �•>'.a�
<br /> � 6e one or more changes of the Loan Servicer u�retated to a sale of the NaYa. If there is a change of the Loan Ser�TCe►. .. .:.,��:__—.- __
<br /> - Botrower wU be given written notice of the cfiange in accordance with para�raph 14 above and appGcabla Iaw. The norice vn11 ' •, . Sx��-�-�--_
<br /> state the name and address oi the new Laan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice�c�elso _ -:;�
<br /> contt,i►�any other informatian required by apPliceble law. .- -.
<br /> 20. Hazardoais Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence. use, disposal, storage. or retease of . '� r,
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor a11ow enyone dse to do, dnything affecting the � .`�q�,� ,
<br /> . Properiy that is in vfolation of arty Environmen i a l L aw. The prece d i n g t w o s e n t e n c e s s h a l l n o t a p p t y t o t h=_p r e s e n c e. u s e,o r _ — --_
<br /> � storage on the Property of sma(1 Guantities of Hazardous Substences that are generahy recognaed to be �prepriate to normal ' .+�
<br /> • residentiaf uses and to matntenance of the Properry. �
<br /> • Borrower shatt promptty ghre Lender written notice of any investigation, daim. demand lawsuit or oih2r acCe^ ny any :;,i, �
<br /> -= govemmerfffiI or regulatory agency or pr(vate party invoMing the Property end any Hazardous Substence ar E!v�:.:r,�r.�: t�.w of �,1 �,�
<br /> which 8orrower has actuaf imowledge. If Bortower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or regulaLo�y+ e��artly, '.'�at anY �
<br /> g p;ompry talc3 all ., �+,
<br /> , r, temoval or other remediaUon of any Hazardous Substance aflectin Properry is necessary. Bnrrower s'�ati i
<br /> ..�����...;':
<br /> � � •� necessary remedtal actlons in accerdance with Environmental Law. •
<br />,:,n:{•" '. � ' '`
<br />�:ry:-. As used in this paragraph 20. 'Hazardaus 3ubstances' are those substances defined as toxlc or hazardous subs�:�.ces by . . g��F��� _�•.,- _
<br /> Environmental Law and the fol��ving substartces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabte cr to�dc petroleum produds. to�dc •���.,'� �,,�, : _
<br /> • pesUddes and herbiGdes,vot�Ule solvents,matertais containing asbestos or tormaldehyde,artd radioact[ve r.+aterials. As used in _`��+n..j;� ,,..,_
<br /> ', para�aph 20. 'Environmental Law' means lederal laws and taws of the Jurisdictlon where the Property 's h�cated that reiate to •�'�`,;t
<br />� � heatth,satety or envlronmerttsl protection. ��#,+"`-
<br /> _ d�. .�
<br /> �' NON-UNIFORM COVENMlT5.9orrower and Lender tuRher covenant and agree as totlows: :,��
<br /> . - 21. Acceleratlon; Rauc�addea Lenstor shati give notice to Borrower pr�ar to acce!�rat�on . � . ��;, '�4.
<br /> �� follovrring �orrowePs breach af ae�y covanant or agreement in this Securify Instrument (but not �..�•_. _
<br /> '� prlor to accelerattan un�er paragraph 17 unless applicabte law provides otherwise�. Th� nottce ���==
<br /> � shall spesifSl: (a) the detaul� (b)the setion required to cure the defaul� (c) a date, nat less than �'�'`�+
<br /> � 30 days trom the daYe�.'�,�s nottce is givan to Bcnower, by whtch the defauit must be cured; and ���_;f�;'��,. .•.;
<br /> (d) that faifure to cure tl`se default on or before the date specified In the notice may resutt in ���_
<br /> acceter�tion of the sums secured by thls Secur�iy I�sUument and sale of the Pro�erty.The natice ���,,.,�:-
<br /> 1� � shall fu�ther u:ngcrm Bonawer ot tQ:a cight to relnstate after accaleratton and the �ght to bring a — -
<br /> �- court aetio� t+� assert the non-ex�:stence ot a default or any other detense a�t Borrower to �_.�.,. ,� _ _
<br />�` � acceteration and sale. If tho defautt is nat cured on or before the dale speciflsd in the notice,
<br />�'t�.... �l�
<br /> �� Lendar a! tts optlon may �equire immediale payme�t in full of all sums uecurecl by thia Security �-�,�;:�
<br /> Instrument without 4u�er dernand and may irnoke the power af sale and any other remedies �'''r'��""�"��
<br /> a•,
<br /> Permitted ttg� aaplicabte law. Lender shall be entitled to coltect all expenses incurred in pursuing ���:?••��_
<br /> the �amediea pravided In t�Is paragraph 21, including, but not qmited to. reasonable attorneys' . ��"�•''�
<br /> tees and costs of title evidence. "r�"`-'`�-y��: ��
<br /> ;r,:
<br /> �,. -.,.-:.� .._.
<br /> Ifi the power of sa�o ts invoked, Trustee shatl record a natice of default in eash coun4y in �+��.:�:�t�• •
<br /> which any paR of the Property 1s located and shail maU coptes of such notiae in the manner �����'��'�'� �'"i"�._�
<br /> pvescribed �� appiicable luw to e�r.rewor a�d to the other persons presc�ibed by appUoable law. �T„s„Q.��;,;
<br /> � , ABer the tima required by applica�a law, Trustee shatl give publlc nartice af sa:�to the persons .
<br /> and in the manner presc�lbad by appUcabte I�nr.Trustee,without demand on Borrower, s�iafl sell '�`�,,,��.a,:�,,:_
<br /> fi6ae Property at publlc auction to the hlgnes2 b3ddoe at the time and place and under tfea 22�ttes -�;;,�,;,a:v;��-��'�:
<br /> �r,:,.,.,s�-::.:.`,
<br /> ��signs4ed in 4he notice uf �ale in one or more parcets and to any order Trustee dete�n7nea. :,���i�3,_,:..,_
<br /> ' Trustee �ay postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by publtc announcement at the ��.
<br /> 4ime and ��E�e of any previousiy �heduled sate. Le�o�1�r or its destgnee cr.a*� purchase the �'��'*-� �
<br /> •.r.'i s_""'�.
<br /> - � �'roperty at any sale. � �''r���„�«...: .- �.
<br /> ' Upon recelpt of payment of the prlce b3�. Truatee shail deld�o.* 4� t�e purchaser '�r�,.z:.-�ee's �`�;�'�:��
<br /> �.. :....... .. . .
<br /> t '.-5,:`1..1', .�' ' -
<br /> deed conveying the Prc�erty. The recitals in�'.�s Trustees deed sh��0 be prima facie ev3���Ye of -
<br /> the truth of the statements made therein. Trus4eo sha91 apply the proceeds o4 4he sate in the �
<br /> � . tollowing omder: (a) to aal costs and expensas of ex�rclsit�g 'the power of sz:e� and the sate, ' � ; :
<br /> � _ including t4�s paymer+3 of the Trustee's tees ar4aalty incurred, not to exceed three �'.�;�.
<br /> . % ef the principal amour:� of tho •�;;;';f . .
<br /> note at the time of tQte declaration o� defa?�:3, �nd reasonable attomey's ieos as permi4ted by law; .�`';���. � � • . �
<br />� ' ' ' (6) to all srams secured by this Sacurity i�s3rumeM; and (c) any oxcess to the person or persons .• . i-
<br />. � legatly entilaed to it. . , .
<br /> G�
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