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� .. .; , .. - -- - ;__.: .. . . ._ . . , . . �- , . — <br /> _ . .. .�,�.�.' . . L N . . <br /> f � . . • . . .+t�:.i <br /> 9�°����� L�MiNO. 1559208753 � • ` �� <br /> i ' • . �i <br /> . 10.Condetnfla4ton. Ths prQCeads of eny award or daim for damages,dfrect or consequenYial,in connection with ' ` , . -_ <br /> ... �.rty t�s'�dss�s�:�::.:ait�os��r�t;#mr:��si�24t�Pta�sl�;.�s i�s�.^.:��;r,,;��•,�a� �f cnnds��2!!+�.�s hpr?�y �-. �_—_- - -- _- - <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender. r. S . <br /> `.. In the event of a total taking oSr the Property,4Pte proce2ds shali be appfied to ths sums secured by thts Security ; � <br /> Instrument,whetP�er or not then due,writh any excess p�ald to� the event of a partlal taking of the Proparty fn ; � • .� <br /> wh(ch the tair market value of the Proporty(mm�itatety befote the talcing is equal to ar greater than the amount of the I . • � <br /> ' sums secured[�y tfiis Security InsYrumer�{mmediately bafore tha taking,urdess Borrow�r artd Lertder otherw(sa agrea in K ' . <br /> f'� writiru�,the surrts secttr�ed by thls Sesxtrity lnsuumant st�al!ba rEdut�d by tha amoutii of the ptot�s mutiip3lsd by the �. . . ' ---- ;-- °-.� <br /> ' .� fallowing fraction:(a)the total amount of the sums secured tmmetitately bafore the taking,divided by(b)the fair market �. � � , � <br /> value of the Property tmmedlately before the takirtg.My baiance sirail be paid to Borrower.In the event of a pattlal {. , -� ' � }t^ <br /> � taking of the P►operty in which 4he fair market vslue of the Property immedtately befote the taEcfrtg i3 less than the .. � ".. . <br /> amount of the sums secured immediately before the taMng,uNess Borrawer Fuid Lender oihenrrise agrea in writing or � � �•'''� <br /> un►ess applicabie!aw oihsrwisa pravides,the proceeds shafl be applled to tha sums secured by thIs Securiry . � ��' ' <br /> �; Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. __ <br /> , tf the Property is abandoned by Bortower,or if,after nottce by Lender to Borrawer that the condemnor offers ta ' � � ���"'��'-'�=' � <br /> make an award or ssitte a claim for damages,Borrawer taits to respond to Lende�within 30 days after the date the s� � ." ,�,„�: ''� <br /> naUce ts given,Lender is authorized to coilect and appty the proceeds,at its opiion,eiiher to restoratfon or repafr of the • < •�r;;s;__,,:?� <br /> Property or to the sums secured[sy tt�is Security InstrumeM,whethar or nat then dtta . ` <br /> . • �-��� <br /> UNass l.ender and Borrower otherwlse agree tn wrfUng,any applfcation of praceeds to prtndpal shait not e�dend or , ' .' _ " � <br /> , postpnne the due date of the mornhly paymer�ts r�ierred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amourrt of such � �. ' <br /> fE��ry�BII�S. ` �4 �'-��, � <br /> !"'7••• . r.,,/_.-(� �.'_ -- <br /> � 11.Barrower No!Reteased;Farbear�a¢��g,+Ler�fc�e�:�!a Waiver. Extensfon of the time for payment or : '�: �— - <br /> modlflcaUan of amoRlzation of ths sums secua�d by thfis S2�urity Instrvmerrt grarrted by Lender tm any sucxessor fn �.�- �_"�-.���� <br /> � � [nierest of Borrawer shall noi operate to releasa the Itabiliry of the ortginaf Borrov�er or Borroyrer's�auxessors tn � ,-• �:� <br /> �"? trtterest Lender shaU n�t be required to commence proceedings against any succ��r in irrterest or refuse to extend • __ <br /> time for paymer�t or otherwise nradify amortizsUon of the sums secured by this S��Instrument by reason of any ,: .,�� . <br />...:�" demand made by the arigi�ml Bonower or eorrawers successors in irrterest My for�rance by Lender in exercising �� - � <br /> any rt�ht or remedy shall not be a wahrer of or preclude the exercise of any rlght or remedy. .��.�.,;.'* ` --.�.�- <br /> 12 Success�s aa�d Asstgns Bound;Joirtt and Sevoral Liability;Co-stgnerr�. The covenants and agreements of °� ` �.a r,:'! .���.�.�. <br /> thts Security InsV�cr�.��shall blrxi and�enefit the successors and assigrts of Lender and Borrower,subJect to the -� • �,�� � �� � - <br /> provis!ons of pa��raph 17.Borrower's covenants aRd agreemertts shall be Joirttantt saveral.Any Borrowarwho -.�;i;'�`�r, ': ,• �� � <br /> co-stg�this Securt'ty Instrumertt but does not execute the NoYe:(a)is co-stgning this Securfty InsErument only�o r � � `�� :��� `. <br /> moR�ge,grartt and cornayti�ai Borrowers iMerest In the�+nperty underthe terms�fithis Security Instrumen��)Is '���`•���..t �:. <br /> rtot rsonalt o�,: to �h�sums secured b this Secu Instruenerst;and c a rees that Lender and an other � �� "� ��. <br /> (� Y �� t�Y Y �!I ( ) 9 Y '�..��.7'� _ �;;,� . <br /> � BoROwer may agc���e►e�dend,c��dffy,fo�o�make any accommoda4ians with regard to the te��ns af thts Securfty ��``,,:�: ±.��_ <br /> Instrumerttorthsi�2w�a:st�'�2tBorrower'sconseM. ^ ��. . ly�,�;. - -- <br /> 13.Loan Charge9. tf ti�e 9zra,�secured byth(s Security Instrumerrt Is subject to a law whtch seta maxlmum toan . . ''r''�:" ; � � <br />..7f chargas,and that law is finaNy irtierpretc-d so that the IMerest or other toan charges collECted or to be colle�ted in t � <br /> _ .. — <br /> : connectlon wfth the losn exceed the permitted Iimfts,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount - ! � ._ _ <br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the pe►mftted Umfh,and(b)any sums atready collected from Borrower which '��;- - <br /> eu c e e d e d p e r mitt e d lim ft s w(Il be r e f urxl e d to Borrower.Lender ma y c h o o s e to mak e th i s r e f u n d b y r e d u c i n g t h e '�'� � <br /> ' • prtncipai owad underthe Note or by maMng a direct payment to Borrower.If a retund reducea rincl � ��;�� _ <br /> � .. wAI be treated as a partial prepaymertt wlthout any prepaymern charge under the Note. p ��the reduction <br /> 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrawsr pravided for in ffiis Socurity Instrumerrt sha11 be given by delJveting ft or by ' -- -- <br /> ma0ing it byflrst dass ma11 uNess applicaWe law requires use af another method.The notice shall be directed to the � ; ;-° ����-_ <br /> � Property Address�r 4ny other address Borravrsr designatea by notice to Lender.Any notice to i_m;�der shali be given r. . �-.:. ���itis�`' —"` <br /> � � • � by first ciass rtra7 tm Or�nder's address stated harein or an other address Lender des! "c: , °�.�' � �•'-� � <br /> y gnates by no7�ce to Borrower.My ;�;:,,.. ..-�_ <br /> P �Y S� 9 �.:.,i?t����a=h::� <br /> notice rovidetl for In this Secu Instrument shall be doemed to have been en to�arrav�er or Lender when iven �• ° �:�.�.-��- <br /> as pravlded in this paragraph. � . � •S �'-.'�- .. —. <br /> �"+��,1����,'===�,; <br /> 15.Govem�ng la�+r;Severability. Thls Securlty Instrument shall be govemed by�ederal law and the law of the � ;,�; --='-""'°"r- <br /> � �u•dsdictlon in whtch the Pro rty is located.In the event that any provision or dause of this Security Instrumerrt or the � '�'�� <br /> Note conflicts wiYn�pplicab e law.such coriflict shall rtat affect ott►�r provistons of thls Security Inst�umeni orthe Note � ' � <br /> � ' _�•y'- ,,.._ y--� <br /> which can be givan effect without tha conflicting pravislon.To this end the provisions oi this Securiry Instrument and the , �;�'':,..�_;;�„_,t,�.P: <br /> Nate�r.�declared to be sevarable. `�.;;'��y��:,.;:..:, ,.. � •.� <br /> �fA (3�ower's Copy. eorrower shall be given one co�rtormed copy of tha Note and of thts Secutity Instrument ' •'�"�"�"�'"`:��`'��`'`' ""` <br /> .. ,�,�,.. . <br /> 17. T�ansteff��'�e Property or a Bem�t G�tor�r!In Borrowor. If ell or any part of the Property or any s : . .`��::":;��� .; = <br /> : interest in ft Is so;�0r Qransierred(or N a benoH�iai Interest In eorrower ts so�d or transfeRed and Borrower Is not a ;.� r:� -••• -_-� '�� __ <br /> P P R PaY►�ent in fu11 of all ';�''�.:t:'';"'°'��'�`�� <br /> . natural person)writhout Lender's rier writter+consent,Lender iis a Uon,re ulre immediate ,•.,,. : <br /> �ums�ecured b y this Secu r i ry Instrument Hawever,this o ptton s h a ll n ot b e o x e r c l s o d b y L e n d e r ff e x e r c l s e I s ` �1�:,,::;.'.�,„`',`;;�`'. .`.���.' <br /> prohibited by federal law as of t�rt�ate of thls Securfty InstNmet�t. ' '' �r�::� ` � <br /> �. 'l;'�'l' _ - <br /> . � . 'I�f: . ,. . <br /> � t�EdRASKArSINGB.�CFAlV11LY–FHMA/FHLMCUt7:FmT1A1aJSTAUMEPdi FORF730289/90 .' • '�-' <br /> , ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(390}L PAtiE4Y�F8• . .�� . � ' ,.��.•�.. �;;` <br /> ..' . ___... . � .. .-.– ,-_..'��. . �,`�. . . .' �. <br /> ���. <br /> ��:�`'r: � � � � � . .. � . . � � �—_,: <br /> . . . , � • � • . , . . .. � <br /> . ; � . . _ <br /> � � , . ' ,F�. . _ <br /> � • '�n:`� • ' • . . <br /> . , �- <br /> . ' • ; �. <br /> ' . . � , . . , .� ��_n- <br /> . . . , • _ —, - ,��_,._y—.. _ <br /> ._.__ "-- . "_ "r��e—n.�.—.:—J-.��.—YT�--�—w-�-"�.�...+. . � . , . . . • �. .. - .- � <br /> , .. . _ ' . . .. � • ' . . ' .. ' . - . . . • ' .l _ ' . . . _ _ . . .. <br /> '- '�e - . . _ . - - • ' - . _ - . . . {�' . ' � <br /> 'ft � . . _ _ ' .' . � \- •f- .�. • ) � . . . � ' <br /> - - - . .e�. .Y'. . . ' S.., . . . . ` _ - " . . ._ .._. . . ., .. . . � . � ... . . - � .. �... . . � . .. � . .. • <br />